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example_13_7.py 6.88 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
TomAugspurger 提交于 2013-04-07 23:24 . inital commit
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from numpy import dot
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import statsmodels.api as sm
from scipy import optimize
from scipy.linalg import inv
# qed.econ.queensu.ca/jae/2003-v18.4/riphahn-wambach-million/rwm-data.zip
# qed.econ.queensu.ca/jae/2003-v18.4/riphahn-wambach-million/readme.rwm.txt
fldr = '/Users/tom/Dropbox/Economics/Econometrics_2/greene_examples/'
cols = ['id', 'female', 'year', 'age', 'hsat', 'handdum', 'handper',
'hhninc', 'hhkids', 'educ', 'married', 'haupts', 'reals', 'fachhs',
'abitur', 'univ', 'working', 'bluec', 'whitec', 'self', 'beamt',
'docvis', 'hospvis', 'public', 'addon']
df = pd.read_csv(fldr + 'data/rwm.data', names=cols, sep='\s+',
index_col=['id', 'year'])
df['const'] = 1
# model: income ~ exp(age + educ + female)
dta = df.xs(1988, level='year')
dta = dta[dta.hhninc > 0] # 2 houses with zero income.
sub_cols = ['hhninc', 'const', 'age', 'educ', 'female']
dta = dta[sub_cols]
def mm_sse(theta, data):
y, const, age, educ, female = data
n = len(y)
e = y - np.exp(dot(data[1:, :].T, theta))
m1 = sum(e)
m2 = dot(e, age)
m3 = dot(e, educ)
m4 = dot(e, female)
m = np.hstack([m1, m2, m3, m4]) / n
return sum(m ** 2)
x0 = [-1.0, .002, .05, .013]
res_fmin = optimize.fmin(mm_sse, x0=x0, args=[dta.values.T])
methods = ['Nelder-Mead', 'Powell', 'CG', 'BFGS', 'Newton-CG',
'Anneal', 'L-BFGS-B', 'TNC', 'COBYLA', 'SLSQP']
res_mm = {}
for method in methods:
res_mm[method] = optimize.minimize(
mm_sse, x0=x0, method=method, args=[dta.values.T])
d = OrderedDict(res_mm)
df_res_gmm = pd.DataFrame([x[1] for x in d.iteritems()], index=d.keys())
##### Now checking with GMM, 2 additional momen conditions.
dta_gmm = df[['hhninc', 'const', 'age', 'educ', 'female', 'hsat',
'married']].xs(1988, level='year')
dta_gmm = dta_gmm[dta_gmm.hhninc > 0]
def gmm_sse(theta, data):
y, const, age, educ, female, hsat, married = data
n = len(y)
e = y - np.exp(dot(data[1:5, :].T, theta))
m1 = sum(e) / n
m2 = dot(e, age) / n
m3 = dot(e, educ) / n
m4 = dot(e, female) / n
m5 = dot(e, hsat) / n
m6 = dot(e, married) / n
m = np.hstack([m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6])
return sum(m ** 2)
def gmm_sse2(theta, data):
y, const, age, educ, female, hsat, married = data
n = len(y)
e = y - np.exp(dot(data[1:5, :].T, theta))
m1 = sum(e)
m2 = dot(e, age)
m3 = dot(e, educ)
m4 = dot(e, female)
m5 = dot(e, hsat)
m6 = dot(e, married)
z = data[1:]
m = np.hstack([m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6])
el1 = dot(e, z.T).reshape(6, 1)
W = dot(el1, el1.T) / n
return dot(dot(m.T / n, inv(W)), m / n)
def mom_gen(theta, data, *args):
Refactor of sse2 but using matrix operations and splitting the
operation into two parts:
1. mom_gen: generate the moment conditions.
2. min_obj: minimize the objective function.
Generalizes to having *every* column in the data being orthogonal
to the erros.
Careful; I'm getting the shapes right so I pass data.values instead of
data.values.T into args=[].
y = data[:, 0]
n = len(y)
X = data[:, 1:5]
Z = data[:, 1:]
e = y - np.exp(dot(X, theta))
m = np.array([dot(e, x) for x in Z.T]) / n
# el1 = dot(e, z.T).reshape(6, 1)
# W = dot(el1, el1.T) / n
# return dot(dot(m.T / n, inv(W)), m / n)
W = args[0]
except IndexError:
W = np.eye(len(m))
return dot(dot(m.T, W), m.T)
# def sseify(fn, *args, **kwargs):
# """
# Take a function. Return the sum of squared errors version
# of that function.
# """
# return dot(fn(x, args, kwargs).T, fn(x, args, kwargs))
def min_obj(fn, data, x0=x0, **kwargs):
A bit higher level. Pass it some kind of moment generating
function (but one that actually returns the SSE (need to think
about how to raise the moments up on the final run)).
min_obj(mom_gen, dta_gmm, x0=t_mm_s)
Z = data.values[:, 1:]
W = inv(dot(Z.T, Z))
t_hat_one = optimize.fmin(mom_gen, x0=x0, args=[data.values, W])
return t_hat_one
def gmm_sse2_mat2(theta, data):
May be all wrong if this only applies to linear case...
Refactor of sse2 but using matrix operations.
Generalizes to having *every* column in the data being orthogonal
to the erros.
Following Greene p. 484
Right now also has the estimator from 484, but not returned.
y = data[0, :]
n = len(y)
X = dta_gmm.values.T[1:5, :].T
Z = dta_gmm.values.T[1:, :].T
m = (1 / n) * dot(Z.T, y) - (1 / n) * dot(dot(Z.T, X), theta) # LINEAR!
e = y - np.exp(dot(X, theta))
b = dot(inv(dot(dot(X.T, Z), dot(Z.T, X))), dot(dot(X.T, Z), dot(Z.T, y)))
return (m, e, b)
def step_1(theta, data):
y = data[0, :]
n = len(y)
X = dta_gmm.values.T[1:5, :].T
Z = dta_gmm.values.T[1:, :].T
m = (1 / n) * dot(Z.T, y) - (1 / n) * dot(dot(Z.T, X), theta)
e = y - np.exp(dot(X, theta))
res_gmm = {}
for method in methods:
res_gmm[method] = optimize.minimize(
gmm_sse, x0=x0, method=method, args=[dta_gmm.values.T])
d = OrderedDict(res_gmm)
df_res_gmm = pd.DataFrame([x[1] for x in d.iteritems()], index=d.keys())
def part_plot(fn, x0, free, free_range, data):
"""A little helper to plot obj function over a range for one
parameter, holding others fixed. Not working great right now.
The gradient needs to be zero at the maximum right?
sol = optimize.fmin(fn, x0=x0, args=[data.values.T])
n = len(free_range)
theta_range = np.tile(sol, n).reshape(n, -1)
theta_range[:, 0] = free_range
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(free_range, [fn(y, data.values.T) for y in theta_range])
return ax
### Trying to generalize into r-style from here on
def gg(theta, data):
y, const, age, educ, female = data
n = len(y)
e = y - np.exp(dot(data[1:, :].T, theta))
m1 = sum(e) / n
m2 = dot(e, age) / n
m3 = (1.0 / n) * dot(e, educ)
m4 = (1.0 / n) * dot(e, female)
f = np.vstack([m1, m2, m3, m4]).T
return f
def min_(x0=[1, 1, 1, 1], method='Nelder-Mead'):
res = optimize.minimize(mm_sse, x0=x0, method=method, args=dta.values.T)
return res
def gmm_gg(theta, data):
y, const, age, educ, female, hsat, married = data
n = len(y)
e = y - np.exp(dot(data[1:5, :].T, theta))
m1 = (1.0 / n) * sum(e)
m2 = (1.0 / n) * dot(e, age)
m3 = (1.0 / n) * dot(e, educ)
m4 = (1.0 / n) * dot(e, female)
m5 = dot(e, hsat) / n
m6 = dot(e, married) / n
return np.vstack([m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6]).T
t_mm_s = np.array([-1.62969, 0.00178, 0.04861, 0.01384])
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