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0054-net-hns3-dump-TM-configuration-info.patch 5.68 KB
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speech_white authored 2022-05-17 19:55 . sync patches for 22.03
From f612c76b724c499f870026ec3deda07f0de13543 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Min Hu (Connor)" <humin29@huawei.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2022 11:22:23 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 09/13] net/hns3: dump TM configuration info
This patch dumps TM configuration info about shaper, port node, TC node,
queue node related info.
Signed-off-by: Min Hu (Connor) <humin29@huawei.com>
drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev_dump.c | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 154 insertions(+)
diff --git a/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev_dump.c b/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev_dump.c
index 792ef99b81..c0fc55b290 100644
--- a/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev_dump.c
+++ b/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev_dump.c
@@ -585,6 +585,159 @@ hns3_get_vlan_config_info(FILE *file, struct hns3_hw *hw)
hns3_get_port_pvid_info(file, hw);
+static void
+hns3_get_tm_conf_shaper_info(FILE *file, struct hns3_tm_conf *conf)
+ struct hns3_shaper_profile_list *shaper_profile_list =
+ &conf->shaper_profile_list;
+ struct hns3_tm_shaper_profile *shaper_profile;
+ if (!conf->nb_shaper_profile)
+ return;
+ fprintf(file, " shaper_profile:\n");
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(shaper_profile, shaper_profile_list, node) {
+ fprintf(file,
+ " id=%u reference_count=%u peak_rate=%" PRIu64 "Bps\n",
+ shaper_profile->shaper_profile_id,
+ shaper_profile->reference_count,
+ shaper_profile->profile.peak.rate);
+ }
+static void
+hns3_get_tm_conf_port_node_info(FILE *file, struct hns3_tm_conf *conf)
+ if (!conf->root)
+ return;
+ fprintf(file,
+ " port_node: \n"
+ " node_id=%u reference_count=%u shaper_profile_id=%d\n",
+ conf->root->id, conf->root->reference_count,
+ conf->root->shaper_profile ?
+ (int)conf->root->shaper_profile->shaper_profile_id : -1);
+static void
+hns3_get_tm_conf_tc_node_info(FILE *file, struct hns3_tm_conf *conf)
+ struct hns3_tm_node_list *tc_list = &conf->tc_list;
+ struct hns3_tm_node *tc_node[HNS3_MAX_TC_NUM];
+ struct hns3_tm_node *tm_node;
+ uint32_t tidx;
+ if (!conf->nb_tc_node)
+ return;
+ fprintf(file, " tc_node: \n");
+ memset(tc_node, 0, sizeof(tc_node));
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(tm_node, tc_list, node) {
+ tidx = hns3_tm_calc_node_tc_no(conf, tm_node->id);
+ if (tidx < HNS3_MAX_TC_NUM)
+ tc_node[tidx] = tm_node;
+ }
+ for (tidx = 0; tidx < HNS3_MAX_TC_NUM; tidx++) {
+ tm_node = tc_node[tidx];
+ if (tm_node == NULL)
+ continue;
+ fprintf(file,
+ " id=%u TC%u reference_count=%u parent_id=%d "
+ "shaper_profile_id=%d\n",
+ tm_node->id, hns3_tm_calc_node_tc_no(conf, tm_node->id),
+ tm_node->reference_count,
+ tm_node->parent ? (int)tm_node->parent->id : -1,
+ tm_node->shaper_profile ?
+ (int)tm_node->shaper_profile->shaper_profile_id : -1);
+ }
+static void
+hns3_get_tm_conf_queue_format_info(FILE *file, struct hns3_tm_node **queue_node,
+ uint32_t *queue_node_tc,
+ uint32_t nb_tx_queues)
+#define PERLINE_QUEUES 32
+#define LINE_BUF_SIZE 1024
+ uint32_t i, j, line_num, start_queue, end_queue;
+ char tmpbuf[LINE_BUF_SIZE] = {0};
+ line_num = (nb_tx_queues + PERLINE_QUEUES - 1) / PERLINE_QUEUES;
+ for (i = 0; i < line_num; i++) {
+ start_queue = i * PERLINE_QUEUES;
+ end_queue = (i + 1) * PERLINE_QUEUES - 1;
+ if (end_queue > nb_tx_queues - 1)
+ end_queue = nb_tx_queues - 1;
+ fprintf(file, " %04u - %04u | ", start_queue, end_queue);
+ for (j = start_queue; j < nb_tx_queues; j++) {
+ if (j >= end_queue + 1)
+ break;
+ if (j > start_queue && j % PERLINE_STRIDE == 0)
+ fprintf(file, ":");
+ fprintf(file, "%u",
+ queue_node[j] ? queue_node_tc[j] :
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "%s\n", tmpbuf);
+ }
+static void
+hns3_get_tm_conf_queue_node_info(FILE *file, struct hns3_tm_conf *conf,
+ uint32_t nb_tx_queues)
+ struct hns3_tm_node_list *queue_list = &conf->queue_list;
+ uint32_t nb_queue_node = conf->nb_leaf_nodes_max + 1;
+ struct hns3_tm_node *queue_node[nb_queue_node];
+ uint32_t queue_node_tc[nb_queue_node];
+ struct hns3_tm_node *tm_node;
+ if (!conf->nb_queue_node)
+ return;
+ fprintf(file,
+ " queue_node: \n"
+ " tx queue id | mapped tc (8 mean node not exist)\n");
+ memset(queue_node, 0, sizeof(queue_node));
+ memset(queue_node_tc, 0, sizeof(queue_node_tc));
+ nb_tx_queues = RTE_MIN(nb_tx_queues, nb_queue_node);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(tm_node, queue_list, node) {
+ if (tm_node->id >= nb_queue_node)
+ continue;
+ queue_node[tm_node->id] = tm_node;
+ queue_node_tc[tm_node->id] = tm_node->parent ?
+ hns3_tm_calc_node_tc_no(conf, tm_node->parent->id) : 0;
+ nb_tx_queues = RTE_MAX(nb_tx_queues, tm_node->id + 1);
+ }
+ hns3_get_tm_conf_queue_format_info(file, queue_node, queue_node_tc,
+ nb_tx_queues);
+static void
+hns3_get_tm_conf_info(FILE *file, struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
+ struct hns3_pf *pf = HNS3_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_PF(dev->data->dev_private);
+ struct hns3_tm_conf *conf = &pf->tm_conf;
+ fprintf(file, " - TM config info:\n");
+ fprintf(file,
+ "\t -- nb_leaf_nodes_max=%u nb_nodes_max=%u\n"
+ "\t -- nb_shaper_profile=%u nb_tc_node=%u nb_queue_node=%u\n"
+ "\t -- committed=%u\n",
+ conf->nb_leaf_nodes_max, conf->nb_nodes_max,
+ conf->nb_shaper_profile, conf->nb_tc_node, conf->nb_queue_node,
+ conf->committed);
+ hns3_get_tm_conf_shaper_info(file, conf);
+ hns3_get_tm_conf_port_node_info(file, conf);
+ hns3_get_tm_conf_tc_node_info(file, conf);
+ hns3_get_tm_conf_queue_node_info(file, conf, dev->data->nb_tx_queues);
hns3_eth_dev_priv_dump(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, FILE *file)
@@ -605,6 +758,7 @@ hns3_eth_dev_priv_dump(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, FILE *file)
hns3_get_dev_mac_info(file, hns);
hns3_get_vlan_config_info(file, hw);
hns3_get_fdir_basic_info(file, &hns->pf);
+ hns3_get_tm_conf_info(file, dev);
return 0;
马建仓 AI 助手


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