import os
import cv2
import torch
import argparse
import onnxruntime as ort
import numpy as np
from lib.core.general import non_max_suppression
def resize_unscale(img, new_shape=(640, 640), color=114):
shape = img.shape[:2] # current shape [height, width]
if isinstance(new_shape, int):
new_shape = (new_shape, new_shape)
canvas = np.zeros((new_shape[0], new_shape[1], 3))
# Scale ratio (new / old) new_shape(h,w)
r = min(new_shape[0] / shape[0], new_shape[1] / shape[1])
# Compute padding
new_unpad = int(round(shape[1] * r)), int(round(shape[0] * r)) # w,h
new_unpad_w = new_unpad[0]
new_unpad_h = new_unpad[1]
pad_w, pad_h = new_shape[1] - new_unpad_w, new_shape[0] - new_unpad_h # wh padding
dw = pad_w // 2 # divide padding into 2 sides
dh = pad_h // 2
if shape[::-1] != new_unpad: # resize
img = cv2.resize(img, new_unpad, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
canvas[dh:dh + new_unpad_h, dw:dw + new_unpad_w, :] = img
return canvas, r, dw, dh, new_unpad_w, new_unpad_h # (dw,dh)
def infer_yolop(weight="yolop-640-640.onnx",
onnx_path = f"./weights/{weight}"
ort_session = ort.InferenceSession(onnx_path)
print(f"Load {onnx_path} done!")
outputs_info = ort_session.get_outputs()
inputs_info = ort_session.get_inputs()
for ii in inputs_info:
print("Input: ", ii)
for oo in outputs_info:
print("Output: ", oo)
print("num outputs: ", len(outputs_info))
save_det_path = f"./pictures/detect_onnx.jpg"
save_da_path = f"./pictures/da_onnx.jpg"
save_ll_path = f"./pictures/ll_onnx.jpg"
save_merge_path = f"./pictures/output_onnx.jpg"
img_bgr = cv2.imread(img_path)
height, width, _ = img_bgr.shape
# convert to RGB
img_rgb = img_bgr[:, :, ::-1].copy()
# resize & normalize
canvas, r, dw, dh, new_unpad_w, new_unpad_h = resize_unscale(img_rgb, (640, 640))
img = canvas.copy().astype(np.float32) # (3,640,640) RGB
img /= 255.0
img[:, :, 0] -= 0.485
img[:, :, 1] -= 0.456
img[:, :, 2] -= 0.406
img[:, :, 0] /= 0.229
img[:, :, 1] /= 0.224
img[:, :, 2] /= 0.225
img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1)
img = np.expand_dims(img, 0) # (1, 3,640,640)
# inference: (1,n,6) (1,2,640,640) (1,2,640,640)
det_out, da_seg_out, ll_seg_out = ort_session.run(
['det_out', 'drive_area_seg', 'lane_line_seg'],
input_feed={"images": img}
det_out = torch.from_numpy(det_out).float()
boxes = non_max_suppression(det_out)[0] # [n,6] [x1,y1,x2,y2,conf,cls]
boxes = boxes.cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32)
if boxes.shape[0] == 0:
print("no bounding boxes detected.")
# scale coords to original size.
boxes[:, 0] -= dw
boxes[:, 1] -= dh
boxes[:, 2] -= dw
boxes[:, 3] -= dh
boxes[:, :4] /= r
print(f"detect {boxes.shape[0]} bounding boxes.")
img_det = img_rgb[:, :, ::-1].copy()
for i in range(boxes.shape[0]):
x1, y1, x2, y2, conf, label = boxes[i]
x1, y1, x2, y2, label = int(x1), int(y1), int(x2), int(y2), int(label)
img_det = cv2.rectangle(img_det, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 2, 2)
cv2.imwrite(save_det_path, img_det)
# select da & ll segment area.
da_seg_out = da_seg_out[:, :, dh:dh + new_unpad_h, dw:dw + new_unpad_w]
ll_seg_out = ll_seg_out[:, :, dh:dh + new_unpad_h, dw:dw + new_unpad_w]
da_seg_mask = np.argmax(da_seg_out, axis=1)[0] # (?,?) (0|1)
ll_seg_mask = np.argmax(ll_seg_out, axis=1)[0] # (?,?) (0|1)
color_area = np.zeros((new_unpad_h, new_unpad_w, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
color_area[da_seg_mask == 1] = [0, 255, 0]
color_area[ll_seg_mask == 1] = [255, 0, 0]
color_seg = color_area
# convert to BGR
color_seg = color_seg[..., ::-1]
color_mask = np.mean(color_seg, 2)
img_merge = canvas[dh:dh + new_unpad_h, dw:dw + new_unpad_w, :]
img_merge = img_merge[:, :, ::-1]
# merge: resize to original size
img_merge[color_mask != 0] = \
img_merge[color_mask != 0] * 0.5 + color_seg[color_mask != 0] * 0.5
img_merge = img_merge.astype(np.uint8)
img_merge = cv2.resize(img_merge, (width, height),
for i in range(boxes.shape[0]):
x1, y1, x2, y2, conf, label = boxes[i]
x1, y1, x2, y2, label = int(x1), int(y1), int(x2), int(y2), int(label)
img_merge = cv2.rectangle(img_merge, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 2, 2)
# da: resize to original size
da_seg_mask = da_seg_mask * 255
da_seg_mask = da_seg_mask.astype(np.uint8)
da_seg_mask = cv2.resize(da_seg_mask, (width, height),
# ll: resize to original size
ll_seg_mask = ll_seg_mask * 255
ll_seg_mask = ll_seg_mask.astype(np.uint8)
ll_seg_mask = cv2.resize(ll_seg_mask, (width, height),
cv2.imwrite(save_merge_path, img_merge)
cv2.imwrite(save_da_path, da_seg_mask)
cv2.imwrite(save_ll_path, ll_seg_mask)
print("detect done.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--weight', type=str, default="yolop-640-640.onnx")
parser.add_argument('--img', type=str, default="./inference/images/9aa94005-ff1d4c9a.jpg")
args = parser.parse_args()
infer_yolop(weight=args.weight, img_path=args.img)
PYTHONPATH=. python3 ./test_onnx.py --weight yolop-640-640.onnx --img test.jpg
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