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poller_boost.php 24.10 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
cigamit 提交于 2019-11-09 13:10 . Minor format issue.
#!/usr/bin/php -q
| Copyright (C) 2004-2019 The Cacti Group |
| |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
| as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 |
| of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| GNU General Public License for more details. |
| Cacti: The Complete RRDtool-based Graphing Solution |
| This code is designed, written, and maintained by the Cacti Group. See |
| about.php and/or the AUTHORS file for specific developer information. |
| http://www.cacti.net/ |
/* tick use required as of PHP 4.3.0 to accomodate signal handling */
declare(ticks = 1);
require(__DIR__ . '/include/cli_check.php');
require_once($config['base_path'] . '/lib/poller.php');
require_once($config['base_path'] . '/lib/boost.php');
require_once($config['base_path'] . '/lib/dsstats.php');
require_once($config['base_path'] . '/lib/rrd.php');
/* get the boost polling cycle */
$max_run_duration = read_config_option('boost_rrd_update_max_runtime');
/* process calling arguments */
$parms = $_SERVER['argv'];
$debug = false;
$forcerun = false;
$verbose = false;
if (cacti_sizeof($parms)) {
foreach($parms as $parameter) {
if (strpos($parameter, '=')) {
list($arg, $value) = explode('=', $parameter);
} else {
$arg = $parameter;
$value = '';
switch ($arg) {
case '-d':
case '--debug':
$debug = true;
case '-f':
case '--force':
$forcerun = true;
cacti_log('WARNING: Boost Poller forced by command line.', false, 'BOOST');
case '--verbose':
$verbose = true;
case '--version':
case '-V':
case '-v':
case '--help':
case '-H':
case '-h':
print 'ERROR: Invalid Parameter ' . $parameter . "\n\n";
/* install signal handlers for UNIX only */
if (function_exists('pcntl_signal')) {
pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, 'sig_handler');
pcntl_signal(SIGINT, 'sig_handler');
/* take time and log performance data */
$start = microtime(true);
$rrd_updates = -1;
/* let's give this script lot of time to run for ever */
ini_set('max_execution_time', '0');
if ((read_config_option('boost_rrd_update_enable') == 'on') || $forcerun) {
/* turn on the system level updates as that is what dictates "on/off" */
if ((!$forcerun) && (read_config_option('boost_rrd_update_system_enable') != 'on')) {
$seconds_offset = read_config_option('boost_rrd_update_interval') * 60;
/* find out if it's time to collect device information */
$last_run_time = strtotime(read_config_option('boost_last_run_time'));
$next_run_time = strtotime(read_config_option('boost_next_run_time'));
/* determine the next start time */
$current_time = time();
if (empty($last_run_time)) {
/* since the poller has never run before, let's fake it out */
$next_run_time = $current_time + $seconds_offset;
set_config_option('boost_last_run_time', date('Y-m-d G:i:s', $current_time));
$last_run_time = $current_time;
} else {
$next_run_time = $last_run_time + $seconds_offset;
$time_till_next_run = $next_run_time - $current_time;
/* determine if you must output boost table now */
$max_records = read_config_option('boost_rrd_update_max_records');
$current_records = boost_get_total_rows();
if (($time_till_next_run <= 0) ||
($forcerun) ||
($current_records >= $max_records) ||
($next_run_time <= $current_time)) {
set_config_option('boost_last_run_time', date('Y-m-d G:i:s', $current_time));
/* output all the rrd data to the rrd files */
$rrd_updates = output_rrd_data($current_time, $forcerun);
if ($rrd_updates > 0) {
$next_run_time = $current_time + $seconds_offset;
} else { /* rollback last run time */
set_config_option('boost_last_run_time', date('Y-m-d G:i:s', $last_run_time));
/* store the next run time so that people understand */
if ($rrd_updates > 0) {
set_config_option('boost_next_run_time', date('Y-m-d G:i:s', $next_run_time));
} else {
/* turn off the system level updates */
if (read_config_option('boost_rrd_update_system_enable') == 'on') {
$rows = boost_get_total_rows();
if ($rows > 0) {
/* determine the time to clear the table */
$current_time = time();
/* output all the rrd data to the rrd files */
$rrd_updates = output_rrd_data($current_time, $forcerun);
if ($rrd_updates > 0) {
function sig_handler($signo) {
switch ($signo) {
case SIGINT:
cacti_log('WARNING: Boost Poller terminated by user', false, 'BOOST');
/* tell the main poller that we are done */
set_config_option('boost_poller_status', 'terminated - end time:' . date('Y-m-d G:i:s'));
/* ignore all other signals */
function output_rrd_data($start_time, $force = false) {
global $start, $max_run_duration, $config, $database_default, $debug, $get_memory, $memory_used;
$boost_poller_status = read_config_option('boost_poller_status');
$rrd_updates = 0;
/* implement process lock control for boost */
if (!db_fetch_cell("SELECT GET_LOCK('poller_boost', 1)")) {
if ($debug) {
cacti_log('DEBUG: Found lock, so another boost process is running');
return -1;
/* detect a process that has overrun it's warning time */
if (substr_count($boost_poller_status, 'running')) {
$status_array = explode(':', $boost_poller_status);
if (!empty($status_array[1])) {
$previous_start_time = strtotime($status_array[1]);
/* if the runtime was exceeded, allow the next process to run */
if ($previous_start_time + $max_run_duration < $start_time) {
cacti_log('WARNING: Detected Poller Boost Overrun, Possible Boost Poller Crash', false, 'BOOST SVR');
/* if the poller is not running, or has never run, start */
/* mark the boost server as running */
set_config_option('boost_poller_status', 'running - start time:' . date('Y-m-d G:i:s'));
$current_time = date('Y-m-d G:i:s', $start_time);
$rrdtool_pipe = rrd_init();
$runtime_exceeded = false;
/* let's set and track memory usage will we */
if (!function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) {
$get_memory = true;
$memory_used = memory_get_usage();
} else {
$get_memory = false;
$delayed_inserts = db_fetch_row("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Not_flushed_delayed_rows'");
while($delayed_inserts['Value']) {
cacti_log('BOOST WAIT: Waiting 1s for delayed inserts are made' , true, 'SYSTEM');
$delayed_inserts = db_fetch_row("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Not_flushed_delayed_rows'");
$time = time();
/* split poller_output_boost */
$archive_table = 'poller_output_boost_arch_' . $time;
$interim_table = 'poller_output_boost_' . $time;
db_execute("CREATE TABLE $interim_table LIKE poller_output_boost");
db_execute("RENAME TABLE poller_output_boost TO $archive_table, $interim_table TO poller_output_boost");
$more_arch_tables = db_fetch_assoc_prepared("SELECT table_name AS name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = SCHEMA()
AND table_name LIKE 'poller_output_boost_arch_%'
AND table_name != ?
AND table_rows > 0", array($archive_table));
if (cacti_count($more_arch_tables)) {
foreach($more_arch_tables as $table) {
$table_name = $table['name'];
$rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT count(local_data_id) FROM $table_name");
if (is_numeric($rows) && intval($rows) > 0) {
db_execute("INSERT INTO $archive_table SELECT * FROM $table_name");
db_execute("TRUNCATE TABLE $table_name");
if ($archive_table == '') {
cacti_log('ERROR: Failed to retrieve archive table name');
return -1;
$max_per_select = read_config_option('boost_rrd_update_max_records_per_select');
db_execute('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE boost_local_data_ids (
local_data_id int unsigned default "0",
PRIMARY KEY (local_data_id))
db_execute("INSERT INTO boost_local_data_ids
SELECT DISTINCT local_data_id
FROM $archive_table");
$total_rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT COUNT(local_data_id) FROM $archive_table");
$data_ids = db_fetch_cell("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT local_data_id) FROM $archive_table");
if (!empty($total_rows)) {
$passes = ceil($total_rows / $max_per_select);
$ids_per_pass = ceil($data_ids / $passes);
$curpass = 0;
while ($curpass <= $passes) {
$last_id = db_fetch_cell("SELECT MAX(local_data_id)
SELECT local_data_id
FROM boost_local_data_ids
ORDER BY local_data_id
LIMIT " . (($curpass * $ids_per_pass) + 1) . ", $ids_per_pass
) AS result");
if (empty($last_id)) {
boost_process_local_data_ids($last_id, $rrdtool_pipe);
if (((time()-$start) > $max_run_duration) && (!$runtime_exceeded)) {
cacti_log('WARNING: RRD On Demand Updater Exceeded Runtime Limits. Continuing to Process!!!');
$runtime_exceeded = true;
/* remove temporary count table */
db_execute('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE boost_local_data_ids');
/* tell the main poller that we are done */
set_config_option('boost_poller_status', 'complete - end time:' . date('Y-m-d G:i:s'));
/* log memory usage */
if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) {
set_config_option('boost_peak_memory', memory_get_peak_usage());
} else {
set_config_option('boost_peak_memory', $memory_used);
/* cleanup - remove empty arch tables */
$tables = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT table_name AS name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = SCHEMA()
AND table_name LIKE 'poller_output_boost_arch_%'");
if (cacti_count($tables)) {
foreach($tables as $table) {
$rows = db_fetch_cell('SELECT count(local_data_id) FROM ' . $table['name']);
if (is_numeric($rows) && intval($rows) == 0) {
db_execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table['name']);
db_execute("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('poller_boost');");
return $total_rows;
/* boost_process_local_data_ids - grabs data from the 'poller_output' table and feeds the *completed*
results to RRDTool for processing
@arg $last_id - the last id to process
@arg $rrdtool_pipe - the socket that has been opened for the RRDtool operation */
function boost_process_local_data_ids($last_id, $rrdtool_pipe) {
global $config, $boost_sock, $boost_timeout, $debug, $get_memory, $memory_used;
/* cache this call as it takes time */
static $archive_table = false;
static $rrdtool_version = '';
include_once($config['library_path'] . '/rrd.php');
/* suppress warnings */
if (defined('E_DEPRECATED')) {
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED);
} else {
/* gather, repair if required and cache the rrdtool version */
if ($rrdtool_version == '') {
$rrdtool_ins_version = get_installed_rrdtool_version();
$rrdtool_version = get_rrdtool_version();
if ($rrdtool_ins_version != $rrdtool_version) {
cacti_log('NOTE: Updating Stored RRDtool version to installed version ' . $rrdtool_ins_version, false, 'BOOST');
set_config_option('rrdtool_version', $rrdtool_ins_version);
$rrdtool_version = $rrdtool_ins_version;
/* install the boost error handler */
/* load system variables needed */
$upd_string_len = read_config_option('boost_rrd_update_string_length');
$rrd_update_interval = read_config_option('boost_rrd_update_interval');
$data_ids_to_get = read_config_option('boost_rrd_update_max_records_per_select');
if ($archive_table === false) {
$archive_table = boost_get_arch_table_name();
if ($archive_table === false) {
cacti_log('Failed to determine archive table', false, 'BOOST');
return 0;
$query_string = "SELECT local_data_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) AS timestamp,
rrd_name, output
FROM $archive_table
WHERE local_data_id <= $last_id
ORDER BY local_data_id ASC, time ASC, rrd_name ASC";
boost_timer('get_records', BOOST_TIMER_START);
$results = db_fetch_assoc($query_string);
boost_timer('get_records', BOOST_TIMER_END);
/* log memory */
if ($get_memory) {
$cur_memory = memory_get_usage();
if ($cur_memory > $memory_used) {
$memory_used = $cur_memory;
if (cacti_sizeof($results)) {
/* create an array keyed off of each .rrd file */
$local_data_id = -1;
$time = -1;
$buflen = 0;
$outarray = array();
$last_update = -1;
$last_item = array('local_data_id' => -1, 'timestamp' => -1, 'rrd_name' => '');
/* we are going to blow away all record if ok */
$vals_in_buffer = 0;
boost_timer('results_cycle', BOOST_TIMER_START);
/* go through each poller_output_boost entries and process */
foreach ($results as $item) {
$item['timestamp'] = trim($item['timestamp']);
/* if the local_data_id changes, we need to flush the buffer
* and discover the template for the next RRDfile.
if ($local_data_id != $item['local_data_id']) {
/* update the rrd for the previous local_data_id */
if ($vals_in_buffer) {
/* place the latest update at the end of the output array */
$outarray[] = $tv_tmpl;
/* new process output function */
boost_process_output($local_data_id, $outarray, $rrd_path, $rrd_tmplp, $rrdtool_pipe);
$buflen = 0;
$vals_in_buffer = 0;
$outarray = array();
/* reset the rrd file path and templates, assume non multi output */
boost_timer('rrd_filename_and_template', BOOST_TIMER_START);
$rrd_data = boost_get_rrd_filename_and_template($item['local_data_id']);
$rrd_tmpl = $rrd_data['rrd_template'];
$template_len = strlen($rrd_tmpl);
/* take the template and turn into an associative array of
* data source names with a default of 'U' for each value
* and creating the first value to include the timestamp.
* We will use this for missing data detection.
$rrd_tmplp = array_fill_keys(array_values(explode(':', $rrd_tmpl)), 'U');
$rrd_tmplpts = array('timestamp' => '') + $rrd_tmplp;
$rrd_path = $rrd_data['rrd_path'];
boost_timer('rrd_filename_and_template', BOOST_TIMER_END);
if (cacti_version_compare($rrdtool_version, '1.5', '<')) {
boost_timer('rrd_lastupdate', BOOST_TIMER_START);
$last_update = boost_rrdtool_get_last_update_time($rrd_path, $rrdtool_pipe);
boost_timer('rrd_lastupdate', BOOST_TIMER_END);
} else {
boost_timer('rrd_lastupdate', BOOST_TIMER_START);
$last_update = 0;
boost_timer('rrd_lastupdate', BOOST_TIMER_END);
$local_data_id = $item['local_data_id'];
$time = $item['timestamp'];
$initial_time = $time;
if ($time > $last_update || cacti_version_compare($rrdtool_version, '1.5', '>=')) {
$buflen += strlen(' ' . $time);
$multi_vals_set = false;
$tv_tmpl = $rrd_tmplpts;
/* don't generate error messages if the RRD has already been updated */
if ($time < $last_update && cacti_version_compare($rrdtool_version, '1.5', '<')) {
cacti_log("WARNING: Stale Poller Data Found! Item Time:'" . $time . "', RRD Time:'" . $last_update . "' Ignoring Value!", false, 'BOOST', POLLER_VERBOSITY_HIGH);
$value = 'DNP';
} else {
$value = trim($item['output']);
if ($time != $item['timestamp']) {
if ($vals_in_buffer > 0) {
/* place the latest update at the end of the output array */
$outarray[] = $tv_tmpl;
if ($buflen > $upd_string_len) {
/* new process output function */
boost_process_output($local_data_id, $outarray, $rrd_path, $rrd_tmplp, $rrdtool_pipe);
$buflen = 0;
$vals_in_buffer = 0;
$outarray = array();
$time = $item['timestamp'];
$tv_tmpl = $rrd_tmplpts;
if (empty($tv_tmpl['timestamp']) && $value != 'DNP') {
$tv_tmpl['timestamp'] = $item['timestamp'];
$buflen += strlen($item['timestamp']) + 1;
/* single one value output */
if (strpos($value, 'DNP') !== false) {
/* continue, bad time */
} elseif ((is_numeric($value)) || ($value == 'U')) {
$tv_tmpl[$item['rrd_name']] = $value;
$buflen += strlen(':' . $value);
} elseif ((function_exists('is_hexadecimal')) && (is_hexadecimal($value))) {
$tval = hexdec($value);
$tv_tmpl[$item['rrd_name']] = $tval;
$buflen += strlen(':' . $tval);
} elseif (strlen($value)) {
/* break out multiple value output to an array */
$values = explode(' ', $value);
if (!$multi_vals_set) {
$rrd_field_names = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc('SELECT
FROM (data_template_rrd,data_input_fields)
WHERE data_template_rrd.data_input_field_id=data_input_fields.id
AND data_template_rrd.local_data_id=' . $item['local_data_id']), 'data_name', 'data_source_name');
$rrd_tmpl = '';
$first_tmpl = true;
$multi_ok = false;
for ($i=0; $i<count($values); $i++) {
if (preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]+):([eE0-9Uu\+\.-]+)$/', $values[$i], $matches)) {
if (isset($rrd_field_names{$matches[1]})) {
$multi_ok = true;
if (trim(read_config_option('path_boost_log')) != '') {
print "DEBUG: Parsed MULTI output field '" . $matches[0] . "' [map " . $matches[1] . '->' . $rrd_field_names{$matches[1]} . ']' . PHP_EOL;
if (!$multi_vals_set) {
if (!$first_tmpl) {
$rrd_tmpl .= ':';
$rrd_tmpl .= $rrd_field_names{$matches[1]};
$first_tmpl = false;
if (is_numeric($matches[2]) || ($matches[2] == 'U')) {
$tv_tmpl[$rrd_field_names[$matches[1]]] = $matches[2];
$buflen += strlen(':' . $matches[2]);
} elseif ((function_exists('is_hexadecimal')) && (is_hexadecimal($matches[2]))) {
$tval = hexdec($matches[2]);
$tv_tmpl[$rrd_field_names[$matches[1]]] = $tval;
$buflen += strlen(':' . $tval);
} else {
$tv_tmpl[$rrd_field_names[$matches[1]]] = 'U';
$buflen += 2;
/* we only want to process the template and gather the fields once */
$multi_vals_set = true;
if ($multi_ok) {
} else {
cacti_log('WARNING: Local Data Id [' . $item['local_data_id'] . '] Contains an empty value', false, 'BOOST');
/* process the last rrdupdate if applicable */
if ($vals_in_buffer) {
/* place the latest update at the end of the output array */
$outarray[] = $tv_tmpl;
boost_process_output($local_data_id, $outarray, $rrd_path, $rrd_tmplp, $rrdtool_pipe);
boost_timer('results_cycle', BOOST_TIMER_END);
/* remove the entries from the table */
boost_timer('delete', BOOST_TIMER_START);
db_execute("DELETE FROM $archive_table
WHERE local_data_id <= $last_id");
boost_timer('delete', BOOST_TIMER_END);
/* restore original error handler */
return sizeof($results);
function boost_process_output($local_data_id, $outarray, $rrd_path, $rrd_tmplp, $rrdtool_pipe) {
$outbuf = '';
$initial_time = '';
if (sizeof($outarray)) {
foreach($outarray as $tsdata) {
$outbuf .= ($outbuf != '' ? ' ':'') . implode(':', $tsdata);
$rrd_tmpl = implode(':', array_keys($rrd_tmplp));
if (trim(read_config_option('path_boost_log')) != '') {
print "DEBUG: Updating Local Data Id:'$local_data_id', Template:" . $rrd_tmpl . ', Output:' . $outbuf . PHP_EOL;
boost_timer('rrdupdate', BOOST_TIMER_START);
$return_value = boost_rrdtool_function_update($local_data_id, $rrd_path, $rrd_tmpl, $initial_time, $outbuf, $rrdtool_pipe);
boost_timer('rrdupdate', BOOST_TIMER_END);
/* check return status for delete operation */
if (trim($return_value) != 'OK') {
cacti_log("WARNING: RRD Update Warning '" . $return_value . "' for Local Data ID '$local_data_id'", false, 'BOOST');
function log_boost_statistics($rrd_updates) {
global $start, $boost_stats_log, $verbose;
/* take time and log performance data */
$end = microtime(true);
$cacti_stats = sprintf(
'Time:%01.4f ' .
/* log to the database */
set_config_option('stats_boost', $cacti_stats);
/* log to the logfile */
cacti_log('BOOST STATS: ' . $cacti_stats , true, 'SYSTEM');
if (isset($boost_stats_log)) {
$overhead = boost_timer_get_overhead();
$outstr = '';
$timer_cycles = 0;
foreach($boost_stats_log as $area => $entry) {
if (isset($entry[BOOST_TIMER_TOTAL])) {
$outstr .= ($outstr != '' ? ', ' : '') . $area . ':' . round($entry[BOOST_TIMER_TOTAL] - (($overhead * $entry[BOOST_TIMER_CYCLES])/BOOST_TIMER_OVERHEAD_MULTIPLIER), 2);
$timer_cycles += $entry[BOOST_TIMER_CYCLES];
if ($outstr != '') {
$outstr = "RRDUpdates:$rrd_updates, TotalTime:" . round($end - $start, 0) . ', ' . $outstr;
$timer_overhead = round((($overhead * $timer_cycles)/BOOST_TIMER_OVERHEAD_MULTIPLIER), 0);
if ($timer_overhead > 0) {
$outstr .= ", timer_overhead:~$timer_overhead";
/* log to the database */
set_config_option('stats_detail_boost', str_replace(',', '', $outstr));
/* log to the logfile */
if ($verbose) {
cacti_log('BOOST DETAIL STATS: ' . $outstr, true, 'SYSTEM');
function purge_cached_png_files($forcerun) {
/* remove stale png's from the cache. I consider png's stale afer 1 hour */
if ((read_config_option('boost_png_cache_enable') == 'on') || $forcerun) {
$cache_directory = read_config_option('boost_png_cache_directory');
$remove_time = time() - 3600;
$directory_contents = array();
if (is_dir($cache_directory)) {
if ($handle = opendir($cache_directory)) {
/* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
$directory_contents[] = $file;
/* remove age old files */
if (cacti_sizeof($directory_contents)) {
/* goto the cache directory */
/* check and fry as applicable */
foreach($directory_contents as $file) {
if (is_writable($file)) {
$modify_time = filemtime($file);
if ($modify_time < $remove_time) {
/* only remove jpeg's and png's */
if ((substr_count(strtolower($file), '.png')) ||
(substr_count(strtolower($file), '.jpg'))) {
/* do NOT run this script through a web browser */
/* display_version - displays version information */
function display_version() {
$version = get_cacti_version();
print "Cacti Boost RRD Update Poller, Version $version " . COPYRIGHT_YEARS . "\n";
/* display_help - displays the usage of the function */
function display_help () {
print "\nusage: poller_boost.php [--verbose] [--force] [--debug]\n\n";
print "Cacti's performance boosting poller. This poller will purge the boost cache periodically. You may\n";
print "force the processing of the boost cache by using the --force option.\n\n";
print "Optional:\n";
print " --verbose - Show details logs at the command line\n";
print " --force - Force the execution of a update process\n";
print " --debug - Display verbose output during execution\n\n";
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