Fetch the repository succeeded.
// Copyright 2021, Pedro Gomes
// This file is part of MEL.
// MEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// MEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with MEL. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "definitions.hpp"
namespace mel {
namespace internal {
/// Converts a string to a number of the desired type,
/// returns <true> if the conversion is successful.
template<class StringType, class NumberType>
bool ToNumber(const StringType& s, NumberType& n) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << s;
return static_cast<bool>(ss >> n);
/// Returns <true> if a string is convertible to number.
template<class StringType>
bool IsNumber(const StringType& s) {
double n{};
return ToNumber(s, n);
/// Replace all occurrences of "target" in a string.
template<class StringType>
void ReplaceAll(const StringType& target, const StringType& repl,
StringType& str) {
typename StringType::size_type pos = 0;
while ((pos = str.find(target)) != StringType::npos) {
str.replace(pos, target.size(), repl);
/// Returns <true> if parentheses are balanced. Examples:
/// (((a+b)*c)) -> True
/// a)*2*(c -> False
template<class StringType>
bool BalancedParentheses(const StringType& expr) {
int nest_level = 0;
for (const auto c : expr) {
if (c == '(') {
nest_level += 1;
} else if (c == ')') {
nest_level -= 1;
// if the nest level becomes negative we know there is an imbalance
if (nest_level < 0) {
return false;
return nest_level == 0;
/// Remove redundant parentheses around an expression. Examples:
/// (((a+b)*c)) -> (a+b)*c
template<class StringType>
StringType RemoveParentheses(StringType expr) {
if (expr.size() > 2) {
auto new_expr = StringType(expr.begin()+1, expr.end()-1);
while ((expr.front() == '(') && BalancedParentheses(new_expr)) {
expr = new_expr;
new_expr = StringType(expr.begin()+1, expr.end()-1);
return expr;
/// Splits an expression into (op, rhs, lhs), where "op" is a character
/// in op_list. The split is not done if parentheses are not balanced,
/// or if the character preceeding "op" is in excl_chars. Examples:
/// "a+b" -> ("+", "a", "b")
/// "(a+b)*(a-b)" -> ("*", "(a+b)", "(a-b)")
template<class StringType>
std::array<StringType, 3> SplitAtOperation(const StringType& op_list,
const StringType& excl_chars, const StringType& expr) {
std::array<StringType, 3> ret;
for (auto it = expr.end() - 1; it != expr.begin(); --it) {
const auto rhs = StringType(expr.begin(), it+1);
if (!BalancedParentheses(rhs)) {
if (op_list.find(*it) != StringType::npos) {
if (excl_chars.find(*(it-1)) == StringType::npos) {
ret[0] = *it;
ret[1] = StringType(expr.begin(), it);
ret[2] = StringType(it+1, expr.end());
return ret;
return ret;
/// Detects if a function from "func_list" is being applied to an expression.
/// Functions are of the form f() or f(,) (for binary functions).
/// The result is returned as (func, arg1, [arg2]). Examples:
/// "sqrt(pow(x,2)+1)" -> ("sqrt", "pow(x,2)+1")
template<class StringListType, class StringType>
std::array<StringType, 3> DetectFunction(const StringListType& func_list,
const StringType& expr) {
std::array<StringType, 3> ret;
for (const auto& f : func_list) {
if (expr.size() <= f.size() + 1) {
// remove "f(" and ")"
const auto it = expr.begin() + f.size() + 1;
const auto start_expr = StringType(expr.begin(), it);
const auto inner_expr = StringType(it, expr.end()-1);
if (f+'(' == start_expr && BalancedParentheses(inner_expr)) {
// consider "," an operation to detect binary functions
const auto args = SplitAtOperation(StringType(","),
StringType(), inner_expr);
ret[0] = f;
if (args[0].empty()) {
ret[1] = inner_expr;
} else {
ret[1] = args[1];
ret[2] = args[2];
return ret;
return ret;
/// Modifies an expression to ensure that single character unary operations,
/// such as "-", look like a function, for example "-a" -> "-(a)". However,
/// literals are not modified, i.e. "-2" -> "-2". This also restores the
/// sign of scientific notation exponents.
template<class StringType>
StringType UnaryOpToUnaryFunc(const StringType& op_list,
const StringType& expr,
bool& is_number) {
// recover the sign for scientific notation
auto expr2 = expr;
typename StringType::size_type pos;
if ((pos = expr2.find('}')) != StringType::npos) expr2[pos] = '+';
if ((pos = expr2.find('{')) != StringType::npos) expr2[pos] = '-';
if (!IsNumber(expr2)) {
is_number = false;
if (op_list.find(expr.front()) != StringType::npos && expr[1] != '(') {
return StringType({expr.front(), '('}) + StringType(expr.begin()+1,
expr.end()) + ')';
} else {
return expr;
is_number = true;
return expr2;
/// Replaces the sign of scientific number exponents by }(+) or {(-) to avoid
/// splitting numbers when detecting operations.
template<class StringType>
void MarkScientificNotation(StringType& expr) {
for (auto it = expr.begin(); it != expr.end(); ++it) {
// Find where a number might start.
if (possible_num_starts.find(*it) == str_t::npos) continue;
// Advance to the next character,
if (++it == expr.end()) break;
// that can be a unary operation,
if (unary_ops.find(*it) != str_t::npos) ++it;
// or a sequence of valid digits,
while (it != expr.end() && valid_digits.find(*it) != str_t::npos) ++it;
if (it == expr.end()) break;
// followed by "e" or "E",
if (*it != 'e' && *it != 'E') continue;
if (++it == expr.end()) break;
// and then the sign we need to replace.
if (*it == '+') *it = '}';
if (*it == '-') *it = '{';
/// Applies a series of substitution rules to an expression to make it
/// compatible with the parsing rules.
template<class StringListType, class StringType>
void Preprocess(const StringListType& rules, const StringListType& subs,
StringType& expr) {
auto old = StringType();
while (old != expr) {
old = expr;
auto subs_it = std::begin(subs);
for (const auto& rule : rules) {
ReplaceAll(rule, *subs_it, expr);
/// Finds an applicable rule to an expression by trying all in the right order.
template<class StringType>
std::array<StringType, 3> ApplyRules(StringType expr) {
if (no_ops.find(expr.front()) != str_t::npos) {
expr = StringType(expr.begin()+1, expr.end());
expr = RemoveParentheses(expr);
auto result = SplitAtOperation(type_one_ops_comm, type_two_ops, expr);
if (result[0].empty()) {
result = SplitAtOperation(type_one_ops_non_comm, type_two_ops, expr);
if (result[0].empty()) {
result = SplitAtOperation(type_two_ops_comm, StringType(), expr);
if (result[0].empty()) {
result = SplitAtOperation(type_two_ops_non_comm, StringType(), expr);
if (result[0].empty()) {
bool is_number = false;
expr = UnaryOpToUnaryFunc(unary_ops, expr, is_number);
if (!is_number) {
result = DetectFunction(funcs, expr);
if (result[0].empty()) {
// symbol or number
result[0] = expr;
return result;
/// Converts the text representation of the operation into an operation code.
template<class StringType>
OpCode StringToOpCode(const StringType& str) {
auto b = std::begin(supported_operations);
return static_cast<OpCode>(std::find(b, std::end(supported_operations),
str) - b);
/// Builds an expression tree by recursively extracting operations and building
/// subtrees for their lhs and rhs expressions. The symbols are also extracted.
template<class StringType, class StringListType, class TreeType>
void BuildExpressionTree(const StringType& expr, StringListType& symbols,
TreeType& tree) {
auto& node = tree.nodes[tree.size];
const auto result = internal::ApplyRules(expr);
if (result[1].empty()) {
typename TreeType::type value;
if (ToNumber(result[0], value)) {
node.type = OpCode::NUMBER;
node.val = value;
} else {
node.type = OpCode::SYMBOL;
// Find the index of the symbol, or append it to the list.
const auto pos = std::find(symbols.begin(), symbols.end(), result[0]);
node.symbol_id = static_cast<int>(pos - symbols.begin());
if (pos == symbols.end()) {
} else {
// The node is an expression with 1 or 2 children.
node.type = StringToOpCode(result[0]);
assert(node.type != OpCode::NOOP);
node.child.left = ++tree.size;
tree.nodes[node.child.left].level = static_cast<short>(node.level + 1);
BuildExpressionTree(result[1], symbols, tree);
if (!result[2].empty()) {
node.child.right = ++tree.size;
tree.nodes[node.child.right].level = static_cast<short>(node.level + 1);
BuildExpressionTree(result[2], symbols, tree);
} else {
node.child.right = -1;
/// Prints a representation of a tree to a stream.
template<class TreeType, class StringListType, class StreamType>
void PrintExpressionTree(const TreeType& tree, int i,
const StringListType& symbols,
int level, StreamType& stream) {
for (int k = 0; k < level; ++k) {
stream << " ";
const auto& node = tree.nodes[i];
switch (node.type) {
case OpCode::NUMBER:
stream << node.val << '\n';
case OpCode::SYMBOL:
stream << symbols[node.symbol_id] << '\n';
case OpCode::NOOP:
const auto& op = supported_operations[static_cast<int>(node.type)];
stream << op << '\n';
PrintExpressionTree(tree, node.child.left, symbols, level+1, stream);
if (node.child.right >= 0) {
PrintExpressionTree(tree, node.child.right, symbols, level+1, stream);
/// Evaluates an expression tree.
template<class ReturnType, class TreeType, class FunctionType>
ReturnType EvaluateExpressionTree(const TreeType& tree,
const FunctionType& index_to_value) {
// Because a node only depends on higher-level nodes, we can start evaluating
// them from the highest level (bottom of the tree) until we arrive at the
// top (final result). Note that there are no dependencies within each level.
// This avoids recursion and thus is faster, at the expense of using stack
// space for all possible intermediate results.
std::array<ReturnType, max_tree_size> v;
for (int i = tree.size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const auto& node = tree.nodes[i];
switch (node.type) {
case OpCode::NUMBER:
v[i] = static_cast<ReturnType>(node.val);
case OpCode::SYMBOL:
v[i] = index_to_value(node.symbol_id);
case OpCode::ADD:
v[i] = v[node.child.left] + v[node.child.right];
case OpCode::SUB:
if (node.child.right >= 0) {
v[i] = v[node.child.left] - v[node.child.right];
} else {
v[i] = -v[node.child.left];
case OpCode::MUL:
v[i] = v[node.child.left] * v[node.child.right];
case OpCode::DIV:
v[i] = v[node.child.left] / v[node.child.right];
MEL_FUNCTION_IMPLEMENTATIONS(v[node.child.left], v[node.child.right])
case OpCode::NOOP:
return v[0];
} // namespace internal
/// Type for an expression tree. The result of parsing expressions and used
/// to evaluate them.
template<class NumberType>
struct ExpressionTree {
using type = NumberType;
struct Node {
// Type of the node, either as a leaf or as an operation.
internal::OpCode type = internal::OpCode::NOOP;
// Level of the node in the tree.
short level = 0;
// Index of the node in the tree.
short index = 0;
struct Children {
int left, right;
// If the node is a leaf, it is either a number or a symbol,
// otherwise is has one or two child nodes.
union {
NumberType val;
int symbol_id;
Children child;
bool operator<(const Node& other) const {
return level != other.level ? level < other.level :
static_cast<int>(type) < static_cast<int>(other.type);
std::array<Node, internal::max_tree_size> nodes;
int size = 0;
/// Preprocess an expression, create an expression tree for it, and extract its
/// symbols in the process. NumberType is the type used for stored constants
/// (i.e. literals).
template<class NumberType, class StringType, class StringListType>
ExpressionTree<NumberType> Parse(StringType expr, StringListType& symbols) {
internal::Preprocess(internal::prep_rules, internal::prep_subs, expr);
ExpressionTree<NumberType> tree{};
for (int i = 0; i < internal::max_tree_size; ++i) {
tree.nodes[i].index = static_cast<short>(i);
internal::BuildExpressionTree(expr, symbols, tree);
// Sort nodes by their level in the tree, nodes in level i can be evaluated
// with the values at level i+1. This is not strictly required, but it makes
// the evaluation faster.
std::sort(tree.nodes.begin(), tree.nodes.begin() + tree.size);
// Renumber children.
std::array<int, internal::max_tree_size> perm;
for (int i = 0; i < internal::max_tree_size; ++i) {
perm[tree.nodes[i].index] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < tree.size; ++i) {
auto& node = tree.nodes[i];
switch (node.type) {
case internal::OpCode::NUMBER:
case internal::OpCode::SYMBOL:
case internal::OpCode::NOOP:
node.child.left = perm[node.child.left];
if (node.child.right >= 0) {
node.child.right = perm[node.child.right];
return tree;
/// Prints a representation of a tree to a stream.
template<class TreeType, class StringListType, class StreamType>
void Print(const TreeType& tree, const StringListType& symbols,
StreamType& stream) {
internal::PrintExpressionTree(tree, 0, symbols, 0, stream);
/// Evaluates an expression. The functor "index_to_value" should map the index
/// of each symbol (order in the list produced by Parse) to its value
/// (int -> ReturnType). The return type does not need to be the same as the
/// type of number for the constants in the tree.
template<class ReturnType, class TreeType, class FunctionType>
ReturnType Eval(const TreeType& tree, const FunctionType& index_to_value) {
return internal::EvaluateExpressionTree<ReturnType>(tree, index_to_value);
/// Overload of Eval, where the functor "symbol_to_value" should map each
/// symbol to its value (StringType -> ReturnType).
template<class ReturnType, class TreeType, class StringListType,
class FunctionType>
ReturnType Eval(const TreeType& tree, const StringListType& symbols,
const FunctionType& symbol_to_value) {
auto index_to_value = [&](int i) {
return symbol_to_value(symbols[i]);
return internal::EvaluateExpressionTree<ReturnType>(tree, index_to_value);
/// Overload of Eval, evaluates a raw expression (string) assuming it does not
/// contain symbols (provided for convenience).
template<class ReturnType, class StringType>
ReturnType Eval(const StringType& expr) {
std::vector<str_t> s;
auto f = [&](int) {
assert(false && "Unexpected symbol");
return ReturnType{};
return internal::EvaluateExpressionTree<ReturnType>(
Parse<ReturnType>(str_t(expr), s), f);
} // namespace mel
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