Powerful embedded Lua Engine for loT devices, withmany components and low memory requirements (16KRAM, 128K Flash)
最近更新: 4小时前This project develops security software components running on Kunpeng processors, specifically focusing on trusted computing related software components such as remote attestation client and service, etc.
最近更新: 23小时前This project develops security software components running on Kunpeng processors, specifically focusing on trusted computing related software components such as remote attestation client and service, etc.
最近更新: 14天前Huawei LiteOS开源代码官方主仓库. LiteOS Studio 开发工具请访问https://gitee.com/LiteOS/LiteOS_Studio
最近更新: 1年多前超过1000本的计算机经典书籍、个人笔记资料以及本人在各平台发表文章中所涉及的资源等。书籍资源包括C/C++、Java、Python、Go语言、数据结构与算法、操作系统、后端架构、计算机系统知识、数据库、计算机网络、设计模式、前端、汇编以及校招社招各种面经~
最近更新: 1年多前