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functionList.xml 61.06 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
vanvenj 提交于 2018-12-27 13:30 . init npp for pml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- ==========================================================================\
| To learn how to make your own language parser, please check the following
| link:
| http://notepad-plus-plus.org/features/function-list.html
\=========================================================================== -->
Don't use L_JS (19) use L_JAVASCRIPT (58) instead!
Don't use L_USER and L_EXTERNAL, use extension or UDL name association instead!
L_ADA = 42 | L_DIFF = 33 | L_LISP = 30 | L_SCHEME = 31
L_ASCII = 14 | L_EXTERNAL = 60 | L_LUA = 23 | L_SEARCHRESULT = 47
L_ASM = 32 | L_FLASH = 27 | L_MAKEFILE = 10 | L_SMALLTALK = 37
L_ASP = 16 | L_FORTRAN = 25 | L_MATLAB = 44 | L_SQL = 17
L_AU3 = 40 | L_FORTRAN_77 = 59 | L_NSIS = 28 | L_TCL = 29
L_BASH = 26 | L_GUI4CLI = 51 | L_OBJC = 5 | L_TEX = 24
L_BATCH = 12 | L_HASKELL = 45 | L_PASCAL = 11 | L_TEXT = 0
L_C = 2 | L_HTML = 8 | L_PERL = 21 | L_USER = 15
L_CAML = 41 | L_INI = 13 | L_PHP = 1 | L_VB = 18
L_CMAKE = 48 | L_INNO = 46 | L_POWERSHELL = 53 | L_VERILOG = 43
L_COBOL = 50 | L_JAVA = 6 | L_PROPS = 34 | L_VHDL = 38
L_COFFEESCRIPT = 56 | L_JAVASCRIPT = 58 | L_PS = 35 | L_XML = 9
L_CPP = 3 | L_JS = 19 | L_PYTHON = 22 | L_YAML = 49
L_CS = 4 | L_JSON = 57 | L_R = 54 |
L_CSS = 20 | L_JSP = 55 | L_RC = 7 |
L_D = 52 | L_KIX = 39 | L_RUBY = 36 |
0 = L_TEXT | 16 = L_ASP | 32 = L_ASM | 48 = L_CMAKE
1 = L_PHP | 17 = L_SQL | 33 = L_DIFF | 49 = L_YAML
2 = L_C | 18 = L_VB | 34 = L_PROPS | 50 = L_COBOL
3 = L_CPP | 19 = L_JS | 35 = L_PS | 51 = L_GUI4CLI
4 = L_CS | 20 = L_CSS | 36 = L_RUBY | 52 = L_D
5 = L_OBJC | 21 = L_PERL | 37 = L_SMALLTALK | 53 = L_POWERSHELL
6 = L_JAVA | 22 = L_PYTHON | 38 = L_VHDL | 54 = L_R
7 = L_RC | 23 = L_LUA | 39 = L_KIX | 55 = L_JSP
8 = L_HTML | 24 = L_TEX | 40 = L_AU3 | 56 = L_COFFEESCRIPT
9 = L_XML | 25 = L_FORTRAN | 41 = L_CAML | 57 = L_JSON
10 = L_MAKEFILE | 26 = L_BASH | 42 = L_ADA | 58 = L_JAVASCRIPT
11 = L_PASCAL | 27 = L_FLASH | 43 = L_VERILOG | 59 = L_FORTRAN_77
12 = L_BATCH | 28 = L_NSIS | 44 = L_MATLAB | 60 = L_EXTERNAL
13 = L_INI | 29 = L_TCL | 45 = L_HASKELL |
14 = L_ASCII | 30 = L_LISP | 46 = L_INNO |
15 = L_USER | 31 = L_SCHEME | 47 = L_SEARCHRESULT |
if langID cannot be found above, you can set the file extensions ...
<association id="my_parser_id" ext=".my_parser_ext1" />
<association id="my_parser_id" ext=".my_parser_ext2" />
and for User Defined Languages (UDL's) use ...
<association id="my_parser_id" userDefinedLangName="My UDL Name" />
Not required, just a guide.
Suffix Indicates
_class parser has a class part only
_function parser has a function part only
_syntax parser has both a class and function part
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- ___ parserID -->
<!-- V -->
<association id= "php_syntax" langID= "1" />
<association id= "c_function" langID= "2" />
<association id= "cplusplus_syntax" langID= "3" />
<association id= "csharp_class" langID= "4" />
<association id= "java_syntax" langID= "6" />
<association id= "xml_node" langID= "9" />
<association id= "batch_label" langID="12" />
<association id= "ini_section" langID="13" />
<association id= "perl_function" langID="21" />
<association id= "python_syntax" langID="22" />
<association id= "bash_function" langID="26" />
<association id= "nsis_syntax" langID="28" />
<association id= "assembly_subroutine" langID="32" />
<association id= "ruby_syntax" langID="36" />
<association id= "autoit3_function" langID="40" />
<association id= "innosetup_syntax" langID="46" />
<association id= "powershell_function" langID="53" />
<association id= "javascript_function" langID="58" />
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<association id= "baanc_section" langID="60" />
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<association id= "krl_function" userDefinedLangName="KRL" />
<association id= "krl_function" ext=".src" />
<association id= "krl_function" ext=".sub" />
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<association id= "pml_function" userDefinedLangName="pml2" />
<association id= "pml_function" ext=".pmlfnc" />
<association id= "pml_function" ext=".pmlfrm" />
<association id= "pml_function" ext=".pmlobj" />
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<association id= "sinumerik_function" userDefinedLangName="Sinumerik" />
<association id= "sinumerik_function" ext=".arc" />
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<association id= "universe_basic" userDefinedLangName="UniVerse BASIC" />
<association id= "universe_basic" ext=".bas" />
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- ========================================================= [ PHP ] -->
<!-- PHP - Personal Home Page / PHP Hypertext Preprocessor -->
id ="php_syntax"
mainExpr ="^\s*(class|abstract\s+class|final\s+class|interface|trait)[\t\x20]+[A-Za-z_\x7F-\xFF][\w\x7F-\xFF]*(\s*|\s*(extends|implements|(extends\s+(\\|[A-Za-z_\x7F-\xFF][\w\x7F-\xFF]*)+\s+implements))\s+(\,\s*|(\\|[A-Za-z_\x7F-\xFF][\w\x7F-\xFF]*))+\s*)?\{"
openSymbole ="\{"
<nameExpr expr="(class|abstract\s+class|final\s+class|interface|trait)\s+\w+" />
<nameExpr expr="\s+\w+\Z" />
<nameExpr expr="\w+\Z" />
<funcNameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for|switch))\w+\s*\([^\{]*" />
<!-- comment out the following node to display the method with parameters -->
<funcNameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for|switch))\w+" />
<nameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for))\w+\s*\(" />
<nameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for))\w+" />
<nameExpr expr="\w+(?=\s*::)" />
<!-- =========================================================== [ C ] -->
id ="c_function"
commentExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?s:\x2F\x2A.*?\x2A\x2F) # Multi Line Comment
| (?m-s:\x2F{2}.*$) # Single Line Comment
| (?s:\x22(?:[^\x22\x5C]|\x5C.)*\x22) # String Literal - Double Quoted
| (?s:\x27(?:[^\x27\x5C]|\x5C.)*\x27) # String Literal - Single Quoted
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?: # Declaration specifiers
(?-i:auto|register|static|extern|typedef) # Storage class specifier
| (?: # Type specifier
| (?-i:struct|union|enum)
(?&amp;VALID_ID) # Struct, Union or Enum Specifier (simplified)
| (?&amp;VALID_ID) # Type-definition name
| (?'TYPE_QUALIFIER'(?-i:const|volatile))
(?:(?&amp;POINTER))? # Boost::Regex 1.58-1.59 do not correctly handle quantifiers on subroutine calls
(?'VALID_ID' # valid identifier, use as subroutine
| break
| c(?:ase|har|on(?:st|ntinue))
| d(?:efault|o(?:uble)?)
| e(?:lse|num|xtern)
| f(?:loat|or)
| goto
| i(?:f|n(?:t|line))
| long
| while
| re(?:gister|strict|turn)
| s(?:hort|i(?:gned|zeof)|t(?:atic|ruct)|witch)
| typedef
| un(?:ion|signed)
| vo(?:id|latile)
| _(?:
| Bool
| Complex
| Generic
| Imaginary
| Noreturn
| Static_assert
| Thread_local
)\b) # keywords, not to be used as identifier
[A-Za-z_\x7F-\xFF][\w\x7F-\xFF]* # valid character combination for identifiers
| \s*\(
| \s*(?&amp;VALID_ID)
| \s*(?&amp;VALID_ID)
(?=\{) # start of function body
<nameExpr expr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
\s*\( # start of parameters
(?s:.*?) # whatever, until...
\) # end of parameters
" />
<!-- comment out the following node to display the method with its parameters -->
<!-- <nameExpr expr="[A-Za-z_\x7F-\xFF][\w\x7F-\xFF]*" /> -->
<!-- ========================================================= [ C++ ] -->
id ="cplusplus_syntax"
mainExpr ="^[\t\x20]*(class|struct)[\t\x20]+\w+\s*(final)?\s*(:\s*(public|protected|private)\s+\w+\s*)?\{"
openSymbole ="\{"
<nameExpr expr="(class|struct)[\t\x20]+\w+" />
<nameExpr expr="[\t\x20]+\w+" />
<nameExpr expr="\w+" />
<funcNameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for|switch))[\w~]+\s*\(" />
<funcNameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for|switch))[\w~]+" />
<nameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for))\w+\s*\(" />
<nameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for))\w+" />
<nameExpr expr="\w+(?=\s*::)" />
<!-- ========================================================== [ C# ] -->
| Based on:
| http://sourceforge.net/p/notepad-plus/patches/613/
id ="csharp_class"
mainExpr ="^[\t\x20]*((public|protected|private|internal)\s+)?(\w+\s*)?(class|struct|interface)[\t\x20]+[^\{]+\{"
openSymbole ="\{"
<nameExpr expr="(class|struct|interface)[\t\x20]+\w+" />
<nameExpr expr="[\t\x20]+\w+" />
<nameExpr expr="\w+" />
<funcNameExpr expr="(\w+(&lt;[\w,\s&lt;&gt;]+&gt;)?\s?)\(" />
<funcNameExpr expr="(\w+(&lt;[\w,\s&lt;&gt;]+&gt;)?\s?)" />
<!-- ======================================================== [ Java ] -->
| Based on:
| https://notepad-plus-plus.org/community/topic/12691/function-list-with-java-problems
id ="java_syntax"
mainExpr ="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?m)^[\t\x20]* # leading whitespace
| final
| native
| p(?:rivate|rotected|ublic)
| s(?:tatic|trictfp|ynchronized)
| transient
| volatile
| @[A-Za-z_]\w* # qualified identifier
(?: # consecutive names...
\. # ...are dot separated
(?'VALID_ID' # valid identifier, use as subroutine
| b(?:oolean|reak|yte)
| c(?:ase|atch|har|lass|on(?:st|tinue))
| d(?:efault|o(?:uble)?)
| e(?:lse|num|xtends)
| f(?:inal(?:ly)?|loat|or)
| goto
| i(?:f|mp(?:lements|ort)|nstanceof|nt(?:erface)?)
| long
| n(?:ative|ew)
| p(?:ackage|rivate|rotected|ublic)
| return
| s(?:hort|tatic|trictfp|uper|witch|ynchronized)
| th(?:is|rows?)|tr(?:ansient|y)
| vo(?:id|latile)
| while
)\b) # keywords, not to be used as identifier
[A-Za-z_]\w* # valid character combination for identifiers
\s*\x3C # start-of-template indicator...
(?'GENERIC' # ...match first generic, use as subroutine
(?&amp;DECLARATOR) # use named generic
| \? # or unknown
(?: # optional type extension
(?: # multiple bounds...
\s+\x26 # ...are ampersand separated
(?: # match consecutive generics objects...
\s*, # ...are comma separated
\s*\x3E # end-of-template indicator
(?: # package and|or nested classes...
\. # ...are dot separated
(?: # optional object extension
(?: # consecutive objects...
\s*, # ...are comma separated
(?: # optional object implementation
(?: # consecutive objects...
\s*, # ...are comma separated
\s*\{ # whatever, up till start-of-body indicator
openSymbole ="\{"
<nameExpr expr="(?-i:class|enum|@?interface)\s+\K\w+(?:\s*\x3C.*?\x3E)?" />
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
^[\t\x20]* # leading whitespace
| final
| native
| p(?:rivate|rotected|ublic)
| s(?:tatic|trictfp|ynchronized)
| transient
| volatile
| @[A-Za-z_]\w* # qualified identifier
(?: # consecutive names...
\. # ...are dot separated
\s*\x3C # start-of-template indicator
\s*\x3E # end-of-template indicator
[A-Za-z_]\w* # (parent) type name
(?: # consecutive sibling type names...
\. # ...are dot separated
\s*\x3C # start-of-template indicator
(?'GENERIC' # match first generic, use as subroutine
(?&amp;DECLARATOR) # use named generic
| \? # or unknown
(?: # optional type extension
(?: # multiple bounds...
\s+\x26 # ...are ampersand separated
(?: # consecutive generics objects...
\s*, # ...are comma separated
\s*\x3E # end-of-template indicator
(?: # package and|or nested classes...
\. # ...are dot separated
(?: # optional compound type...
\s*\[ # ...start-of-compound indicator
\s*\] # ...end-of-compound indicator
(?'VALID_ID' # valid identifier, use as subroutine
| b(?:oolean|reak|yte)
| c(?:ase|atch|har|lass|on(?:st|tinue))
| d(?:efault|o(?:uble)?)
| e(?:lse|num|xtends)
| f(?:inal(?:ly)?|loat|or)
| goto
| i(?:f|mp(?:lements|ort)|nstanceof|nt(?:erface)?)
| long
| n(?:ative|ew)
| p(?:ackage|rivate|rotected|ublic)
| return
| s(?:hort|tatic|trictfp|uper|witch|ynchronized)
| th(?:is|rows?)|tr(?:ansient|y)
| vo(?:id|latile)
| while
)\b) # keywords, not to be used as identifier
[A-Za-z_]\w* # valid character combination for identifiers
\s*\( # start-of-parameters indicator
(?'PARAMETER' # match first parameter, use as subroutine
\s+(?&amp;VALID_ID) # parameter name
(?: # consecutive parameters...
\s*, # ...are comma separated
\) # end-of-parameters indicator
(?: # optional exceptions
\s+(?&amp;VALID_ID) # first exception name
(?: # consecutive exception names...
\s*, # ...are comma separated
[^{;]*\{ # start-of-function-body indicator
<funcNameExpr expr="\w+(?=\s*\()" />
<!-- ========================================================= [ XML ] -->
<!-- XML - eXtensible Markup Language -->
displayName="XML Node"
id ="xml_node"
commentExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?:\x3C!--(?:[^\-]|-(?!-\x3E))*--\x3E) # Multi Line Comment
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
\x3C # begin of node
(?-i:\?XML) # only name of root node is allowed to start with a question mark
| \w+(?::\w+)? # a node name can contain a colon e.g. `xs:schema`
(?: # match attributes
\s+ # at least one whitespace before attribute-name
\w+(?::\w+)? # an attribute name can contain a colon e.g. `xmlns:xs`
\h*=\h* # name-value separator can be surrounded by blanks
(?: # quoted attribute value, embedded escaped quotes allowed...
\x22(?:[^\x22\x5C]|\x5C.)*?\x22 # ...double quoted...
| \x27(?:[^\x27\x5C]|\x5C.)*?\x27 # ...single quoted
)+ # only match nodes with at least one attribute
<nameExpr expr="[^\x3C]*" />
<!-- ================================ [ Batch / Command Shell Script ] -->
displayName="Batch / Command Shell Script"
id ="batch_label"
commentExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?m-s:(?i:REM)(?:\h.+)?$) # Single Line Comment 1
| (?m-s::{2}.*$) # Single Line Comment 2
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?m-s) # enforce strict line by line search
^ # label starts at the beginning of a line,...
\h* # ...can be preceded by blank characters and
: # ...starts with a colon
\K # keep the text matched so far, out of the overall match
\w # a label name has to start with a word character,...
[\w.\-]+ # ...the remainder of the name can contain dots and minus signs and
\b # ...ends at a word boundary i.e. discard any trailing characters
<!-- ========================================= [ Initialisation File ] -->
<!-- File format used for: .INF / .INI / .REG / .editorconfig -->
displayName="INI Section"
id ="ini_section"
(?m-s:[;\#].*$) # Single Line Comment
<nameExpr expr="[^[\]&quot;]*" />
<!-- ======================================================== [ PERL ] -->
<!-- PERL - Practical Extraction and Reporting Language -->
id ="perl_function"
commentExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?m-s:\x23.*$) # Single Line Comment
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
\s*\{ # start of class body
<nameExpr expr="(?:sub\s+)?\K[A-Za-z_]\w*" />
<nameExpr expr="[A-Za-z_]\w*(?=\s*:{2})" />
<!-- ====================================================== [ Python ] -->
id ="python_syntax"
mainExpr ="(?&lt;=^class\x20).*?(?=\n\S|\Z)"
<nameExpr expr="\w+(?=[\(|:])" />
<funcNameExpr expr=".*" />
<nameExpr expr=".*" />
<!-- ======================================================== [ Bash ] -->
<!-- BASH - Bourne-Again Shell -->
id ="bash_function"
commentExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?-s:(?:^\x23[^!]|^\h*\x23|\h+\x23).*$) # Single Line Comment
| (?s:\x22(?:[^\x22\x5C]|\x5C.)*\x22) # String Literal - Double Quoted
| (?s:\x27[^\x27]*\x27) # String Literal - Single Quoted
| (?s: # Here Document (Type 1) and Here String
\R\k'HD1ID' # close with exactly the same identifier, in the first column
| (?s: # Here Document (Type 2)
\R\h*\k'HD2ID' # close with exactly the same identifier
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?m)^\h* # optional leading whitespace
(?'VALID_ID' # valid identifier, use as subroutine
| el(?:if|se)|esac
| f(?:i|or|unction)
| i[fn]
| select
| t(?:hen|ime)
| until
| while
)\b) # keywords, not to be used as identifier
[A-Za-z_\x7F-\xFF][\w\x7F-\xFF]* # valid character combination for identifiers
(?:\s*\([^)]*?\))? # parentheses and parameters optional
\s*\([^)]*?\) # parentheses required, parameters optional
[^{;]*?\{ # no semi-colon until start of body
<nameExpr expr="\b(?!function\b)\w+(?:\s*\([^)]*\))?" />
<!-- comment out the following node to display the function with its parameters -->
<nameExpr expr="\w+(?=\b)" />
<!-- ======================================================== [ NSIS ] -->
<!-- NSIS - Nullsoft Scriptable Install System -->
id ="nsis_syntax"
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
\b(?-i:SectionGroup)\b # open indicator
\b(?-i:SectionGroupEnd)\b # close indicator
<nameExpr expr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
SectionGroup\h+(?-i:/e\h+)? # start indicator and its optional switch
\K # keep the text matched so far, out of the overall match
.+$ # whatever, till end-of-line
<nameExpr expr="[^\r\n\x22]*" />
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
^(?'INDENT'\h*) # optional leading whitespace at start-of-line
\h+ # required whitespace separator
\K # keep the text matched so far, out of the overall match
[^\r\n]*$ # whatever, until end-of-line
\h+ # required whitespace separator
(?-i:/o\h+)? # optional switch
\K # keep the text matched so far, out of the overall match
.*? # whatever,
(?= # up till...
^\k'INDENT' # ...equal indent at start-of-line for...
\k'TAG'End\b # ...matching close indicator
\x24\x7B # start-of-open-element indicator
\x7D # end-of-open-element indicator
\h+ # required whitespace separator
(?-i:/o\h+)? # optional switch
\K # keep the text matched so far, out of the overall match
.*? # whatever,
(?= # up till...
^\k'INDENT' # ...equal indent at start-of-line for...
\x24\x7B\k'ID'End\x7D # ...matching close indicator
<funcNameExpr expr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
[^\r\n]+? # whatever,
(?= # up till...
\h* # ...optional whitespace and...
\x2F\x2A # ...start of multi line comment or...
| [\x23;] # ...start of single line comment or...
| $ # ...end-of-line
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
^(?'INDENT'\h*) # optional leading whitespace at start-of-line
\h+ # required whitespace separator
\K # keep the text matched so far, out of the overall match
[^\r\n]*$ # whatever, until end-of-line
\h+ # required whitespace separator
(?-i:/o\h+)? # optional switch
\K # keep the text matched so far, out of the overall match
.*? # whatever,
(?= # up till...
^\k'INDENT' # ...equal indent at start-of-line for...
\k'TAG'End\b # ...matching close indicator
\x24\x7B # start-of-open-element indicator
\x7D # end-of-open-element indicator
\h+ # required whitespace separator
(?-i:/o\h+)? # optional switch
\K # keep the text matched so far, out of the overall match
.*? # whatever,
(?= # up till...
^\k'INDENT' # ...equal indent at start-of-line for...
\x24\x7B\k'ID'End\x7D # ...matching close indicator
<nameExpr expr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
[^\r\n]+? # whatever,
(?= # up till...
\h* # ...optional whitespace and...
\x2F\x2A # ...start of multi line comment or...
| [\x23;] # ...start of single line comment or...
| $ # ...end-of-line
<!-- ==================================================== [ Assembly ] -->
id ="assembly_subroutine"
commentExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?m-s:;.*$) # Single Line Comment
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?m)^\h* # optional leading whitespace
\K # keep the text matched so far, out of the overall match
[A-Za-z_$][\w$]* # valid character combination for labels
(?=:) # up till the colon
<!-- ======================================================== [ Ruby ] -->
id ="ruby_syntax"
<!-- within a class-->
mainExpr ="(?&lt;=^class\x20).*?(?=\n\S|\Z)"
<nameExpr expr="\w+" />
<funcNameExpr expr="(?&lt;=def\s)\w+" />
<!-- without class-->
<nameExpr expr="(?&lt;=def\s)\w+" />
<!-- ===================================================== [ AutoIt3 ] -->
| Based on:
| https://sourceforge.net/p/notepad-plus/discussion/331753/thread/5d9bb881/#e86e
id ="autoit3_function"
commentExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?is:\x23cs.*?\x23ce) # Multi Line Comment
| (?m-s:^\h*;.*?$) # Single Line Comment
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?m)^\h* # optional leading whitespace
(?i:FUNC\s+) # start-of-function indicator
\K # keep the text matched so far, out of the overall match
[A-Za-z_]\w* # valid character combination for identifiers
\s*\([^()]*?\) # parentheses required, parameters optional
<!-- comment out the following node to display the function with its parameters -->
<nameExpr expr="[A-Za-z_]\w*" />
<!-- ================================================== [ Inno Setup ] -->
displayName="Inno Setup"
id ="innosetup_syntax"
mainExpr ="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
^ # header starts at beginning of a line
\[ # start of section header
(?-i:Code) # `Code` section name
] # end of section header
.*? # whatever, up till...
(?= # ...next valid section header or...
^ # +-- header starts at beginning of a line
\[ # +-- start-of-header indicator
| Dirs
| Files
| I(?:cons|nstallDelete)
| Languages
| R(?:egistry|un)
| Setup
| T(?:asks|ypes)
| Uninstall(?:Delete|Run)
) # +-- valid section name
] # \-- end-of-header indicator
| \Z # ...end-of-file
<nameExpr expr="^\[\K[^\h\]]+(?=])" />
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?m-s)^\h* # optional leading whitespace
\s*\( # start-of-parameter-list indicator
[^()]* # parameter list
\s*\) # end-of-parameter-list indicator
\s*: # type indicator
\s*[A-Za-z_]\w* # type identifier
\s*; # end-of-statement indicator
<funcNameExpr expr="(?i:FUNCTION\h+)\K[A-Za-z_]\w*\s*\([^()]*\)" />
<!-- comment out the following node to display the method with its parameters -->
<funcNameExpr expr="[A-Za-z_]\w*" />
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
^ # header starts at beginning of a line
\[ # start-of-header indicator
| Dirs
| Files
| I(?:cons|nstallDelete)
| Languages
| R(?:egistry|un)
| Setup
| T(?:asks|ypes)
| Uninstall(?:Delete|Run)
) # valid section name
] # end-of-header indicator
.*? # whatever, up till...
(?&amp;SECTION_HEADER) # ...next valid section header,...
| ^\[(?-i:Code)] # ...`Code` section header or...
| \Z # ...end-of-file
<nameExpr expr="^\[\K[^\]]+(?=])" />
<!-- ================================================== [ PowerShell ] -->
id ="powershell_function"
commentExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?s:\x3C\x23(?:[^\x23]|\x23[^\x3E])*\x23\x3E) # Multi Line Comment
| (?m-s:\x23.*$) # Single Line Comment
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
<nameExpr expr="[A-Za-z_][\w\-]*(?=\s*[({])" />
<nameExpr expr="[A-Za-z_]\w*(?=:)" />
<!-- ================================================ [ J(ava)Script ] -->
id ="javascript_function"
<nameExpr expr="[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\s*[=:]|[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\s*\(" />
<nameExpr expr="[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*" />
<nameExpr expr="([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\.)*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\." />
<nameExpr expr="([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\.)*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*" />
<parser id="pml_function" displayName="pml2" commentExpr="">
<nameExpr expr=".*" />
<!-- ========================================================= [ KRL ] -->
<!-- KRL - KUKA Robot Language -->
| https://notepad-plus-plus.org/community/topic/12264/function-list-for-new-language
id ="krl_function"
commentExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?m-s:;.*$) # Single Line Comment
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
DEF # start-of-procedure indicator, possible extended to...
FCT # ...start-of-function indicator
(?:BOOL|CHAR|INT|REAL|(?&amp;VALID_ID)) # returning a primitive type or a user-defined-type...
(?: # ...optionally as an array
\K # keep the text matched so far, out of the overall match
(?'VALID_ID' # valid identifier, use as subroutine
| F(?:ALSE|OR)
| L(?:IN(?:_REL)?|OOP)
| OR
| P(?:RIO|TP(?:_REL)?|UBLIC)
)\b) # keywords, not to be used as identifier
[$A-Za-z_\x7F-\xFF][$\w\x7F-\xFF]{0,23} # valid character combination for identifiers
<!-- comment out the following node to display the method with its parameters -->
<nameExpr expr="[$A-Za-z_\x7F-\xFF][$\w\x7F-\xFF]{0,23}" />
<!-- =================================================== [ Sinumerik ] -->
<!-- Sinumerik - Siemens Numeric Control -->
| https://notepad-plus-plus.org/community/topic/12520/function-list-for-simatic
| 20161113: Added `(?!\$PATH)` to get around restriction/bug of
| two characters required before comment.
id ="sinumerik_function"
<!-- ============================================== [ UniVerse BASIC ] -->
| Based on:
| https://notepad-plus-plus.org/community/topic/12742/functionlist-different-results-with-different-line-endings
displayName="UniVerse BASIC"
id ="universe_basic"
commentExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?:^|;) # at start-of-line or after end-of-statement
\h* # optional leading whitespace
(?-i:REM\b|\x24\x2A|[\x21\x2A]) # Single Line Comment 1..4
.*$ # whatever, until end-of-line
| (?:\x22[^\x22\r\n]*\x22) # String Literal - Double Quoted
| (?:\x27[^\x27\r\n]*\x27) # String Literal - Single Quoted
| (?:\x5C[^\x5C\r\n]*\x5C) # String Literal - Backslash Quoted
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?m-i)^ # case-sensitive, NO leading whitespace
\d+\b(?=:?) # completely numeric label, colon optional + discarded
| [A-Za-z_][\w.$%]*(?=:) # alphanumeric label, colon required + discarded
<!-- ======================================================= [ BaanC ] -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Based on:
| https://notepad-plus-plus.org/community/topic/14494/functionlist-classrange-question
| Note(s):
| 1. Boost::Regex 1.58-1.59 do not correctly handle quantifiers on subroutine calls
| therefore the additional non-capturing group i.e. "(?:(?&amp;COMMENT))?" instead
| of simply "(?&amp;COMMENT)?"
displayName="BaanC Sections"
id ="baanc_section"
mainExpr="(?x) # free-spacing (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?im) # case-insensitive, ^ and $ match at line breaks
(?(DEFINE) # definition of sub-routines
^\h* # optional leading whitespace at start-of-line
(?: # known section names
| (?:field|zoom\.from)\.(?:all|other|\w+(?:\.\w+)*)
| (?:footer|group|header)\.\d+
| choice\.\w+(?:\.\w+)*
| detail\.\d+
| form\.(?:all|other|\d+)
| functions
| main\.table\.io
): # end-of-section-header indicator
^\h* # optional leading whitespace at start-of-line
(?: # known `empty` section names
| before\.(?:(?:display|new)\.object|program)
| declaration
| on\.(?:display\.total\.line|error)
): # end-of-section-header indicator
(?&amp;SECTION) # section header
(?s:.*?) # whatever,
(?= # ...up till
(?&amp;SECTION) # ...next section header,
| (?&amp;SECTION_EMPTY) # ...next `empty` section header
| \Z # ...or end-of-text
<nameExpr expr="^\h*\K\w+(?:\.\w+)*:" />
mainExpr="(?x) # free-spacing (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?im) # case-insensitive, ^ and $ match at line breaks
(?(DEFINE) # definition of sub-routines
\s*\x7C[^\r\n]* # trailing comment
(?: # optional subsequent comment
(?:\r?\n|\n?\r) # - mandatory line-break
\s*\x7C[^\r\n]* # - `trailing` comment
^\h* # optional leading whitespace at start-of-line
\K # discard text matched so far
(?: # known sub-section names
| before\.(?:ch(?:ecks|oice)|d(?:elete|isplay)|f(?:ield|orm)|group|input|layout|print|re(?:ad|write)|write|zoom)
| check\.input
| domain\.error
| init\.(?:f(?:ield|orm)|group)
| on\.(?:choice|e(?:ntry|xit)|input)
| read\.view
| ref\.(?:display|input)
| selection\.filter
| when\.field\.changes
): # end-of-sub-section-header indicator
function # keyword, start-of-function-header indicator
(?:(?&amp;COMMENT))? # optional `embedded` comment
(?: # optional storage-class specifier
(?:(?&amp;COMMENT))? # ...with optional `embedded` comment
(?: # optional function type specifier
| double
| long
| string
| void
| domain
(?:(?&amp;COMMENT))? # ...with optional `embedded` comment
(?:(?&amp;COMMENT))? # ...with optional `embedded` comment
\K # discard text matched so far
\w+(?:\.\w+)* # function identifier
(?:(?&amp;COMMENT)(?:\r?\n|\n?\r))? # optional `embedded` comment
\s*\( # start-of-parameter-list indicator
<funcNameExpr expr="\w+(?:\.\w+)*(?:\h*:)?" />
mainExpr="(?x) # free-spacing (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?im) # case-insensitive, ^ and $ match at line breaks
(?(DEFINE) # definition of sub-routines
\s*\x7C[^\r\n]* # trailing comment
(?: # optional subsequent comment
(?:\r?\n|\n?\r) # - mandatory line-break
\s*\x7C[^\r\n]* # - `trailing` comment
^\h* # optional leading whitespace at start-of-line
\K # discard text matched so far
(?: # known `empty` section names
| before\.(?:display\.object|new\.object|program)
| declaration
| on\.(?:display\.total\.line|error)
): # end-of-section-header indicator
function # keyword, start-of-function-header indicator
(?:(?&amp;COMMENT))? # optional `embedded` comment
(?: # optional storage-class specifier
(?:(?&amp;COMMENT))? # ...with optional `embedded` comment
(?: # optional function type specifier
| double
| long
| string
| void
| domain
(?:(?&amp;COMMENT))? # ...with optional `embedded` comment
(?:(?&amp;COMMENT))? # ...with optional `embedded` comment
\K # discard text matched so far
\w+(?:\.\w+)* # function identifier
(?:(?&amp;COMMENT)(?:\r?\n|\n?\r))? # optional `embedded` comment
\s*\( # start-of-parameter-list indicator
<nameExpr expr="\w+(?:\.\w+)*(?:\h*:)?" />
<!-- ================================================================= -->
马建仓 AI 助手


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