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imgproc.go 60.66 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package gocv
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "imgproc.h"
import "C"
import (
func getPoints(pts *C.Point, l int) []C.Point {
h := &reflect.SliceHeader{
Data: uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pts)),
Len: l,
Cap: l,
return *(*[]C.Point)(unsafe.Pointer(h))
// ArcLength calculates a contour perimeter or a curve length.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#ga8d26483c636be6b35c3ec6335798a47c
func ArcLength(curve []image.Point, isClosed bool) float64 {
cPoints := toCPoints(curve)
arcLength := C.ArcLength(cPoints, C.bool(isClosed))
return float64(arcLength)
// ApproxPolyDP approximates a polygonal curve(s) with the specified precision.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#ga0012a5fdaea70b8a9970165d98722b4c
func ApproxPolyDP(curve []image.Point, epsilon float64, closed bool) (approxCurve []image.Point) {
cCurve := toCPoints(curve)
cApproxCurve := C.ApproxPolyDP(cCurve, C.double(epsilon), C.bool(closed))
defer C.Points_Close(cApproxCurve)
cApproxCurvePoints := getPoints(cApproxCurve.points, int(cApproxCurve.length))
approxCurve = make([]image.Point, cApproxCurve.length)
for i, cPoint := range cApproxCurvePoints {
approxCurve[i] = image.Pt(int(cPoint.x), int(cPoint.y))
return approxCurve
// ConvexHull finds the convex hull of a point set.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#ga014b28e56cb8854c0de4a211cb2be656
func ConvexHull(points []image.Point, hull *Mat, clockwise bool, returnPoints bool) {
cPoints := toCPoints(points)
C.ConvexHull(cPoints, hull.p, C.bool(clockwise), C.bool(returnPoints))
// ConvexityDefects finds the convexity defects of a contour.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#gada4437098113fd8683c932e0567f47ba
func ConvexityDefects(contour []image.Point, hull Mat, result *Mat) {
cPoints := toCPoints(contour)
C.ConvexityDefects(cPoints, hull.p, result.p)
// CvtColor converts an image from one color space to another.
// It converts the src Mat image to the dst Mat using the
// code param containing the desired ColorConversionCode color space.
// For further details, please see:
// http://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/d1b/group__imgproc__misc.html#ga4e0972be5de079fed4e3a10e24ef5ef0
func CvtColor(src Mat, dst *Mat, code ColorConversionCode) {
C.CvtColor(src.p, dst.p, C.int(code))
// EqualizeHist normalizes the brightness and increases the contrast of the image.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/dc7/group__imgproc__hist.html#ga7e54091f0c937d49bf84152a16f76d6e
func EqualizeHist(src Mat, dst *Mat) {
C.EqualizeHist(src.p, dst.p)
// CalcHist Calculates a histogram of a set of images
// For futher details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/dc7/group__imgproc__hist.html#ga6ca1876785483836f72a77ced8ea759a
func CalcHist(src []Mat, channels []int, mask Mat, hist *Mat, size []int, ranges []float64, acc bool) {
cMatArray := make([]C.Mat, len(src))
for i, r := range src {
cMatArray[i] = r.p
cMats := C.struct_Mats{
mats: (*C.Mat)(&cMatArray[0]),
length: C.int(len(src)),
chansInts := []C.int{}
for _, v := range channels {
chansInts = append(chansInts, C.int(v))
chansVector := C.struct_IntVector{}
chansVector.val = (*C.int)(&chansInts[0])
chansVector.length = (C.int)(len(chansInts))
sizeInts := []C.int{}
for _, v := range size {
sizeInts = append(sizeInts, C.int(v))
sizeVector := C.struct_IntVector{}
sizeVector.val = (*C.int)(&sizeInts[0])
sizeVector.length = (C.int)(len(sizeInts))
rangeFloats := []C.float{}
for _, v := range ranges {
rangeFloats = append(rangeFloats, C.float(v))
rangeVector := C.struct_FloatVector{}
rangeVector.val = (*C.float)(&rangeFloats[0])
rangeVector.length = (C.int)(len(rangeFloats))
C.CalcHist(cMats, chansVector, mask.p, hist.p, sizeVector, rangeVector, C.bool(acc))
// CalcBackProject calculates the back projection of a histogram.
// For futher details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d6/dc7/group__imgproc__hist.html#ga3a0af640716b456c3d14af8aee12e3ca
func CalcBackProject(src []Mat, channels []int, hist Mat, backProject *Mat, ranges []float64, uniform bool) {
cMatArray := make([]C.Mat, len(src))
for i, r := range src {
cMatArray[i] = r.p
cMats := C.struct_Mats{
mats: (*C.Mat)(&cMatArray[0]),
length: C.int(len(src)),
chansInts := []C.int{}
for _, v := range channels {
chansInts = append(chansInts, C.int(v))
chansVector := C.struct_IntVector{}
chansVector.val = (*C.int)(&chansInts[0])
chansVector.length = (C.int)(len(chansInts))
rangeFloats := []C.float{}
for _, v := range ranges {
rangeFloats = append(rangeFloats, C.float(v))
rangeVector := C.struct_FloatVector{}
rangeVector.val = (*C.float)(&rangeFloats[0])
rangeVector.length = (C.int)(len(rangeFloats))
C.CalcBackProject(cMats, chansVector, hist.p, backProject.p, rangeVector, C.bool(uniform))
// HistCompMethod is the method for Histogram comparison
// For more information, see https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/dc7/group__imgproc__hist.html#ga994f53817d621e2e4228fc646342d386
type HistCompMethod int
const (
// HistCmpCorrel calculates the Correlation
HistCmpCorrel HistCompMethod = 0
// HistCmpChiSqr calculates the Chi-Square
HistCmpChiSqr = 1
// HistCmpIntersect calculates the Intersection
HistCmpIntersect = 2
// HistCmpBhattacharya applies the HistCmpBhattacharya by calculating the Bhattacharya distance.
HistCmpBhattacharya = 3
// HistCmpHellinger applies the HistCmpBhattacharya comparison. It is a synonym to HistCmpBhattacharya.
HistCmpHellinger = HistCmpBhattacharya
// HistCmpChiSqrAlt applies the Alternative Chi-Square (regularly used for texture comparsion).
HistCmpChiSqrAlt = 4
// HistCmpKlDiv applies the Kullback-Liebler divergence comparison.
HistCmpKlDiv = 5
// CompareHist Compares two histograms.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/dc7/group__imgproc__hist.html#gaf4190090efa5c47cb367cf97a9a519bd
func CompareHist(hist1 Mat, hist2 Mat, method HistCompMethod) float32 {
return float32(C.CompareHist(hist1.p, hist2.p, C.int(method)))
// ClipLine clips the line against the image rectangle.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d6e/group__imgproc__draw.html#gaf483cb46ad6b049bc35ec67052ef1c2c
func ClipLine(imgSize image.Point, pt1 image.Point, pt2 image.Point) bool {
pSize := C.struct_Size{
width: C.int(imgSize.X),
height: C.int(imgSize.Y),
rPt1 := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(pt1.X),
y: C.int(pt1.Y),
rPt2 := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(pt2.X),
y: C.int(pt2.Y),
return bool(C.ClipLine(pSize, rPt1, rPt2))
// BilateralFilter applies a bilateral filter to an image.
// Bilateral filtering is described here:
// http://www.dai.ed.ac.uk/CVonline/LOCAL_COPIES/MANDUCHI1/Bilateral_Filtering.html
// BilateralFilter can reduce unwanted noise very well while keeping edges
// fairly sharp. However, it is very slow compared to most filters.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#ga9d7064d478c95d60003cf839430737ed
func BilateralFilter(src Mat, dst *Mat, diameter int, sigmaColor float64, sigmaSpace float64) {
C.BilateralFilter(src.p, dst.p, C.int(diameter), C.double(sigmaColor), C.double(sigmaSpace))
// Blur blurs an image Mat using a normalized box filter.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#ga8c45db9afe636703801b0b2e440fce37
func Blur(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point) {
pSize := C.struct_Size{
width: C.int(ksize.X),
height: C.int(ksize.Y),
C.Blur(src.p, dst.p, pSize)
// BoxFilter blurs an image using the box filter.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#gad533230ebf2d42509547d514f7d3fbc3
func BoxFilter(src Mat, dst *Mat, depth int, ksize image.Point) {
pSize := C.struct_Size{
height: C.int(ksize.X),
width: C.int(ksize.Y),
C.BoxFilter(src.p, dst.p, C.int(depth), pSize)
// SqBoxFilter calculates the normalized sum of squares of the pixel values overlapping the filter.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#ga045028184a9ef65d7d2579e5c4bff6c0
func SqBoxFilter(src Mat, dst *Mat, depth int, ksize image.Point) {
pSize := C.struct_Size{
height: C.int(ksize.X),
width: C.int(ksize.Y),
C.SqBoxFilter(src.p, dst.p, C.int(depth), pSize)
// Dilate dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#ga4ff0f3318642c4f469d0e11f242f3b6c
func Dilate(src Mat, dst *Mat, kernel Mat) {
C.Dilate(src.p, dst.p, kernel.p)
// DistanceTransformLabelTypes are the types of the DistanceTransform algorithm flag
type DistanceTransformLabelTypes int
const (
// DistanceLabelCComp assigns the same label to each connected component of zeros in the source image
// (as well as all the non-zero pixels closest to the connected component).
DistanceLabelCComp DistanceTransformLabelTypes = 0
// DistanceLabelPixel assigns its own label to each zero pixel (and all the non-zero pixels closest to it).
// DistanceTransformMasks are the marsk sizes for distance transform
type DistanceTransformMasks int
const (
// DistanceMask3 is a mask of size 3
DistanceMask3 DistanceTransformMasks = 0
// DistanceMask5 is a mask of size 3
// DistanceMaskPrecise is not currently supported
// DistanceTransform Calculates the distance to the closest zero pixel for each pixel of the source image.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/d1b/group__imgproc__misc.html#ga8a0b7fdfcb7a13dde018988ba3a43042
func DistanceTransform(src Mat, dst *Mat, labels *Mat, distType DistanceTypes, maskSize DistanceTransformMasks, labelType DistanceTransformLabelTypes) {
C.DistanceTransform(src.p, dst.p, labels.p, C.int(distType), C.int(maskSize), C.int(labelType))
// Erode erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#gaeb1e0c1033e3f6b891a25d0511362aeb
func Erode(src Mat, dst *Mat, kernel Mat) {
C.Erode(src.p, dst.p, kernel.p)
// ErodeWithParams erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#gaeb1e0c1033e3f6b891a25d0511362aeb
func ErodeWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, kernel Mat, anchor image.Point, iterations, borderType int) {
cAnchor := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(anchor.X),
y: C.int(anchor.Y),
C.ErodeWithParams(src.p, dst.p, kernel.p, cAnchor, C.int(iterations), C.int(borderType))
// RetrievalMode is the mode of the contour retrieval algorithm.
type RetrievalMode int
const (
// RetrievalExternal retrieves only the extreme outer contours.
// It sets `hierarchy[i][2]=hierarchy[i][3]=-1` for all the contours.
RetrievalExternal RetrievalMode = 0
// RetrievalList retrieves all of the contours without establishing
// any hierarchical relationships.
RetrievalList = 1
// RetrievalCComp retrieves all of the contours and organizes them into
// a two-level hierarchy. At the top level, there are external boundaries
// of the components. At the second level, there are boundaries of the holes.
// If there is another contour inside a hole of a connected component, it
// is still put at the top level.
RetrievalCComp = 2
// RetrievalTree retrieves all of the contours and reconstructs a full
// hierarchy of nested contours.
RetrievalTree = 3
// RetrievalFloodfill lacks a description in the original header.
RetrievalFloodfill = 4
// ContourApproximationMode is the mode of the contour approximation algorithm.
type ContourApproximationMode int
const (
// ChainApproxNone stores absolutely all the contour points. That is,
// any 2 subsequent points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) of the contour will be
// either horizontal, vertical or diagonal neighbors, that is,
// max(abs(x1-x2),abs(y2-y1))==1.
ChainApproxNone ContourApproximationMode = 1
// ChainApproxSimple compresses horizontal, vertical, and diagonal segments
// and leaves only their end points.
// For example, an up-right rectangular contour is encoded with 4 points.
ChainApproxSimple = 2
// ChainApproxTC89L1 applies one of the flavors of the Teh-Chin chain
// approximation algorithms.
ChainApproxTC89L1 = 3
// ChainApproxTC89KCOS applies one of the flavors of the Teh-Chin chain
// approximation algorithms.
ChainApproxTC89KCOS = 4
// BoundingRect calculates the up-right bounding rectangle of a point set.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/3.3.0/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#gacb413ddce8e48ff3ca61ed7cf626a366
func BoundingRect(contour []image.Point) image.Rectangle {
cContour := toCPoints(contour)
r := C.BoundingRect(cContour)
rect := image.Rect(int(r.x), int(r.y), int(r.x+r.width), int(r.y+r.height))
return rect
// BoxPoints finds the four vertices of a rotated rect. Useful to draw the rotated rectangle.
// For further Details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/3.3.0/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#gaf78d467e024b4d7936cf9397185d2f5c
func BoxPoints(rect RotatedRect, pts *Mat) {
rPoints := toCPoints(rect.Contour)
rRect := C.struct_Rect{
x: C.int(rect.BoundingRect.Min.X),
y: C.int(rect.BoundingRect.Min.Y),
width: C.int(rect.BoundingRect.Max.X - rect.BoundingRect.Min.X),
height: C.int(rect.BoundingRect.Max.Y - rect.BoundingRect.Min.Y),
rCenter := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(rect.Center.X),
y: C.int(rect.Center.Y),
rSize := C.struct_Size{
width: C.int(rect.Width),
height: C.int(rect.Height),
r := C.struct_RotatedRect{
pts: rPoints,
boundingRect: rRect,
center: rCenter,
size: rSize,
angle: C.double(rect.Angle),
C.BoxPoints(r, pts.p)
// ContourArea calculates a contour area.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/3.3.0/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#ga2c759ed9f497d4a618048a2f56dc97f1
func ContourArea(contour []image.Point) float64 {
cContour := toCPoints(contour)
result := C.ContourArea(cContour)
return float64(result)
type RotatedRect struct {
Contour []image.Point
BoundingRect image.Rectangle
Center image.Point
Width int
Height int
Angle float64
// toPoints converts C.Contour to []image.Points
func toPoints(points C.Contour) []image.Point {
pArray := points.points
pLength := int(points.length)
pHdr := reflect.SliceHeader{
Data: uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pArray)),
Len: pLength,
Cap: pLength,
sPoints := *(*[]C.Point)(unsafe.Pointer(&pHdr))
points4 := make([]image.Point, pLength)
for j, pt := range sPoints {
points4[j] = image.Pt(int(pt.x), int(pt.y))
return points4
// MinAreaRect finds a rotated rectangle of the minimum area enclosing the input 2D point set.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/3.3.0/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#ga3d476a3417130ae5154aea421ca7ead9
func MinAreaRect(points []image.Point) RotatedRect {
cPoints := toCPoints(points)
result := C.MinAreaRect(cPoints)
defer C.Points_Close(result.pts)
return RotatedRect{
Contour: toPoints(result.pts),
BoundingRect: image.Rect(int(result.boundingRect.x), int(result.boundingRect.y), int(result.boundingRect.x)+int(result.boundingRect.width), int(result.boundingRect.y)+int(result.boundingRect.height)),
Center: image.Pt(int(result.center.x), int(result.center.y)),
Width: int(result.size.width),
Height: int(result.size.height),
Angle: float64(result.angle),
// FitEllipse Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#gaf259efaad93098103d6c27b9e4900ffa
func FitEllipse(points []image.Point) RotatedRect {
cPoints := toCPoints(points)
cRect := C.FitEllipse(cPoints)
defer C.Points_Close(cRect.pts)
return RotatedRect{
Contour: toPoints(cRect.pts),
BoundingRect: image.Rect(int(cRect.boundingRect.x), int(cRect.boundingRect.y), int(cRect.boundingRect.x)+int(cRect.boundingRect.width), int(cRect.boundingRect.y)+int(cRect.boundingRect.height)),
Center: image.Pt(int(cRect.center.x), int(cRect.center.y)),
Width: int(cRect.size.width),
Height: int(cRect.size.height),
Angle: float64(cRect.angle),
// MinEnclosingCircle finds a circle of the minimum area enclosing the input 2D point set.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#ga8ce13c24081bbc7151e9326f412190f1
func MinEnclosingCircle(points []image.Point) (x, y, radius float32) {
cPoints := toCPoints(points)
cCenterPoint := C.struct_Point2f{}
var cRadius C.float
C.MinEnclosingCircle(cPoints, &cCenterPoint, &cRadius)
x, y = float32(cCenterPoint.x), float32(cCenterPoint.y)
radius = float32(cRadius)
return x, y, radius
// FindContours finds contours in a binary image.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/3.3.0/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#ga17ed9f5d79ae97bd4c7cf18403e1689a
func FindContours(src Mat, mode RetrievalMode, method ContourApproximationMode) [][]image.Point {
ret := C.FindContours(src.p, C.int(mode), C.int(method))
defer C.Contours_Close(ret)
cArray := ret.contours
cLength := int(ret.length)
cHdr := reflect.SliceHeader{
Data: uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cArray)),
Len: cLength,
Cap: cLength,
sContours := *(*[]C.Points)(unsafe.Pointer(&cHdr))
contours := make([][]image.Point, cLength)
for i, pts := range sContours {
pArray := pts.points
pLength := int(pts.length)
pHdr := reflect.SliceHeader{
Data: uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pArray)),
Len: pLength,
Cap: pLength,
sPoints := *(*[]C.Point)(unsafe.Pointer(&pHdr))
points := make([]image.Point, pLength)
for j, pt := range sPoints {
points[j] = image.Pt(int(pt.x), int(pt.y))
contours[i] = points
return contours
//ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType specifies the type for ConnectedComponents
type ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType int
const (
// SAUF algorithm for 8-way connectivity, SAUF algorithm for 4-way connectivity.
CCL_WU ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType = 0
// BBDT algorithm for 8-way connectivity, SAUF algorithm for 4-way connectivity.
// BBDT algorithm for 8-way connectivity, SAUF algorithm for 4-way connectivity
// ConnectedComponents computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#gaedef8c7340499ca391d459122e51bef5
func ConnectedComponents(src Mat, labels *Mat) int {
return int(C.ConnectedComponents(src.p, labels.p, C.int(8), C.int(MatTypeCV32S), C.int(CCL_DEFAULT)))
// ConnectedComponents computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#gaedef8c7340499ca391d459122e51bef5
func ConnectedComponentsWithParams(src Mat, labels *Mat, conn int, ltype MatType,
ccltype ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType) int {
return int(C.ConnectedComponents(src.p, labels.p, C.int(conn), C.int(ltype), C.int(ccltype)))
// ConnectedComponentsTypes are the connected components algorithm output formats
type ConnectedComponentsTypes int
const (
//The leftmost (x) coordinate which is the inclusive start of the bounding box in the horizontal direction.
//The topmost (y) coordinate which is the inclusive start of the bounding box in the vertical direction.
// The horizontal size of the bounding box.
// The vertical size of the bounding box.
// The total area (in pixels) of the connected component.
// ConnectedComponentsWithStats computes the connected components labeled image of boolean
// image and also produces a statistics output for each label.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#ga107a78bf7cd25dec05fb4dfc5c9e765f
func ConnectedComponentsWithStats(src Mat, labels *Mat, stats *Mat, centroids *Mat) int {
return int(C.ConnectedComponentsWithStats(src.p, labels.p, stats.p, centroids.p,
C.int(8), C.int(MatTypeCV32S), C.int(CCL_DEFAULT)))
// ConnectedComponentsWithStats computes the connected components labeled image of boolean
// image and also produces a statistics output for each label.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#ga107a78bf7cd25dec05fb4dfc5c9e765f
func ConnectedComponentsWithStatsWithParams(src Mat, labels *Mat, stats *Mat, centroids *Mat,
conn int, ltype MatType, ccltype ConnectedComponentsAlgorithmType) int {
return int(C.ConnectedComponentsWithStats(src.p, labels.p, stats.p, centroids.p, C.int(conn),
C.int(ltype), C.int(ccltype)))
// TemplateMatchMode is the type of the template matching operation.
type TemplateMatchMode int
const (
// TmSqdiff maps to TM_SQDIFF
TmSqdiff TemplateMatchMode = 0
// TmSqdiffNormed maps to TM_SQDIFF_NORMED
TmSqdiffNormed = 1
// TmCcorr maps to TM_CCORR
TmCcorr = 2
// TmCcorrNormed maps to TM_CCORR_NORMED
TmCcorrNormed = 3
// TmCcoeff maps to TM_CCOEFF
TmCcoeff = 4
// TmCcoeffNormed maps to TM_CCOEFF_NORMED
TmCcoeffNormed = 5
// MatchTemplate compares a template against overlapped image regions.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/df/dfb/group__imgproc__object.html#ga586ebfb0a7fb604b35a23d85391329be
func MatchTemplate(image Mat, templ Mat, result *Mat, method TemplateMatchMode, mask Mat) {
C.MatchTemplate(image.p, templ.p, result.p, C.int(method), mask.p)
// Moments calculates all of the moments up to the third order of a polygon
// or rasterized shape.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#ga556a180f43cab22649c23ada36a8a139
func Moments(src Mat, binaryImage bool) map[string]float64 {
r := C.Moments(src.p, C.bool(binaryImage))
result := make(map[string]float64)
result["m00"] = float64(r.m00)
result["m10"] = float64(r.m10)
result["m01"] = float64(r.m01)
result["m20"] = float64(r.m20)
result["m11"] = float64(r.m11)
result["m02"] = float64(r.m02)
result["m30"] = float64(r.m30)
result["m21"] = float64(r.m21)
result["m12"] = float64(r.m12)
result["m03"] = float64(r.m03)
result["mu20"] = float64(r.mu20)
result["mu11"] = float64(r.mu11)
result["mu02"] = float64(r.mu02)
result["mu30"] = float64(r.mu30)
result["mu21"] = float64(r.mu21)
result["mu12"] = float64(r.mu12)
result["mu03"] = float64(r.mu03)
result["nu20"] = float64(r.nu20)
result["nu11"] = float64(r.nu11)
result["nu02"] = float64(r.nu02)
result["nu30"] = float64(r.nu30)
result["nu21"] = float64(r.nu21)
result["nu12"] = float64(r.nu12)
result["nu03"] = float64(r.nu03)
return result
// PyrDown blurs an image and downsamples it.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#gaf9bba239dfca11654cb7f50f889fc2ff
func PyrDown(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point, borderType BorderType) {
pSize := C.struct_Size{
height: C.int(ksize.X),
width: C.int(ksize.Y),
C.PyrDown(src.p, dst.p, pSize, C.int(borderType))
// PyrUp upsamples an image and then blurs it.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#gada75b59bdaaca411ed6fee10085eb784
func PyrUp(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point, borderType BorderType) {
pSize := C.struct_Size{
height: C.int(ksize.X),
width: C.int(ksize.Y),
C.PyrUp(src.p, dst.p, pSize, C.int(borderType))
// MorphologyDefaultBorder returns "magic" border value for erosion and dilation.
// It is automatically transformed to Scalar::all(-DBL_MAX) for dilation.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#ga94756fad83d9d24d29c9bf478558c40a
func MorphologyDefaultBorderValue() Scalar {
var scalar C.Scalar = C.MorphologyDefaultBorderValue()
return NewScalar(float64(scalar.val1), float64(scalar.val2), float64(scalar.val3), float64(scalar.val4))
// MorphologyEx performs advanced morphological transformations.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#ga67493776e3ad1a3df63883829375201f
func MorphologyEx(src Mat, dst *Mat, op MorphType, kernel Mat) {
C.MorphologyEx(src.p, dst.p, C.int(op), kernel.p)
// MorphologyExWithParams performs advanced morphological transformations.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#ga67493776e3ad1a3df63883829375201f
func MorphologyExWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, op MorphType, kernel Mat, iterations int, borderType BorderType) {
pt := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(-1),
y: C.int(-1),
C.MorphologyExWithParams(src.p, dst.p, C.int(op), kernel.p, pt, C.int(iterations), C.int(borderType))
// MorphShape is the shape of the structuring element used for Morphing operations.
type MorphShape int
const (
// MorphRect is the rectangular morph shape.
MorphRect MorphShape = 0
// MorphCross is the cross morph shape.
MorphCross = 1
// MorphEllipse is the ellipse morph shape.
MorphEllipse = 2
// GetStructuringElement returns a structuring element of the specified size
// and shape for morphological operations.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#gac342a1bb6eabf6f55c803b09268e36dc
func GetStructuringElement(shape MorphShape, ksize image.Point) Mat {
sz := C.struct_Size{
width: C.int(ksize.X),
height: C.int(ksize.Y),
return newMat(C.GetStructuringElement(C.int(shape), sz))
// MorphType type of morphological operation.
type MorphType int
const (
// MorphErode operation
MorphErode MorphType = 0
// MorphDilate operation
MorphDilate = 1
// MorphOpen operation
MorphOpen = 2
// MorphClose operation
MorphClose = 3
// MorphGradient operation
MorphGradient = 4
// MorphTophat operation
MorphTophat = 5
// MorphBlackhat operation
MorphBlackhat = 6
// MorphHitmiss operation
MorphHitmiss = 7
// BorderType type of border.
type BorderType int
const (
// BorderConstant border type
BorderConstant BorderType = 0
// BorderReplicate border type
BorderReplicate = 1
// BorderReflect border type
BorderReflect = 2
// BorderWrap border type
BorderWrap = 3
// BorderReflect101 border type
BorderReflect101 = 4
// BorderTransparent border type
BorderTransparent = 5
// BorderDefault border type
BorderDefault = BorderReflect101
// BorderIsolated border type
BorderIsolated = 16
// GaussianBlur blurs an image Mat using a Gaussian filter.
// The function convolves the src Mat image into the dst Mat using
// the specified Gaussian kernel params.
// For further details, please see:
// http://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#gaabe8c836e97159a9193fb0b11ac52cf1
func GaussianBlur(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize image.Point, sigmaX float64,
sigmaY float64, borderType BorderType) {
pSize := C.struct_Size{
width: C.int(ksize.X),
height: C.int(ksize.Y),
C.GaussianBlur(src.p, dst.p, pSize, C.double(sigmaX), C.double(sigmaY), C.int(borderType))
// GetGaussianKernel returns Gaussian filter coefficients.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#gac05a120c1ae92a6060dd0db190a61afa
func GetGaussianKernel(ksize int, sigma float64) Mat {
return newMat(C.GetGaussianKernel(C.int(ksize), C.double(sigma), C.int(MatTypeCV64F)))
// GetGaussianKernelWithParams returns Gaussian filter coefficients.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#gac05a120c1ae92a6060dd0db190a61afa
func GetGaussianKernelWithParams(ksize int, sigma float64, ktype int) Mat {
return newMat(C.GetGaussianKernel(C.int(ksize), C.double(sigma), C.int(ktype)))
// Sobel calculates the first, second, third, or mixed image derivatives using an extended Sobel operator
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#gacea54f142e81b6758cb6f375ce782c8d
func Sobel(src Mat, dst *Mat, ddepth, dx, dy, ksize int, scale, delta float64, borderType BorderType) {
C.Sobel(src.p, dst.p, C.int(ddepth), C.int(dx), C.int(dy), C.int(ksize), C.double(scale), C.double(delta), C.int(borderType))
// SpatialGradient calculates the first order image derivative in both x and y using a Sobel operator.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#ga405d03b20c782b65a4daf54d233239a2
func SpatialGradient(src Mat, dx, dy *Mat, ksize int, borderType BorderType) {
C.SpatialGradient(src.p, dx.p, dy.p, C.int(ksize), C.int(borderType))
// Laplacian calculates the Laplacian of an image.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#gad78703e4c8fe703d479c1860d76429e6
func Laplacian(src Mat, dst *Mat, dDepth int, size int, scale float64,
delta float64, borderType BorderType) {
C.Laplacian(src.p, dst.p, C.int(dDepth), C.int(size), C.double(scale), C.double(delta), C.int(borderType))
// Scharr calculates the first x- or y- image derivative using Scharr operator.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#gaa13106761eedf14798f37aa2d60404c9
func Scharr(src Mat, dst *Mat, dDepth int, dx int, dy int, scale float64,
delta float64, borderType BorderType) {
C.Scharr(src.p, dst.p, C.int(dDepth), C.int(dx), C.int(dy), C.double(scale), C.double(delta), C.int(borderType))
// MedianBlur blurs an image using the median filter.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#ga564869aa33e58769b4469101aac458f9
func MedianBlur(src Mat, dst *Mat, ksize int) {
C.MedianBlur(src.p, dst.p, C.int(ksize))
// Canny finds edges in an image using the Canny algorithm.
// The function finds edges in the input image image and marks
// them in the output map edges using the Canny algorithm.
// The smallest value between threshold1 and threshold2 is used
// for edge linking. The largest value is used to
// find initial segments of strong edges.
// See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canny_edge_detector
// For further details, please see:
// http://docs.opencv.org/master/dd/d1a/group__imgproc__feature.html#ga04723e007ed888ddf11d9ba04e2232de
func Canny(src Mat, edges *Mat, t1 float32, t2 float32) {
C.Canny(src.p, edges.p, C.double(t1), C.double(t2))
// CornerSubPix Refines the corner locations. The function iterates to find
// the sub-pixel accurate location of corners or radial saddle points.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/dd/d1a/group__imgproc__feature.html#ga354e0d7c86d0d9da75de9b9701a9a87e
func CornerSubPix(img Mat, corners *Mat, winSize image.Point, zeroZone image.Point, criteria TermCriteria) {
winSz := C.struct_Size{
width: C.int(winSize.X),
height: C.int(winSize.Y),
zeroSz := C.struct_Size{
width: C.int(zeroZone.X),
height: C.int(zeroZone.Y),
C.CornerSubPix(img.p, corners.p, winSz, zeroSz, criteria.p)
// GoodFeaturesToTrack determines strong corners on an image. The function
// finds the most prominent corners in the image or in the specified image region.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/dd/d1a/group__imgproc__feature.html#ga1d6bb77486c8f92d79c8793ad995d541
func GoodFeaturesToTrack(img Mat, corners *Mat, maxCorners int, quality float64, minDist float64) {
C.GoodFeaturesToTrack(img.p, corners.p, C.int(maxCorners), C.double(quality), C.double(minDist))
// GrabCutMode is the flag for GrabCut algorithm.
type GrabCutMode int
const (
// GCInitWithRect makes the function initialize the state and the mask using the provided rectangle.
// After that it runs the itercount iterations of the algorithm.
GCInitWithRect GrabCutMode = 0
// GCInitWithMask makes the function initialize the state using the provided mask.
// GCInitWithMask and GCInitWithRect can be combined.
// Then all the pixels outside of the ROI are automatically initialized with GC_BGD.
GCInitWithMask = 1
// GCEval means that the algorithm should just resume.
GCEval = 2
// GCEvalFreezeModel means that the algorithm should just run a single iteration of the GrabCut algorithm
// with the fixed model
GCEvalFreezeModel = 3
// Grabcut runs the GrabCut algorithm.
// The function implements the GrabCut image segmentation algorithm.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/d1b/group__imgproc__misc.html#ga909c1dda50efcbeaa3ce126be862b37f
func GrabCut(img Mat, mask *Mat, r image.Rectangle, bgdModel *Mat, fgdModel *Mat, iterCount int, mode GrabCutMode) {
cRect := C.struct_Rect{
x: C.int(r.Min.X),
y: C.int(r.Min.Y),
width: C.int(r.Size().X),
height: C.int(r.Size().Y),
C.GrabCut(img.p, mask.p, cRect, bgdModel.p, fgdModel.p, C.int(iterCount), C.int(mode))
// HoughMode is the type for Hough transform variants.
type HoughMode int
const (
// HoughStandard is the classical or standard Hough transform.
HoughStandard HoughMode = 0
// HoughProbabilistic is the probabilistic Hough transform (more efficient
// in case if the picture contains a few long linear segments).
HoughProbabilistic = 1
// HoughMultiScale is the multi-scale variant of the classical Hough
// transform.
HoughMultiScale = 2
// HoughGradient is basically 21HT, described in: HK Yuen, John Princen,
// John Illingworth, and Josef Kittler. Comparative study of hough
// transform methods for circle finding. Image and Vision Computing,
// 8(1):71–77, 1990.
HoughGradient = 3
// HoughCircles finds circles in a grayscale image using the Hough transform.
// The only "method" currently supported is HoughGradient. If you want to pass
// more parameters, please see `HoughCirclesWithParams`.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/dd/d1a/group__imgproc__feature.html#ga47849c3be0d0406ad3ca45db65a25d2d
func HoughCircles(src Mat, circles *Mat, method HoughMode, dp, minDist float64) {
C.HoughCircles(src.p, circles.p, C.int(method), C.double(dp), C.double(minDist))
// HoughCirclesWithParams finds circles in a grayscale image using the Hough
// transform. The only "method" currently supported is HoughGradient.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/dd/d1a/group__imgproc__feature.html#ga47849c3be0d0406ad3ca45db65a25d2d
func HoughCirclesWithParams(src Mat, circles *Mat, method HoughMode, dp, minDist, param1, param2 float64, minRadius, maxRadius int) {
C.HoughCirclesWithParams(src.p, circles.p, C.int(method), C.double(dp), C.double(minDist), C.double(param1), C.double(param2), C.int(minRadius), C.int(maxRadius))
// HoughLines implements the standard or standard multi-scale Hough transform
// algorithm for line detection. For a good explanation of Hough transform, see:
// http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/hough.htm
// For further details, please see:
// http://docs.opencv.org/master/dd/d1a/group__imgproc__feature.html#ga46b4e588934f6c8dfd509cc6e0e4545a
func HoughLines(src Mat, lines *Mat, rho float32, theta float32, threshold int) {
C.HoughLines(src.p, lines.p, C.double(rho), C.double(theta), C.int(threshold))
// HoughLinesP implements the probabilistic Hough transform
// algorithm for line detection. For a good explanation of Hough transform, see:
// http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/hough.htm
// For further details, please see:
// http://docs.opencv.org/master/dd/d1a/group__imgproc__feature.html#ga8618180a5948286384e3b7ca02f6feeb
func HoughLinesP(src Mat, lines *Mat, rho float32, theta float32, threshold int) {
C.HoughLinesP(src.p, lines.p, C.double(rho), C.double(theta), C.int(threshold))
func HoughLinesPWithParams(src Mat, lines *Mat, rho float32, theta float32, threshold int, minLineLength float32, maxLineGap float32) {
C.HoughLinesPWithParams(src.p, lines.p, C.double(rho), C.double(theta), C.int(threshold), C.double(minLineLength), C.double(maxLineGap))
// HoughLinesPointSet implements the Hough transform algorithm for line
// detection on a set of points. For a good explanation of Hough transform, see:
// http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/hough.htm
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/dd/d1a/group__imgproc__feature.html#ga2858ef61b4e47d1919facac2152a160e
func HoughLinesPointSet(points Mat, lines *Mat, linesMax int, threshold int,
minRho float32, maxRho float32, rhoStep float32,
minTheta float32, maxTheta float32, thetaStep float32) {
C.HoughLinesPointSet(points.p, lines.p, C.int(linesMax), C.int(threshold),
C.double(minRho), C.double(maxRho), C.double(rhoStep),
C.double(minTheta), C.double(maxTheta), C.double(thetaStep))
// Integral calculates one or more integral images for the source image.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/d1b/group__imgproc__misc.html#ga97b87bec26908237e8ba0f6e96d23e28
func Integral(src Mat, sum *Mat, sqsum *Mat, tilted *Mat) {
C.Integral(src.p, sum.p, sqsum.p, tilted.p)
// ThresholdType type of threshold operation.
type ThresholdType int
const (
// ThresholdBinary threshold type
ThresholdBinary ThresholdType = 0
// ThresholdBinaryInv threshold type
ThresholdBinaryInv = 1
// ThresholdTrunc threshold type
ThresholdTrunc = 2
// ThresholdToZero threshold type
ThresholdToZero = 3
// ThresholdToZeroInv threshold type
ThresholdToZeroInv = 4
// ThresholdMask threshold type
ThresholdMask = 7
// ThresholdOtsu threshold type
ThresholdOtsu = 8
// ThresholdTriangle threshold type
ThresholdTriangle = 16
// Threshold applies a fixed-level threshold to each array element.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/3.3.0/d7/d1b/group__imgproc__misc.html#gae8a4a146d1ca78c626a53577199e9c57
func Threshold(src Mat, dst *Mat, thresh float32, maxvalue float32, typ ThresholdType) (threshold float32) {
return float32(C.Threshold(src.p, dst.p, C.double(thresh), C.double(maxvalue), C.int(typ)))
// AdaptiveThresholdType type of adaptive threshold operation.
type AdaptiveThresholdType int
const (
// AdaptiveThresholdMean threshold type
AdaptiveThresholdMean AdaptiveThresholdType = 0
// AdaptiveThresholdGaussian threshold type
AdaptiveThresholdGaussian = 1
// AdaptiveThreshold applies a fixed-level threshold to each array element.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/d1b/group__imgproc__misc.html#ga72b913f352e4a1b1b397736707afcde3
func AdaptiveThreshold(src Mat, dst *Mat, maxValue float32, adaptiveTyp AdaptiveThresholdType, typ ThresholdType, blockSize int, c float32) {
C.AdaptiveThreshold(src.p, dst.p, C.double(maxValue), C.int(adaptiveTyp), C.int(typ), C.int(blockSize), C.double(c))
// ArrowedLine draws a arrow segment pointing from the first point
// to the second one.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d6e/group__imgproc__draw.html#ga0a165a3ca093fd488ac709fdf10c05b2
func ArrowedLine(img *Mat, pt1 image.Point, pt2 image.Point, c color.RGBA, thickness int) {
sp1 := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(pt1.X),
y: C.int(pt1.Y),
sp2 := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(pt2.X),
y: C.int(pt2.Y),
sColor := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(c.B),
val2: C.double(c.G),
val3: C.double(c.R),
val4: C.double(c.A),
C.ArrowedLine(img.p, sp1, sp2, sColor, C.int(thickness))
// Circle draws a circle.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d6e/group__imgproc__draw.html#gaf10604b069374903dbd0f0488cb43670
func Circle(img *Mat, center image.Point, radius int, c color.RGBA, thickness int) {
pc := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(center.X),
y: C.int(center.Y),
sColor := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(c.B),
val2: C.double(c.G),
val3: C.double(c.R),
val4: C.double(c.A),
C.Circle(img.p, pc, C.int(radius), sColor, C.int(thickness))
// Ellipse draws a simple or thick elliptic arc or fills an ellipse sector.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d6e/group__imgproc__draw.html#ga28b2267d35786f5f890ca167236cbc69
func Ellipse(img *Mat, center, axes image.Point, angle, startAngle, endAngle float64, c color.RGBA, thickness int) {
pc := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(center.X),
y: C.int(center.Y),
pa := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(axes.X),
y: C.int(axes.Y),
sColor := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(c.B),
val2: C.double(c.G),
val3: C.double(c.R),
val4: C.double(c.A),
C.Ellipse(img.p, pc, pa, C.double(angle), C.double(startAngle), C.double(endAngle), sColor, C.int(thickness))
// Line draws a line segment connecting two points.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d6e/group__imgproc__draw.html#ga7078a9fae8c7e7d13d24dac2520ae4a2
func Line(img *Mat, pt1 image.Point, pt2 image.Point, c color.RGBA, thickness int) {
sp1 := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(pt1.X),
y: C.int(pt1.Y),
sp2 := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(pt2.X),
y: C.int(pt2.Y),
sColor := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(c.B),
val2: C.double(c.G),
val3: C.double(c.R),
val4: C.double(c.A),
C.Line(img.p, sp1, sp2, sColor, C.int(thickness))
// Rectangle draws a simple, thick, or filled up-right rectangle.
// It renders a rectangle with the desired characteristics to the target Mat image.
// For further details, please see:
// http://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d6e/group__imgproc__draw.html#ga346ac30b5c74e9b5137576c9ee9e0e8c
func Rectangle(img *Mat, r image.Rectangle, c color.RGBA, thickness int) {
cRect := C.struct_Rect{
x: C.int(r.Min.X),
y: C.int(r.Min.Y),
width: C.int(r.Size().X),
height: C.int(r.Size().Y),
sColor := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(c.B),
val2: C.double(c.G),
val3: C.double(c.R),
val4: C.double(c.A),
C.Rectangle(img.p, cRect, sColor, C.int(thickness))
// FillPoly fills the area bounded by one or more polygons.
// For more information, see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d6e/group__imgproc__draw.html#gaf30888828337aa4c6b56782b5dfbd4b7
func FillPoly(img *Mat, pts [][]image.Point, c color.RGBA) {
points := make([]C.struct_Points, len(pts))
for i, pt := range pts {
p := (*C.struct_Point)(C.malloc(C.size_t(C.sizeof_struct_Point * len(pt))))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(p))
pa := getPoints(p, len(pt))
for j, point := range pt {
pa[j] = C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(point.X),
y: C.int(point.Y),
points[i] = C.struct_Points{
points: (*C.Point)(p),
length: C.int(len(pt)),
cPoints := C.struct_Contours{
contours: (*C.struct_Points)(&points[0]),
length: C.int(len(pts)),
sColor := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(c.B),
val2: C.double(c.G),
val3: C.double(c.R),
val4: C.double(c.A),
C.FillPoly(img.p, cPoints, sColor)
// Polylines draws several polygonal curves.
// For more information, see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d6e/group__imgproc__draw.html#ga1ea127ffbbb7e0bfc4fd6fd2eb64263c
func Polylines(img *Mat, pts [][]image.Point, isClosed bool, c color.RGBA, thickness int) {
points := make([]C.struct_Points, len(pts))
for i, pt := range pts {
p := (*C.struct_Point)(C.malloc(C.size_t(C.sizeof_struct_Point * len(pt))))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(p))
pa := getPoints(p, len(pt))
for j, point := range pt {
pa[j] = C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(point.X),
y: C.int(point.Y),
points[i] = C.struct_Points{
points: (*C.Point)(p),
length: C.int(len(pt)),
cPoints := C.struct_Contours{
contours: (*C.struct_Points)(&points[0]),
length: C.int(len(pts)),
sColor := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(c.B),
val2: C.double(c.G),
val3: C.double(c.R),
val4: C.double(c.A),
C.Polylines(img.p, cPoints, C.bool(isClosed), sColor, C.int(thickness))
// HersheyFont are the font libraries included in OpenCV.
// Only a subset of the available Hershey fonts are supported by OpenCV.
// For more information, see:
// http://sources.isc.org/utils/misc/hershey-font.txt
type HersheyFont int
const (
// FontHersheySimplex is normal size sans-serif font.
FontHersheySimplex HersheyFont = 0
// FontHersheyPlain issmall size sans-serif font.
FontHersheyPlain = 1
// FontHersheyDuplex normal size sans-serif font
// (more complex than FontHersheySIMPLEX).
FontHersheyDuplex = 2
// FontHersheyComplex i a normal size serif font.
FontHersheyComplex = 3
// FontHersheyTriplex is a normal size serif font
// (more complex than FontHersheyCOMPLEX).
FontHersheyTriplex = 4
// FontHersheyComplexSmall is a smaller version of FontHersheyCOMPLEX.
FontHersheyComplexSmall = 5
// FontHersheyScriptSimplex is a hand-writing style font.
FontHersheyScriptSimplex = 6
// FontHersheyScriptComplex is a more complex variant of FontHersheyScriptSimplex.
FontHersheyScriptComplex = 7
// FontItalic is the flag for italic font.
FontItalic = 16
// LineType are the line libraries included in OpenCV.
// For more information, see:
// https://vovkos.github.io/doxyrest-showcase/opencv/sphinx_rtd_theme/enum_cv_LineTypes.html
type LineType int
const (
// Filled line
Filled LineType = -1
// Line4 4-connected line
Line4 = 4
// Line8 8-connected line
Line8 = 8
// LineAA antialiased line
LineAA = 16
// GetTextSize calculates the width and height of a text string.
// It returns an image.Point with the size required to draw text using
// a specific font face, scale, and thickness.
// For further details, please see:
// http://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d6e/group__imgproc__draw.html#ga3d2abfcb995fd2db908c8288199dba82
func GetTextSize(text string, fontFace HersheyFont, fontScale float64, thickness int) image.Point {
cText := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cText))
sz := C.GetTextSize(cText, C.int(fontFace), C.double(fontScale), C.int(thickness))
return image.Pt(int(sz.width), int(sz.height))
// PutText draws a text string.
// It renders the specified text string into the img Mat at the location
// passed in the "org" param, using the desired font face, font scale,
// color, and line thinkness.
// For further details, please see:
// http://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d6e/group__imgproc__draw.html#ga5126f47f883d730f633d74f07456c576
func PutText(img *Mat, text string, org image.Point, fontFace HersheyFont, fontScale float64, c color.RGBA, thickness int) {
cText := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cText))
pOrg := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(org.X),
y: C.int(org.Y),
sColor := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(c.B),
val2: C.double(c.G),
val3: C.double(c.R),
val4: C.double(c.A),
C.PutText(img.p, cText, pOrg, C.int(fontFace), C.double(fontScale), sColor, C.int(thickness))
// PutTextWithParams draws a text string.
// It renders the specified text string into the img Mat at the location
// passed in the "org" param, using the desired font face, font scale,
// color, and line thinkness.
// For further details, please see:
// http://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d6e/group__imgproc__draw.html#ga5126f47f883d730f633d74f07456c576
func PutTextWithParams(img *Mat, text string, org image.Point, fontFace HersheyFont, fontScale float64, c color.RGBA, thickness int, lineType LineType, bottomLeftOrigin bool) {
cText := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cText))
pOrg := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(org.X),
y: C.int(org.Y),
sColor := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(c.B),
val2: C.double(c.G),
val3: C.double(c.R),
val4: C.double(c.A),
C.PutTextWithParams(img.p, cText, pOrg, C.int(fontFace), C.double(fontScale), sColor, C.int(thickness), C.int(lineType), C.bool(bottomLeftOrigin))
// InterpolationFlags are bit flags that control the interpolation algorithm
// that is used.
type InterpolationFlags int
const (
// InterpolationNearestNeighbor is nearest neighbor. (fast but low quality)
InterpolationNearestNeighbor InterpolationFlags = 0
// InterpolationLinear is bilinear interpolation.
InterpolationLinear = 1
// InterpolationCubic is bicube interpolation.
InterpolationCubic = 2
// InterpolationArea uses pixel area relation. It is preferred for image
// decimation as it gives moire-free results.
InterpolationArea = 3
// InterpolationLanczos4 is Lanczos interpolation over 8x8 neighborhood.
InterpolationLanczos4 = 4
// InterpolationDefault is an alias for InterpolationLinear.
InterpolationDefault = InterpolationLinear
// InterpolationMax indicates use maximum interpolation.
InterpolationMax = 7
// Resize resizes an image.
// It resizes the image src down to or up to the specified size, storing the
// result in dst. Note that src and dst may be the same image. If you wish to
// scale by factor, an empty sz may be passed and non-zero fx and fy. Likewise,
// if you wish to scale to an explicit size, a non-empty sz may be passed with
// zero for both fx and fy.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/da/d54/group__imgproc__transform.html#ga47a974309e9102f5f08231edc7e7529d
func Resize(src Mat, dst *Mat, sz image.Point, fx, fy float64, interp InterpolationFlags) {
pSize := C.struct_Size{
width: C.int(sz.X),
height: C.int(sz.Y),
C.Resize(src.p, dst.p, pSize, C.double(fx), C.double(fy), C.int(interp))
// GetRectSubPix retrieves a pixel rectangle from an image with sub-pixel accuracy.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/da/d54/group__imgproc__transform.html#ga77576d06075c1a4b6ba1a608850cd614
func GetRectSubPix(src Mat, patchSize image.Point, center image.Point, dst *Mat) {
sz := C.struct_Size{
width: C.int(patchSize.X),
height: C.int(patchSize.Y),
pt := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(center.X),
y: C.int(center.Y),
C.GetRectSubPix(src.p, sz, pt, dst.p)
// GetRotationMatrix2D calculates an affine matrix of 2D rotation.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/da/d54/group__imgproc__transform.html#gafbbc470ce83812914a70abfb604f4326
func GetRotationMatrix2D(center image.Point, angle, scale float64) Mat {
pc := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(center.X),
y: C.int(center.Y),
return newMat(C.GetRotationMatrix2D(pc, C.double(angle), C.double(scale)))
// WarpAffine applies an affine transformation to an image. For more parameters please check WarpAffineWithParams
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/da/d54/group__imgproc__transform.html#ga0203d9ee5fcd28d40dbc4a1ea4451983
func WarpAffine(src Mat, dst *Mat, m Mat, sz image.Point) {
pSize := C.struct_Size{
width: C.int(sz.X),
height: C.int(sz.Y),
C.WarpAffine(src.p, dst.p, m.p, pSize)
// WarpAffineWithParams applies an affine transformation to an image.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/da/d54/group__imgproc__transform.html#ga0203d9ee5fcd28d40dbc4a1ea4451983
func WarpAffineWithParams(src Mat, dst *Mat, m Mat, sz image.Point, flags InterpolationFlags, borderType BorderType, borderValue color.RGBA) {
pSize := C.struct_Size{
width: C.int(sz.X),
height: C.int(sz.Y),
bv := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(borderValue.B),
val2: C.double(borderValue.G),
val3: C.double(borderValue.R),
val4: C.double(borderValue.A),
C.WarpAffineWithParams(src.p, dst.p, m.p, pSize, C.int(flags), C.int(borderType), bv)
// WarpPerspective applies a perspective transformation to an image.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/da/d54/group__imgproc__transform.html#gaf73673a7e8e18ec6963e3774e6a94b87
func WarpPerspective(src Mat, dst *Mat, m Mat, sz image.Point) {
pSize := C.struct_Size{
width: C.int(sz.X),
height: C.int(sz.Y),
C.WarpPerspective(src.p, dst.p, m.p, pSize)
// Watershed performs a marker-based image segmentation using the watershed algorithm.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/d1b/group__imgproc__misc.html#ga3267243e4d3f95165d55a618c65ac6e1
func Watershed(image Mat, markers *Mat) {
C.Watershed(image.p, markers.p)
// ColormapTypes are the 12 GNU Octave/MATLAB equivalent colormaps.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/d50/group__imgproc__colormap.html
type ColormapTypes int
// List of the available color maps
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/d50/group__imgproc__colormap.html#ga9a805d8262bcbe273f16be9ea2055a65
const (
ColormapAutumn ColormapTypes = 0
ColormapBone = 1
ColormapJet = 2
ColormapWinter = 3
ColormapRainbow = 4
ColormapOcean = 5
ColormapSummer = 6
ColormapSpring = 7
ColormapCool = 8
ColormapHsv = 9
ColormapPink = 10
ColormapHot = 11
ColormapParula = 12
// ApplyColorMap applies a GNU Octave/MATLAB equivalent colormap on a given image.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/d50/group__imgproc__colormap.html#gadf478a5e5ff49d8aa24e726ea6f65d15
func ApplyColorMap(src Mat, dst *Mat, colormapType ColormapTypes) {
C.ApplyColorMap(src.p, dst.p, C.int(colormapType))
// ApplyCustomColorMap applies a custom defined colormap on a given image.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/d50/group__imgproc__colormap.html#gacb22288ddccc55f9bd9e6d492b409cae
func ApplyCustomColorMap(src Mat, dst *Mat, customColormap Mat) {
C.ApplyCustomColorMap(src.p, dst.p, customColormap.p)
// GetPerspectiveTransform returns 3x3 perspective transformation for the
// corresponding 4 point pairs as image.Point.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/da/d54/group__imgproc__transform.html#ga8c1ae0e3589a9d77fffc962c49b22043
func GetPerspectiveTransform(src, dst []image.Point) Mat {
srcPoints := toCPoints(src)
dstPoints := toCPoints(dst)
return newMat(C.GetPerspectiveTransform(srcPoints, dstPoints))
// GetPerspectiveTransform2f returns 3x3 perspective transformation for the
// corresponding 4 point pairs as gocv.Point2f.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/da/d54/group__imgproc__transform.html#ga8c1ae0e3589a9d77fffc962c49b22043
func GetPerspectiveTransform2f(src, dst []Point2f) Mat {
srcPoints := toCPoints2f(src)
dstPoints := toCPoints2f(dst)
return newMat(C.GetPerspectiveTransform2f(srcPoints, dstPoints))
// DrawContours draws contours outlines or filled contours.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d6e/group__imgproc__draw.html#ga746c0625f1781f1ffc9056259103edbc
func DrawContours(img *Mat, contours [][]image.Point, contourIdx int, c color.RGBA, thickness int) {
cntrs := make([]C.struct_Points, len(contours))
for i, contour := range contours {
p := (*C.struct_Point)(C.malloc(C.size_t(C.sizeof_struct_Point * len(contour))))
pa := getPoints(p, len(contour))
for j, point := range contour {
pa[j] = C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(point.X),
y: C.int(point.Y),
cntrs[i] = C.struct_Points{
points: (*C.Point)(p),
length: C.int(len(contour)),
cContours := C.struct_Contours{
contours: (*C.struct_Points)(&cntrs[0]),
length: C.int(len(contours)),
sColor := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(c.B),
val2: C.double(c.G),
val3: C.double(c.R),
val4: C.double(c.A),
C.DrawContours(img.p, cContours, C.int(contourIdx), sColor, C.int(thickness))
// now free the contour points
for i := 0; i < len(contours); i++ {
// Remap applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/da/d54/group__imgproc__transform.html#gab75ef31ce5cdfb5c44b6da5f3b908ea4
func Remap(src Mat, dst, map1, map2 *Mat, interpolation InterpolationFlags, borderMode BorderType, borderValue color.RGBA) {
bv := C.struct_Scalar{
val1: C.double(borderValue.B),
val2: C.double(borderValue.G),
val3: C.double(borderValue.R),
val4: C.double(borderValue.A),
C.Remap(src.p, dst.p, map1.p, map2.p, C.int(interpolation), C.int(borderMode), bv)
// Filter2D applies an arbitrary linear filter to an image.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#ga27c049795ce870216ddfb366086b5a04
func Filter2D(src Mat, dst *Mat, ddepth int, kernel Mat, anchor image.Point, delta float64, borderType BorderType) {
anchorP := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(anchor.X),
y: C.int(anchor.Y),
C.Filter2D(src.p, dst.p, C.int(ddepth), kernel.p, anchorP, C.double(delta), C.int(borderType))
// SepFilter2D applies a separable linear filter to the image.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#ga910e29ff7d7b105057d1625a4bf6318d
func SepFilter2D(src Mat, dst *Mat, ddepth int, kernelX, kernelY Mat, anchor image.Point, delta float64, borderType BorderType) {
anchorP := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(anchor.X),
y: C.int(anchor.Y),
C.SepFilter2D(src.p, dst.p, C.int(ddepth), kernelX.p, kernelY.p, anchorP, C.double(delta), C.int(borderType))
// LogPolar remaps an image to semilog-polar coordinates space.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/da/d54/group__imgproc__transform.html#gaec3a0b126a85b5ca2c667b16e0ae022d
func LogPolar(src Mat, dst *Mat, center image.Point, m float64, flags InterpolationFlags) {
centerP := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(center.X),
y: C.int(center.Y),
C.LogPolar(src.p, dst.p, centerP, C.double(m), C.int(flags))
// LinearPolar remaps an image to polar coordinates space.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/da/d54/group__imgproc__transform.html#gaa38a6884ac8b6e0b9bed47939b5362f3
func LinearPolar(src Mat, dst *Mat, center image.Point, maxRadius float64, flags InterpolationFlags) {
centerP := C.struct_Point{
x: C.int(center.X),
y: C.int(center.Y),
C.LinearPolar(src.p, dst.p, centerP, C.double(maxRadius), C.int(flags))
// DistanceTypes types for Distance Transform and M-estimatorss
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/d1b/group__imgproc__misc.html#gaa2bfbebbc5c320526897996aafa1d8eb
type DistanceTypes int
const (
DistUser DistanceTypes = 0
DistL1 = 1
DistL2 = 2
DistC = 3
DistL12 = 4
DistFair = 5
DistWelsch = 6
DistHuber = 7
// FitLine fits a line to a 2D or 3D point set.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/dc0/group__imgproc__shape.html#gaf849da1fdafa67ee84b1e9a23b93f91f
func FitLine(pts []image.Point, line *Mat, distType DistanceTypes, param, reps, aeps float64) {
cPoints := toCPoints(pts)
C.FitLine(cPoints, line.p, C.int(distType), C.double(param), C.double(reps), C.double(aeps))
// CLAHE is a wrapper around the cv::CLAHE algorithm.
type CLAHE struct {
p unsafe.Pointer
// NewCLAHE returns a new CLAHE algorithm
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/db6/classcv_1_1CLAHE.html
func NewCLAHE() CLAHE {
return CLAHE{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.CLAHE_Create())}
// NewCLAHEWithParams returns a new CLAHE algorithm
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/db6/classcv_1_1CLAHE.html
func NewCLAHEWithParams(clipLimit float64, tileGridSize image.Point) CLAHE {
pSize := C.struct_Size{
width: C.int(tileGridSize.X),
height: C.int(tileGridSize.Y),
return CLAHE{p: unsafe.Pointer(C.CLAHE_CreateWithParams(C.double(clipLimit), pSize))}
// Close CLAHE.
func (c *CLAHE) Close() error {
c.p = nil
return nil
// Apply CLAHE.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/db6/classcv_1_1CLAHE.html#a4e92e0e427de21be8d1fae8dcd862c5e
func (c *CLAHE) Apply(src Mat, dst *Mat) {
C.CLAHE_Apply((C.CLAHE)(c.p), src.p, dst.p)
func InvertAffineTransform(src Mat, dst *Mat) {
C.InvertAffineTransform(src.p, dst.p)
// Apply phaseCorrelate.
// For further details, please see:
// https://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/df3/group__imgproc__motion.html#ga552420a2ace9ef3fb053cd630fdb4952
func PhaseCorrelate(src1, src2, window Mat) (phaseShift Point2f, response float64) {
var responseDouble C.double
result := C.PhaseCorrelate(src1.p, src2.p, window.p, &responseDouble)
return Point2f{
X: float32(result.x),
Y: float32(result.y),
}, float64(responseDouble)
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