"设计窗口": "Design window",
"RPA保险行业解决方案-云扩科技": "RPA insurance industry solution cloud expansion technology",
"RPA之旅": "RPA trip",
"云扩RPA": "Cloud expansion RPA",
"云扩": "Cloud expansion",
"平台": "platform",
"端到端的企业级流程自动化平台": "End to end enterprise process automation platform",
"云扩市场": "Cloud expansion market",
"开放互赢的技术共享平台": "Open and win-win technology sharing platform",
"机器人": "Robot",
"您稳定、高效、安全的数字化员工": "Your stable, efficient and secure digital staff",
"编辑器": "editor",
"轻松创建您的自动化流程": "Easily create your automated processes",
"控制台": "Console",
"更高效地部署和管理您的机器人队伍": "Deploy and manage your robot team more efficiently",
"解决方案": "Solution",
"行业": "industry",
"银行": "Bank",
"能源": "energy",
"物流": "logistics",
"制造": "Manufacture",
"保险": "Insurance",
"软件": "Software",
"云扩学院": "School of cloud expansion",
"课程": "curriculum",
"文档": "File",
"关于我们": "About us",
"公司介绍": "Company introduction",
"云扩活动": "Cloud expansion activities",
"加入我们": "Join us",
"合作伙伴": "Cooperative partner",
"新闻中心": "News Center",
"申请试用": "Apply for trial",
"在保险行业": "In the insurance industry",
"保险公司可以通过": "Insurance companies can",
"以非侵入性方式实现": "Non intrusive implementation",
"核心保险流程的自动化": "Automation of core insurance process",
"应用场景": "Application scenario",
"风险管控": "Risk management and control",
"审查审计": "Audit review",
"索赔处理": "Claim handling",
"客户服务": "customer service",
"保单数据迁移": "Policy data migration",
"系统清算": "System liquidation",
"行业现况与挑战": "Industry status and challenges",
"合规需求强": "Strong compliance demand",
"纯人工操作无法达到完整无误的操作还原。": "Pure manual operation cannot achieve complete and correct operation restoration.",
"目前金融行业业务办理过程中,合规需求特别高。": "At present, in the process of business processing in the financial industry, the demand for compliance is particularly high.",
"人力成本高": "High labor cost",
"人口红利正在消失,在保险行业中,有许多重复": "The demographic dividend is disappearing and there are many overlaps in the insurance industry",
"且繁琐的流程仍需要大量人工来完成。": "And the tedious process still needs a lot of manpower to complete.",
"工作效率低": "Low efficiency",
"存在许多软件仍需要人工操作,加之工作中有大量事": "There are many software that still need manual operation, and there are a lot of things in the work",
"务性流程,导致了低的工作效率。": "Business process leads to low work efficiency.",
"的优势": "Advantage",
"流程处理时间降低": "Process processing time reduced",
"将专业人员从繁琐的任务中解放出来,": "Freeing professionals from tedious tasks,",
"节省他们更多时间精力可以专注于": "Save them more time and energy to focus on",
"更具战略性的活动。": "More strategic activities.",
"确保数据安全": "Ensure data security",
"机器人不会存储数据,": "Robots don't store data,",
"不管数据是传输还是静止都是加密的,": "Whether the data is transmitted or static, it is encrypted,",
"确保企业与投保人的数据安全。": "Ensure the data security of enterprises and policyholders.",
"与现有系统兼容": "Compatible with existing systems",
"采用的是外挂非侵入部署方式,": "It adopts the plug-in non-invasive deployment mode,",
"兼容企业遗留系统,": "Compatible with enterprise legacy systems,",
"意味着无需替换现有核心流程应用。": "This means that there is no need to replace existing core process applications.",
"云扩成功案例": "Successful cases of cloud expansion",
"某大型保险公司": "A large insurance company",
"挑战": "Challenge",
"为了最大程度挖掘客户投诉信息的价值,并将其转换为推进公司业务服务的动力,": "In order to maximize the value of customer complaint information and transform it into a driving force to promote the company's business services,",
"员工需要从财险系统中导出电话投诉报表,对报表数据进行以预警、升级、投保地、": "Employees need to export the telephone complaint report from the property insurance system, and conduct early warning, upgrading, insurance location, and so on",
"出险地等为组别的分类统计。这个过程每一步都需要员工手动完成,耗时繁琐。": "The places of occurrence are classified statistics of the groups. Every step of this process needs to be completed manually by employees, which is time-consuming and tedious.",
"使用云扩": "Using cloud expansion",
"RPA,可实现自动导出客户投诉信息,自动整理不同类型的投诉数据,并把汇总": "RPA can automatically export customer complaint information, automatically sort out different types of complaint data, and summarize",
"结果写入表格保存在本地。实现全流程无需人工操作。": "The result write table is saved locally. No manual operation is needed to realize the whole process.",
"优势": "advantage",
"总体工作效率提高。机器梳理数据精准度提高。非侵入式部署确保数据安全。": "The overall work efficiency is improved. The accuracy of data sorting by machines is improved. Non intrusive deployment ensures data security.",
"即刻使用云扩": "Use cloud expansion now",
"开启您的自动化之旅": "Start your automation journey",
"简单": "simple",
"智能,人人可用,成就你我非凡人生。": "Intelligence, available to all, makes our extraordinary life.",
"联系销售": "Contact sales",
"购买咨询": "Purchase consultation",
"社区版": "Community Edition",
"课堂": "Classroom",
"论坛": "forum",
"上海市徐汇区田林路105号虹梅商业广场902-903室": "Room 902-903, Hongmei Commercial Plaza, 105 Tianlin Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai",
"2017-2020上海云扩信息技术有限公司版权所有": "Copyright 2017-2020 Shanghai cloud expansion information technology Co., Ltd",
"沪ICP备17057328号-2": "Huicpb17057328-2",
"沪公网安备": "Shanghai public network security",
"31010602002627号": "No. 31010602002627",
"中文": "Chinese",
"RPA制造业解决方案-云扩科技": "RPA manufacturing solutions - cloud expansion technology",
"在制造行业": "In the manufacturing industry",
"许多制造企业使用": "Many manufacturers use",
"提高了运营的灵活性,": "Increased operational flexibility,",
"从而在各个环节节省了成本": "Thus, the cost is saved in each link",
"采购流程": "Procurement process",
"数字化文书": "Digital document",
"客户沟通": "Customer communication",
"库存控制": "inventory control",
"供应链数据汇总": "Supply chain data summary",
"废料管理": "waste management",
"效率要求日渐增高": "Increasing efficiency requirements",
"对市场需求响应不及时会导致在短时间内丧失大量机会。": "Not responding to market demand in a timely manner will lead to the loss of a large number of opportunities in a short period of time.",
"制造业通过提高业务效率的方式应对市场需求,显得尤为重要。": "It is particularly important for manufacturing industry to meet market demand by improving business efficiency.",
"各地合规需求不同": "Compliance needs vary from place to place",
"面对全球的供应需求,每一个国家或地区,制造商都需要严格遵守": "In the face of global supply demand, every country or region, manufacturers need to strictly comply with",
"当地相关法规。合规成本占有相当的比例。": "Local regulations. Compliance costs account for a considerable proportion.",
"人力成本居高不下": "High labor cost",
"在工业机器人的帮助下简化了部分流程,但对运营流程的管理依旧": "With the help of industrial robots, some processes have been simplified, but the management of operation processes is still the same",
"缺乏熟练劳动力,致使人力成本升高。": "The lack of skilled labor has led to the increase of labor cost.",
"更智能的数字化通信": "More intelligent digital communication",
"平台能为供应商提供语言检测和情感分析等功能,": "The platform can provide language detection, emotion analysis and other functions for suppliers,",
"在使用电子邮件和聊天软件沟通时,": "When using email and chat software to communicate,",
"能快速响应客户需求。": "Be able to respond to customer needs quickly.",
"实时流程监测": "Real time process monitoring",
"可以实时监控每个流程,": "Each process can be monitored in real time,",
"并提供实时的报告帮助制造商确定库存水平。": "And provide real-time reports to help manufacturers determine inventory levels.",
"支持根据需求调整操作,": "Support to adjust the operation according to the demand,",
"确保先处理优先级最高的任务。": "Make sure to work on the highest priority tasks first.",
"监管更加合规": "More regulatory compliance",
"不存储任何流程中的数据,": "No data is stored in any process,",
"并且每一步操作都会保存在日志中。": "And every step is saved in the log.",
"整个流程可视化,支持访问所需数据完成审计。": "The whole process is visualized to support the audit by accessing the required data.",
"可快速更新流程与法规保持同步。": "Quickly update processes to keep pace with regulations.",
"某大型制造企业": "A large manufacturing enterprise",
"企业的业务人员每晚都在加班处理单据,这些单据存在于不同的信息化系统中,": "Business personnel of the enterprise work overtime every night to process documents, which exist in different information systems,",
"需要反复的登录下载复制粘贴,重复并且耗时。多信息化系统并存、数据孤岛的出现,": "You need to repeatedly log in, download, copy and paste, which is repeated and time-consuming. The coexistence of multi information systems and the emergence of data silos,",
"共同降低了制造业企业在数字化、信息化和智能化变革中的转型速度。": "Together, it reduces the transformation speed of manufacturing enterprises in digital, information and intelligent transformation.",
"RPA,可实现从打开不同管理系统,到下载不同系统上的各种报表数据,": "RPA can realize from opening different management systems to downloading various report data on different systems,",
"再到编辑不同报表中的数据并保存的无人工全自动化。": "Then to edit the data in different reports and save it without manual automation.",
"成倍的效率提升。机器梳理数据精准度提高。非侵入式部署确保数据安全。": "Double the efficiency. The accuracy of data sorting by machines is improved. Non intrusive deployment ensures data security.",
"RPA机器人-机器人流程自动化-云扩科技": "RPA robot robot process automation cloud expansion technology",
"稳定、高效、安全的自动化流程执行者": "Stable, efficient and safe automatic process executor",
"随时随地为您提供大规模的数字化生产力": "Large scale digital productivity anytime, anywhere",
"您的自动化得力助手": "Your right-hand automation assistant",
"机器人可自动运行在云扩": "Robot can automatically run in cloud expansion",
"编辑器内预先设定好的流程,您可以从云扩": "The pre-set process in the editor allows you to expand",
"控制台获取机器人并进行统一调度和管理。": "The control desk obtains the robot and performs unified scheduling and management.",
"机器人是云扩": "Robot is cloud expansion",
"平台的基础组成部分之一,作为云扩": "One of the basic components of the platform, as cloud expansion",
"的执行代理,能够自动执行您在云扩": "The execution agent of can automatically execute your cloud expansion",
"编辑器内所预先设计好的工作流程,替代繁琐的人工执行过程,处理各种复杂任务,使您的工作更轻松高效。同时,云扩": "The pre-designed workflow in the editor replaces the tedious manual execution process and handles various complex tasks, making your work easier and more efficient. At the same time, cloud expansion",
"机器人可以满足企业多样化的办公需求,进一步优化工作流程。": "Robots can meet the diverse office needs of enterprises and further optimize the workflow.",
"您卓越的自动化生产力": "Your superior automation productivity",
"企业基础版机器人": "Enterprise basic robot",
"可以查看本地流程和从控制台获取最新流程并执行。": "You can view local processes and get the latest processes from the console and execute them.",
"同时提供良好的人机交互界面,与人类进行无缝协作,": "At the same time, it provides a good human-computer interaction interface and seamless cooperation with human beings,",
"处理各种复杂任务。": "Handle a variety of complex tasks.",
"企业高级版机器人": "Enterprise advanced robot",
"由控制台接管,接受控制台指令,包括流程调度与定制任务。": "Take over by the console, accept the instructions from the console, including process scheduling and customization tasks.",
"同时向控制台汇报状态及流程执行日志与结果,": "At the same time, report the status and process execution logs and results to the console,",
"是您的规模化可管理的自动化生产力。": "It's your large-scale, manageable, automated productivity.",
"不同的场景,不同的机器人": "Different scenes, different robots",
"使用场景": "Usage scenarios",
"管理本地流程": "Manage local processes",
"查看本地流程并执行": "View local processes and execute",
"查看控制台流程并执行": "View console processes and execute",
"查看本地的流程执行日志": "View the local process execution log",
"接受控制台调度分配任务": "Accept the console to schedule and assign tasks",
"实时上传机器人状态": "Upload robot status in real time",
"支持日志/截屏上传控制台": "Support log / screenshot upload console",
"容错": "fault-tolerant",
"接受控制台定时计划安排": "Accept console schedule",
"基础版机器人": "Basic robot",
"前台场景,有人值守": "Front desk scene, someone on duty",
"支持": "Support",
"不支持": "I won't support it",
"高级版机器人": "Advanced robot",
"前台/后台场景,有人/无人值守": "Foreground / background scene, manned / unattended",
"支持(需结合企业版控制台使用)": "Support (to be used in combination with enterprise console)",
"机器人强大的自动化功能": "Powerful automation function of robot",
"高执行性能": "High performance",
"全天候不间断执行工作任务": "Work around the clock",
"随时报备执行进度": "Report the implementation progress at any time",
"支持单机多用户并发": "Support single machine multi-user concurrency",
"安全可追溯": "Safety traceability",
"执行日志可自定义": "Execution log customizable",
"执行状态远程监控": "Remote monitoring of execution status",
"支持中断自动恢复": "Support for interrupt auto recovery",
"多种运行方式": "Multiple operation modes",
"本地手动执行": "Local manual execution",
"控制台下发命令执行": "Command execution from the console",
"定时执行": "Timing execution",
"人机协作时代,您的自动化助手!": "In the era of human-computer cooperation, your automation assistant!",
"数字化时代,机器人永远不是为取代人力而存在的,而是以人为中心,": "In the digital age, robots never exist to replace human beings, but they are human centered,",
"释放人力在更有价值的工作上。我们期待与您一起迈进未来人机协作的全新发展阶段!": "Release people for more valuable work. We look forward to working with you to enter a new stage of human-computer cooperation in the future!",
"智能,人人可用,成就你我非凡人生": "Intelligence, available to all, makes our extraordinary life",
"RPA物流解决方案-云扩科技": "RPA logistics solution cloud expansion technology",
"在物流行业": "In the logistics industry",
"与物流供应链的结合将大大提高": "The combination with logistics supply chain will be greatly improved",
"物流行业的工作效率": "Working efficiency of logistics industry",
"订单管理": "Order management",
"任务下派": "Task assignment",
"订单循环新建": "Order cycle NEW",
"网站数据导入": "Website data import",
"自动库存更新": "Automatic inventory update",
"出纳收款": "Cashier collection",
"内部流程多": "Many internal processes",
"物流行业业务链涉及多个上下游企业,系统及数据存在壁垒,无法保证数据及时性,客户体验不佳。": "The business chain of logistics industry involves many upstream and downstream enterprises. There are barriers in the system and data, which can not guarantee the timeliness of data and poor customer experience.",
"大量单据和数据操作,如果全部由手工进行处理,人工成本高。": "If a large number of documents and data operations are handled manually, the labor cost is high.",
"数据准确性低": "Low data accuracy",
"无论多么细心的员工也难免会有出错的时候,处理结果总是难以达到": "No matter how careful the employees are, they will inevitably make mistakes, and the results are always difficult to achieve",
"正确率。": "Accuracy rate.",
"降低人力成本": "Reduce labor costs",
"人工登陆不同的系统操作繁琐耗时,": "Manual login to different systems is tedious and time-consuming,",
"流程自动化的介入精简了操作步骤、": "The intervention of process automation simplifies the operation steps",
"减少了工作量、提高处理速度,": "Reduce workload, improve processing speed,",
"从而降低运营成本,为业务创新提速创造条件。": "So as to reduce operating costs and create conditions for business innovation and speed-up.",
"降低数据风险": "Reduce data risk",
"人工处理数据无法避免数据丢失的问题。": "Data loss cannot be avoided by manual processing.",
"机器人在处理数据时完全是闭环操作,": "When the robot processes data, it is completely closed-loop operation,",
"从而降低数据隐瞒、欺诈、盗取": "So as to reduce data concealment, fraud and theft",
"等行为的发生概率,保证公司核心数据安全。": "To ensure the safety of the company's core data.",
"操作简单部署快捷": "Simple operation and quick deployment",
"采用的是一种外挂非侵入部署方式,": "It adopts a plug-in non-invasive deployment mode,",
"兼容企业遗留系统无需进行二次开发。": "Compatible enterprise legacy systems do not need to be redeveloped.",
"可视化、自动化流程设计,支持按需拖拽的模式,": "Visual and automatic process design, supporting the mode of dragging on demand,",
"就算没有编程基础的人员也可以很快上手使用。": "Even people who don't have a programming foundation can use it quickly.",
"某大型物流公司": "A large logistics company",
"一家供应链管理信息平台服务商,旗下拥有供应链大数据平台,通过数据为中小物流": "A service provider of supply chain management information platform, which owns the supply chain big data platform and provides small and medium-sized logistics services through data",
"企业提供数据服务和决策服务。为了将订单信息录入平台,员工需要从邮箱中获取订单,": "Enterprises provide data services and decision-making services. In order to enter the order information into the platform, employees need to obtain the order from the mailbox,",
"梳理成固定格式后,登录供应链平台导入模板。下一步进行任务的新建、调度,及下派。": "After sorting into a fixed format, log in to the supply chain platform to import the template. The next step is to create, schedule and dispatch tasks.",
"该流程人工成本高且易出错。": "This process is labor-intensive and error prone.",
"RPA,可实现供应链厂商数据打通、网站数据导入、订单数据自动处理、自动按照": "RPA, can realize the supply chain manufacturer data opening, website data import, order data automatic processing, automatic according to",
"需求新建任务、调度任务和下派任务,实现物流系统自动化操作。": "New tasks, scheduling tasks and dispatching tasks are required to realize the automatic operation of the logistics system.",
"总体工作时长减少。机器梳理数据精准度提高。全自动处理、全天监控、实时处理任务。": "Reduced overall working hours. The accuracy of data sorting by machines is improved. Fully automatic processing, all day monitoring, real-time processing tasks.",
"RPA能源行业解决方案-云扩科技": "RPA energy industry solution cloud expansion technology",
"在能源行业": "In the energy industry",
"机器人流程自动化,不需要改变现有的信息化系统,": "Robot process automation does not need to change the existing information system,",
"就能实现跨系统的业务流程连通": "Can realize cross system business process connectivity",
"资产保险保单": "Asset insurance policy",
"信息管理": "information management",
"银行流水凭证生成": "Bank journal voucher generation",
"集团企业往来款核对": "Checking of current accounts of group enterprises",
"基础数据梳理": "Basic data sorting",
"销项开票归档": "Output invoice filing",
"电费二次销账": "Secondary charge off of electricity",
"纳税申报表填报": "Tax return filling",
"数据重复录入": "Repeated data entry",
"业务系统大多是独立建设,": "Most business systems are built independently,",
"没有考虑到利用上下游数据简化录入流程,需要反复录入数据。": "It is not considered that the upstream and downstream data are used to simplify the entry process, and the data need to be entered repeatedly.",
"人力不达": "Manpower shortage",
"业务量大,通过人力处理逐笔填单,操作繁琐重复、效率低下;数据校验整理,人工操作易出错。": "The business volume is large, filling in the form one by one through human processing, the operation is tedious and repetitive, and the efficiency is low; the data verification and sorting, and the manual operation is easy to make mistakes.",
"多信息化系统并存": "Coexistence of multi information systems",
"存在大量与营配电相关的工作流程,": "There are a lot of work processes related to operation and distribution,",
"基层员工需要操作多套信息化系统完成重复性任务。": "Grassroots employees need to operate multiple information systems to complete repetitive tasks.",
"简化人工操作步骤": "Simplify manual operation steps",
"以不改动现有系统为前提,以高安全性、": "Based on the premise of not changing the existing system, with high security",
"可靠性为原则,机器人模拟人的操作,": "Based on the principle of reliability, robots simulate human operation,",
"将重复的人工操作变为自动化操作,": "Turn repetitive manual operations into automatic operations,",
"消除人工重复录入与重复操作,": "Eliminate manual repetitive entry and operation,",
"提高工作效率和准确率。": "Improve work efficiency and accuracy.",
"机器代替人工24小时值守": "Machine instead of man on duty 24 hours a day",
"可以将内勤人员从许多大量的": "It can transform the internal service personnel from a large number of",
"重复性机械操作和值守时间长的工作中解放出来,": "Repetitive mechanical operation and long-term work,",
"并且不再存在因工作疲劳而": "And there is no longer fatigue due to work",
"导致的准确率降低的问题。": "Resulting in a decrease in accuracy.",
"补充系统所缺少的功能": "Functions missing in the supplementary system",
"现有系统的功能无法满足业务变更的需求,": "The functions of the existing system cannot meet the needs of business changes,",
"大数量的明细数据因业务系统": "Large amount of detailed data due to business system",
"性能原因而限制查询,通过云扩": "Query limited due to performance reasons, through cloud expansion",
"可以实现基于多系统的资源整合和重建。": "It can realize resource integration and reconstruction based on multi system.",
"某大型国有能源企业": "A large state-owned energy enterprise",
"应付物资款串户检查流程主要是在": "The process of checking accounts of materials payable is mainly in",
"中检查应付物资款明细中供应商名称、文本和附件清单是否与应付物资款科目一致。由于检查时需要逐行检查,并且判断条件多,人工操作时容易看错行造成检查错误。": "Check whether the supplier's name, text and attachment list in the accounts payable details are consistent with the accounts payable. Due to the need to check line by line and many judgment conditions, it is easy to read the wrong line during manual operation, resulting in inspection errors.",
"每次运行机器人,完成": "Every time the robot runs, complete",
"多次以上的操作,并通过机器人进行集中操作,解决数据重复操作下载的情况,从手工耗时半天转变成机器人迅速处理完成。": "More than one time of operation, and through the centralized operation of the robot, to solve the situation of repeated data operation download, from the manual time-consuming half a day to the rapid processing of the robot.",
"执行效率提高。降低了工作错误概率。数据一处生成,处处使用,消除人工重复操作。": "Improve the efficiency of implementation. Reduce the probability of working error. Data is generated at one place and used everywhere to eliminate manual duplicate operation.",
"RPA软件行业解决方案-运维RPA-云扩科技": "RPA software industry solution - operation and maintenance RPA - cloud expansion technology",
"在软件行业": "In the software industry",
"应用系统随着企业业务流程的变化多次升级": "Application system upgrades many times with the change of enterprise business process",
"和打补丁,": "And patching,",
"运维自然成为了企业管理过程中": "Operation and maintenance naturally become the process of enterprise management",
"的人力密集型的工作。": "Human intensive work.",
"IT系统监控": "It system monitoring",
"工单接受": "Acceptance of work order",
"数据备份": "Data backup",
"批处理": "Batch processing",
"检修": "Overhaul",
"配置管理": "configuration management",
"小时值守": "Hour duty",
"运维工作细致繁琐,机械重复,要求准确度高,同时多个平台和软件界面难以整合,难以保障": "The operation and maintenance work is meticulous and tedious, with repetitive machinery and high accuracy requirements. At the same time, multiple platforms and software interfaces are difficult to integrate and guarantee",
"小时高质量全天值守。": "On duty for hours, high quality and all day.",
"系统及数据壁垒": "System and data barriers",
"随着企业发展传统系统已经无法满足快速增长的业务需要,导致业务越多新上线系统越多,多系统间由于成本技术等原因无法实现数据互通。": "With the development of traditional systems, enterprises have been unable to meet the rapid growth of business needs. As a result, the more business, the more new online systems, the more data exchange between multiple systems can not be realized due to cost technology and other reasons.",
"人力成本": "Manpower cost",
"人工测试耗时耗力,错误率高;自动化测试用例编写成本高。": "Manual test is time-consuming and labor-consuming, with high error rate, and automatic test case writing cost is high.",
"智能安全监管": "Intelligent security supervision",
"的所有行为都在监管范围内,": "All of our actions are regulated,",
"IT运维工程师的误操作为生产系统带来": "The MIS operation of it operation and maintenance engineer is brought by the production system",
"巨大风险的情况不再是一种威胁。": "A situation of great risk is no longer a threat.",
"代替人工全天值守": "Instead of labor on duty all day",
"员工无需加班进行人工职守。": "Employees do not need to work overtime for manual duty.",
"重要的信息通过邮件、": "Important information via email",
"短信等方式发送给云扩": "Send SMS to cloud expansion",
"机器人的管理者。": "The manager of the robot.",
"降低员工工作负担": "Reduce employee workload",
"IT自动化运维的工具非常多,": "There are many tools for it automation operation and maintenance,",
"操作步骤繁杂,但这些需要登录各个工具进行": "The operation steps are complicated, but these need to be logged in to various tools",
"繁杂操作的工作均可通过云扩": "The work of complex operations can be done through cloud expansion",
"轻松完成。": "Easy to do.",
"某大型": "A large",
"公司": "company",
"使用": "Use",
"工具定义数据库资源,定义好需要备份数据的服务器,以及用以测试备份": "Tools define database resources, define servers that need to back up data, and test backups",
"数据可用性的服务器,从服务器数据库备份数据到备份仓库,再从备份仓库把备份数": "Data availability server, backup data from server database to backup warehouse, and then backup data from backup warehouse",
"据传送到测试数据可用性的服务器,进行恢复数据。全程都由人工进行操作,耗时耗力。": "Data is transferred to the server testing data availability for data recovery. The whole process is manually operated, time-consuming and labor-consuming.",
"RPA,可以实现定义数据库资源到数据检测的自动化,并将检查结果发送给管理员。": "RPA can realize the automation of defining database resources to data detection, and send the inspection results to the administrator.",
"工作耗时减少。数据提取成功率提高。24": "Less time to work. The success rate of data extraction is improved. Twenty-four",
"小时无人值守。": "Hours unattended.",
"RPA银行解决方案-财务RPA-云扩科技": "RPA banking solutions - Finance RPA - cloud expansion technology",
"在银行业": "In banking",
"银行业务线丰富,流程标准化程度高,高人力,": "The bank has rich business lines, high degree of process standardization and high manpower,",
"强合规是": "Strong compliance is",
"典型应用场景": "Typical application scenarios",
"发票验真伪及": "Invoice verification and",
"合规性检查": "Compliance check",
"零售信贷评估": "Retail credit assessment",
"合规报告": "Compliance report",
"跨系统生成": "Cross system generation",
"申请抵押贷款": "Apply for a mortgage",
"固定资产摊销": "Amortization of fixed assets",
"资金结算": "Capital settlement",
"流程业务多": "Many processes and businesses",
"系统繁多不连通、业务操作牵扯广、数据要求准确高": "Many systems are disconnected, business operations are involved, and data requirements are high",
"合规监管严": "Strict compliance and supervision",
"风控合规成本高、风险监控力度大、信息安全分量重": "High cost of risk control and compliance, strong risk monitoring and heavy weight of information security",
"经营成本高": "High operating cost",
"优质人才成本高、运营成本支出大、业务创新变化快": "High cost of high-quality talents, large expenditure of operation cost and rapid change of business innovation",
"快速梳理流程": "Quick sorting process",
"洞察业务痛点快速响应交付。": "Insight into business pain points and quick response to delivery.",
"拥有强大的内置流程录制器。支持远程梳理流程。": "Powerful built-in process recorder. Support remote carding process.",
"无需改变现有系统、无需做": "No need to change the existing system, no need to do",
"开发,": "Development,",
"能连接多信息化系统而不干扰底层。": "It can connect multiple information systems without disturbing the bottom layer.",
"降低操作风险": "Reduce operational risk",
"大幅提升准确率。": "Greatly improve the accuracy.",
"完善的权限管理和流程过程管理流程日志": "Perfect rights management and process management process log",
"满足更严格的监管需求。": "Meet more stringent regulatory needs.",
"人力成本降低": "Labor cost reduction",
"降低运营成本。": "Reduce operating costs.",
"加速业务创新。": "Accelerate business innovation.",
"基于数据决策和管理。": "Based on data decision and management.",
"某大型国有银行": "A large state-owned bank",
"银行每月要从分行人工获取各种新增卡、活动卡、注销卡、消费笔数、": "Every month, the bank shall obtain all kinds of new cards, activity cards, cancellation cards, number of consumptions from the branch manually",
"消费金额等数据,并需要对这些数据进行人工统计,统计数据整理汇总成报表,": "The consumption amount and other data shall be manually counted, and the statistical data shall be sorted and summarized into a report,",
"且要依据一定的规则对各行信用卡业务进行综合评分。在实施自动化之前,": "And according to certain rules, credit card business of each bank should be comprehensively scored. Before automation,",
"员工需要每一步都自己操作,效率低且易出错。": "Employees need to operate every step by themselves, which is inefficient and error prone.",
"RPA,可以实现从数据仓库每月自动抓取每个分行的数据进行统计,": "RPA can automatically grab the data of each branch from the data warehouse every month for statistics,",
"自动生成汇总报表后依据规则自动给出综合评分。": "After the summary report is generated automatically, the comprehensive score will be given automatically according to the rules.",
"总体工作量减少。数据提取成功率提高。将时间花在更有价值的任务上。": "The overall workload is reduced. The success rate of data extraction is improved. Spend time on more valuable tasks.",
"云扩科技官网-智能RPA机器人": "Cloud expansion technology official website - Intelligent RPA robot",
"企业级流程自动化平台": "Enterprise process automation platform",
"云扩智能": "Cloud expansion intelligence",
"基于先进的自动化技术,跨系统执行重复、繁琐、耗时的任务,": "Based on advanced automation technology, it performs repetitive, tedious and time-consuming tasks across systems,",
"为企业降本增效、快速实现业务创新,": "To reduce costs and increase efficiency for enterprises, and quickly realize business innovation,",
"帮助企业构建自动化智能化业务的平台级能力,": "Help enterprises build platform level capabilities for automated and intelligent business,",
"迈向大规模人机协作的未来!": "Towards the future of large-scale human-computer cooperation!",
"注册使用": "Registered use",
"平台架构": "Platform architecture",
"全栈的业务流程自动化体验": "Full stack business process automation experience",
"注册云扩": "Registered cloud expansion",
"社区版,即可体验社区版编辑器、": "Community Edition, you can experience the Community Edition editor",
"社区版机器人以及社区版控制台的强大功能,": "The powerful functions of the community robot and the community console,",
"开启您的自动化之旅。": "Start your automation journey.",
"了解更多云扩产品": "Learn more about cloud expansion products",
"平台的六大优势": "Six advantages of the platform",
"高效的流程编辑体验": "Efficient process editing experience",
"企业级": "Enterprise level",
"开放的": "Open",
"生态": "ecology",
"领先的人工智能": "Leading AI",
"灵活的部署模式": "Flexible deployment model",
"专业的服务能力": "Professional service ability",
"编辑器采用直观高效的图形化界面,通过简单的拖拽即可设计复杂的流程,学习成本低。设计好的流程以流程图形式呈现,所有步骤一目了然,易于企业内部沟通和维护。编辑器内置数百个自动化和人工智能组件,与其他软件深度集成,开箱即用,无需额外编程。": "The editor adopts an intuitive and efficient graphical interface, and can design complex processes through simple drag and drop, with low learning cost. The designed process is presented in the form of flow chart, all steps are clear at a glance, easy to communicate and maintain within the enterprise. Editor built-in hundreds of automation and artificial intelligence components, and other software depth integration, out of the box, without additional programming.",
"与": "And",
"操作系统深度集成,利用系统底层原生驱动,为企业提供准确可靠的自动化技术。云扩控制台提供了强大的机器人和流程的管理功能,能动态执行任务分发,支持定时计划,提高机器人的利用率,使您的投资收益扩大化。": "The deep integration of the operating system and the use of the underlying native drivers provide enterprises with accurate and reliable automation technology. The cloud expansion console provides powerful robot and process management functions, which can dynamically execute task distribution, support timing plan, improve the utilization rate of robots, and expand your investment income.",
"平台具备无与伦比的开放性和可扩展性。通过丰富的组件市场和流程市场,用户只需通过简单拖拽,就可以将生态系统中的强大的自动化能力和": "The platform has unparalleled openness and scalability. Through the rich component market and process market, users can simply drag and drop the powerful automation capabilities and",
"能力嵌入到流程当中,足以满足各种行业需求。": "Ability is embedded in the process, enough to meet the needs of various industries.",
"平台提供大量内置": "Platform provides a large number of built-in",
"技能,实现更多业务场景的自动化。我们建立了开放的": "Skills to automate more business scenarios. We built an open",
"组件市场,新的": "Component market, new",
"技能正在不断地添加到市场中。您可以使用现成的": "Skills are constantly being added to the market. You can use the off the shelf",
"组件,或者从市场中获取,也能集成企业自定义的": "Components, or obtained from the market, can also integrate enterprise customized",
"技能。": "Skill.",
"灵活的部署模式,既支持企业级的私有化部署,又支持简单方便地公有云服务,为不同企业的运维需求提供全面支持。同时具备灵活的计费模式,包括按年付费以及按量付费等多种形式,适应不同场景的需求。": "The flexible deployment mode not only supports enterprise level privatization deployment, but also supports simple and convenient public cloud services, providing comprehensive support for the operation and maintenance needs of different enterprises. At the same time, it has a flexible billing mode, including annual payment and volume payment and other forms, to adapt to the needs of different scenarios.",
"我们提供专业的团队和企业共同梳理流程的各个环节,科学规划": "We provide professional teams and enterprises to sort out all aspects of the process and make scientific planning",
"实施,全程监控实施过程及运行效率,持续为客户提供定制化服务,为企业增效赋能。": "Implement, monitor the whole implementation process and operation efficiency, continuously provide customized services for customers, and enable enterprises to increase efficiency.",
"行业解决方案": "Industry solutions",
"制造行业": "Manufacturing industry",
"许多制造企业使用云扩": "Many manufacturing enterprises use cloud expansion",
"提高了运营的灵活性,从而在各个环节节省了约": "Increased operational flexibility, resulting in savings of about",
"的成本。": "The cost.",
"银行行业": "Banking industry",
"银行业务线丰富,流程标准化程度高,通过采用云扩": "The bank has rich business lines and high degree of process standardization, through the use of cloud expansion",
"工作效率提升了": "Increased efficiency",
"倍。": "Times.",
"物流行业": "Logistics industry",
"从订单发起到物品交付充满了大量重复的工作,云扩": "From order initiation to goods delivery, there is a lot of repetitive work. Cloud expansion",
"在简化流程的同时保证了": "Simplify the process while ensuring",
"失误率。": "Error rate.",
"更多行业解决方案": "More industry solutions",
"这些公司都信任云扩": "These companies all trust cloud expansion",
"云扩科技": "Cloud expansion technology",
"全球": "Global",
"领域的创新领军者": "Innovation leader in the field",
"公司以自研的云扩": "Self developed cloud expansion of the company",
"平台为核心,致力于为各行业客户提供智能的": "Platform as the core, dedicated to providing intelligent",
"机器人产品与解决方案,通过": "Robot products and solutions, through",
"赋能,持续为客户创造价值,助力企业推进数字化转型。目前云扩科技拥有数百名员工,在上海、北京、深圳、西安、苏州及日本东京均设有分公司及研发中心。": "Empower, continuously create value for customers, and help enterprises to promote digital transformation. At present, cloud expansion technology has hundreds of employees, with branches and R & D centers in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Suzhou and Tokyo, Japan.",
"成为云扩合作伙伴": "Become a cloud expansion partner",
"智能进化": "Intelligent evolution",
"不止于此": "More than that",
"不止于此-->": "More than that -- >",
"春季线上发布会带您开启智能自动化之旅": "Spring online conference takes you on the journey of Intelligent Automation",
"直播时间:2020.04.10": "Live broadcast time: April 10, 2020",
"即刻报名": "Immediate enrolment",
"关注云扩科技,获取最新动态": "Pay attention to cloud expansion technology and get the latest news",
"狂奔之后": "After running wild",
"企业开始精耕细作:建生态、补短板、推进市场落地": "Enterprises start intensive cultivation: building ecology, mending shortcomings, and promoting market implementation",
"详情": "details",
"红杉领投3000万美金,云扩科技要打造人人可用的RPA": "Sequoia leads the investment of US $30 million, and cloud expansion technology needs to build RPA for everyone",
"爱分析调研": "Love analysis and research",
"聚焦RPA+AI代替重复劳动,": "Focusing on RPA + AI instead of repetitive labor,",
"云扩科技完成红杉中国领投的3000万美元B轮融资": "Cloud expansion technology completed round B financing of US $30 million led by Sequoia China",
"云扩科技入选创业邦2019中国创新成长企业100": "Cloud expansion technology is selected as China's innovative growth enterprise in 2019",
"云扩科技荣膺2019年度最具成长价值TOP30企业": "Cloud expansion technology won the top 30 enterprises with the most growth value in 2019",
"微软资深研发总监缪玉峰:": "Miao Yufeng, senior R & D director of Microsoft:",
"RPA是企业开启AI之门的“金钥匙”": "RPA is the \"golden key\" for enterprises to open the door of AI",
"申请试用2020版云扩RPA": "Apply for trial use of cloud expansion RPA 2020",
"让每个企业更有效率,让每个人更有价值": "Make every enterprise more efficient and everyone more valuable",
"选择适合您的版本,开始体验!": "Choose the version that suits you and start to experience!",
"获取方式": "Acquisition mode",
"免费试用期": "Free trial period",
"机器人认知服务": "Robot cognitive services",
"现场培训": "On-the-spot training",
"服务与支持": "Service and support",
"可否商用": "Commercially available",
"立即注册": "Immediate registration",
"社区版适用于个人开发者,不能用于商业用途,永久免费。": "The Community Edition is suitable for individual developers, not for commercial use, and is free forever.",
"注册社区版,即可使用": "Sign up for Community Edition and use",
"永远": "forever",
"1个许可证": "1 License",
"1个基础机器人": "1 Basic robot",
"仅支持公有市场": "Public market only",
"及云扩": "And cloud expansion",
"学习平台": "Learning platform",
"不可商用": "Not commercially available",
"企业版": "Enterprise Edition",
"企业版提供企业级的产品套件以及官方支持服务。": "Enterprise Edition provides enterprise class product suite and official support services.",
"联系我们": "Contact us",
"无": "nothing",
"私有化部署、云端控制台": "Privatization deployment, cloud console",
"自由选择,数量不限": "Free choice, unlimited quantity",
"数量不限": "Unlimited quantity",
"可使用基础机器人和高级": "Basic robots and advanced",
"机器人,数量不限": "Robots, unlimited",
"有限预览": "Limited preview",
"同时支持私有市场、": "At the same time, it supports the private market",
"公有市场": "Public market",
"具备服务等级协议的": "With service level agreement",
"工单支持": "Worksheet support",
"可以商用": "Commercially available",
"智能,成就非凡": "Intelligence, outstanding achievement",
"感谢您关注云扩": "Thank you for your attention to cloud expansion",
"您可以拨打": "You can call",
"联系您的专属顾问,了解更多产品详情。": "Contact your exclusive consultant for more product details.",
"我们将竭诚为您提供帮助!": "We will help you wholeheartedly!",
"提交": "Submission",
"我们的工作人员会在1-2个工作日联系您。": "Our staff will contact you in 1-2 working days.",
"让每个企业更有效率,让每个人成就非凡": "Make every enterprise more efficient and everyone achieve extraordinary results",
"上海云扩信息科技有限公司成立于": "Founded in",
"年,": "Year,",
"是一家全球领军的智能": "Is a global leader in intelligence",
"科技企业。": "Technology enterprises.",
"机器人产品与解决方案,通过RPA赋能,持续为客户创造价值,助力企业推进数字化转型。": "Robot products and solutions, through RPA empowerment, continue to create value for customers and help enterprises to promote digital transformation.",
"云扩科技的品牌": "The brand of cloud expansion technology",
"ENCOO,来自于": "Encoo, from",
"的缩写,公司希望能借助": "The company hopes to use",
"技术,“Enable": "Technology, \"enable",
"Machine”,打造人机协作的未来。": "Machine \"to build a future of human-computer cooperation.",
"目前云扩科技拥有数百名员工,在上海、北京、深圳、西安、苏州及日本东京均设有分公司及研发中心。公司已服务了来自金融、能源、电信、财税、制造、物流、零售等多个行业的上百家企业,始终坚持围绕客户需求持续创新,加大产品研发投入,为客户提供有竞争力、安全可信赖的": "At present, cloud expansion technology has hundreds of employees, with branches and R & D centers in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Suzhou and Tokyo, Japan. The company has served hundreds of enterprises from finance, energy, telecommunications, finance and taxation, manufacturing, logistics, retail and other industries, and has always adhered to continuous innovation based on customer demand, increased investment in product research and development, and provided customers with competitive, safe and reliable",
"产品以及更智能的流程自动化解决方案,不断降低企业采用": "Products and more intelligent process automation solutions, constantly reducing enterprise adoption",
"的门槛。": "Threshold.",
"[强大的": "[powerful",
"专家团队]": "Expert team]",
"作为国内一家专注于研发智能": "As a domestic company focusing on R & D intelligence",
"平台的高科技公司,云扩科技拥有深厚的技术底蕴以及打造企业级产品的能力。云扩创始团队基因根植于微软,拥有十几年的桌面自动化、高性能计算技术背景及企业级软件产品和云服务的研发、商业化实践经验。其他核心团队成员主要来自微软、阿里云、腾讯、浪潮等企业高级商务与研发岗位。自2017年创立以来,团队成员专注于企业服务领域的自动化产品解决方案,以赋能中国企业自动化能力,跨越数字化鸿沟为愿景。": "The platform's high-tech company, cloud expansion technology has a profound technical background and the ability to create enterprise level products. The founding team of cloud expansion is rooted in Microsoft. It has more than ten years of experience in desktop automation, high-performance computing technology, enterprise level software product and cloud service R & D and commercialization. Other core team members mainly come from Microsoft, Alibaba cloud, Tencent, Inspur and other senior business and R & D positions. Since its establishment in 2017, team members have focused on the automation product solutions in the field of enterprise services, with the vision of enabling the automation capability of Chinese enterprises and crossing the digital divide.",
"刘春刚": "Chun Gang Liu",
"前微软": "Former Microsoft",
"云计算平台数据管理自动化产品负责人": "Cloud computing platform data management automation product owner",
"前软银愿景基金投资顾问": "Former soft bank vision fund investment consultant",
"史秋芳": "Shi autumn Fang",
"前微软自动化测试总监": "Former Microsoft automation test director",
"微软高性能计算首席研发总监": "Chief R & D director, Microsoft high performance computing",
"全球知名的软件自动化专家": "World famous software Automation Expert",
"胡世超": "Hu Shi Chao",
"前微软人工智能首席研发总监": "Former Microsoft AI chief R & D director",
"原美国": "Former US",
"公司全球研发总监": "Global R & D director of the company",
"获多个国际知名投资机构投资": "Obtained investment from many international well-known investment institutions",
"郑庆生": "Zheng Qing Sheng",
"红杉资本": "Sequoia Capital",
"合伙人": "Partner",
"“我们看好云扩科技团队扎实的企业级服务基因,相信足够的专注和聚焦能够让云扩科技突破": "\"We are optimistic about the solid enterprise level service gene of the cloud expansion technology team, and believe that enough focus and focus can make the cloud expansion technology breakthrough",
"技术在中国市场的挑战。”": "The challenge of technology in the Chinese market. \"",
"朱啸虎": "Zhu Xiao Hu",
"金沙江创投": "GSR Ventures ",
"主管合伙人": "Managing partner",
"“云扩科技是国内少有的具备将软件封装成产品的能力的": "\"Cloud expansion technology is rare in China with the ability to package software into products",
"专家团队,兼具不可替代的技术实力与产品能力,真正可以赋能第三方,赋能生态体系,可以更快速扩展客户。”": "The expert team, with irreplaceable technical strength and product capability, can really empower the third party, enable the ecosystem, and expand customers more quickly. \"",
"黄明明": "Ming Ming Huang",
"明势资本": "Ming capital",
"创始合伙人": "Founding partner",
"“云扩科技就是我们希望找到的懂技术的企业家团队、更为可贵的是团队脚踏实地的同时可以「仰望星空」,一方面具备服务企业级客户的专家团队,一方面致力于": "\"Cloud expansion technology is the entrepreneurial team that we hope to find. What's more valuable is that when the team is down-to-earth, it can\" look up to the stars \". On the one hand, it has an expert team that serves enterprise level customers, on the other hand, it is committed to",
"更为广阔、更具想象力的万亿市场。”": "A broader and more imaginative trillion market. \"",
"李俐": "Li Li",
"中美平行基金": "Sino US parallel fund",
"首席合伙人": "Lead partner",
"“我们看好云扩科技的企业级服务基因和人工智能研发实力,我们相信过硬的技术产品实力和前瞻性创新能力可以让云扩科技成为国际": "\"We are optimistic about the enterprise level service gene and artificial intelligence R & D strength of cloud expansion technology. We believe that excellent technical product strength and forward-looking innovation ability can make cloud expansion technology become an international technology",
"领域不可忽视的创新领跑者。”": "The innovation leader in the field cannot be ignored. \"",
"获得众多知名企业和机构的肯定": "Recognized by many well-known enterprises and institutions",
"全球十佳「RPA+AI」创新企业": "Top 10 \"RPA + AI\" innovative enterprises in the world",
"中国软件渠道推荐": "Chinese software channel recommendation",
"品牌": "brand",
"金融潜力产品奖": "Financial potential product award",
"年度最佳": "Best in the year",
"创新企业": "Innovative enterprises",
"三十大最具创新": "30 most innovative",
"产品/解决方案": "Products / solutions",
"中国创新成长企业": "China's innovative growth enterprises",
"强": "strong",
"中国明日之星": "China's tomorrow star",
"企业": "enterprise",
"2019上海青年创新创业大赛": "2019 Shanghai Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition",
"综合赛创业组一等奖": "First prize of business group of comprehensive competition",
"影响力价值榜单企业": "Influential value list company",
"合作伙伴认证": "Partner certification",
"上海高新技术企业": "Shanghai high tech enterprise",
"微软金牌合作伙伴": "Microsoft Gold Certified Partner ",
"加速营成员": "Members of the acceleration Battalion",
"上海市人工智能技术协会成员": "Member of Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Technology Association",
"微软加速器成员": "Member of Microsoft accelerator",
"大会": "An assembly",
"自动为先": "Automatic first",
"制胜未来": "Winning the future",
"大会简介": "General introduction",
"大会是携手合作伙伴联合举办的": "The conference is jointly held with partners",
"行业活动,通过分享": "Industry activities, through sharing",
"最新技术、产品、场景案例、实施经验等干货内容,为参会者提供一个探索RPA": "The latest technology, products, scenario cases, implementation experience and other dry goods will provide participants with an RPA to explore",
"最新技术、连接未来智能工作方式、缔结合作机会等平台。": "The latest technology, the connection of future intelligent working methods, the conclusion of cooperation opportunities and other platforms.",
"2019年11月26日,2019云扩": "November 26, 2019, 2019 cloud expansion",
"大会在北京微软大厦成功举办,此次活动邀请了包括微软加速器": "The conference was successfully held in Microsoft building in Beijing. The event invited Microsoft accelerator",
"王雷、微软亚洲工程院·商用人工智能首席总监雷闻、安永咨询服务部合伙人兰瑜、致同信息科技咨询总监": "Wang Lei, Lei Wen, chief director of commercial artificial intelligence, Microsoft Asia Engineering Institute, Lan Yu, partner of ey consulting service department, and IT Consulting Director of Zhitong",
"团队负责人任子旭在内的多位嘉宾出席。": "Team leader Ren Zixu and other guests attended.",
"2019云扩": "2019 cloud expansion",
"Connect大会嘉宾阵容": "Connect conference guest lineup",
"创始人": "Founder",
"联合创始人": "Co founder",
"雷闻": "Lei Wen",
"微软亚洲互联网工程院": "STC-search technology center ",
"商用人工智能": "Business AI",
"首席总监": "Chief director",
"兰瑜": "Lan Yu",
"安永咨询服务部": "Ey consulting services",
"任子旭": "Ren Zi Xu",
"致同信息科技咨询总监": "To the director of IT consulting",
"团队负责人": "Team leader",
"大会议程": "conference agenda",
"自动为先,开启": "Auto first, on",
"之旅": "Journey",
"应用的现状及未来": "Application status and future",
"安永咨询服务部合伙人": "Partner, Ernst & Young consulting services",
"打造云端数字员工": "Creating digital employees in the cloud",
"微软亚洲互联网工程院商用人工智能首席总监": "Chief director of business artificial intelligence, Microsoft Asia Internet Engineering Institute",
"实施经验分享": "Implementation experience sharing",
"Workshop-想象未来工作方式的一百种可能": "Workshop- imagine one hundred possibilities of working in the future",
"大会合作伙伴": "Conference partners",
"大会精彩瞬间": "Great moment of the conference",
"超前沿的": "Ultra frontier",
"技术分享": "Technology sharing",
"超资深的": "Super senior",
"行业大咖": "Industry big coffee",
"超有趣的": "Super interesting",
"实践体验": "Practical experience",
"预约2020云扩": "Appointment 2020 cloud expansion",
"2020·北京": "2020. Beijing",
"进化者大会": "Evolutionist Conference",
"敬请期待": "Coming soon",
"进化者大会是汇聚": "The evolutionist conference is a meeting",
"前沿科技、最新": "Cutting edge technology, latest",
"产品、": "Products,",
"行业解决方案、RPA": "Industry solutions, RPA",
"趋势的前瞻性行业盛会。": "A forward-looking industry event of trends.",
"2019年9月5日,第一届云扩": "September 5, 2019, the first cloud expansion",
"进化者大会在上海成功举办。本次大会邀请了上海市经信委人工智能处副处长": "The evolutionist conference was successfully held in Shanghai. The conference invited deputy director of Artificial Intelligence Department of Shanghai Economic and Information Commission",
"王联凤、上海市闵行区经委副主任李丽、金沙江创投主管合伙人朱啸虎、明势资本创始合伙人黄明明、壹站创": "Wang Lianfeng, Li Li, deputy director of Economic Committee of Minhang District, Shanghai, Zhu Xiaohu, partner in charge of Jinshajiang venture capital, Huang Mingming, founding partner of Mingshi capital and Yizhan Chuang",
"始人兼": "Founder and concurrently",
"周永钢、微软人工智能商用部资深产品总监缪玉峰、兴业数金": "Zhou Yonggang, Miao Yufeng, senior product director of Microsoft artificial intelligence business department, Xingye Shujin",
"产品总监梁一纲、华美咨询集": "Product director Liang Yigang, Huamei Consulting Group",
"团执行董事王炜文、德勤中国副总监周麟等多位知名投资人及": "Wang Weiwen, executive director of the group, Zhou Lin, deputy director of Deloitte China and other well-known investors and",
"行业专家出席,与600余位开发者与合作伙": "Industry experts attended, and more than 600 developers and partners",
"伴共同见证了数字化时代企业级云扩": "Partner witnessed the enterprise level cloud expansion in the digital era",
"平台的全新突破,为与会者带来了一场精彩纷呈的": "The new breakthrough of the platform has brought a brilliant",
"技术盛宴。": "Technology feast.",
"进化者大会嘉宾阵容": "Guest lineup of evolutionist Conference",
"金沙江创业投资基金": "Jinshajiang venture capital fund",
"徐明强": "Xu Ming Qiang",
"微软(中国)": "Microsoft (China)",
"首席技术官": "Chief technology officer",
"杨玲玲": "Yang Ling Ling",
"德勤中国数字化与": "Deloitte China Digital and",
"信息技术": "information technology",
"张予彤": "Zhang Yu Tong",
"王炜文": "Wang Wei Wen",
"华美顾问集团": "Huamei Consulting Group",
"执行董事长": "Executive Chairman",
"周永钢": "Zhou Yong Gang",
"壹站": "One stop",
"梁一纲": "Liang Yi Gang",
"兴业数金": "Societe Generale",
"产品总监": "Product director",
"郭政纲": "Guo Zheng Gang",
"中国": "China",
"进化者大会议程": "Evolutionist conference agenda",
"开场致词": "opening remark",
"开启企业数字化演进之门": "Open the door of enterprise digital evolution",
"行业洞察": "Industry insight",
"在中国": "In China",
"金沙江创投主管合伙人": "Partner in charge of Jinshajiang venture capital",
"产品发布": "Product release",
"云扩企业级智能": "Cloud expansion enterprise intelligence",
"(Demo展示)": "(Demo display)",
"云服务发布:打造云端数字化员工": "Cloud service release: creating digital employees in the cloud",
"生态合作": "Ecological cooperation",
"是企业开启": "It's an enterprise opening",
"之门的“金钥匙”": "The \"golden key\" of the gate",
"微软资深研发总监": "Senior R & D director of Microsoft",
"缪玉峰": "Yu Feng Miao",
"客户分享": "Customer sharing",
"财务": "Finance",
"机器人的分享": "Robot sharing",
"德勤中国数字化与信息技术合伙人": "Deloitte China Digital and information technology partner",
"在物流行业的广泛应用": "Widely used in logistics industry",
"壹站创始人": "Founder of one stop",
"在银行行业的广泛应用": "Widely used in banking industry",
"云扩智库": "Cloud expansion think tank",
"白皮书发布": "White paper release",
"云扩生态": "Cloud expansion ecosystem",
"云扩学院发布": "Released by cloud expansion College",
"进化者大会合作伙伴": "Evolutionary Congress partners",
"合作媒体": "Associated Media",
"进化者大会精彩瞬间": "Great moment of evolutionist Conference",
"大咖汇聚": "Big coffee gathering",
"带来": "bring",
"干货分享": "Dry cargo sharing",
"8大": "8 big",
"揭秘2020版云扩": "Cloud expansion 2020",
"精彩纷呈": "Brilliant",
"现场观众热情参与": "Enthusiastic participation of on-site audience",
"进化者大会参会名额": "Participants of evolutionist Conference",
"2020·上海": "2020. Shanghai",
"2020云扩": "2020 cloud expansion",
"渠道合作伙伴大会": "Channel Partner Conference",
"渠道大会旨在联接商业合作伙伴、": "Channel conference aims to connect business partners",
"实施合作伙伴等渠道合作资源,共建": "Implement cooperation resources of partners and other channels, and jointly build",
"商业生态,": "Business ecology,",
"用": "use",
"赋能各行业,共享市场。": "Empower all industries and share the market.",
"云扩科技渠道合作伙伴包括咨询服务合作伙伴和技术服务合作伙伴。其中,咨询服务合作伙伴包括咨询服务商、系统集成商、培训合作商、分销商等;技术服务合作伙伴则涵盖独立软件开发商、SaaS/PaaS伙伴、商业软件伙伴等。云扩科技将为合作伙伴提供包括销售培训、技术培训、投标支持、联合护航、品牌推广、资质认证等一系列支持和帮助。从找客户转到找场景、从卖产品转到卖价值、从做单一转到做组合,助力合作伙伴更好地服务广大用户。": "Cloud expansion technology channel partners include consulting service partners and technical service partners. Among them, consulting service partners include consulting service providers, system integrators, training partners, distributors, etc.; technical service partners include independent software developers, SaaS / PAAS partners, commercial software partners, etc. Cloud expansion technology will provide partners with a series of support and help, including sales training, technical training, bidding support, joint escort, brand promotion, qualification certification, etc. From looking for customers to looking for scenarios, from selling products to selling value, from doing single to doing combination, to help partners better serve users.",
"大会参会名额": "Number of participants",
"工作坊": "Workshop",
"去发现": "To discover",
"的无限可能吧!": "The infinite possibility of!",
"快速梳理优化现有业务流程": "Quickly sort out and optimize existing business processes",
"提高工作体验,释放人力价值": "Improve work experience and release human value",
"工作坊是基于云扩": "Workshop is based on cloud expansion",
"产品": "product",
"研发的一套": "A set of R & D",
"流程挖掘工具。": "Process mining tools.",
"通过云扩": "Through cloud expansion",
"工具箱和沙盘,云扩": "Toolbox and sand table, cloud expansion",
"工作坊让企业各个部门的员工共同挖掘高潜的自动化": "Workshop enables employees from all departments of the enterprise to jointly tap the high potential automation",
"工作流程。参与者可以将工作场景中业务流程的每一步转化成相应的": "Workflow. Participants can transform each step of the business process in the work scenario into corresponding",
"组件,并将数百个": "Components, and hundreds of",
"组件像乐高积木一样组合起来,完成真实的工作场景和业务流程的自动化“改造”。": "Components are combined like Lego building blocks to complete the automatic \"transformation\" of real work scenarios and business processes.",
"仅需一个小时,业务人员就可以完成": "In just one hour, business people can do it",
"流程的“改造”,并清晰计算出实施的": "\"Transformation\" of the process and clear calculation of the implemented",
"工作坊活动流程": "Workshop activity flow",
"讲师引导": "Lecturer guidance",
"工作流程梳理": "Workflow sorting",
"梳理交互对象": "Combing interaction objects",
"罗列具体行为": "List specific behaviors",
"估算时间人力": "Estimated time and manpower",
"工作坊活动亮点": "Highlights of workshop activities",
"1小时流程梳理": "1 hour process sorting",
"60分钟实践沙盘演练,通过游戏化的流程梳理还": "Practice sand table drill for 60 minutes, and sort out the game process",
"原真实工作场景,挖掘真实的工作流程;": "Original real work scene, mining real work flow;",
"30+客座导师": "30 + guest tutors",
"大咖云集": "Big coffee gathering",
"来自世界知名公司、一线咨询机构导师、": "From world-famous companies, tutors of front-line consulting institutions",
"CIO面对面引导梳理,分享最新实践经验;": "CIOs guide and comb face-to-face to share the latest practical experience;",
"600+参会同行": "600 + participants",
"600名来自金融、能源、物流、通讯等行业的高": "600 from finance, energy, logistics, communications and other industries",
"管、业务负责人等共同学习、分组实践,构建高": "Managers, business leaders, etc. work together to learn, practice in groups, and build high",
"质量人脉「圈」。": "Quality network \"circle\".",
"2019首场导师简介:": "Introduction to the first tutor in 2019:",
"范建华": "Fan Jian Hua",
"荷兰TISD服务设计引导师认证": "Certification of tisd service design director in the Netherlands",
"服务体验设计师": "Service experience designer",
"视觉引导师": "Visual facilitator",
"-视觉实践创始人": "-Founder of visual practice",
"工作坊合作伙伴": "Workshop partners",
"工作坊精彩回顾": "Workshop review",
"如何参与云扩": "How to participate in cloud expansion",
"工作坊?": "Workshop?",
"云扩科技为企业提供": "Cloud expansion technology provides enterprises with",
"免费": "Free Admission",
"的": "Of",
"工作坊参与机会,": "Workshop participation opportunities,",
"让专业的讲师和": "Let professional lecturers and",
"专家走进您的企业辅助员工挖掘原生的自动化价值空地!": "Experts enter your enterprise to assist employees to explore the original automated value space!",
"RPA进化者大会": "RPA evolutionist Conference",
"立即报名": "Sign up immediately",
"最新活动": "Latest activities",
"不止于此」": "More than that \"",
"2020年04月10日": "April 10, 2020",
"了解更多": "Learn more",
"云扩智能四大品牌活动": "Four brand activities of cloud expansion intelligence",
"产品、RPA": "Products, RPA",
"行业趋势的前瞻性行业盛会。": "Forward looking industry event of industry trend.",
"合作伙伴大会": "Partner Conference",
"合作伙伴大会是云扩科技携手合作伙伴联合举办的": "The partner conference is jointly held by cloud expansion technology and partners",
"最新技术、场景案例及实施经验,力求促进客户成功,用": "The latest technology, scenario cases and implementation experience, strive to promote the success of customers",
"技术赋能各个行业。": "Technology empowers industries.",
"云扩RPA工作坊是基于云扩": "Cloud expansion RPA workshop is based on cloud expansion",
"产品研发的一套": "A set of product development",
"流程挖掘工具。帮助企业在短短一个小时内梳理出可视化流程。": "Process mining tools. Help enterprises sort out the visualization process in just one hour.",
"渠道大会旨在拓展公司渠道伙伴、实施合作伙伴等渠道合作资源,为合作伙伴提供帮助,共建": "The channel conference aims to expand channel cooperation resources such as channel partners and implementation partners of the company, provide help for partners, and jointly build",
"行业生态,一起取得成功。": "Industry ecology, success together.",
"往期回顾": "Past review",
"制胜未来界": "Win the future",
"2020年03月14日·北京": "March 14, 2020 · Beijing",
"进化者大会|天生匠心·智领世界": "Evolutionist conference | natural ingenuity · wisdom leading the world",
"2019年12月01日·上海": "Shanghai, December 1, 2019",
"共同打造": "Build together",
"商业生态": "Business ecology",
"加入云扩": "Add cloud expansion",
"平台合作伙伴生态,用RPA技术赋能各个行业,共享市场。": "Platform partner ecology, enabling various industries with RPA technology and sharing market.",
"申请成为合作伙伴": "Apply to be a partner",
"合作伙伴扶持计划": "Partner support program",
"产品迭代": "Product iteration",
"更多产品组合和新版本产品优先试用,": "More product combinations and new versions are preferred,",
"定制开发支持多元需求。": "Customized development supports multiple requirements.",
"研发赋能": "R & D empowerment",
"享受强大的": "Enjoy the powerful",
"开发工具": "development tool",
"和部署测试环境。": "And deploy the test environment.",
"技术支持": "Technical support",
"产品技术团队专门支持、": "The product technology team provides special support",
"售后团队密切跟踪。": "The after sales team closely follows up.",
"资源共享": "resource sharing",
"云扩学院畅游学习,": "Cloud expansion College,",
"市场品牌资源共享。": "Market brand resource sharing.",
"品牌背书": "Brand Endorsement",
"持续收益": "Sustained earnings",
"市场支持": "Market support",
"销售支持": "Sales support",
"培训支持": "Training support",
"物料支持": "Material support",
"区域保护": "Regional protection",
"实施合作伙伴": "Implementation partners",
"与实施合作伙伴一起,我们为各个行业的客户实现贴合业务需求的自动化场景,为客户带来价值。": "Together with our implementation partners, we provide customers in various industries with automation scenarios that meet business needs and bring value to customers.",
"平台合作伙伴": "Platform partners",
"携手合作伙伴,推动": "Work together with partners to promote",
"行业发展,塑造": "Industry development, shaping",
"未来生态,共享广阔市场。": "In the future, we will share a broad market.",
"技术合作伙伴": "Technical partners",
"技术合作伙伴,作为云扩智能": "Technology partner as cloud expansion intelligence",
"平台的基础机器人设施平台,为更多的客户提供整合的": "The infrastructure platform of the platform provides integrated",
"机器人服务。": "Robot service.",
"免费创建您的RPA软件机器人": "Create your RPA software robot for free",
"轻松开启智能自动化之旅": "Start the journey of intelligent automation easily",
"社区版为您提供业务流程自动化的闭环体验": "Community Edition provides you with a closed-loop experience of business process automation",
"详细了解编辑器": "Learn more about the editor",
"详细了解控制台": "Learn more about the console",
"详细了解机器人": "Learn more about robots",
"0基础": "0 Foundation",
"学习业务自动化流程": "Learn business automation processes",
"云扩学院针对不同人群提供丰富的RPA课程,": "Cloud expansion college provides rich RPA courses for different groups of people,",
"助您0基础进阶RPA开发者。": "Help you 0 basic advanced RPA developer.",
"前往云扩学院": "Go to cloud expansion College",
"使": "send",
"须": "must",
"知": "know",
"社区版面向所有个人开发者,通过它可以创建您的自动化流程,但不能用于商业用途。您在完成社区版注册后,系统会为您自动生成一个社区版许可证,即时生效。该许可证内包含一个社区版机器人和一个社区版编辑器,价格免费、不可商用、数量不可增加。许可证有效期为一年,到期后登陆即自动延长。此外社区版许可证不包含企业版产品。": "The Community Edition is for all individual developers, through which you can create your automated processes, but not for commercial use. After you complete the community version registration, the system will automatically generate a community Version License for you, which will take effect immediately. The license includes a community version robot and a community version editor, which are free of charge, non-commercial, and non increasing in quantity. The license is valid for one year and will be automatically extended upon landing. In addition, the community license does not include enterprise products.",
"社区版开启您的自动化之旅": "Community Edition starts your automation journey",
"基于先进的自动化技术,跨系统执行重复、繁琐、耗时的工作任务,": "Based on advanced automation technology, it can perform repetitive, tedious and time-consuming tasks across systems,",
"为企业降本增效、快速实现业务创新。": "Reduce cost and increase efficiency for enterprises, and quickly realize business innovation.",
"帮助企业构建自动化智能化业务的平台级能力,迈向大规模人机协作的未来。": "Help enterprises build platform level capabilities of automated intelligent business, and move towards the future of large-scale human-computer cooperation.",
"观看视频": "Watch Video",
"更大规模、稳定的流程执行": "Larger and stable process execution",
"全天候不间断执行工作任务、": "Carry out work tasks 24 hours a day",
"随时报备执行进度、支持单机多用户并发": "Report the execution progress at any time, support single machine and multi-user concurrency",
"执行日志可自定义、": "The execution log can be customized",
"执行状态远程监控、支持中断自动恢复": "Remote monitoring of execution status, support for automatic recovery of interruption",
"本地手动执行、": "Local manual execution",
"控制台下发命令执行、定时执行": "Command execution and timing execution issued by the console",
"易用的流程自动化编辑": "Easy to use process automation editing",
"图形化设计": "Graphic design",
"直观易用": "Intuitive and easy to use",
"无需编程能力": "No programming capability required",
"智能的连续录制": "Intelligent continuous recording",
"自动高效完成流程设计": "Automatic and efficient process design",
"丰富的自动化组件": "Rich automation components",
"拖拽式编辑复杂流程": "Drag and drop editing of complex processes",
"集中高效管理数字生产力": "Centralized and efficient management of digital productivity",
"中央调度与控制": "Central dispatching and control",
"可视化管理机器人和流程": "Visual management of robots and processes",
"保障安全与合规": "Ensure safety and compliance",
"流程日志与数据加密": "Process log and data encryption",
"灵活的权限管理": "Flexible rights management",
"基于角色的访问控制": "Role based access control",
"可自由创建角色": "Free to create roles",
"快速创建您的流程自动化机器人": "Quickly create your process automation robot",
"直观高效的流程编辑界面及丰富的组件库,": "Intuitive and efficient process editing interface and rich component library,",
"即使没有编程基础也可以通过简单的拖拽创建您的自动化流程。": "Even if there is no programming basis, you can create your automation process through simple drag and drop.",
"机器人是您得力的工作助手,帮助您执行繁杂的工作任务,": "Robot is your right assistant to help you to perform complicated tasks,",
"使您的工作更轻松高效。": "Make your work easier and more efficient.",
"您可以通过云扩": "You can use cloud expansion",
"控制台集中部署并有效管理您的机器人及流程。": "The console centrally deploys and effectively manages your robots and processes.",
"开放共赢的": "Open and win-win",
"组件市场": "Component Market",
"丰富的自动化组件满足各行业需求": "Rich automation components to meet the needs of various industries",
"组件市场可集成多厂商": "Component market can integrate multiple vendors",
"技能": "Skill",
"流程市场": "Process market",
"提供大量已经设计好的适应特定场": "Provide a large number of designed adaptation to specific fields",
"景的流程及流程模板": "Process and process template",
"AI开放平台": "AI open platform",
"支持企业深度定制": "Support enterprise deep customization",
"开放标准具备可拓展性": "Open standards are expandable",
"支持开发者、合作伙伴": "Support developers and partners",
"和企业轻松完成自定义组件和流程开发": "And enterprises to easily complete the development of custom components and processes",
"行业应用案例": "Industry application cases",
"金融行业": "Financial industry",
"金融行业需要在应对类似保证信息数据的绝对安全、降低运营成本等各种挑战的同时,不断优化工作流程,为客户提供卓越的服务。": "The financial industry needs to constantly optimize the workflow and provide excellent services for customers while coping with various challenges such as ensuring the absolute security of information data and reducing operating costs.",
"通过运用": "Through the use of",
"技术可以帮助金融行业快速梳理流程、降低操作风险以及人力成本。像信贷评估、合规报告跨系统生成、柜台数据备份等众多业务流程都可以交由": "Technology can help the financial industry quickly sort out processes, reduce operational risks and human costs. Many business processes, such as credit evaluation, cross system generation of compliance reports, and backup of counter data, can be handed over to the",
"机器人自动完成,释放企业创新价值。": "The robot completes automatically, releasing the enterprise innovation value.",
"地产行业": "Real estate industry",
"随着政策调控力度加大,地产行业步入存量时代,开发环节行业集中快速提升,整体利润水平下降,日益要求精细化运营。": "With the increase of policy regulation and control, the real estate industry has stepped into the era of stock, the industry in the development sector has been centralized and rapidly improved, and the overall profit level has declined, which increasingly requires refined operation.",
"从提升地产公司内部财务和审计流程,到帮助物业实现自动化升级等方面": "From improving the internal financial and audit process of real estate companies to helping the property realize automatic upgrading, etc",
"都可以大展身手。通过": "You can do it. adopt",
"技术的应用,赋能地产行业敏捷的数字化转型能力。": "The application of technology can enable the real estate industry to be agile in digital transformation.",
"物流供应链": "Logistics supply chain",
"供应链厂商数据打通、自动的库存更新、网站数据导入、订单数据自动处理等都涉及繁琐的人工操作。RPA": "Supply chain manufacturer data communication, automatic inventory update, website data import, order data automatic processing and so on all involve tedious manual operation. RPA",
"机器人的加入可以帮助员工精简操作步骤,提高处理速度,为业务创新提速创造条件。": "Robots can help employees simplify operation steps, improve processing speed and create conditions for business innovation.",
"政府": "government",
"随着新一代信息技术的发展,政府机构也在积极推进数字化转型以提高办公效率和服务水平。RPA": "With the development of new generation information technology, government agencies are also actively promoting digital transformation to improve office efficiency and service level. RPA",
"机器人可以帮助政务人员完成诸如居民身份信息录入、申请表单填写等基础服务。": "Robots can help government officials to complete basic services such as resident identity information entry, application form filling and so on.",
"通过": "adopt",
"技术的应用在为政府部门提升工作效率、减轻基层办公人员负担的同时还能够为群众带来全新的办事体验。": "The application of technology can not only improve the work efficiency of government departments, reduce the burden of grass-roots office workers, but also bring new experience for the masses.",
"客户案例": "Customer case",
"什么是": "What is?",
"机器人流程自动化?": "Robot process automation?",
"能够代替或者协助人类在计算机、": "Can replace or assist human in computer",
"手机等数字化设备中完成重复性工作与任务。": "Mobile phones and other digital devices complete repetitive work and tasks.",
"什么是软件机器人?": "What is a software robot?",
"企业可以将": "Enterprises can",
"软件机器人视为一位": "Software robot as one",
"数字化员工(Digital": "Digital employees (Digital",
"帮助企业或者员工完成重复单调的流程性工作,减少人工错误,": "Help enterprises or employees to complete repetitive and monotonous process work and reduce human errors,",
"提高运营效率,降低运营成本。": "Improve operation efficiency and reduce operation cost.",
"开启企业数字化转型的钥匙": "The key to enterprise digital transformation",
"编辑器——您的流程化自动化平台": "Editor your process automation platform",
"加速数字化转型": "Accelerate digital transformation",
"数字驱动高效业务创新": "Digital driven efficient business innovation",
"快速实施验证业务流程": "Fast implementation of validation business process",
"敏捷抢占价值空地": "Agile seize the value space",
"降本增效": "Reduce cost and increase efficiency",
"降低运营成本": "Reduce operating costs",
"提升工作效率": "Improve work efficiency",
"基于数据决策": "Decision based on data",
"智慧流程": "Intelligent process",
"洞察企业痛点": "Insight into enterprise pain points",
"快速响应交付": "Fast response delivery",
"快速联结却不干扰底层": "Fast connection without disturbing the bottom layer",
"员工体验": "Employee experience",
"减少重复劳动": "Reduce repetitive labor",
"鼓励员工创新": "Encourage employees to innovate",
"为千禧一代打造极具": "For millennials",
"吸引力的工作体验": "Attractive work experience",
"机器人流程自动化可以为我们完成哪些工作?": "What can robotization do for us?",
"平台将企业常用的操作内容组件化。": "The platform componentizes the common operation content of enterprises.",
"机器人可以登录程序、打开/抓取浏览器、复制粘贴数据、处理Excel和邮件、填写表单、从文档里提取结构化和半结构化数据等。": "Robots can log in programs, open / grab browsers, copy and paste data, process excel and email, fill in forms, extract structured and semi-structured data from documents, etc.",
"通过拖拽丰富的组件即可模拟大部分人工操作,实现人工操作的流程自动化,解放人力。": "Most of the manual operations can be simulated by dragging rich components, which can realize the process automation of manual operations and liberate manpower.",
"登录程序": "Login procedure",
"打开": "open",
"抓取": "Grasp",
"浏览器": "Browser",
"复制粘贴数据": "Copy and paste data",
"处理Excel": "Processing Excel",
"和邮件": "And mail",
"填写表单": "Fill in form",
"提取结构化": "Extract structure",
"和半结构化数据": "And semi structured data",
"企业内高潜": "High potential in the enterprise",
"适用场景": "Applicable scenario",
"适用于所有在": "Applicable to all",
"数字化设备中": "In digital equipment",
"完成的具有": "Completed with",
"高重复性、强规则性": "High repeatability and strong regularity",
"的流程与工作任务。": "Process and tasks of.",
"这些任务均可以通过软件机器人进行自动化,大大提高人的工作效率,降低企业成本。": "These tasks can be automated by software robots, which can greatly improve the efficiency of human work and reduce the cost of enterprises.",
"人力密集": "Manpower intensive",
"税务申报": "Tax declaration",
"保险理赔": "Insurance claims",
"供应商维护": "Supplier maintenance",
"定期报表汇总:": "Summary of periodic statements:",
"月末财务/财务交付": "Month end finance / financial delivery",
"多分支多线逻辑判断操作": "Multi branch and multi line logic judgment operation",
"OCR应用:": "OCR application:",
"发票自动化": "Invoice automation",
"差旅及费用处理": "Travel and expense handling",
"Mining应用:": "Mining application:",
"财务报告翻译及对比": "Translation and comparison of financial reports",
"跨纸质文档和数字文档的数据处理": "Data processing across paper and digital documents",
"海量数据抓取及数据处理:": "Massive data capture and data processing:",
"财务对帐": "Financial reconciliation",
"系统壁垒": "System barriers",
"跨越系统壁垒数据抓取": "Data capture across system barriers",
"保障数据安全合规": "Ensure data security compliance",
"跨系统操作流程": "Cross system operation process",
"如SAP、金蝶、用友等": "Such as SAP, Kingdee, UFIDA, etc",
"不改变原有系统基础上": "On the basis of not changing the original system",
"敏捷实现新功能的需求": "Requirements for agile implementation of new functions",
"软件机器人": "Software robot",
"适用于不同的行业": "Applicable to different industries",
"能源电信行业": "Energy telecommunication industry",
"能源与电信行业的客户体量巨大,与客户资料与信息相关的流程众多,比如将客户的资料录入,套餐信息更新、信息同步等场景。": "There are a large number of customers in the energy and telecommunications industry, and there are many processes related to customer data and information, such as customer data entry, package information update, information synchronization and other scenarios.",
"软件行业": "Software industry",
"软件界面的测试目前依然依靠大量的人力手动完成,但是大部分的回归测试可以由": "At present, the testing of software interface still relies on a lot of manpower to complete manually, but most regression testing can be done by",
"机器人来代替,成本低、效率高。": "Robot is low cost and high efficiency.",
"客户数据管理与验证、多系统间数据的同步或者迁移、账户的自动化管理、报表自动生成、重复性单据填写、柜台数据备份等众多场景。": "Customer data management and verification, data synchronization or migration between multiple systems, automatic account management, automatic report generation, repetitive document filling, counter data backup and many other scenarios.",
"物流数据自动化、数据监控、供应链系统集成与打通、SOP": "Logistics data automation, data monitoring, supply chain system integration and connection, SOP",
"流程数字化、单据与生产记录数据数字化。": "Process digitization, document and production record data digitization.",
"保险行业": "insurance industry",
"保险行业内存在大量的流程,RPA": "There are a lot of processes in the insurance industry, RPA",
"可以适用于其中大部分流程,包括自动化管理客户服务、接受审查分析与处理与索赔相关的数据等。": "It can be applied to most of these processes, including automatic management of customer service, review, analysis and processing of claim related data, etc.",
"财务行业": "Financial industry",
"财务是": "Finance is",
"的重要应用场景与方向,其中包括报销管理、企业财务共享中心、不同部门的分账管理、发票验证等场景。": "Important application scenarios and directions, including reimbursement management, Enterprise Financial Sharing Center, sub ledger management of different departments, invoice verification and other scenarios.",
"零售物流": "Retail logistics",
"供应链厂商数据打通、自动的库存更新、网站数据导入、订单数据自动处理、客服系统集成、数据监控以及产品的定价比较、单据数字化。": "Supply chain manufacturer data communication, automatic inventory update, website data import, order data automatic processing, customer service system integration, data monitoring, product pricing comparison, document digitization.",
"运维": "Operation and maintenance",
"企业对信息化系统以及": "Enterprise to information system and",
"基础设施的运维自动化,包括权限管理、IT": "Automation of infrastructure operation and maintenance, including rights management and it",
"资产管理、用户管理、任务自动化等。": "Asset management, user management, task automation, etc.",
"应用价值": "Applied value",
"通过机器人释放现有人力,帮助员工专注于更有价值的工作": "Release existing manpower through robots to help employees focus on more valuable work",
"现有流程": "Existing process",
"监控覆盖到“点”或“线”层面": "Monitoring coverage to \"point\" or \"line\" level",
"耗费大量时间与精力": "Spend a lot of time and energy",
"易出错": "Error prone",
"数据不全": "Incomplete data",
"RPA实施": "RPA implementation",
"实现监控“面”的覆盖": "Realize the coverage of monitoring \"face\"",
"缩短人工操作时间": "Reduce labor operation time",
"提升人工操作的准确率": "Improve the accuracy of manual operation",
"机器人全面采集内外部数据": "Robot collects internal and external data comprehensively",
"完善全量数据体系可视化": "Improve the visualization of total data system",
"全透明可审计": "Fully transparent and auditable",
"人机融合": "Human-machine fusion",
"释放人力在高价值工作上": "Release human resources for high value work",
"基于机器人的监控数据基础,": "Robot based monitoring data base,",
"更全面深入地对业务进行监控分析": "More comprehensive and in-depth monitoring and analysis of business",
"提供流程管理与优化的可能性,": "Provide the possibility of process management and optimization,",
"强化数据基础,细化分析维度": "Strengthen data base and refine analysis dimension",
"控制台-机器人流程自动化-云扩科技": "Console robot process automation cloud expansion technology",
"高可用的企业级智能": "High availability enterprise intelligence",
"管理平台": "Management platform",
"让您高效地管理企业的流程自动化任务": "Enables you to efficiently manage enterprise process automation tasks",
"控制台是企业": "Console is an enterprise",
"系统的中央控制中心,提供了机器人和流程的管理调度功能,包括机器人集群管理、流程任务分发、定时计划,提高了机器人的利用率,让您的投资收益扩大化。": "The central control center of the system provides the robot and process management and scheduling functions, including robot cluster management, process task distribution, timing plan, which improves the utilization rate of the robot and makes your investment income expand.",
"控制台提供运营数据仪表盘,实时显示机器人处理任务数据,运营状态及自动化成果一目了然。": "The console provides the operation data dashboard, which displays the task data processed by the robot in real time. The operation status and automation results are clear at a glance.",
"丰富的仪表盘": "Rich dashboard",
"控制台的仪表盘管理当前系统运行的状况:": "The dashboard of the console manages the current system health:",
"包含当前系统正在执行任务的机器人状态、机器人执行的任务": "Including the status of the robot that the current system is performing tasks, and the tasks that the robot performs",
"的数量、任务状态及任务趋势": "Quantity, task status and task trend of",
"详尽的运行历史": "Detailed operation history",
"您可以查看到分配给机器人执行的所有自动化流程": "You can see all the automated processes assigned to the robot",
"的运行历史。": "Operation history of.",
"灵活的用户及权限管理": "Flexible user and authority management",
"您可以自定义设置及管理所有账户信息,": "You can customize settings and manage all account information,",
"同时支持基于角色的访问权限控制功能。": "It also supports role-based access control.",
"高效的机器人管理": "Efficient robot management",
"通过机器人管理页面,您可以添加、删除机器人,": "Through the robot management page, you can add and delete robots,",
"查看其状态,更改运行时的设置。": "View its status and change the runtime settings.",
"灵活部署": "Flexible deployment",
"控制台支持多种部署形式,满足您的个性化需求及严格的企业合规要求。": "The console supports a variety of deployment forms to meet your personalized needs and strict enterprise compliance requirements.",
"公有云部署": "Public cloud deployment",
"私有云部署": "Private cloud deployment",
"私有化本地部署": "Privatize local deployment",
"实现对业务的全面掌控": "Full control of the business",
"控制台同时提供编辑器与机器人的快速下载通道,": "The console also provides a quick download channel for editors and robots,",
"您可第一时间获取云扩全系列产品。": "You can get the full range of cloud expansion products at the first time.",
"《云扩": "Yun Yun",
"白皮书》": "White paper",
"自": "since",
"动": "move",
"为": "by",
"先": "before",
"迎接全新的数字化变革挑战": "Meet the new challenge of digital transformation",
"打造敏捷创新的成功实践": "Successful practice of building agile innovation",
"下载云扩白皮书": "Download cloud expansion white paper",
"全部": "whole",
"公司新闻": "Company news",
"产品动态": "Product dynamics",
"活动新闻": "Event news",
"浅谈RPA在银行业的应用": "On the application of RPA in banking",
"微软资深研发总监缪玉峰:RPA是企业开启AI之门的“金钥匙”": "Miao Yufeng, senior R & D director of Microsoft: RPA is the \"golden key\" for enterprises to open the door of AI",
"云扩科技荣获中国明日之星TOP100企业": "Cloud expansion technology won the top 100 enterprise of China's tomorrow star",
"云扩科技荣获年度最佳RPA科技创新企业": "Cloud expansion technology won the best RPA technology innovation enterprise of the year",
"云扩智能RPA荣膺中国软件渠道推荐RPA品牌": "Cloud expansion intelligent RPA won the RPA brand recommended by China's software channel",
"云扩科技入选创业邦2019中国创新成长企业100强": "Cloud expansion technology is selected as one of the top 100 innovative growth enterprises in China in 2019",
"云扩科技携天匠智能RPA,助力金融数字化转型": "Cloud expansion technology, together with skycraftsman intelligent RPA, helps financial digital transformation",
"编辑器-机器人流程自动化-云扩科技": "Editor robot process automation cloud expansion technology",
"更智能的自动化流程编辑工具": "More intelligent automatic process editing tool",
"轻松创建自动化的业务流程": "Easily create automated business processes",
"全图形化的智能流程设计": "Intelligent process design of full graph",
"编辑器采用直观高效的图形化界面,通过简单的拖拽即可设计复杂的流程,学习成本低。": "The editor adopts an intuitive and efficient graphical interface, and can design complex processes through simple drag and drop, with low learning cost.",
"设计好的流程以流程图形式呈现,所有步骤一目了然,易于企业内部沟通和维护。同时编辑器内置数百个自动化和人工智能组件,与其他软件深度集成,开箱即用,无需额外编程。": "The designed process is presented in the form of flow chart, all steps are clear at a glance, easy to communicate and maintain within the enterprise. At the same time, hundreds of automation and artificial intelligence components are built in the editor, which is deeply integrated with other software, and can be used out of the box without additional programming.",
"编辑器的核心优势": "Editor's core strengths",
"直观的图形化设计": "Intuitive graphic design",
"提供高效便捷的图形化设计界面,通过简单拖拽及连线的方式即可设计复杂的流程。编辑体验更简单,更直观。": "Provide efficient and convenient graphic design interface, and design complex process by simple drag and drop and connection. The editing experience is simpler and more intuitive.",
"内置数百个自动化组件,与其他软件和应用程序深度集成,能够精准操控企业各种系统。这些组件设计规范,功能清晰,开箱即用,无需编程技能即可开发自动化流程。": "Built in hundreds of automation components, deep integration with other software and applications, can accurately control various systems of the enterprise. These components are standardized in design, clear in function, ready to use out of the box, and can develop automatic processes without programming skills.",
"连续录制工具可以通过记录和分析员工对流程的每一步操作,智能选取合适组件进行拼装,自动完成流程的设计,极大地提高了易用性和设计效率。": "Continuous recording tools can record and analyze every step of the process, intelligently select appropriate components for assembly, and automatically complete the process design, greatly improving the usability and design efficiency.",
"编辑器用户界面主要由": "The editor user interface is mainly composed of",
"工具栏、": "Toolbar",
"组件窗口、属性栏": "Component window, property bar",
"和": "and",
"四个区域组成": "Four regional components",
"工具栏": "toolbar",
"提供常用的项目管理": "Provide common project management",
"和编辑工具": "And editing tools",
"通过使用工具栏,您可以开展广泛的活动包括新建、保存并运行您的自动化流程。": "Using the toolbar, you can perform a wide range of activities including creating, saving, and running your automated processes.",
"同时您也可以启动工具栏中的相关工具来帮助您快速完成自动化流程。": "You can also launch related tools in the toolbar to help you quickly complete the automation process.",
"组件窗口": "Component window",
"显示添加到当前项目中": "Show add to current project",
"可以使用的所有组件": "All components available",
"内置数百个组件设计规范,功能清晰,并附有完整的文档描述,通过简单拖拽到设计窗口即可使用。": "Hundreds of component design specifications are built in, with clear functions and complete document description, which can be used by simply dragging to the design window.",
"您还可以从云扩市场获取丰富的自动化组件和": "You can also get rich automation components and",
"组件,满足您多样的业务需求。": "Components to meet your diverse business needs.",
"以图形化的方式展示": "Graphical presentation",
"您当前正在设计的流程": "The process you are currently designing",
"在编辑器内使用鼠标进行简单的拖拽,连线即可设计复杂的流程逻辑。整个流程全部以图形化方式直观呈现,所有步骤一目了然,易于企业内部沟通和维护。": "Use the mouse to drag and drop in the editor, and connect to design complex process logic. The whole process is visualized in a graphical way, all steps are clear at a glance, and it is easy to communicate and maintain within the enterprise.",
"属性栏": "Property bar",
"显示当前组件相关属性": "Display current component related properties",
"您可以通过属性窗口对当前活动的属性进行相关设置。所有组件的属性命名规范,含义清晰,简单易用。": "You can set the properties of the current activity through the properties window. The attribute naming specification of all components is clear and easy to use.",
"更多智能化功能": "More intelligent functions",
"项目管理": "project management",
"统一管理单个流程需求的所有项目文件与依赖,方便创建、分享、发布自动化流程。": "Manage all project files and dependencies of single process requirements in a unified way to facilitate the creation, sharing and release of automated processes.",
"便利搜索": "Convenient search",
"通过搜索框,您可以快速找到您想要的组件。": "Through the search box, you can quickly find the components you want.",
"调试功能": "Debugging function",
"支持对复杂的流程进行断点以及单步调试,快速排查流程设计中的问题。": "Support breakpoint and single step debugging for complex processes, and quickly troubleshoot problems in process design.",
"智能录制": "Intelligent recording",
"录制支持PC、桌面、网站、JAVA、移动端录制及远程录制,大大提升流程编写效率。": "Recording supports PC, desktop, website, Java, mobile recording and remote recording, greatly improving the efficiency of process writing.",
"丰富组件": "Rich components",
"编辑器内置包含网页/桌面/Java/Excel/OCR": "Editor built-in includes web page / desktop / Java / Excel / OCR",
"识别等数百种通用自动化及人工智能组件,开箱即用。": "Hundreds of general automation and artificial intelligence components, such as identification, are available out of the box.",
"错误项检查": "Error item check",
"编辑器内置智能的预检查功能,提前发现流程创作中的错误,并给出改正提示。": "The editor has built-in intelligent pre check function to find errors in process creation in advance and give correction tips.",
"您可在此浏览搜索由云扩科技及合作伙伴提供的丰富的自动化和人工智能组件,简单点击选取即可使用在您的流程中。": "Here you can browse and search the rich automation and artificial intelligence components provided by cloud expansion technology and partners, and simply click to select them to use in your process.",
"完备的逻辑执行能力": "Complete logic execution ability",
"编辑器支持流程的嵌套、局部流程的模块化和重用。支持全面的逻辑控制,包括序列化执行、循环、状态机、并行、决策等。": "The editor supports nesting of processes, modularization and reuse of local processes. Support comprehensive logic control, including serialized execution, loop, state machine, parallel, decision-making, etc.",
"语言扩展": "Language extension",
"编辑器支持执行C#、JS": "The editor supports the execution of C and JS",
"代码,并且可以调用": "Code, and can call",
"中的": "Medium",
"宏代码,能够极大提高流程编辑的灵活性。": "Macro code can greatly improve the flexibility of process editing.",
"即刻使用": "Immediate use",
"创建您的自动化流程!": "Create your automated process!",
"工欲善其事必先利其器": "If you want to do good work, you must first sharpen your tools",
"编辑器创建您的自动化流程!": "Editor to create your automation process!",
"云扩 RPA 平台": "RPA platform of cloud expansion",
"云扩 RPA 在保险行业": "Cloud RPA in insurance industry",
"保险公司可以通过 RPA 以非侵入性方式实现": "Insurance companies can do this in a non-invasive way through RPA",
"云扩 RPA 应用场景": "RPA application scenario of cloud expansion",
"云扩 RPA 的优势": "Advantages of cloud expansion RPA",
"云扩 RPA 采用的是外挂非侵入部署方式,": "The RPA of cloud expansion adopts the non-invasive deployment mode of plug-in,",
"使用云扩 RPA,可实现自动导出客户投诉信息,自动整理不同类型的投诉数据,并把汇总": "By using the RPA of cloud expansion, the customer complaint information can be automatically exported, different types of complaint data can be automatically sorted out and summarized",
"即刻使用云扩 RPA 开启您的自动化之旅": "Start your automation journey with cloud expansion RPA now",
"简单 · 智能,人人可用,成就你我非凡人生。": "Simple, intelligent, everyone can use, to achieve you and my extraordinary life.",
"购买咨询 400-639-2198": "Purchase consultation 400-639-2198",
"云扩 RPA": "Cloud expansion RPA",
"© 2017-2020上海云扩信息技术有限公司版权所有": "Copyright 2017-2020 Shanghai cloud expansion information technology Co., Ltd",
"沪公网安备 31010602002627号": "Hu Gong Wang an Bei No. 31010602002627",
"云扩 RPA 在制造行业": "Cloud RPA in manufacturing industry",
"许多制造企业使用 RPA 提高了运营的灵活性,": "Many manufacturing enterprises use RPA to improve operational flexibility,",
"云扩 RPA 可以实时监控每个流程,": "The RPA can monitor each process in real time,",
"云扩 RPA 不存储任何流程中的数据,": "Cloud expansion RPA does not store data in any process,",
"使用云扩 RPA,可实现从打开不同管理系统,到下载不同系统上的各种报表数据,": "With the RPA, you can open different management systems and download various report data on different systems,",
"云扩 RPA 机器人": "RPA robot of cloud expansion",
"云扩 RPA 机器人可自动运行在云扩 RPA 编辑器内预先设定好的流程,您可以从云扩 RPA 控制台获取机器人并进行统一调度和管理。": "The cloud expansion RPA robot can automatically run the pre-set process in the cloud expansion RPA editor. You can get the robot from the cloud expansion RPA console and conduct unified scheduling and management.",
"云扩 RPA 机器人是云扩 RPA 平台的基础组成部分之一,作为云扩 RPA 的执行代理,能够自动执行您在云扩 RPA 编辑器内所预先设计好的工作流程,替代繁琐的人工执行过程,处理各种复杂任务,使您的工作更轻松高效。同时,云扩 RPA 机器人可以满足企业多样化的办公需求,进一步优化工作流程。": "The RPA robot is one of the basic components of the RPA platform. As the execution agent of the RPA, it can automatically execute the workflow designed in advance in the RPA editor, replace the tedious manual execution process, handle various complex tasks, and make your work easier and more efficient. At the same time, the RPA robot can meet the diversified office needs of enterprises and further optimize the workflow.",
"云扩 RPA 机器人强大的自动化功能": "Powerful automation function of RPA robot",
"简单 · 智能,人人可用,成就你我非凡人生": "Simple, intelligent, available to all, make our extraordinary life",
"云扩 RPA 在物流行业": "Cloud RPA in logistics industry",
"RPA 与物流供应链的结合将大大提高": "The combination of RPA and logistics supply chain will be greatly improved",
"无论多么细心的员工也难免会有出错的时候,处理结果总是难以达到 100% 正确率。": "No matter how careful the employees are, they will inevitably make mistakes, and the result is always difficult to achieve 100% accuracy.",
"RPA 机器人在处理数据时完全是闭环操作,": "RPA robot is completely closed-loop when processing data,",
"云扩 RPA 采用的是一种外挂非侵入部署方式,": "Cloud expansion RPA adopts an external non-invasive deployment mode,",
"使用云扩 RPA,可实现供应链厂商数据打通、网站数据导入、订单数据自动处理、自动按照": "Using the RPA, we can get through the data of supply chain manufacturers, import the website data, automatically process the order data, and automatically follow the",
"云扩 RPA 在能源行业": "Cloud RPA in energy industry",
"云扩 RPA 可以将内勤人员从许多大量的": "The RPA of cloud expansion can transform the internal service personnel from a large number of",
"性能原因而限制查询,通过云扩 RPA": "Query limited due to performance reasons, via cloud expansion RPA",
"应付物资款串户检查流程主要是在 SAP 中检查应付物资款明细中供应商名称、文本和附件清单是否与应付物资款科目一致。由于检查时需要逐行检查,并且判断条件多,人工操作时容易看错行造成检查错误。": "The serial check process of accounts payable is mainly to check whether the supplier name, text and attachment list in the accounts payable details are consistent with the accounts payable in SAP. Due to the need to check line by line and many judgment conditions, it is easy to read the wrong line during manual operation, resulting in inspection errors.",
"每次运行机器人,完成 1000 多次以上的操作,并通过机器人进行集中操作,解决数据重复操作下载的情况,从手工耗时半天转变成机器人迅速处理完成。": "Each time the robot runs, more than 1000 operations are completed, and the centralized operation is carried out by the robot to solve the situation of repeated data operation download, which is transformed from a half day manual operation to a rapid processing by the robot.",
"云扩 RPA 在软件行业": "Cloud RPA in software industry",
"和打补丁, IT 运维自然成为了企业管理过程中": "With patching, it operation and maintenance naturally become the process of enterprise management",
"7*24 小时值守": "7 * 24 hours on duty",
"运维工作细致繁琐,机械重复,要求准确度高,同时多个平台和软件界面难以整合,难以保障 7*24 小时高质量全天值守。": "The operation and maintenance work is meticulous and tedious, with repetitive machinery and high accuracy requirements. At the same time, it is difficult to integrate multiple platforms and software interfaces, and it is difficult to guarantee 7 * 24-hour high-quality on duty all day.",
"云扩 RPA 的所有行为都在监管范围内,": "All behaviors of cloud expansion RPA are within the scope of supervision,",
"短信等方式发送给云扩 RPA 机器人的管理者。": "SMS and other methods are sent to the managers of RPA robots.",
"繁杂操作的工作均可通过云扩 RPA 轻松完成。": "Complex operations can be easily completed through RPA.",
"某大型 IT 公司": "A large IT company",
"使用 ansible 工具定义数据库资源,定义好需要备份数据的服务器,以及用以测试备份": "Use ansible tool to define database resources, define the servers that need to back up data, and test the backup",
"使用云扩 RPA,可以实现定义数据库资源到数据检测的自动化,并将检查结果发送给管理员。": "Using RPA of cloud expansion can realize the automation of defining database resources to data detection, and send the inspection results to the administrator.",
"工作耗时减少。数据提取成功率提高。24 小时无人值守。": "Less time to work. The success rate of data extraction is improved. 24 hours unattended.",
"云扩 RPA 在银行业": "Cloud RPA in banking",
"强合规是 RPA 典型应用场景": "Strong compliance is a typical RPA application scenario",
"无需改变现有系统、无需做 API 开发,": "No need to change the existing system, no need to do API development,",
"使用云扩 RPA,可以实现从数据仓库每月自动抓取每个分行的数据进行统计,": "Using the RPA of cloud expansion, we can automatically grab the data of each branch from the data warehouse every month for statistics,",
"云扩科技官网-智能RPA机器人 | 企业级流程自动化平台": "Cloud expansion technology official website - Intelligent RPA robot - enterprise level process automation platform",
"及云扩 RPA 学习平台": "And cloud expansion RPA learning platform",
"简单 · 智能,成就非凡": "Simple, intelligent and outstanding",
"感谢您关注云扩 RPA(Encoo RPA Platform)!": "Thank you for your attention to the cloud RPA (encoo RPA platform)!",
"您可以拨打 400-639-2198 联系您的专属顾问,了解更多产品详情。": "You can contact your exclusive consultant at 400-639-2198 for more product details.",
"上海云扩信息科技有限公司成立于 2017 年,": "Shanghai cloud expansion information technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2017,",
"是一家全球领军的智能 RPA 科技企业。": "It is a leading intelligent RPA technology enterprise in the world.",
"公司以自研的云扩 RPA 平台为核心,致力于为各行业客户提供智能的 RPA 机器人产品与解决方案,通过RPA赋能,持续为客户创造价值,助力企业推进数字化转型。": "The company takes the self-developed cloud expansion RPA platform as the core, and is committed to providing customers in various industries with intelligent RPA robot products and solutions. Through RPA empowerment, the company continues to create value for customers and helps enterprises to promote digital transformation.",
"云扩科技的品牌 ENCOO,来自于": "The brand of cloud expansion technology, encoo, comes from",
"peration 的缩写,公司希望能借助 RPA 技术,“Enable Cooperation of Human and Machine”,打造人机协作的未来。": "For the abbreviation of performance, the company hopes to use RPA technology to \"enable cooperation of human and machine\" to build the future of human-computer cooperation.",
"目前云扩科技拥有数百名员工,在上海、北京、深圳、西安、苏州及日本东京均设有分公司及研发中心。公司已服务了来自金融、能源、电信、财税、制造、物流、零售等多个行业的上百家企业,始终坚持围绕客户需求持续创新,加大产品研发投入,为客户提供有竞争力、安全可信赖的 RPA 产品以及更智能的流程自动化解决方案,不断降低企业采用 RPA 的门槛。": "At present, cloud expansion technology has hundreds of employees, with branches and R & D centers in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Suzhou and Tokyo, Japan. The company has served hundreds of enterprises from finance, energy, telecommunications, finance and taxation, manufacturing, logistics, retail and other industries. It always insists on continuous innovation based on customer demand, increases investment in product research and development, provides customers with competitive, safe and reliable RPA products and more intelligent process automation solutions, and constantly reduces the threshold for enterprises to adopt RPA.",
"[强大的 RPA + AI 专家团队]": "[strong RPA + AI expert team]",
"作为国内一家专注于研发智能 RPA 平台的高科技公司,云扩科技拥有深厚的技术底蕴以及打造企业级产品的能力。云扩创始团队基因根植于微软,拥有十几年的桌面自动化、高性能计算技术背景及企业级软件产品和云服务的研发、商业化实践经验。其他核心团队成员主要来自微软、阿里云、腾讯、浪潮等企业高级商务与研发岗位。自2017年创立以来,团队成员专注于企业服务领域的自动化产品解决方案,以赋能中国企业自动化能力,跨越数字化鸿沟为愿景。": "As a high-tech company focusing on the research and development of intelligent RPA platform in China, cloud expansion technology has a profound technical background and the ability to create enterprise level products. The founding team of cloud expansion is rooted in Microsoft. It has more than ten years of experience in desktop automation, high-performance computing technology, enterprise level software product and cloud service R & D and commercialization. Other core team members mainly come from Microsoft, Alibaba cloud, Tencent, Inspur and other senior business and R & D positions. Since its establishment in 2017, team members have focused on the automation product solutions in the field of enterprise services, with the vision of enabling the automation capability of Chinese enterprises and crossing the digital divide.",
"前微软 Azure 云计算平台数据管理自动化产品负责人": "Former Microsoft azure cloud computing platform data management automation product leader",
"原美国 UiPath 公司全球研发总监": "Former global R & D director of uipath",
"红杉资本 合伙人": "Sequoia Capital partner",
"“我们看好云扩科技团队扎实的企业级服务基因,相信足够的专注和聚焦能够让云扩科技突破 RPA 技术在中国市场的挑战。”": "\"We are optimistic about the solid enterprise level service gene of the cloud expansion technology team, and believe that enough focus and focus can make cloud expansion technology break through the challenges of RPA technology in the Chinese market.\"",
"金沙江创投 主管合伙人": "Partner in charge of Jinshajiang venture capital",
"“云扩科技是国内少有的具备将软件封装成产品的能力的 RPA 专家团队,兼具不可替代的技术实力与产品能力,真正可以赋能第三方,赋能生态体系,可以更快速扩展客户。”": "\"Cloud expansion technology is a rare RPA expert team with the ability to package software into products in China. It has irreplaceable technical strength and product ability, and can really empower third parties, enable ecosystem, and expand customers more quickly.\"",
"明势资本 创始合伙人": "Founding partner of Mingshi capital",
"“云扩科技就是我们希望找到的懂技术的企业家团队、更为可贵的是团队脚踏实地的同时可以「仰望星空」,一方面具备服务企业级客户的专家团队,一方面致力于 AI+RPA 更为广阔、更具想象力的万亿市场。”": "\"Cloud expansion technology is the entrepreneurial team that we hope to find. What's more valuable is that when the team is down-to-earth, it can\" look up to the stars \". On the one hand, it has an expert team that serves enterprise customers. On the other hand, it is committed to a broader and more imaginative trillion market of AI + RPA.\"",
"中美平行基金 首席合伙人": "Chief partner of Sino US parallel fund",
"“我们看好云扩科技的企业级服务基因和人工智能研发实力,我们相信过硬的技术产品实力和前瞻性创新能力可以让云扩科技成为国际 RPA 领域不可忽视的创新领跑者。”": "\"We are optimistic about the enterprise level service gene and artificial intelligence R & D strength of cloud expansion technology. We believe that excellent technical product strength and forward-looking innovation ability can make cloud expansion technology become an innovation leader that cannot be ignored in the international RPA field.\"",
"· 全球十佳「RPA+AI」创新企业": "·Top 10 \"RPA + AI\" innovative enterprises in the world",
"· 2019 中国软件渠道推荐 RPA 品牌": "·2019 China software channel recommends RPA brand",
"· AWS AI Fusion Award 金融潜力产品奖": "·AWS AI fusion Award",
"· 2019 年度最佳 RPA 创新企业": "·RPA innovation enterprise of the year 2019",
"· 三十大最具创新 AI 产品/解决方案": "·30 most innovative AI products / solutions",
"· 2019 中国创新成长企业 100 强": "·Top 100 innovative growth enterprises in 2019",
"· WIM 2019 中国明日之星 TOP 100 企业": "·WIM 2019 China tomorrow star top 100 enterprise",
"· 2019上海青年创新创业大赛 综合赛创业组一等奖": "·The first prize of entrepreneurship group of comprehensive competition of 2019 Shanghai Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition",
"· To B 行业 2019 影响力价值榜单企业": "·To B industry 2019 influence value list enterprise",
"Plug and Play 加速营成员": "Member of plug and play acceleration camp",
"云扩 RPA Connect 大会": "RPA connect conference of cloud expansion",
"自动为先 · 制胜未来": "Auto first, win the future",
"云扩 RPA Connect 大会是携手合作伙伴联合举办的 RPA 行业活动,通过分享 RPA 最新技术、产品、场景案例、实施经验等干货内容,为参会者提供一个探索RPA 最新技术、连接未来智能工作方式、缔结合作机会等平台。": "Cloud expansion RPA connect conference is an RPA industry activity jointly held with partners. By sharing the latest RPA technology, products, scenario cases, implementation experience and other dry goods, it provides participants with a platform to explore the latest RPA technology, connect future intelligent work methods, and conclude cooperation opportunities.",
"2019年11月26日,2019云扩 RPA Connect 大会在北京微软大厦成功举办,此次活动邀请了包括微软加速器 CTO 王雷、微软亚洲工程院·商用人工智能首席总监雷闻、安永咨询服务部合伙人兰瑜、致同信息科技咨询总监 RPA 团队负责人任子旭在内的多位嘉宾出席。": "On November 26, 2019, the RPA connect conference of cloud expansion was successfully held in Microsoft building, Beijing. This event invited many guests including Wang Lei, CTO of Microsoft accelerator, Lei Wen, chief director of commercial artificial intelligence of Microsoft Asia Engineering Academy, Lan Yu, partner of ey consulting service department, Ren Zixu, team leader of RPA, director of information technology consulting of Zhitong.",
"2019云扩 RPA Connect大会嘉宾阵容": "2019 RPA connect conference guest lineup",
"创始人 CEO": "Founder CEO",
"联合创始人 CPO": "Co founder CPO",
"商用人工智能 首席总监": "Chief director of business AI",
"RPA 团队负责人": "RPA team leader",
"2019云扩 RPA Connect 大会议程": "Agenda of RPA connect in 2019",
"自动为先,开启 RPA 之旅": "Start RPA tour with automatic priority",
"云扩科技 CEO 刘春刚": "Liu Chungang, CEO of cloud expansion technology",
"RPA 应用的现状及未来": "Current situation and future of RPA application",
"安永咨询服务部合伙人 兰瑜": "Lan Yu, partner of Ernst & Young Consulting Service Department",
"RPA+AI 打造云端数字员工": "RPA + AI create cloud digital employees",
"微软亚洲互联网工程院商用人工智能首席总监 雷闻": "Lei Wen, chief director of business artificial intelligence, Microsoft Asia Internet Engineering Institute",
"RPA 实施经验分享": "RPA implementation experience sharing",
"致同信息科技咨询总监 RPA 团队负责人 任子旭": "Ren Zixu, team leader of RPA, it Consulting Director of Grant Thornton",
"云扩 RPA·Spark": "RPA · spark",
"2019云扩 RPA Connect 大会合作伙伴": "Partner of RPA connect conference of cloud expansion in 2019",
"2019云扩 RPA Connect 大会精彩瞬间": "Highlights of the RPA connect conference in 2019",
"RPA 技术分享": "RPA technology sharing",
"RPA 行业大咖": "RPA industry leader",
"RPA 实践体验": "RPA practical experience",
"预约2020云扩 RPA Connect 大会": "Appointment of RPA connect conference in 2020",
"云扩 RPA 进化者大会": "RPA evolutor conference of cloud expansion",
"敬请期待 2020 云扩 RPA 进化者大会": "Please look forward to the RPA evolutor conference 2020",
"云扩 RPA 进化者大会是汇聚": "The RPA evolutor conference of cloud expansion is a gathering",
"RPA 前沿科技、最新 RPA 产品、": "RPA cutting edge technology, the latest RPA products",
"RPA 行业解决方案、RPA 行业": "RPA industry solutions, RPA industry",
"2019年9月5日,第一届云扩 RPA 进化者大会在上海成功举办。本次大会邀请了上海市经信委人工智能处副处长": "On September 5, 2019, the first cloud expansion RPA evolutor conference was successfully held in Shanghai. The conference invited deputy director of Artificial Intelligence Department of Shanghai Economic and Information Commission",
"始人兼 CEO 周永钢、微软人工智能商用部资深产品总监缪玉峰、兴业数金 RPA 产品总监梁一纲、华美咨询集": "Zhou Yonggang, founder and CEO, Miao Yufeng, senior product director of Microsoft artificial intelligence business department, Liang Yigang, product director of Xingye Shujin RPA, Huamei Consulting Group",
"团执行董事王炜文、德勤中国副总监周麟等多位知名投资人及 RPA 行业专家出席,与600余位开发者与合作伙": "Wang Weiwen, executive director of the group, Zhou Lin, deputy director of Deloitte China and other well-known investors and RPA industry experts attended the meeting, and more than 600 developers and partners",
"伴共同见证了数字化时代企业级云扩 RPA 平台的全新突破,为与会者带来了一场精彩纷呈的 RPA 技术盛宴。": "The company witnessed a new breakthrough in the RPA platform of enterprise level cloud expansion in the digital era, bringing a wonderful RPA technology feast to the participants.",
"2019云扩 RPA 进化者大会嘉宾阵容": "The guest lineup of the evolution conference of cloud expansion RPA in 2019",
"信息技术 合伙人": "It partner",
"兴业数金 RPA": "Industrial digital gold RPA",
"RPA 中国": "RPA China",
"联合创始人 CTO": "Co founder CTO",
"2019云扩 RPA 进化者大会议程": "Agenda of the evolution conference of cloud expansion RPA in 2019",
"RPA 开启企业数字化演进之门": "RPA opens the door of enterprise digital evolution",
"RPA 在中国": "RPA in China",
"金沙江创投主管合伙人 朱啸虎": "Zhu Xiaohu, partner in charge of Jinshajiang venture capital",
"云扩企业级智能 RPA 产品发布 (Demo展示)": "Cloud expansion enterprise level intelligent RPA product release (demo display)",
"云扩科技 CTO 史秋芳": "Shi Qiufang, CTO of cloud expansion technology",
"云扩 RPA 云服务发布:打造云端数字化员工": "Cloud expansion RPA cloud service release: Building Digital employees in the cloud",
"RPA 是企业开启 AI 之门的“金钥匙”": "RPA is the \"golden key\" for enterprises to open the door of AI",
"微软资深研发总监 缪玉峰": "Miao Yufeng, senior R & D director of Microsoft",
"财务 RPA 机器人的分享": "Sharing of RPA robot in Finance",
"德勤中国数字化与信息技术合伙人 杨玲玲": "Yang Lingling, partner of Deloitte China Digital and information technology",
"RPA 在物流行业的广泛应用": "RPA is widely used in logistics industry",
"壹站创始人 CEO 周永钢": "Zhou Yonggang, founder and CEO of one stop",
"RPA 在银行行业的广泛应用": "Extensive application of RPA in banking industry",
"兴业数金 RPA 产品总监 梁一纲": "Liang Yigang, RPA product director of Societe Generale",
"RPA 白皮书发布": "RPA white paper release",
"2019云扩 RPA 进化者大会合作伙伴": "Partner of RPA evolutor conference of cloud expansion in 2019",
"2019云扩 RPA 进化者大会精彩瞬间": "Wonderful moment of RPA evolutor conference in 2019",
"带来 RPA 干货分享": "Bring RPA dry goods sharing",
"8大 Demo": "8 big Demo",
"揭秘2020版云扩 RPA": "Uncover the RPA of cloud expansion 2020",
"预约2020云扩 RPA 进化者大会参会名额": "Appointment of participants in the RPA evolutor conference in 2020",
"2020云扩 RPA 渠道合作伙伴大会": "2020 RPA Channel Partner Conference of cloud expansion",
"云扩 RPA Formation 渠道大会旨在联接商业合作伙伴、": "The RPA formation channel conference aims to connect business partners",
"实施合作伙伴等渠道合作资源,共建 RPA 商业生态,": "Implement cooperation resources from partners and other channels, build RPA business ecosystem,",
"用 RPA 赋能各行业,共享市场。": "Use RPA to empower industries and share market.",
"预约2020云扩 RPA Formation 大会参会名额": "Reserve the number of participants of RPA formation conference in 2020",
"云扩 Spark RPA 工作坊": "Cloud expansion spark RPA workshop",
"Spark More 去发现 RPA 的无限可能吧!": "Spark more to discover the infinite possibilities of RPA!",
"云扩 Spark RPA 工作坊是基于云扩 RPA 产品": "Cloud expansion spark RPA workshop is based on cloud expansion RPA products",
"研发的一套 Design Thinking 流程挖掘工具。": "A set of design thinking process mining tools developed.",
"通过云扩 RPA 工具箱和沙盘,云扩 RPA 工作坊让企业各个部门的员工共同挖掘高潜的自动化": "Through the RPA toolbox and sandbox, the RPA workshop enables employees from all departments of the enterprise to jointly explore high potential automation",
"工作流程。参与者可以将工作场景中业务流程的每一步转化成相应的 RPA 组件,并将数百个": "Workflow. Participants can transform each step of the business process in the work scenario into corresponding RPA components, and transfer hundreds of",
"RPA 组件像乐高积木一样组合起来,完成真实的工作场景和业务流程的自动化“改造”。": "RPA components are combined like Lego building blocks to complete the automatic \"transformation\" of real work scenarios and business processes.",
"仅需一个小时,业务人员就可以完成 POC 流程的“改造”,并清晰计算出实施的 ROI。": "In only one hour, the business personnel can complete the \"transformation\" of POC process and clearly calculate the ROI of implementation.",
"云扩 Spark RPA 工作坊活动流程": "Activity flow of spark RPA workshop of cloud expansion",
"云扩 Spark RPA 工作坊活动亮点": "Highlights of cloud expansion spark RPA workshop",
"30+客座导师 大咖云集": "30 + guest tutors gather",
"视觉引导师 -视觉实践创始人": "Vision Guide - founder of vision practice",
"云扩 Spark RPA 工作坊合作伙伴": "Cloud expansion spark RPA workshop partner",
"2019云扩 Spark RPA 工作坊精彩回顾": "Review of 2019 cloud expansion spark RPA workshop",
"如何参与云扩 Spark RPA 工作坊?": "How to participate in the spark RPA workshop of cloud expansion?",
"的 RPA 工作坊参与机会,": "RPA workshop participation opportunities,",
"让专业的讲师和 RPA 专家走进您的企业辅助员工挖掘原生的自动化价值空地!": "Let professional lecturers and RPA experts enter into your enterprise to assist employees in mining the original automated value space!",
"云扩 RPA进化者大会": "RPA evolutor conference of cloud expansion",
"敬请期待 2020 云扩RPA 进化者大会": "Please look forward to the RPA evolutor conference 2020",
"「 智能进化 不止于此」 2020 云扩 RPA 春季线上发布会带您开启智能自动化之旅": "\"Intelligent evolution is more than this\" 2020 cloud expansion RPA spring online conference takes you on the journey of Intelligent Automation",
"2020年04月10日 06:00": "06:00, April 10, 2020",
"云扩 RPA 进化者大会是汇聚 RPA 前沿科技、最新 RPA 产品、RPA 行业解决方案、RPA 行业趋势的前瞻性行业盛会。": "The RPA evolutor conference of cloud expansion is a forward-looking industry event that gathers RPA cutting-edge technology, the latest RPA products, RPA industry solutions and RPA industry trends.",
"云扩 Connect 合作伙伴大会": "Cloud expansion connect Partner Conference",
"云扩 Connect 合作伙伴大会是云扩科技携手合作伙伴联合举办的 RPA 行业活动,通过分享 RPA 最新技术、场景案例及实施经验,力求促进客户成功,用 RPA 技术赋能各个行业。": "Cloud expansion connect Partner Conference is an RPA industry activity jointly held by cloud expansion technology and partners. By sharing the latest RPA technology, scenario cases and implementation experience, we strive to promote customer success and empower various industries with RPA technology.",
"云扩 RPA 工作坊": "RPA workshop of cloud expansion",
"云扩RPA工作坊是基于云扩 RPA 产品研发的一套 Design Thinking 流程挖掘工具。帮助企业在短短一个小时内梳理出可视化流程。": "Cloud expansion RPA workshop is a set of design thinking process mining tools based on cloud expansion RPA product development. Help enterprises sort out the visualization process in just one hour.",
"云扩 RPA 渠道合作伙伴大会": "RPA Channel Partner Conference of cloud expansion",
"云扩 Formation 渠道大会旨在拓展公司渠道伙伴、实施合作伙伴等渠道合作资源,为合作伙伴提供帮助,共建 RPA 行业生态,一起取得成功。": "The cloud expansion formation channel conference aims to expand channel cooperation resources such as channel partners and implementation partners of the company, provide help to partners, build RPA industry ecology and achieve success together.",
"2019云扩 Connect 合作伙伴大会 | 自动为先 制胜未来界": "2019 cloud expansion connect Partner Conference | automatically win the future",
"2019云扩 RPA 进化者大会|天生匠心·智领世界": "2019 RPA evolutionist conference of cloud expansion",
"共同打造 RPA 商业生态": "Create RPA business ecosystem together",
"加入云扩 RPA 平台合作伙伴生态,用RPA技术赋能各个行业,共享市场。": "Join the RPA platform partner ecosystem of cloud expansion, enable various industries and share the market with RPA technology.",
"享受强大的 RPA 开发工具": "Enjoy powerful RPA development tools",
"携手合作伙伴,推动 RPA 行业发展,塑造 RPA 未来生态,共享广阔市场。": "Join hands with partners to promote the development of RPA industry, shape the future ecology of RPA, and share a broad market.",
"技术合作伙伴,作为云扩智能 RPA 平台的基础机器人设施平台,为更多的客户提供整合的 RPA 机器人服务。": "Technology partners, as the infrastructure platform of RPA platform, provide integrated RPA robot services for more customers.",
"云扩 RPA 社区版": "Cloud expansion RPA Community Edition",
"云扩 RPA 社区版为您提供业务流程自动化的闭环体验": "Cloud expansion RPA Community Edition provides you with a closed-loop experience of business process automation",
"云扩 RPA 平台的六大优势": "Six advantages of cloud expansion RPA platform",
"企业级 RPA 平台": "Enterprise RPA platform",
"开放的 RPA 生态": "Open RPA ecology",
"注册云扩 RPA 社区版,即可体验社区版编辑器、": "Register the RPA Community Edition of cloud expansion to experience the Community Edition editor",
"使 用 须 知": "Instructions for use",
"云扩 RPA 社区版面向所有个人开发者,通过它可以创建您的自动化流程,但不能用于商业用途。您在完成社区版注册后,系统会为您自动生成一个社区版许可证,即时生效。该许可证内包含一个社区版机器人和一个社区版编辑器,价格免费、不可商用、数量不可增加。许可证有效期为一年,到期后登陆即自动延长。此外社区版许可证不包含企业版产品。": "The RPA Community Edition of cloud expansion is for all individual developers, through which you can create your automated processes, but it cannot be used for commercial purposes. After you complete the community version registration, the system will automatically generate a community Version License for you, which will take effect immediately. The license includes a community version robot and a community version editor, which are free of charge, non-commercial, and non increasing in quantity. The license is valid for one year and will be automatically extended upon landing. In addition, the community license does not include enterprise products.",
"即刻使用云扩 RPA 社区版开启您的自动化之旅": "Start your automation journey with the RPA Community Edition of cloud expansion now",
"云扩智能 RPA": "Cloud expansion intelligent RPA",
"云扩智能 RPA 平台架构": "Cloud expansion intelligent RPA platform architecture",
"云扩 RPA 编辑器": "Cloud expansion RPA editor",
"直观易用 无需编程能力": "Intuitive and easy to use without programming capability",
"云扩 RPA 控制台": "Cloud expansion RPA console",
"基于角色的访问控制 可自由创建角色": "Role based access control creates roles freely",
"0基础 快速创建您的流程自动化机器人": "0 foundation quickly create your process automation robot",
"云扩 RPA 机器人是您得力的工作助手,帮助您执行繁杂的工作任务,": "The RPA robot of cloud expansion is your powerful work assistant to help you perform complex tasks,",
"您可以通过云扩 RPA 控制台集中部署并有效管理您的机器人及流程。": "You can centrally deploy and effectively manage your robots and processes through the cloud expansion RPA console.",
"开放共赢的 RPA 生态": "Open and win-win RPA ecology",
"组件市场可集成多厂商 AI 技能": "Component market can integrate multi vendor AI skills",
"支持企业深度定制 AI": "Support enterprise in-depth customization of AI",
"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t编辑器采用直观高效的图形化界面,通过简单的拖拽即可设计复杂的流程,学习成本低。设计好的流程以流程图形式呈现,所有步骤一目了然,易于企业内部沟通和维护。编辑器内置数百个自动化和人工智能组件,与其他软件深度集成,开箱即用,无需额外编程。": "The editor adopts an intuitive and efficient graphical interface, and can design complex processes through simple drag and drop, with low learning cost. The designed process is presented in the form of flow chart, all steps are clear at a glance, easy to communicate and maintain within the enterprise. Editor built-in hundreds of automation and artificial intelligence components, and other software depth integration, out of the box, without additional programming.",
"云扩 RPA 与 Windows": "RPA and windows",
"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t操作系统深度集成,利用系统底层原生驱动,为企业提供准确可靠的自动化技术。云扩控制台提供了强大的机器人和流程的管理功能,能动态执行任务分发,支持定时计划,提高机器人的利用率,使您的投资收益扩大化。": "The deep integration of the operating system and the use of the underlying native drivers provide enterprises with accurate and reliable automation technology. The cloud expansion console provides powerful robot and process management functions, which can dynamically execute task distribution, support timing plan, improve the utilization rate of robots, and expand your investment income.",
"云扩 RPA 平台具备无与伦比的开放性和可扩展性。通过丰富的组件市场和流程市场,用户只需通过简单拖拽,就可以将生态系统中的强大的自动化能力和 AI 能力嵌入到流程当中,足以满足各种行业需求。": "The RPA platform of cloud expansion has unparalleled openness and scalability. Through the rich component market and process market, users can embed powerful automation and AI capabilities in the ecosystem into the process by simply dragging, which is enough to meet the needs of various industries.",
"云扩 RPA 平台提供大量内置 AI 技能,实现更多业务场景的自动化。我们建立了开放的 AI 组件市场,新的 AI 技能正在不断地添加到市场中。您可以使用现成的 AI 组件,或者从市场中获取,也能集成企业自定义的 AI": "The RPA platform of cloud expansion provides a large number of built-in AI skills to automate more business scenarios. We have established an open AI component market, and new AI skills are constantly added to the market. You can use off the shelf AI components, or get them from the market, or integrate enterprise customized AI",
"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t技能。": "Skill.",
"我们提供专业的团队和企业共同梳理流程的各个环节,科学规划 RPA 实施,全程监控实施过程及运行效率,持续为客户提供定制化服务,为企业增效赋能。": "We provide professional teams and enterprises to sort out all aspects of the process, scientifically plan the implementation of RPA, monitor the implementation process and operation efficiency in the whole process, continue to provide customized services for customers, and enable enterprises to increase efficiency.",
"通过运用 RPA 技术可以帮助金融行业快速梳理流程、降低操作风险以及人力成本。像信贷评估、合规报告跨系统生成、柜台数据备份等众多业务流程都可以交由 RPA 机器人自动完成,释放企业创新价值。": "The RPA technology can help the financial industry to sort out the process quickly, reduce the operational risk and human cost. Many business processes, such as credit evaluation, cross system generation of compliance reports, counter data backup, etc., can be automatically completed by RPA robots to release the innovation value of enterprises.",
"从提升地产公司内部财务和审计流程,到帮助物业实现自动化升级等方面 RPA 都可以大展身手。通过 RPA 技术的应用,赋能地产行业敏捷的数字化转型能力。": "RPA can play a great role in improving the internal financial and audit process of real estate companies, and helping the property realize automatic upgrading. Through the application of RPA technology, the real estate industry can be endowed with agile digital transformation ability.",
"供应链厂商数据打通、自动的库存更新、网站数据导入、订单数据自动处理等都涉及繁琐的人工操作。RPA 机器人的加入可以帮助员工精简操作步骤,提高处理速度,为业务创新提速创造条件。": "Supply chain manufacturer data communication, automatic inventory update, website data import, order data automatic processing and so on all involve tedious manual operation. RPA robot can help employees simplify operation steps, improve processing speed and create conditions for business innovation.",
"随着新一代信息技术的发展,政府机构也在积极推进数字化转型以提高办公效率和服务水平。RPA 机器人可以帮助政务人员完成诸如居民身份信息录入、申请表单填写等基础服务。": "With the development of new generation information technology, government agencies are also actively promoting digital transformation to improve office efficiency and service level. RPA robot can help government officials to complete basic services such as resident identity information entry, application form filling and so on.",
"通过 RPA 技术的应用在为政府部门提升工作效率、减轻基层办公人员负担的同时还能够为群众带来全新的办事体验。": "The application of RPA technology can not only improve the work efficiency of government departments, reduce the burden of grass-roots office workers, but also bring a new experience for the masses.",
"什么是 RPA 机器人流程自动化?": "What is RPA robot process automation?",
"企业可以将 RPA 软件机器人视为一位": "Enterprises can regard RPA software robot as one",
"数字化员工(Digital Workforce)": "Digital workforce",
"R P A 的优势": "Advantages of RPA",
"云扩 RPA 编辑器——您的流程化自动化平台": "RPA editor of cloud expansion -- your process automation platform",
"云扩 RPA 平台将企业常用的操作内容组件化。": "The RPA platform of cloud expansion componentizes the common operation content of enterprises.",
"云扩 RPA 机器人可以登录程序、打开/抓取浏览器、复制粘贴数据、处理Excel和邮件、填写表单、从文档里提取结构化和半结构化数据等。": "The RPA robot can log in the program, open / grab browser, copy and paste data, process excel and email, fill in forms, extract structured and semi-structured data from documents, etc.",
"打开 / 抓取": "Open / grab",
"企业内高潜 RPA 适用场景": "Applicable scenarios of high potential RPA in Enterprises",
"发票自动化 差旅及费用处理": "Invoice automation travel and expense processing",
"NLP Text Mining应用:": "NLP text mining application:",
"RPA 软件机器人": "RPA software robot",
"软件界面的测试目前依然依靠大量的人力手动完成,但是大部分的回归测试可以由 RPA 机器人来代替,成本低、效率高。": "At present, the testing of software interface still relies on a lot of manpower to complete manually, but most of the regression testing can be replaced by RPA robot, which has low cost and high efficiency.",
"物流数据自动化、数据监控、供应链系统集成与打通、SOP 流程数字化、单据与生产记录数据数字化。": "Logistics data automation, data monitoring, supply chain system integration and connection, SOP process digitization, document and production record data digitization.",
"保险行业内存在大量的流程,RPA 可以适用于其中大部分流程,包括自动化管理客户服务、接受审查分析与处理与索赔相关的数据等。": "There are a large number of processes in the insurance industry, and RPA can be applied to most of them, including automatic management of customer service, review, analysis and processing of claim related data, etc.",
"财务是 RPA 的重要应用场景与方向,其中包括报销管理、企业财务共享中心、不同部门的分账管理、发票验证等场景。": "Finance is an important application scenario and direction of RPA, including reimbursement management, Enterprise Financial Sharing Center, sub ledger management of different departments, invoice verification and other scenarios.",
"IT 运维": "IT operation and maintenance",
"企业对信息化系统以及 IT 基础设施的运维自动化,包括权限管理、IT 资产管理、用户管理、任务自动化等。": "The operation and maintenance automation of information system and it infrastructure, including authority management, it asset management, user management, task automation, etc.",
"企业 RPA 应用价值": "Enterprise RPA application value",
"云扩 RPA 编辑器采用直观高效的图形化界面,通过简单的拖拽即可设计复杂的流程,学习成本低。设计好的流程以流程图形式呈现,所有步骤一目了然,易于企业内部沟通和维护。编辑器内置数百个自动化和人工智能组件,与其他软件深度集成,开箱即用,无需额外编程。": "The RPA editor of cloud expansion adopts an intuitive and efficient graphical interface. It can design complex processes through simple drag and drop, and the learning cost is low. The designed process is presented in the form of flow chart, all steps are clear at a glance, easy to communicate and maintain within the enterprise. Editor built-in hundreds of automation and artificial intelligence components, and other software depth integration, out of the box, without additional programming.",
"云扩 RPA 与 Windows 操作系统深度集成,利用系统底层原生驱动,为企业提供准确可靠的自动化技术。云扩控制台提供了强大的机器人和流程的管理功能,能动态执行任务分发,支持定时计划,提高机器人的利用率,使您的投资收益扩大化。": "With the deep integration of RPA and windows operating system, the system provides accurate and reliable automation technology for enterprises by using the underlying native driver of the system. The cloud expansion console provides powerful robot and process management functions, which can dynamically execute task distribution, support timing plan, improve the utilization rate of robots, and expand your investment income.",
"云扩 RPA 平台提供大量内置 AI 技能,实现更多业务场景的自动化。我们建立了开放的 AI 组件市场,新的 AI 技能正在不断地添加到市场中。您可以使用现成的 AI 组件,或者从市场中获取,也能集成企业自定义的 AI 技能。": "The RPA platform of cloud expansion provides a large number of built-in AI skills to automate more business scenarios. We have established an open AI component market, and new AI skills are constantly added to the market. You can use off the shelf AI components, or get them from the market, or integrate enterprise customized AI skills.",
"我们提供专业的团队和企业共同梳理流程的各个环节,科学规划 RPA 实施,全程监控实施过程及运行效率,持续为客户提供定制化服务,为企业增效赋能。": "We provide professional teams and enterprises to sort out all aspects of the process, scientifically plan the implementation of RPA, monitor the implementation process and operation efficiency in the whole process, continue to provide customized services for customers, and enable enterprises to increase efficiency.",
"许多制造企业使用云扩 RPA 提高了运营的灵活性,从而在各个环节节省了约 30% 的成本。": "Many manufacturing enterprises use cloud RPA to improve the flexibility of operation, thus saving about 30% of the cost in each link.",
"银行业务线丰富,流程标准化程度高,通过采用云扩 RPA 工作效率提升了 25 倍。": "The bank has rich business lines and high degree of process standardization. The efficiency of RPA has been increased by 25 times.",
"从订单发起到物品交付充满了大量重复的工作,云扩 RPA 在简化流程的同时保证了 0 失误率。": "From order initiation to goods delivery, there is a lot of repetitive work. Cloud expansion RPA simplifies the process and ensures zero error rate.",
"这些公司都信任云扩 RPA 平台": "These companies all trust the RPA platform of cloud expansion",
"全球 RPA 领域的创新领军者": "Global leader in RPA innovation",
"公司以自研的云扩 RPA 平台为核心,致力于为各行业客户提供智能的 RPA 机器人产品与解决方案,通过 RPA 赋能,持续为客户创造价值,助力企业推进数字化转型。目前云扩科技拥有数百名员工,在上海、北京、深圳、西安、苏州及日本东京均设有分公司及研发中心。": "The company takes the self-developed cloud expansion RPA platform as the core, and is committed to providing customers in various industries with intelligent RPA robot products and solutions. Through RPA empowerment, the company continues to create value for customers and helps enterprises to promote digital transformation. At present, cloud expansion technology has hundreds of employees, with branches and R & D centers in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Suzhou and Tokyo, Japan.",
"智能进化 不止于此": "Intelligent evolution goes beyond that",
"智能进化 不止于此-->": "Intelligent evolution goes beyond this -- >",
"2020 云扩 RPA 春季线上发布会带您开启智能自动化之旅": "2020 cloud expansion RPA spring online conference takes you on the journey of Intelligent Automation",
"直播时间:2020.04.10 14:00": "Live broadcast time: April 10, 2020 14:00",
"狂奔之后 RPA 企业开始精耕细作:建生态、补短板、推进市场落地": "After the sprint, RPA enterprises began intensive cultivation: building ecology, mending shortcomings and promoting market landing",
"红杉领投3000万美金,云扩科技要打造人人可用的RPA | 爱分析调研": "Sequoia is leading the investment of 30 million US dollars. Cloud expansion technology needs to create RPA for everyone",
"聚焦RPA+AI代替重复劳动, 云扩科技完成红杉中国领投的3000万美元B轮融资": "Focusing on RPA + AI instead of repetitive labor, cloud expansion technology completed round B financing of 30 million US dollars led by Sequoia China Investment",
"微软资深研发总监缪玉峰: RPA是企业开启AI之门的“金钥匙”": "Miao Yufeng, senior R & D director of Microsoft: RPA is the \"golden key\" for enterprises to open the door of AI",
"高可用的企业级智能 RPA 管理平台": "Highly available enterprise level intelligent RPA management platform",
"云扩 RPA 控制台是企业 RPA 系统的中央控制中心,提供了机器人和流程的管理调度功能,包括机器人集群管理、流程任务分发、定时计划,提高了机器人的利用率,让您的投资收益扩大化。": "Cloud expansion RPA console is the central control center of enterprise RPA system, which provides the management and scheduling functions of robots and processes, including robot cluster management, process task distribution, timing plan, which improves the utilization rate of robots and makes your investment income expand.",
"您可以通过云扩 RPA 控制台的仪表盘管理当前系统运行的状况:": "You can manage the current system operation through the dashboard of the RPA console:",
"的数量、任务状态及任务趋势 。": "Quantity, task status and task trend of.",
"云扩 RPA 控制台支持多种部署形式,满足您的个性化需求及严格的企业合规要求。": "The RPA console of cloud expansion supports multiple deployment forms to meet your personalized requirements and strict enterprise compliance requirements.",
"即刻使用云扩 RPA 实现对业务的全面掌控": "Immediate use of cloud expansion RPA for full business control",
"云扩 RPA 控制台同时提供编辑器与机器人的快速下载通道,": "The RPA console provides a fast download channel for both editors and robots,",
"《云扩 RPA 白皮书》": "Cloud RPA white paper",
"自 动 为 先": "Automatic first",
"迎接全新的数字化变革挑战 打造敏捷创新的成功实践": "Meet the new challenge of digital transformation and build the successful practice of agile innovation",
"行业洞察 | 浅谈RPA在银行业的应用": "Industry insight on the application of RPA in banking",
"云扩 RPA 编辑器采用直观高效的图形化界面,通过简单的拖拽即可设计复杂的流程,学习成本低。": "The RPA editor of cloud expansion adopts an intuitive and efficient graphical interface. It can design complex processes through simple drag and drop, and the learning cost is low.",
"云扩 RPA 编辑器的核心优势": "Core advantages of RPA editor of cloud expansion",
"云扩 RPA 编辑器用户界面主要由": "The RPA editor user interface of cloud expansion is mainly composed of",
"您还可以从云扩市场获取丰富的自动化组件和 AI 组件,满足您多样的业务需求。": "You can also obtain rich automation components and AI components from the cloud expansion market to meet your diverse business needs.",
"编辑器内置包含网页/桌面/Java/Excel/OCR 识别等数百种通用自动化及人工智能组件,开箱即用。": "The editor contains hundreds of general automation and artificial intelligence components such as web page / desktop / Java / Excel / OCR recognition, which are ready to be used out of the box.",
"云扩 RPA 编辑器支持流程的嵌套、局部流程的模块化和重用。支持全面的逻辑控制,包括序列化执行、循环、状态机、并行、决策等。": "The RPA editor supports nesting of processes, modularization and reuse of local processes. Support comprehensive logic control, including serialized execution, loop, state machine, parallel, decision-making, etc.",
"云扩 RPA 编辑器支持执行C#、JS 和 Python 代码,并且可以调用 EXCEL 中的 VBA 宏代码,能够极大提高流程编辑的灵活性。": "The RPA editor of cloud expansion supports the execution of C ා, JS and Python code, and can call VBA macro code in Excel, which can greatly improve the flexibility of process editing.",
"即刻使用 Encoo Studio 创建您的自动化流程!": "Create your automated processes with encoo studio now!",
"即刻使用云扩 RPA 编辑器创建您的自动化流程!": "Use the RPA editor of cloud expansion to create your automated process now!"
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