# coding: utf-8
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from lib import epd4in2bc
import datetime
import json
import os
import sys
import time
import requests
from cpu_temperature import *
from tianqi import *
picdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'pic')
libdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'lib')
if os.path.exists(libdir):
def isConnected():
html = requests.get("https://www.baidu.com", timeout=5)
return False
return True
def kill_if_exit():
info = []
r = os.popen(
'ps -ef | grep "weather_time_render.py" | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\'')
info = r.readlines()
pid = 0
if len(info) >= 2:
for i in range(0, len(info)-1):
pid = info[i]
os.system('sudo kill %s' % (pid))
print('kill suceess')
if pid != 0:
return 1
return 0
def get_all_data():
success = False
while(success == False):
success = write_cpu()
success = write_tianqi()
def weather_retry():
print('fail to get weather data, waiting for 80 secs')
def check_midnight():
hour = datetime.datetime.now().hour
if 1 <= hour < 6:
return 1
return 0
# 午夜不刷新
if check_midnight():
if kill_if_exit():
epd = epd4in2bc.EPD()
# 定义字体
font16 = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(picdir, 'Font.ttc'), 16)
font18 = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(picdir, 'Font.ttc'), 18)
font24 = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(picdir, 'Font.ttc'), 24)
font26 = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(picdir, 'Font.ttc'), 26)
font30 = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(picdir, 'Font.ttc'), 30)
font36 = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(picdir, 'Font.ttc'), 36)
font48 = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(picdir, 'Font.ttc'), 48)
font54 = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(picdir, 'Font.ttc'), 54)
HBlackimage = Image.new('1', (epd.width, epd.height), 255)
HRYimage = Image.new('1', (epd.width, epd.height), 255)
drawblack = ImageDraw.Draw(HBlackimage)
drawyellow = ImageDraw.Draw(HRYimage)
hour_flag = 0
date_flag = 0
net_work_flag = 0
weather_flag = 0
time_now = datetime.datetime.now()
date_string = time_now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
week_string = [u'星期一', u'星期二', u'星期三', u'星期四',
u'星期五', u'星期六', u'星期日'][time_now.isoweekday() - 1]
# 午夜页面
if time_now == 0:
drawblack.text((98, 90), '(*/ω\*)', font=font54, fill=0)
drawyellow.text((110, 170), 'SLEEPING TIME', font=font26, fill=0)
message=date_string+' '+week_string
message = ' '*14+message
drawblack.text((0, 250), message, font=font26, fill=0)
epd.display(epd.getbuffer(HBlackimage), epd.getbuffer(HRYimage))
# 绘制边框线,输出日期信息
for i in range(32, 34):
drawblack.line((0, i, 400, i), fill=0)
for i in range(269, 271):
drawblack.line((0, i, 400, i), fill=0)
drawblack.text((10, 0), date_string, font=font26, fill=0)
drawblack.text((150, 0), week_string, font=font26, fill=0)
hour_now = datetime.datetime.now().hour
hour_mes = ' AM'
# hour_flag 23~6点为1
if hour_now < 6:
hour_mes += ' 凌晨'
hour_flag = 1
elif hour_now >= 12:
hour_mes = ' PM'
if hour_now >= 23:
hour_mes += ' 深夜'
hour_flag = 1
hour_now -= 12
if hour_flag == 0: # 非深夜
drawblack.text((240, 0), str(hour_now) +
hour_mes, font=font26, fill=0)
drawyellow.text((240, 0), str(hour_now) +
hour_mes, font=font26, fill=0)
hour_now = datetime.datetime.now().hour # 重新赋值为24小时制
# hour_now =23
if hour_flag == 0:
# cpu 工作状况
cpu_data_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'raspi_temp.json')
cpu_data = {}
with open(cpu_data_file, 'r')as f:
cpu_data = json.load(f)
cpu_tem = cpu_data['cpu_temp']
ram_per = cpu_data['mem_per']
# CPU 温度异常
if float(cpu_tem) <= 50:
drawblack.text((5, 275), 'CPU 温度:'+str(cpu_tem) +
' 摄氏度', font=font18, fill=0)
drawyellow.text((5, 275), 'CPU 温度:'+str(cpu_tem) +
' 摄氏度', font=font18, fill=0)
drawblack.text((215, 275), 'RAM 使用率:'+str(ram_per) +
' %', font=font18, fill=0)
else: # 深夜
if datetime.datetime.now().hour < 6:
if datetime.datetime.now().hour == 1:
drawyellow.text((20, 275), '这是一个彩蛋~还不睡!!', font=font18, fill=0)
elif datetime.datetime.now().hour == 0:
drawblack.text((20, 275), '咋还没有睡觉~', font=font18, fill=0)
drawblack.text((20, 275), '让我康康是哪个小孩子还没睡觉~',
font=font18, fill=0)
drawblack.text((20, 275), '劳累了一天,该睡觉了哦~', font=font18, fill=0)
drawyellow.text((280, 272), ':P', font=font24, fill=0)
# 检测网络情况
while net_work_flag == 0:
net_work_flag = isConnected()
if net_work_flag == 0:
drawyellow.text((20, 50), 'ERROR:',
font=font48, fill=net_work_flag)
drawyellow.text((50, 110), '好像失去了网络连接…',
font=font26, fill=net_work_flag)
epd.display(epd.getbuffer(HBlackimage), epd.getbuffer(HRYimage))
# 读取天气信息
while weather_flag == 0:
weather_data_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'weather.json')
wdata = {}
with open(weather_data_file, 'r') as in_file:
wdata = json.load(in_file)
if 'error' in wdata:
drawyellow.text((20, 50), 'ERROR:', font=font48, fill=weather_flag)
drawyellow.text((50, 110), '无法加载天气数据!',
font=font26, fill=weather_flag)
epd.display(epd.getbuffer(HBlackimage), epd.getbuffer(HRYimage))
elif int(time.time()) - wdata['update'] > 5 * 60:
drawyellow.text((20, 50), 'ERROR:', font=font48, fill=weather_flag)
drawyellow.text((50, 110), '天气数据过期!',
font=font26, fill=weather_flag)
epd.display(epd.getbuffer(HBlackimage), epd.getbuffer(HRYimage))
weather_flag = 1
for i in range(50, 150):
drawyellow.line((0, i, 400, i), fill=1)
# 处理天气数据
city_name = wdata['city_name']
today_weather = wdata['today_weather']
current_temp = wdata['current_temp']
current_weather = wdata['current_weather']
current_wind = wdata['current_wind']
current_humidity = wdata['current_humidity']
current_air = wdata['current_air']
current_air_num = wdata['current_air_num']
today_uv = wdata['today_uv']
tomorrow_weather = wdata['tomorrow_weather']
tomorrow_temp_high = wdata['tomorrow_temp_high']
tomorrow_temp_low = wdata['tomorrow_temp_low']
tomorrow_wind = wdata['tomorrow_wind']
if 22 <= hour_now < 24:
cw = tomorrow_weather
cw = current_weather
bmp_name = {u'晴': 'WQING.BMP', u'阴': 'WYIN.BMP', u'多云': 'WDYZQ.BMP',
u'雷阵雨': 'WLZYU.BMP', u'小雨': 'WXYU.BMP', u'中雨': 'WXYU.BMP'}.get(cw, None)
if not bmp_name:
if u'雨' in cw and u'雷' not in cw:
bmp_name = 'WYU.BMP'
elif u'雪' in cw:
bmp_name = 'WXUE.BMP'
elif u'雹' in cw:
bmp_name = 'WBBAO.BMP'
elif u'雾' in cw or u'霾' in cw:
bmp_name = 'WWU.BMP'
elif u'云' in cw:
bmp_name = 'WDYZQ.BMP'
elif u'雷' in cw:
bmp_name = 'WLZYU.BMP'
blackimage1 = Image.new('1', (epd.width, epd.height), 255)
yellowimage1 = Image.new('1', (epd.width, epd.height), 255)
newimage = Image.open(os.path.join(picdir, bmp_name))
if bmp_name == 'WQING.BMP' or bmp_name == 'WDYZQ.BMP' or bmp_name == 'WYIN.BMP':
HBlackimage.paste(newimage, (25, 52))
bad_weather = 0
HRYimage.paste(newimage, (25, 46))
bad_weather = 1
# 输出主要天气信息
if 22 <= hour_now < 24:
drawblack.text((190, 50), '明日:', font=font16, fill=0)
# 不同的明日天气不同显示
wether_lenth = len(tomorrow_weather)
if wether_lenth == 1:
message_x =255;message_y=55;fonts=font48
elif wether_lenth == 2:
message_x =252;message_y=55;fonts=font48
elif wether_lenth <= 4:
message_x =238;message_y=63;fonts=font36
message_x =232;message_y=75;fonts=font30
if bad_weather:
drawyellow.text((message_x, message_y), str(
tomorrow_weather), font=fonts, fill=0)
drawblack.text((message_x, message_y), str(
tomorrow_weather), font=fonts, fill=0)
drawblack.text((220, 120), '最低气温:' +
str(tomorrow_temp_low) + ' 度', font=font18, fill=0)
drawblack.text((220, 150), '最高气温:' +
str(tomorrow_temp_high) + ' 度', font=font18, fill=0)
drawblack.text((220, 180), '明日将会是 ' +
str(tomorrow_wind), font=font18, fill=0)
if int(tomorrow_temp_high)-int(tomorrow_temp_low) >= 12:
if u'雨' in tomorrow_weather:
message = '明日有异常天气,且温差较大'
message = '明日的温差有些大,要注意穿衣哦~'
if int(tomorrow_temp_high) >= 32:
message = '不妙,明天好像有点热欸'
if int(tomorrow_temp_low) <= 15:
message = '明天好像有点冷'
elif int(tomorrow_temp_low) <= 5 or u'雪' in tomorrow_weather:
message = '明天的天气有些恶劣呢'
elif u'雨' in tomorrow_weather:
message = '明天有可能下雨,要注意呢'
message = '明天天气大概率还不错哦!'
message = ' '*4*int((23-len(message))/2)+message
drawblack.text((0, 212), str(message), font=font18, fill=0)
drawblack.text((190, 50), str(city_name)+':', font=font16, fill=0)
if 10 < float(current_temp) < 30:
drawblack.text((250, 55), str(current_temp) +
'度', font=font48, fill=0)
drawyellow.text((250, 55), str(current_temp) +
'度', font=font48, fill=0)
drawblack.text((220, 120), '今日气温 ' +
str(today_weather) + ' 度', font=font18, fill=0)
drawblack.text((220, 150), str(current_weather) +
' ' + str(current_wind), font=font18, fill=0)
drawblack.text((220, 180), '相对湿度 ' +
str(current_humidity) + '%', font=font18, fill=0)
# 空气指数
drawblack.text((80, 212), 'PM指数:' +
str(current_air), font=font18, fill=0)
if current_air != '优' and current_air != '良':
drawyellow.rectangle((66, 216, 74, 228), fill=0)
# 紫外线强度
drawblack.text((236, 212), 'UV强度:' +
str(today_uv), font=font18, fill=0)
if u'强' in str(today_uv):
drawyellow.rectangle((222, 216, 230, 228), fill=0)
# 一言 或 纪念日
# date_check = time_now.strftime('%m-%d')
# if date_check == '01-01':
# date_year = int(time_now.strftime('%Y'))
# age = str(date_year-2020)
# hitokoto = age+ 'xxx'
# elif date_check == '06-16':
# date_year = int(time_now.strftime('%Y'))
# age = str(date_year-2019)
# hitokoto = 'xxx'
# else:
url = 'https://v1.hitokoto.cn/?max_length=22&json'
response = requests.get(url=url)
content = response.content
result = json.loads(content)
hitokoto = str(result['hitokoto'])
# 居中效果
hitokoto = ' '*4*int((23-len(hitokoto))/2)+hitokoto
drawblack.text((0, 240), str(hitokoto), font=font18, fill=0)
# 显示并休眠
epd.display(epd.getbuffer(HBlackimage), epd.getbuffer(HRYimage))
except IOError as e:
print('IO error!!!')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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