Simple demo of WCF service provider/consumer, in C#
File storage using MongoDB and GridFS, a C# example.
Nginx-rtmp-module Windows builds.
Smallest, fastest polymorphic JSON serializer
Get/Set the information(NetworkSettings) for the network adapters
Development on KinectV2 (Kinect for XBOX One)
Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage SDK for C/C++
Encrypt/Decrypt and Dependency Injection with M$'s Unity
A bite of WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation) with C# on .NET4.0
Source browser website generator that powers and
A C# MemCache demo based on 'System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache'
A GUI tool for replacing string resources (*.resx or *.xaml). Can be used in WPF-based application development.
Capture/Record Screen using MediaProjection (Android 5.0+)