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// Package kite is a library for creating micro-services. Two main types
// implemented by this package are Kite for creating a micro-service server
// called "Kite" and Client for communicating with another kites.
package kite
import (
jwt "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go"
uuid "github.com/satori/go.uuid"
var hostname string
func init() {
var err error
hostname, err = os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("kite: cannot get hostname: %s", err.Error()))
jwt.TimeFunc = func() time.Time {
return time.Now().UTC()
// Kite defines a single process that enables distributed service messaging
// amongst the peers it is connected. A Kite process acts as a Client and as a
// Server. That means it can receive request, process them, but it also can
// make request to other kites.
// Do not use this struct directly. Use kite.New function, add your handlers
// with HandleFunc mehtod, then call Run method to start the inbuilt server (or
// pass it to any http.Handler compatible server)
type Kite struct {
Config *config.Config
// Log logs with the given Logger interface
Log Logger
// SetLogLevel changes the level of the logger. Default is INFO.
SetLogLevel func(Level)
// Contains different functions for authenticating user from request.
// Keys are the authentication types (options.auth.type).
Authenticators map[string]func(*Request) error
// ClientFunc is used as the default value for kite.Client.ClientFunc.
// If nil, a default ClientFunc will be used.
// Deprecated: Set Config.XHR field instead.
ClientFunc func(*sockjsclient.DialOptions) *http.Client
// WebRTCHandler handles the webrtc responses coming from a signalling server.
WebRTCHandler Handler
// Handlers added with Kite.HandleFunc().
handlers map[string]*Method // method map for exported methods
preHandlers []Handler // a list of handlers that are executed before any handler
postHandlers []Handler // a list of handlers that are executed after any handler
finalFuncs []FinalFunc // a list of funcs executed after any handler regardless of the error
// MethodHandling defines how the kite is returning the response for
// multiple handlers
MethodHandling MethodHandling
// HTTP muxer
muxer *mux.Router
// kontrolclient is used to register to kontrol and query third party kites
// from kontrol
kontrol *kontrolClient
// kontrolKey stores parsed Config.KontrolKey
kontrolKey *rsa.PublicKey
// configMu protects access to Config.{Kite,Kontrol}Key fields.
configMu sync.RWMutex
// verifyCache is used as a cache for verify method.
// The field is set by verifyInit method.
verifyCache *cache.MemoryTTL
// verifyFunc is a verify method used to verify auth keys.
// For more details see (config.Config).VerifyFunc.
// The field is set by verifyInit method.
verifyFunc func(pub string) error
// verifyAudienceFunc is used to verify the audience of an
// an incoming JWT token.
// For more details see (config.Config).VerifyAudienceFunc.
// The field is set by verifyInit method.
verifyAudienceFunc func(*protocol.Kite, string) error
// verifyOnce ensures all verify* fields are set up only once.
verifyOnce sync.Once
// mu protects assigment to verifyCache
mu sync.Mutex
// Handlers to call when a new connection is received.
onConnectHandlers []func(*Client)
// Handlers to call before the first request of connected kite.
onFirstRequestHandlers []func(*Client)
// Handlers to call when a client has disconnected.
onDisconnectHandlers []func(*Client)
// onRegisterHandlers field holds callbacks invoked when Kite
// registers successfully to Kontrol
onRegisterHandlers []func(*protocol.RegisterResult)
// handlersMu protects access to on*Handlers fields.
handlersMu sync.RWMutex
// heartbeatC is used to control kite's heartbeats; sending
// a non-nil value on the channel makes heartbeat goroutine issue
// new heartbeats; sending nil value stops heartbeats
heartbeatC chan *heartbeatReq
// server fields, are initialized and used when
// TODO: move them to their own struct, just like KontrolClient
listener *gracefulListener
TLSConfig *tls.Config
readyC chan bool // To signal when kite is ready to accept connections
closeC chan bool // To signal when kite is closed with Close()
name string
version string
Id string // Unique kite instance id
// New creates, initializes and then returns a new Kite instance.
// Version must be in 3-digit semantic form.
// Name is important that it's also used to be searched by others.
func New(name, version string) *Kite {
return NewWithConfig(name, version, config.New())
// NewWithConfig builds a new kite value for the given configuration.
func NewWithConfig(name, version string, cfg *config.Config) *Kite {
if name == "" {
panic("kite: name cannot be empty")
if digits := strings.Split(version, "."); len(digits) != 3 {
panic("kite: version must be 3-digits semantic version")
kiteID := uuid.Must(uuid.NewV4())
l, setlevel := newLogger(name)
kClient := &kontrolClient{
readyConnected: make(chan struct{}),
readyRegistered: make(chan struct{}),
registerChan: make(chan *url.URL, 1),
k := &Kite{
Config: cfg,
Log: l,
SetLogLevel: setlevel,
Authenticators: make(map[string]func(*Request) error),
handlers: make(map[string]*Method),
kontrol: kClient,
name: name,
version: version,
Id: kiteID.String(),
readyC: make(chan bool),
closeC: make(chan bool),
heartbeatC: make(chan *heartbeatReq, 1),
muxer: mux.NewRouter(),
if cfg != nil && cfg.UseWebRTC {
k.WebRTCHandler = NewWebRCTHandler()
// All sockjs communication is done through this endpoint..
k.muxer.PathPrefix("/kite").Handler(sockjs.NewHandler("/kite", *cfg.SockJS, k.sockjsHandler))
// Add useful debug logs
k.OnConnect(func(c *Client) { k.Log.Debug("New session: %s", c.session.ID()) })
k.OnFirstRequest(func(c *Client) { k.Log.Debug("Session %q is identified as %q", c.session.ID(), c.Kite) })
k.OnDisconnect(func(c *Client) { k.Log.Debug("Kite has disconnected: %q", c.Kite) })
// Every kite should be able to authenticate the user from token.
// Tokens are granted by Kontrol Kite.
k.Authenticators["token"] = k.AuthenticateFromToken
// A kite accepts requests with the same username.
k.Authenticators["kiteKey"] = k.AuthenticateFromKiteKey
// Register default methods and handlers.
go k.processHeartbeats()
return k
// Kite returns the definition of the kite.
func (k *Kite) Kite() *protocol.Kite {
return &protocol.Kite{
Username: k.Config.Username,
Environment: k.Config.Environment,
Name: k.name,
Version: k.version,
Region: k.Config.Region,
Hostname: hostname,
ID: k.Id,
// KiteKey gives a kite key used to authenticate to kontrol and other kites.
func (k *Kite) KiteKey() string {
defer k.configMu.RUnlock()
return k.Config.KiteKey
// KontrolKey gives a Kontrol's public key.
// The value is taken form kite key's kontrolKey claim.
func (k *Kite) KontrolKey() *rsa.PublicKey {
defer k.configMu.RUnlock()
return k.kontrolKey
// HandleHTTP registers the HTTP handler for the given pattern into the
// underlying HTTP muxer.
func (k *Kite) HandleHTTP(pattern string, handler http.Handler) {
k.muxer.Handle(pattern, handler)
// HandleHTTPFunc registers the HTTP handler for the given pattern into the
// underlying HTTP muxer.
func (k *Kite) HandleHTTPFunc(pattern string, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) {
k.muxer.HandleFunc(pattern, handler)
// ServeHTTP helps Kite to satisfy the http.Handler interface. So kite can be
// used as a standard http server.
func (k *Kite) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
k.muxer.ServeHTTP(w, req)
func (k *Kite) sockjsHandler(session sockjs.Session) {
defer session.Close(3000, "Go away!")
// This Client also handles the connected client.
// Since both sides can send/receive messages the client code is reused here.
c := k.NewClient("")
defer c.Close()
go c.sendHub()
// Run after methods are registered and delegate is set
// OnConnect registers a callbacks which is called when a Kite connects
// to the k Kite.
func (k *Kite) OnConnect(handler func(*Client)) {
k.onConnectHandlers = append(k.onConnectHandlers, handler)
// OnFirstRequest registers a function to run when we receive first request
// from other Kite.
func (k *Kite) OnFirstRequest(handler func(*Client)) {
k.onFirstRequestHandlers = append(k.onFirstRequestHandlers, handler)
// OnDisconnect registers a function to run when a connected Kite is disconnected.
func (k *Kite) OnDisconnect(handler func(*Client)) {
k.onDisconnectHandlers = append(k.onDisconnectHandlers, handler)
// OnRegister registers a callback which is called when a Kite registers
// to a Kontrol.
func (k *Kite) OnRegister(handler func(*protocol.RegisterResult)) {
k.onRegisterHandlers = append(k.onRegisterHandlers, handler)
func (k *Kite) callOnConnectHandlers(c *Client) {
defer k.handlersMu.RUnlock()
for _, handler := range k.onConnectHandlers {
func() {
defer nopRecover()
func (k *Kite) callOnFirstRequestHandlers(c *Client) {
defer k.handlersMu.RUnlock()
for _, handler := range k.onFirstRequestHandlers {
func() {
defer nopRecover()
func (k *Kite) callOnDisconnectHandlers(c *Client) {
defer k.handlersMu.RUnlock()
for _, handler := range k.onDisconnectHandlers {
func() {
defer nopRecover()
func (k *Kite) callOnRegisterHandlers(r *protocol.RegisterResult) {
defer k.handlersMu.RUnlock()
for _, handler := range k.onRegisterHandlers {
func() {
defer nopRecover()
func (k *Kite) updateAuth(reg *protocol.RegisterResult) {
defer k.configMu.Unlock()
switch {
case reg.KiteKey != "":
k.Config.KiteKey = reg.KiteKey
ex := &kitekey.Extractor{
Claims: &kitekey.KiteClaims{},
if _, err := jwt.ParseWithClaims(reg.KiteKey, ex.Claims, ex.Extract); err != nil {
k.Log.Error("auth update: unable to extract kontrol key: %s", err)
if ex.Claims.KontrolKey != "" {
reg.PublicKey = ex.Claims.KontrolKey
// we also received a new public key (means the old one was invalidated).
// Use it now.
if reg.PublicKey != "" {
k.Config.KontrolKey = reg.PublicKey
key, err := jwt.ParseRSAPublicKeyFromPEM([]byte(reg.PublicKey))
if err != nil {
k.Log.Error("auth update: unable to update kontrol key: %s", err)
k.kontrolKey = key
// RSAKey returns the corresponding public key for the issuer of the token.
// It is called by jwt-go package when validating the signature in the token.
func (k *Kite) RSAKey(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
kontrolKey := k.KontrolKey()
if kontrolKey == nil {
panic("kontrol key is not set in config")
if _, ok := token.Method.(*jwt.SigningMethodRSA); !ok {
return nil, errors.New("invalid signing method")
claims, ok := token.Claims.(*kitekey.KiteClaims)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("token does not have valid claims")
if claims.Issuer != k.Config.KontrolUser {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("issuer is not trusted: %s", claims.Issuer)
return kontrolKey, nil
// ErrClose is returned by the Close function, when the argument passed
// to it was a slice of kites.
type ErrClose struct {
// Errs has always length of the slice passed to the Close function.
// It contains at least one non-nil error.
Errs []error
// Error implements the built-in error interface.
func (err *ErrClose) Error() string {
if len(err.Errs) == 1 {
return err.Errs[0].Error()
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "The following kites failed to close:\n\n")
for i, e := range err.Errs {
if e == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t[%d] %s\n", i, e)
return buf.String()
// Closer returns a io.Closer that can be used to close all the kites
// given by the generic argument.
// The kites is expected to be one of:
// - *kite.Kite
// - []*kite.Kite
// - *kite.Client
// - []*kite.Client
// If the kites argument is a slice and at least one of the kites returns
// error on Close, the Close method returns *ErrClose.
// TODO(rjeczalik): Currently (*Kite).Close and (*Client).Close does
// not implement io.Closer interface - when [0] is resolved, this
// method should be adopted accordingly.
// [0] - https://github.com/koding/kite/issues/183
func Closer(kites interface{}) io.Closer {
switch k := kites.(type) {
case *Kite:
return closerFunc(func() []error {
return nil
case []*Kite:
return closerFunc(func() []error {
for _, k := range k {
return nil
case *Client:
return closerFunc(func() []error {
return nil
case []*Client:
return closerFunc(func() []error {
for _, c := range k {
return nil
panic(fmt.Errorf("unrecognized type passed to Close %T", kites))
// Close is a wrapper for Closer that calls a Close on it.
func Close(kites interface{}) error {
return Closer(kites).Close()
type closerFunc func() []error
func (fn closerFunc) Close() error {
errs := fn()
if len(errs) > 1 {
return &ErrClose{
Errs: errs,
if len(errs) == 1 && errs[0] != nil {
return errs[0]
return nil
func nopRecover() { recover() }
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