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userphs.h 6.38 KB
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// userphs.h
#if !defined(AFX_USER_H__66EB6429_712C_11D5_8752_00D009619765__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_USER_H__66EB6429_712C_11D5_8752_00D009619765__INCLUDED_
#include "resource.h"
CString inline GetFileName(LPCTSTR lpszPathName)
CString strPathName(lpszPathName);
return strPathName.Mid(strPathName.ReverseFind(_T('\\'))+1);
void inline ReportError(LPCTSTR lpszErrMsg,LPCTSTR lpszFile,int iLine)
CString strMsg;
CString FormatVBString(LPCTSTR lpszFmt,double dVal);
class Form;
class PictureBox;
class user
static int s_iFilterIndex;
static CString ChangePathSlash(CString Path);
static CString SelFile(CString DlgTitle,CString filter,int FilterInd,CString InitPath, bool CreatePrompt=false);
static CString SelFileDwg(LPCTSTR filter, CString& initDir,int& iFilterIndex=s_iFilterIndex);
static DWORD GetVersion();
static CString GetAppFileName();
static CString GetAppPath();
static void GetSysDir();
* -----------------------------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------------------
* SUB: AddDirSep
* Add a trailing directory path separator (back slash) to the
* end of a pathname unless one already exists
* IN/OUT: [strPathName] - path to add separator to
* -----------------------------------------------------------
static void AddDirSep(CString &strPathName);
* -----------------------------------------------------------
* SUB: RemoveDirSep
* Remove a trailing directory path separator (back slash) from the
* end of a pathname unless one doesn't exists
* IN/OUT: [strPathName] - path to remove separator from
* -----------------------------------------------------------
static void RemoveDirSep(CString& strPathName);
static bool GetPos(CString frmName,CRect& wndRect);
static void SavePos(CWnd* frm,CString frmName);
static void EditTextBox(CEdit* editBox);
* 设置文件日期时间
* 各种应用程序的About窗体资源常数
/*static const int resSTRabout;
static const int resSTRBASE;
static const int resSTRCompanyTel;
static const int resSTRCompanyMTel;
static const int resSTRCompanyEmail;
static const int resSTR_EDInBox;
static const int resBMP_EDInBox;
static const int resSTR_WATER;
static const int resBMP_WATER;
static const int resSTR_RC;
static const int resBMP_RC;
static const int resSTR_YLJSJK;
static const int resBMP_YLJSJK;
static const int resSTR_VENTPIPE;
static const int resBMP_VENTPIPE;
static const int resSTR_STRESSANA;
static const int resBMP_STRESSANA;
static const int resSTR_PHS;
static const int resBMP_PHS;
static const int resSTR_eManual;
static const int resBMP_eManual;*/
* public Constants
static const char* gstrNULL;
static const char* gstrSEP_DIR;
static const char* gstrSEP_DIRALT;
static const char* gstrSEP_EXT;
static const char* gstrCOLON;
static const char* gstrSwitchPrefix1;
static const char* gstrSwitchPrefix2;
static const char* gstrCOMMA;
static const char* gstrDECIMAL;
static const char* gstrINI_PROTOCOL;
static const int gintMAX_SIZE;
static const int gintMIN_BUTTONWIDTH;
static const float gsngBUTTON_BORDER;
static const int intDRIVE_REMOVABLE;
static const int intDRIVE_FIXED;
static const int intDRIVE_REMOTE;
static const int gintNOVERINFO;
static CString gstrWinDir;
static CString gstrWinSysDir;
static CString gstrAppName;
static CString gstrChnAppName;
* public Variables
static CString LF;
static CString LS;
* 主窗体对象
// static CWnd* gObjMainFrm;
CString GetShareDbPath();//得到PSA所用单位数据库的路径
extern int vtoi(_variant_t & v);
extern int vtoi2(COleVariant & v);
extern float vtof(_variant_t &v);
extern int vtoi(COleVariant & v);
extern float vtof(COleVariant &v);
extern double vtod(_variant_t &v);
extern double vtod(COleVariant &v);
extern bool vtob(VARIANT &v);
extern CString inline ftos1(float v);
extern CString GetStrAtEx(CString strText,int i); //返回字符串中子串,(格式:动态库AutoPSA 生成文件中的格式);
extern int GetStrAtCountEx(CString strText); //返回字符串中子串,(以空格隔开的字符串);
CString Trim(LPCTSTR pcs);
extern CString inline ltos(long v);
extern CString inline ftos(float v);
extern int inline Fix(double dv);
extern CString inline GetResStr(UINT id);
extern bool FileExists(CString filename);
extern bool DirExists(CString Directory);
extern void SetFileTime(CString Sfile,CString Dfile);
extern CString GetFilePath(CString FileName);//不带 '\'
extern bool inline IsNull(_variant_t &v);
//#define IsNull ( V ) V.vt==VT_NULL
//#define IsNull (v) v.vt==VT_NULL
#define MAJOR(X) (WORD)(X>>16)
#define MINOR(X) (WORD)X
extern CString gObjMainFrm;
//extern int vtoi( VARIANT & v );
extern void RsDeleteAll(CDaoRecordset& rs);
extern COleVariant inline STR_VAR( LPCTSTR X );
#define V_STR( X ) (X.vt!=VT_NULL ? X.pcVal : "")
extern _ConnectionPtr conPRJDB;
extern _ConnectionPtr conPRJDB4;
extern _ConnectionPtr conPHSConfig;
extern _ConnectionPtr conZDJCrude;
extern CString vtos(COleVariant& v);
extern CString vtos(_variant_t& v);
extern CString vtos2(COleVariant& v);
extern float Sgn(float x);
extern _variant_t stov(LPCTSTR svar);
extern bool GetAllMenu(HMENU hMenu,long pos);
extern bool DisabledSystemMenu(HWND hWnd,HMENU hMenu);
extern CString inline btos(BOOL v);
extern int inline ShowMessage(LPCTSTR lpszText, UINT nType = MB_OK,LPCTSTR lpszTitle=AfxGetApp()->m_pszAppName, UINT nIDHelp = 0 );
extern COleVariant inline GetFields(CDaoRecordset & rs,CString FieldName);
extern void SetWindowCenter(HWND hWnd);
extern void inline DoEvents();
extern BOOL MakePath(CString strDirName);
extern void ModifyControlStyle(HWND &hWnd,DWORD dwRemove=0,DWORD dwAdd=0);
extern const _TCHAR dbConnectionString[];
extern const _TCHAR dbConnectionString4[];
long first_execute_time,end_execute_time; \
CString str_execute_time; \
first_execute_time = GetTickCount();
#define EXECUTE_TIME_END end_execute_time = GetTickCount();\
end_execute_time -= first_execute_time;\
str_execute_time.Format("%d", end_execute_time);\
#endif /* user_h */
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