this project can compiled with Android Studio, contain 2 submodules: Android Camera2 and framework/ex/camera2
🀄Android 字符串翻译助手,根据 strings.xml 文件自动生成 Excel,并根据 Excel 自动生成各种语言对应的 string.xml 文件,可以使用第三方的 api 对 Excel 直接进行翻译,并可以随时检查翻译进度
This is a series of OpenCV samples of image processing, object recognition, AR ,etc. implemented on Android.
DroidPHP is a small, fast and lightweight open source Web Server for Android
[Deprecated] RedEnvelopeAssistant 微信/支付宝红包助手 本程序不再维护,大家可转向
Android common lib, include ImageCache, HttpCache, DropDownListView, DownloadManager, Utils and so on 微信公众号:codekk