基于Spring Boot+Vue.js的后台管理系统,权限管理,字典,配置,定时任务,短信,邮件,根据excel模板导出,cms内容管理,手机端h5,IDEA 代码生成插件。在线预览:http://flashadmin.enilu.cn
linjiashop:邻家小铺,轻量,简洁的单商户商城系统,前(vue)后(SpringBoot)端分 离,支持多平台(h5,小程序,app)
LiteOS kernel for devices with few resources, such as the MCU | 适用于MCU等各种资源极小设备的LiteOS内核
Advanced jQuery website menu plugin. Mobile first, responsive and accessible list-based website menus that work on all devices.
Adds smart json support for WTForms. Useful for when using WTForms with RESTful APIs.
:smiley_cat:猫的前端回忆录 Cat's front memory, these share data are from my usual work and learning, hoping to help you, and hoping slowly improve, if you like you can star