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build_variables.bzl 65.95 KB
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# WARNING: the contents of this file must BOTH be valid Starlark (for Buck and
# Bazel) as well as valid Python (for our cmake build). This means that
# load() directives are not allowed (as they are not recognized by Python).
# If you want to fix this, figure out how run this file from cmake with a proper
# Starlark interpreter as part of the default OSS build process. If you need
# some nontrivial Starlark features, make a separate bzl file (remember that
# bzl files are not exported via ShipIt by default, so you may also need to
# update PyTorch's ShipIt config)
# This is duplicated in caffe2/CMakeLists.txt for now and not yet used in buck
# NVFuser runtime library
libtorch_nvfuser_runtime_sources = [
libtorch_nvfuser_generated_headers = ["{}.h".format(name.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]) for name in libtorch_nvfuser_runtime_sources]
def libtorch_generated_sources(gencode_pattern):
return [gencode_pattern.format(name) for name in [
# copied from https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/f99a693cd9ff7a9b5fdc71357dac66b8192786d3/aten/src/ATen/core/CMakeLists.txt
jit_core_headers = [
jit_core_sources = [
# copied from https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/0bde610c14b92d351b968a0228df29e92442b1cc/torch/CMakeLists.txt
# There are some common files used in both internal lite-interpreter and full-jit. Making a separate
# list for the shared files.
core_sources_common = [
torch_unpickler_common = [
libtorch_sources_common = sorted(core_sources_common + torch_unpickler_common)
# The profilers are not needed in the lite interpreter build.
libtorch_profiler_sources = [
libtorch_edge_profiler_sources = libtorch_profiler_sources + [
core_trainer_sources = [
core_sources_full_mobile_no_backend_interface = [
core_sources_full_mobile = core_sources_full_mobile_no_backend_interface + [
core_sources_full = core_sources_full_mobile + [
lazy_tensor_core_sources = [
# We can't build all of the ts backend under certain build configurations, e.g. mobile,
# since it depends on things like autograd, meta functions, which may be disabled
lazy_tensor_ts_sources = [
lazy_tensor_core_python_sources = [
libtorch_core_sources = sorted(
core_sources_common +
torch_unpickler_common +
core_sources_full +
core_trainer_sources +
libtorch_profiler_sources +
# These files are the only ones that are supported on Windows.
libtorch_distributed_base_sources = [
# These files are only supported on Linux (and others) but not on Windows.
libtorch_distributed_extra_sources = [
libtorch_distributed_sources = libtorch_distributed_base_sources + libtorch_distributed_extra_sources
jit_sources_full = [
libtorch_core_jit_sources = sorted(jit_sources_full)
torch_mobile_tracer_sources = [
torch_mobile_core = [
# backend_debug_info.cpp provides
# __torch__.torch.classes.backend.BackendDebugInfo class
# This should not be needed eventually.
# TODO: Remove this dependency
libtorch_lite_eager_symbolication = [
# Later we can split serialization and deserialization logic
# to have better separation within build and only build relevant parts.
# TODO: core_trainer_sources is not necessary for libtorch lite
libtorch_lite_cmake_sources = sorted(
core_trainer_sources +
core_sources_common +
torch_unpickler_common +
libtorch_cmake_sources = libtorch_core_sources + libtorch_core_jit_sources
libtorch_extra_sources = libtorch_core_jit_sources + [
# To be included for eager symbolication in lite interpreter
# when it is built in libtorch
def libtorch_sources(gencode_pattern = ":generate-code[{}]"):
enable_flatbuffer = bool(native.read_config("fbcode", "caffe2_enable_flatbuffer", None))
flatbuffer_serializer_sources = [
if enable_flatbuffer:
return (
libtorch_generated_sources(gencode_pattern) + libtorch_core_sources + libtorch_distributed_sources + libtorch_extra_sources +
return libtorch_generated_sources(gencode_pattern) + libtorch_core_sources + libtorch_distributed_sources + libtorch_extra_sources
libtorch_cuda_core_sources = [
# These files are the only ones that are supported on Windows.
libtorch_cuda_distributed_base_sources = [
# These files are only supported on Linux (and others) but not on Windows.
libtorch_cuda_distributed_extra_sources = [
libtorch_cuda_distributed_sources = libtorch_cuda_distributed_base_sources + libtorch_cuda_distributed_extra_sources
libtorch_cuda_sources = libtorch_cuda_core_sources + libtorch_cuda_distributed_sources + [
torch_cpp_srcs = [
"torch/csrc/api/src/cuda.cpp", # this just forwards stuff, no real CUDA
libtorch_python_cuda_core_sources = [
libtorch_python_cuda_sources = libtorch_python_cuda_core_sources + [
libtorch_python_core_sources = [
] + lazy_tensor_core_python_sources
libtorch_python_distributed_core_sources = [
libtorch_python_distributed_sources = libtorch_python_distributed_core_sources + [
def glob_libtorch_python_sources(gencode_pattern = ":generate-code[{}]"):
_libtorch_python_sources = [gencode_pattern.format(name) for name in [
return _libtorch_python_sources
aten_cpu_source_non_codegen_list = [
aten_cpu_source_codegen_list = [
aten_ufunc_headers = [
# When building lite interpreter in OSS, "aten/src/ATen/native/cpu/AdaptiveAvgPoolKernel.cpp" will go through
# codegen process. The codegen version of this file, like Activation.cpp.DEFAULT.cpp, will be included
# in ${cpu_kernel_cpp} in aten/src/ATen/CMakeLists.txt. As a result, in aten/src/ATen/CMakeLists.txt,
# only aten_cpu_source_non_codegen_list need to be added to ${all_cpu_cpp}.
aten_cpu_source_list = sorted(aten_cpu_source_non_codegen_list + aten_cpu_source_codegen_list)
# Same as ${aten_cpu_source_codegen_list}, this list will go through aten codegen, and be included in
# ${cpu_kernel_cpp} in aten/src/ATen/CMakeLists.txt.
aten_native_source_codegen_list = [
# This aten native source file list will not go through aten codegen process
aten_native_source_non_codegen_list = [
# Referenced by both native and ATen/Version.cpp. Does not reference to other native symbols
# "aten/src/ATen/native/DispatchStub.cpp",
# "aten/src/ATen/native/quantized/cpu/init_qnnpack.cpp",
# Low-level functions that can be directly referenced
# "aten/src/ATen/native/UpSample.cpp",
# Files not in native, but depends on native symbols
# "aten/src/ATen/TensorIndexing.cpp",
# 1. Files in ATen/native with a few exceptions
# TODO: move the exceptions to proper locations
# 2. The whole aten native source list includes the list with and without aten codegen process.
aten_native_source_list = sorted(aten_native_source_non_codegen_list + aten_native_source_codegen_list)
# These are cpp files which need to go in the torch_cuda_cu library
# .cu files can be found via glob
aten_cuda_cu_source_list = [
# Files using thrust::sort_by_key need to be linked last
aten_cuda_with_sort_by_key_source_list = [
# empty_cuda is needed by torch_cuda_cpp
aten_cuda_cu_with_sort_by_key_source_list = [
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