



    44.4K lengleng/pig GVP

    基于Spring Boot 3.4、 Spring Cloud 2024 & Alibaba、 SAS OAuth2 的微服务RBAC 权限管理系统。 🔝 🔝 记得上边点个star 关注更新。 微服务交流群见底部二维码。

    最近更新: 3天前

    3 unibeta/cloudtest

    CloudTest is a redefined java unit testing approach and methodology, which can make your testing jobs become much more easy and efficient. It is a pure java lightweight framework integrated test cases management. Test data management, assert management, automation regression, performance monitor and test report in one.

    最近更新: 13天前

    3 unibeta/vRules4j

    vRules4j--The best completely Object Oriented Java Object Validation/Decision Rule engine,which is born for taking over all validation responsibility in java business-enterprise industry and looking forward to providing Perfect/Lightweight solution.

    最近更新: 3个月前

    8.1K lyt-Top/vue-next-admin

    🎉🎉🔥基于vue3.x 、Typescript、vite、Element plus等,适配手机、平板、pc 的后台开源免费模板库(vue2.x请切换vue-prev-admin分支)

    最近更新: 4个月前

    1 unibeta/jrebel-server forked from Nism/jrebel-server

    JRebel 激活服务

    最近更新: 12个月前

    17 japhet_jiu/stripe-demo

    java 对接 stripe 的案例,下载项目,注册stripe账号,拿到秘钥,即可使用

    最近更新: 1年多前

    61 Nism/jrebel-server

    JRebel 激活服务

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    1 海蓝时浪涌/OracleToMysql


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    235 drinkjava2/jDialects

    数据库方言工具, 支持80多种数据库方言的分页、DDL、实体源码生成

    最近更新: 接近3年前
