from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.io as sio
import os.path as osp
import random, os
import cv2
import cPickle as cp
import scipy.signal as ssig
import scipy.stats as sstat
import pygame, pygame.locals
from pygame import freetype
#import Image
from PIL import Image
import math
from common import *
def is_chinese(ch):
if u'\u4e00' <= ch<=u'\u9fff':
return True
return False
def sample_weighted(p_dict):
ps = p_dict.keys()
return p_dict[np.random.choice(ps,p=ps)]
def move_bb(bbs, t):
Translate the bounding-boxes in by t_x,t_y.
BB : 2x4xn
T : 2-long np.array
return bbs + t[:,None,None]
def crop_safe(arr, rect, bbs=[], pad=0):
ARR : arr to crop
RECT: (x,y,w,h) : area to crop to
BBS : nx4 xywh format bounding-boxes
PAD : percentage to pad
Does safe cropping. Returns the cropped rectangle and
the adjusted bounding-boxes
rect = np.array(rect)
rect[:2] -= pad
rect[2:] += 2*pad
v0 = [max(0,rect[0]), max(0,rect[1])]
v1 = [min(arr.shape[0], rect[0]+rect[2]), min(arr.shape[1], rect[1]+rect[3])]
arr = arr[v0[0]:v1[0],v0[1]:v1[1],...]
if len(bbs) > 0:
for i in xrange(len(bbs)):
bbs[i,0] -= v0[0]
bbs[i,1] -= v0[1]
return arr, bbs
return arr
class BaselineState(object):
curve = lambda this, a: lambda x: a*x*x
differential = lambda this, a: lambda x: 2*a*x
a = [0.50, 0.05]
def get_sample(self):
Returns the functions for the curve and differential for a and b
sgn = 1.0
if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
sgn = -1
a = self.a[1]*np.random.randn() + sgn*self.a[0]
return {
'curve': self.curve(a),
'diff': self.differential(a),
class RenderFont(object):
Outputs a rasterized font sample.
Output is a binary mask matrix cropped closesly with the font.
Also, outputs ground-truth bounding boxes and text string
def __init__(self, data_dir='data'):
# distribution over the type of text:
# whether to get a single word, paragraph or a line:
self.p_text = {0.0 : 'WORD',
0.0 : 'LINE',
1.0 : 'PARA'}
self.f_shrink = 0.90
self.max_shrink_trials = 5 # 0.9^5 ~= 0.6
# the minimum number of characters that should fit in a mask
# to define the maximum font height.
self.min_nchar = 1
self.min_font_h = 16 #px : 0.6*12 ~ 7px <= actual minimum height
self.max_font_h = 120 #px
self.p_flat = 0.10
# curved baseline:
self.p_curved = 1.0
self.baselinestate = BaselineState()
# text-source : gets english text:
self.text_source = TextSource(min_nchar=self.min_nchar,
# get font-state object:
self.font_state = FontState(data_dir)
def render_multiline(self,font,text):
renders multiline TEXT on the pygame surface SURF with the
font style FONT.
A new line in text is denoted by \n, no other characters are
escaped. Other forms of white-spaces should be converted to space.
returns the updated surface, words and the character bounding boxes.
# get the number of lines
lines = text.split('\n')
lengths = [len(l) for l in lines]
# font parameters:
line_spacing = font.get_sized_height() + 1
# initialize the surface to proper size:
line_bounds = font.get_rect(lines[np.argmax(lengths)])
fsize = (round(2.0*line_bounds.width), round(1.25*line_spacing*len(lines)))
surf = pygame.Surface(fsize, pygame.locals.SRCALPHA, 32)
bbs = []
space = font.get_rect('O')
x, y = 0, 0
for l in lines:
x = 0 # carriage-return
y += line_spacing # line-feed
for ch in l: # render each character
if ch.isspace(): # just shift
x += space.width
# render the character
ch_bounds = font.render_to(surf, (x,y), ch)
ch_bounds.x = x + ch_bounds.x
ch_bounds.y = y - ch_bounds.y
x += ch_bounds.width
# get the union of characters for cropping:
r0 = pygame.Rect(bbs[0])
rect_union = r0.unionall(bbs)
# get the words:
words = ' '.join(text.split())
# crop the surface to fit the text:
bbs = np.array(bbs)
surf_arr, bbs = crop_safe(pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(surf), rect_union, bbs, pad=5)
surf_arr = surf_arr.swapaxes(0,1)
return surf_arr, words, bbs
def render_curved(self, font, word_text):
use curved baseline for rendering word
wl = len(word_text)
isword = len(word_text.split())==1
# do curved iff, the length of the word <= 10
if not isword or wl > 10 or np.random.rand() > self.p_curved:
return self.render_multiline(font, word_text)
# create the surface:
lspace = font.get_sized_height() + 1
lbound = font.get_rect(word_text)
fsize = (round(2.0*lbound.width), round(3*lspace))
surf = pygame.Surface(fsize, pygame.locals.SRCALPHA, 32)
# baseline state
mid_idx = wl//2
BS = self.baselinestate.get_sample()
curve = [BS['curve'](i-mid_idx) for i in xrange(wl)]
curve[mid_idx] = -np.sum(curve) / (wl-1)
rots = [-int(math.degrees(math.atan(BS['diff'](i-mid_idx)/(font.size/2)))) for i in xrange(wl)]
bbs = []
# place middle char
rect = font.get_rect(word_text[mid_idx])
rect.centerx = surf.get_rect().centerx
rect.centery = surf.get_rect().centery + rect.height
rect.centery += curve[mid_idx]
ch_bounds = font.render_to(surf, rect, word_text[mid_idx], rotation=rots[mid_idx])
ch_bounds.x = rect.x + ch_bounds.x
ch_bounds.y = rect.y - ch_bounds.y
mid_ch_bb = np.array(ch_bounds)
# render chars to the left and right:
last_rect = rect
ch_idx = []
for i in xrange(wl):
#skip the middle character
if i==mid_idx:
if i < mid_idx: #left-chars
i = mid_idx-1-i
elif i==mid_idx+1: #right-chars begin
last_rect = rect
ch = word_text[i]
newrect = font.get_rect(ch)
newrect.y = last_rect.y
if i > mid_idx:
newrect.topleft = (last_rect.topright[0]+2, newrect.topleft[1])
newrect.topright = (last_rect.topleft[0]-2, newrect.topleft[1])
newrect.centery = max(newrect.height, min(fsize[1] - newrect.height, newrect.centery + curve[i]))
bbrect = font.render_to(surf, newrect, ch, rotation=rots[i])
except ValueError:
bbrect = font.render_to(surf, newrect, ch)
bbrect.x = newrect.x + bbrect.x
bbrect.y = newrect.y - bbrect.y
last_rect = newrect
# correct the bounding-box order:
bbs_sequence_order = [None for i in ch_idx]
for idx,i in enumerate(ch_idx):
bbs_sequence_order[i] = bbs[idx]
bbs = bbs_sequence_order
# get the union of characters for cropping:
r0 = pygame.Rect(bbs[0])
rect_union = r0.unionall(bbs)
# crop the surface to fit the text:
bbs = np.array(bbs)
surf_arr, bbs = crop_safe(pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(surf), rect_union, bbs, pad=5)
surf_arr = surf_arr.swapaxes(0,1)
return surf_arr, word_text, bbs
def get_nline_nchar(self,mask_size,font_height,font_width):
Returns the maximum number of lines and characters which can fit
in the MASK_SIZED image.
H,W = mask_size
nline = int(np.ceil(H/(2*font_height)))
nchar = int(np.floor(W/font_width))
return nline,nchar
def place_text(self, text_arrs, back_arr, bbs):
areas = [-np.prod(ta.shape) for ta in text_arrs]
order = np.argsort(areas)
locs = [None for i in range(len(text_arrs))]
out_arr = np.zeros_like(back_arr)
for i in order:
ba = np.clip(back_arr.copy().astype(np.float), 0, 255)
ta = np.clip(text_arrs[i].copy().astype(np.float), 0, 255)
ba[ba > 127] = 1e8
intersect = ssig.fftconvolve(ba,ta[::-1,::-1],mode='valid')
safemask = intersect < 1e8
if not np.any(safemask): # no collision-free position:
return back_arr,locs[:i],bbs[:i],order[:i]
minloc = np.transpose(np.nonzero(safemask))
loc = minloc[np.random.choice(minloc.shape[0]),:]
locs[i] = loc
# update the bounding-boxes:
bbs[i] = move_bb(bbs[i],loc[::-1])
# blit the text onto the canvas
w,h = text_arrs[i].shape
out_arr[loc[0]:loc[0]+w,loc[1]:loc[1]+h] += text_arrs[i]
return out_arr, locs, bbs, order
def robust_HW(self,mask):
m = mask.copy()
m = (~mask).astype('float')/255
rH = np.median(np.sum(m,axis=0))
rW = np.median(np.sum(m,axis=1))
return rH,rW
def sample_font_height_px(self,h_min,h_max):
if np.random.rand() < self.p_flat:
rnd = np.random.rand()
rnd = np.random.beta(2.0,2.0)
h_range = h_max - h_min
f_h = np.floor(h_min + h_range*rnd)
return f_h
def bb_xywh2coords(self,bbs):
Takes an nx4 bounding-box matrix specified in x,y,w,h
format and outputs a 2x4xn bb-matrix, (4 vertices per bb).
n,_ = bbs.shape
coords = np.zeros((2,4,n))
for i in xrange(n):
coords[:,:,i] = bbs[i,:2][:,None]
coords[0,1,i] += bbs[i,2]
coords[:,2,i] += bbs[i,2:4]
coords[1,3,i] += bbs[i,3]
return coords
def render_sample(self,font,mask):
Places text in the "collision-free" region as indicated
in the mask -- 255 for unsafe, 0 for safe.
The text is rendered using FONT, the text content is TEXT.
#H,W = mask.shape
H,W = self.robust_HW(mask)
f_asp = self.font_state.get_aspect_ratio(font)
# find the maximum height in pixels:
max_font_h = min(0.9*H, (1/f_asp)*W/(self.min_nchar+1))
max_font_h = min(max_font_h, self.max_font_h)
if max_font_h < self.min_font_h: # not possible to place any text here
return #None
# let's just place one text-instance for now
## TODO : change this to allow multiple text instances?
i = 0
while i < self.max_shrink_trials and max_font_h > self.min_font_h:
# if i > 0:
# print colorize(Color.BLUE, "shrinkage trial : %d"%i, True)
# sample a random font-height:
f_h_px = self.sample_font_height_px(self.min_font_h, max_font_h)
#print "font-height : %.2f (min: %.2f, max: %.2f)"%(f_h_px, self.min_font_h,max_font_h)
# convert from pixel-height to font-point-size:
f_h = self.font_state.get_font_size(font, f_h_px)
# update for the loop
max_font_h = f_h_px
i += 1
font.size = f_h # set the font-size
# compute the max-number of lines/chars-per-line:
nline,nchar = self.get_nline_nchar(mask.shape[:2],f_h,f_h*f_asp)
#print " > nline = %d, nchar = %d"%(nline, nchar)
assert nline >= 1 and nchar >= self.min_nchar
# sample text:
text_type = sample_weighted(self.p_text)
text = self.text_source.sample(nline,nchar,text_type)
#text = self.text_source.sample(nline,nchar,'PARA')
#text = self.text_source.sample(nline,nchar,'WORD')
print 'before the if judge',text
if len(text)==0:
print colorize(Color.GREEN, ' didn\'t pass because of len(text)==0')
if np.any([len(line)==0 for line in text]):
print colorize(Color.GREEN, ' didn\'t pass because of np.any')
print colorize(Color.GREEN, 'pass the text filter')
#print colorize(Color.GREEN, text)
# render the text:
txt_arr,txt,bb = self.render_curved(font, text)
bb = self.bb_xywh2coords(bb)
# make sure that the text-array is not bigger than mask array:
if np.any(np.r_[txt_arr.shape[:2]] > np.r_[mask.shape[:2]]):
#warn("text-array is bigger than mask")
print colorize(Color.GREEN, 'fail in mask array size')
print colorize(Color.GREEN, 'pass in mask array size')
# position the text within the mask:
text_mask,loc,bb, _ = self.place_text([txt_arr], mask, [bb])
if len(loc) > 0:#successful in placing the text collision-free:
return text_mask,loc[0],bb[0],text
return #None
def visualize_bb(self, text_arr, bbs):
ta = text_arr.copy()
for r in bbs:
cv.rectangle(ta, (r[0],r[1]), (r[0]+r[2],r[1]+r[3]), color=128, thickness=1)
class FontState(object):
Defines the random state of the font rendering
size = [50, 10] # normal dist mean, std
underline = 0.05
strong = 0.5
oblique = 0.2
wide = 0.5
strength = [0.05, 0.1] # uniform dist in this interval
underline_adjustment = [1.0, 2.0] # normal dist mean, std
kerning = [2, 5, 0, 20] # beta distribution alpha, beta, offset, range (mean is a/(a+b))
border = 0.25
random_caps = -1 ## don't recapitalize : retain the capitalization of the lexicon
capsmode = [str.lower, str.upper, str.capitalize] # lower case, upper case, proper noun
curved = 0.2
random_kerning = 0.2
random_kerning_amount = 0.1
def __init__(self, data_dir='data'):
char_freq_path = osp.join(data_dir, 'models/char_freq.cp')
font_model_path = osp.join(data_dir, 'models/font_px2pt.cp')
# get character-frequencies in the English language:
with open(char_freq_path,'r') as f:
self.char_freq = cp.load(f)
# get the model to convert from pixel to font pt size:
with open(font_model_path,'r') as f:
self.font_model = cp.load(f)
# get the names of fonts to use:
self.FONT_LIST = osp.join(data_dir, 'fonts/fontlist.txt')
self.fonts = [os.path.join(data_dir,'fonts',f.strip()) for f in open(self.FONT_LIST)]
def get_aspect_ratio(self, font, size=None):
Returns the median aspect ratio of each character of the font.
if size is None:
size = 12 # doesn't matter as we take the RATIO
chars = ''.join(self.char_freq.keys())
w = np.array(self.char_freq.values())
# get the [height,width] of each character:
sizes = font.get_metrics(chars,size)
good_idx = [i for i in xrange(len(sizes)) if sizes[i] is not None]
sizes,w = [sizes[i] for i in good_idx], w[good_idx]
sizes = np.array(sizes).astype('float')[:,[3,4]]
r = np.abs(sizes[:,1]/sizes[:,0]) # width/height
good = np.isfinite(r)
r = r[good]
w = w[good]
w /= np.sum(w)
r_avg = np.sum(w*r)
return r_avg
return 1.0
def get_font_size(self, font, font_size_px):
Returns the font-size which corresponds to FONT_SIZE_PX pixels font height.
m = self.font_model[font.name]
return m[0]*font_size_px + m[1] #linear model
def sample(self):
Samples from the font state distribution
return {
'font': self.fonts[int(np.random.randint(0, len(self.fonts)))],
'size': self.size[1]*np.random.randn() + self.size[0],
'underline': np.random.rand() < self.underline,
'underline_adjustment': max(2.0, min(-2.0, self.underline_adjustment[1]*np.random.randn() + self.underline_adjustment[0])),
'strong': np.random.rand() < self.strong,
'oblique': np.random.rand() < self.oblique,
'strength': (self.strength[1] - self.strength[0])*np.random.rand() + self.strength[0],
'char_spacing': int(self.kerning[3]*(np.random.beta(self.kerning[0], self.kerning[1])) + self.kerning[2]),
'border': np.random.rand() < self.border,
'random_caps': np.random.rand() < self.random_caps,
'capsmode': random.choice(self.capsmode),
'curved': np.random.rand() < self.curved,
'random_kerning': np.random.rand() < self.random_kerning,
'random_kerning_amount': self.random_kerning_amount,
def init_font(self,fs):
Initializes a pygame font.
FS : font-state sample
font = freetype.Font(fs['font'], size=fs['size'])
font.underline = fs['underline']
font.underline_adjustment = fs['underline_adjustment']
font.strong = fs['strong']
font.oblique = fs['oblique']
font.strength = fs['strength']
char_spacing = fs['char_spacing']
font.antialiased = True
font.origin = True
return font
class TextSource(object):
Provides text for words, paragraphs, sentences.
def __init__(self, min_nchar, fn):
TXT_FN : path to file containing text data.
self.min_nchar = min_nchar
self.fdict = {'WORD':self.sample_word,
files= os.listdir(fn)
#print files
for filename in files:
if filecnt==0:
print fc
with open(fc,'r') as f:
for l in f.readlines():
#print line
print len(self.txt)
#self.txt = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
# distribution over line/words for LINE/PARA:
self.p_line_nline = np.array([0.85, 0.10, 0.05])
self.p_line_nword = [4,3,12] # normal: (mu, std)
self.p_para_nline = [1.0,1.0]#[1.7,3.0] # beta: (a, b), max_nline
self.p_para_nword = [1.7,3.0,10] # beta: (a,b), max_nword
# probability to center-align a paragraph:
self.center_para = 0.5
def check_symb_frac(self, txt, f=0.35):
T/F return : T iff fraction of symbol/special-charcters in
txt is less than or equal to f (default=0.25).
for ch in line:
if ch.isalnum() or is_chinese(ch):
return float(chcnt)/(len(txt)+0.0)>f
#return np.sum([not ch.isalnum() for ch in txt])/(len(txt)+0.0) <= f
def is_good(self, txt, f=0.35):
T/F return : T iff the lines in txt (a list of txt lines)
are "valid".
A given line l is valid iff:
1. It is not empty.
2. symbol_fraction > f
3. Has at-least self.min_nchar characters
4. Not all characters are i,x,0,O,-
def is_txt(l):
char_ex = ['i','I','o','O','0','-']
chs = [ch in char_ex for ch in l]
return not np.all(chs)
return [ (len(l)> self.min_nchar
and self.check_symb_frac(l,f)
and is_txt(l)) for l in txt ]
def center_align(self, lines):
PADS lines with space to center align them
lines : list of text-lines.
ls = [len(l) for l in lines]
max_l = max(ls)
for i in xrange(len(lines)):
l = lines[i].strip()
dl = max_l-ls[i]
lspace = dl//2
rspace = dl-lspace
lines[i] = ' '*lspace+l+' '*rspace
return lines
def get_lines(self, nline, nword, nchar_max, f=0.35, niter=100):
def h_lines(niter=100):
lines = ['']
iter = 0
while not np.all(self.is_good(lines,f)) and iter < niter:
iter += 1
line_start = np.random.choice(len(self.txt)-nline)
lines = [self.txt[line_start+i] for i in range(nline)]
return lines
lines = ['']
iter = 0
while not np.all(self.is_good(lines,f)) and iter < niter:
iter += 1
lines = h_lines(niter=100)
# get words per line:
nline = len(lines)
for i in range(nline):
words = lines[i].split()
dw = len(words)-nword[i]
if dw > 0:
first_word_index = random.choice(range(dw+1))
lines[i] = ' '.join(words[first_word_index:first_word_index+nword[i]])
while len(lines[i]) > nchar_max: #chop-off characters from end:
if not np.any([ch.isspace() for ch in lines[i]]):
lines[i] = ''
lines[i] = lines[i][:len(lines[i])-lines[i][::-1].find(' ')].strip()
if not np.all(self.is_good(lines,f)):
return #None
return lines
def sample(self, nline_max,nchar_max,kind='WORD'):
print 'sample_output',self.fdict[kind](nline_max,nchar_max)
return self.fdict[kind](nline_max,nchar_max)
def sample_word(self,nline_max,nchar_max,niter=100):
rand_line = self.txt[np.random.choice(len(self.txt))]
words = rand_line.split()
rand_word = random.choice(words)
iter = 0
while iter < niter and (not self.is_good([rand_word])[0] or len(rand_word)>nchar_max):
rand_line = self.txt[np.random.choice(len(self.txt))]
words = rand_line.split()
rand_word = random.choice(words)
iter += 1
#print colorize(Color.GREEN, rand_word)
print 'sample_word_output',rand_word
if not self.is_good([rand_word])[0] or len(rand_word)>nchar_max:
return []
return rand_word
def sample_line(self,nline_max,nchar_max):
nline = nline_max+1
while nline > nline_max:
nline = np.random.choice([1,2,3], p=self.p_line_nline)
# get number of words:
nword = [self.p_line_nword[2]*sstat.beta.rvs(a=self.p_line_nword[0], b=self.p_line_nword[1])
for _ in xrange(nline)]
nword = [max(1,int(np.ceil(n))) for n in nword]
lines = self.get_lines(nline, nword, nchar_max, f=0.35)
print 'sample_line_output',lines
if lines is not None:
return '\n'.join(lines)
return []
def sample_para(self,nline_max,nchar_max):
# get number of lines in the paragraph:
nline = nline_max*sstat.beta.rvs(a=self.p_para_nline[0], b=self.p_para_nline[1])
nline = max(1, int(np.ceil(nline)))
# get number of words:
nword = [self.p_para_nword[2]*sstat.beta.rvs(a=self.p_para_nword[0], b=self.p_para_nword[1])
for _ in xrange(nline)]
nword = [max(1,int(np.ceil(n))) for n in nword]
lines = self.get_lines(nline, nword, nchar_max, f=0.35)
print 'sample_para_output',lines
if lines is not None:
# center align the paragraph-text:
if np.random.rand() < self.center_para:
lines = self.center_align(lines)
return '\n'.join(lines)
return []
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