package Twapake;
# Twapake.pm
# This file is part of twapake
# Copyright 2010-2011 Frédéric Galusik <fredg~at~salixos~dot~org>
# License: BSD Revised
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use File::stat;
use File::Path;
# The place where Slackware store installed packages log files
our $pkgdir = "/var/log/packages";
our $rm_command;
our $removepkg = "/sbin/removepkg";
our $spkg = "/sbin/spkg";
our $spkgd = "/sbin/spkg -d";
our $file;
our @files;
our @sortfiles;
our ( $a, $b );
our $now = localtime;
our $nowfile = strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", localtime(time));
# the place to store twapake log files
our $twa_path = "/var/log/twapake";
mkpath $twa_path, 1, 0755;
sub new {
my $self = {};
bless ($self);
return $self;
# check if we use spkg or removepkg
sub checkrm {
if ( -e $spkg and -e $removepkg ) {
$rm_command = $spkgd;
} elsif (-e $removepkg and not -e $spkg ) {
$rm_command = $removepkg;
} else {
die "Nor pkgtool or spkg are installed, aborting...\n";
# get the packages list
sub get_files {
opendir(DIR, $pkgdir) or die "Cannot open '$pkgdir' : $!\n";
@files = grep !/^\./, readdir(DIR);
return @files;
# get the total of installed packages
sub nbpkg {
our $npkg = @files;
return $npkg;
# build a hash with key = pkg name and value = last time modification
keys our %hache = @files;
foreach $file (@files) {
our $stpkg = stat("$pkgdir/$file");
$hache{$file} = $stpkg->mtime;
# sort hash by descending value date
sub sortfiles {
@sortfiles = sort { $hache{$b} <=> $hache{$a} } @files;
return @sortfiles;
# make the twapake snapshot:
# installed date - package name
sub twalog {
open(TWAFILE, ">$twa_path/${nowfile}_twapake.log");
print TWAFILE "\nTwapake snapshot on $now\n";
print TWAFILE '='x72 ."\n\n";
print TWAFILE "Installed dates\t\tPackages (total: ", nbpkg(), ")\n";
print TWAFILE '-'x19 ."\t" . '-'x45 ."\n";
for $file (@sortfiles) {
printf TWAFILE "%s\t%s\n",
strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($hache{$file})), $file;
# make a less detailed list
# give the choice of number of packages
our $nlpkg;
$nlpkg = nbpkg() unless defined($nlpkg);
sub checknpkg {
if ($nlpkg > nbpkg()) {
die "Error: only ", nbpkg(), " packages are installed.\n";
sub sortmtimelist {
foreach $file ( 0..($nlpkg - 1) ) {
print "$sortfiles[$file]\n";
# remove last installed packages
sub rmpkg {
print "Do you wish to remove all these packages ?\n";
foreach $file ( 0..($nlpkg - 1) ) {
print "$sortfiles[$file]\n";
print "(y)es or (n)o ? ";
if ((my $answer = <STDIN>) =~ /^y$/i) {
foreach $file ( 0..($nlpkg - 1) ) {
system ("$rm_command $sortfiles[$file]");
} elsif ($answer =~ /^n$/i) {
die "aborting ...\n";
} else {
chomp $answer;
die "'$answer' is neither 'y' for 'yes' nor 'n' for 'no'\n";
# show installed packages since a choosen date
our $choosedate;
sub userdate_default {
my $today = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime(time));
return $today;
$choosedate = userdate_default() unless defined($choosedate);
sub checkdate {
if ($choosedate =~ m!^((?:19|20)\d\d)[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$!) {
# $1 year $2 month $3 day
if ($3 == 31 and ($2 == 4 or $2 == 6 or $2 == 9 or $2 == 11)) {
die "Sorry but this month has not 31 days!\n";
} elsif ($3 >= 30 and $2 == 2) {
die "Sorry but February has not as much days!\n";
} elsif ($2 == 2 and $3 == 29 and not ($1 % 4 == 0 and ($1 % 100 != 0 or $1 % 400 == 0))) {
die "Sorry but it is not a leap year\n";
} else {
die "Sorry but date format must be YYYY-mm-dd!\n";
sub installedsince {
for $file (@sortfiles) {
if (strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($hache{$file})) gt $choosedate) {
print "$file\n";
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