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test_net_config.conf 10.41 KB
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git 提交于 2020-09-23 23:40 . fix test config net type
net {
# type = mainnet
type = testnet
enery.limit.block.num = 0
storage {
# Directory for storing persistent data
db.version = 2,
db.engine = "LEVELDB",
db.sync = false,
db.directory = "database",
index.directory = "index",
transHistory.switch = "on",
# You can custom these 14 databases' configs:
# account, account-index, asset-issue, block, block-index,
# block_KDB, peers, properties, recent-block, trans,
# utxo, votes, witness, witness_schedule.
# Otherwise, db configs will remain defualt and data will be stored in
# the path of "output-directory" or which is set by "-d" ("--output-directory").
# Attention: name is a required field that must be set !!!
properties = [
// {
// name = "account",
// path = "storage_directory_test",
// createIfMissing = true,
// paranoidChecks = true,
// verifyChecksums = true,
// compressionType = 1, // compressed with snappy
// blockSize = 4096, // 4 KB = 4 * 1024 B
// writeBufferSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
// cacheSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
// maxOpenFiles = 100
// },
// {
// name = "account-index",
// path = "storage_directory_test",
// createIfMissing = true,
// paranoidChecks = true,
// verifyChecksums = true,
// compressionType = 1, // compressed with snappy
// blockSize = 4096, // 4 KB = 4 * 1024 B
// writeBufferSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
// cacheSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
// maxOpenFiles = 100
// },
node.discovery = {
enable = true
persist = true
bind.ip = ""
external.ip = null
node.backup {
port = 10001
priority = 8
members = [
node {
# trust node for solidity node
# trustNode = "ip:port"
trustNode = ""
zenTokenId = 1000003
fullNodeAllowShieldedTransaction = true
# expose extension api to public or not
walletExtensionApi = true
listen.port = 18888
connection.timeout = 2
tcpNettyWorkThreadNum = 0
udpNettyWorkThreadNum = 1
# Number of validate sign thread, default availableProcessors / 2
# validateSignThreadNum = 16
maxActiveNodes = 30
maxActiveNodesWithSameIp = 2
minParticipationRate = 0
maxConnectNumberFactor = 1
receiveTcpMinDataLength = 512
p2p {
version = 09251646
active = [
# Active establish connection in any case
# Sample entries:
# "ip:port",
# "ip:port"
passive = [
# Passive accept connection in any case
# Sample entries:
# "ip:port",
# "ip:port"
# fastForward = [
# ""
# ]
http {
fullNodePort = 8090
solidityPort = 8091
rpc {
port = 50051
# Number of gRPC thread, default availableProcessors / 2
# thread = 16
# The maximum number of concurrent calls permitted for each incoming connection
# maxConcurrentCallsPerConnection =
# The HTTP/2 flow control window, default 1MB
# flowControlWindow =
# Connection being idle for longer than which will be gracefully terminated
maxConnectionIdleInMillis = 60000
# Connection lasting longer than which will be gracefully terminated
# maxConnectionAgeInMillis =
# The maximum message size allowed to be received on the server, default 4MB
# maxMessageSize =
# The maximum size of header list allowed to be received, default 8192
# maxHeaderListSize =
seed.node = {
# List of the seed nodes
# Seed nodes are stable full nodes
# example:
# ip.list = [
# "ip:port",
# "ip:port"
# ]
ip.list = [
genesis.block = {
# Reserve balance
assets = [
accountName = "Zion"
accountType = "AssetIssue"
address = "TNNqZuYhMfQvooC4kJwTsMJEQVU3vWGa5u"
balance = "95000000000000000"
accountName = "Sun"
accountType = "AssetIssue"
address = "TWsm8HtU2A5eEzoT8ev8yaoFjHsXLLrckb"
balance = "5000000000000000"
accountName = "Blackhole"
accountType = "AssetIssue"
address = "TSJD5rdu6wZXP7F2m3a3tn8Co3JcMjtBip"
balance = "-9223372036854775808"
witnesses = [
address: TVdyt1s88BdiCjKt6K2YuoSmpWScZYK1QF,
url = "http://Alioth.com",
voteCount = 100027
address: TCNVmGtkfknHpKSZXepZDXRowHF7kosxcv,
url = "http://Aries.com",
voteCount = 100026
address: TAbzgkG8p3yF5aywKVgq9AaAu6hvF2JrVC,
url = "http://Cancer.com",
voteCount = 100025
address: TMmmvwvkBPBv3Gkw9cGKbZ8PLznYkTu3ep,
url = "http://Capricorn.com",
voteCount = 100024
address: TBJHZu4Sm86aWHtt6VF6KQSzot8vKTuTKx,
url = "http://Cassiopeia.com",
voteCount = 100023
address: TLvCstA93piBhpdvMggJ9r5b793b6rqdGd,
url = "http://Crux.com",
voteCount = 100022
address: TEf2ADumcubtg9NeNi7bNP14KfvYxKzTDu,
url = "http://Delphinus.com",
voteCount = 100021
address: TTqqbNxnqniyeCFi4aYwQQFHtuMwiBLARo,
url = "http://Dorado.com",
voteCount = 100020
address: TWwJwoqAYvUVjmp5odhwZYgKekBqL3Mbcf,
url = "http://Dubhe.com",
voteCount = 100019
address: TCPKsDZCJDzC83KWcAnHo9b46DN9o4s48y,
url = "http://Eridanus.com",
voteCount = 100018
address: TJnd8wF5ScEvuYq4WnJUyGbg6iS7ibnWrY,
url = "http://Gemini.com",
voteCount = 100017
address: TTZDB64rNpdw8rpEKko5FhB7BMUf5y4JMT,
url = "http://Hercules.com",
voteCount = 100016
address: TVWapNccbdFDqdHjFGnJ8ePancR6HjSned,
url = "http://Leo.com",
voteCount = 100015
address: TUVdiR6bYsuDNB5HWPLyK3ueY6225n5AdJ,
url = "http://Libra.com",
voteCount = 100014
address: TRBQFNJrJJzzgqfnbP9WvAjWd2oCNyqanC,
url = "http://Lupus.com",
voteCount = 100013
address: TBSq7zAhyEyVf96tbQmh6SwBGRiQXJf9sx,
url = "http://Lyra.com",
voteCount = 100012
address: TFZhwKPxqadgLGSwkiD1JeFJgfSMn2BD75,
url = "http://Monoceros.com",
voteCount = 100011
address: TZ6PqKSodEW7yQNYSDS8WoDo8t3SfACV3V,
url = "http://Norma.com",
voteCount = 100010
address: TSiyqwmcqsDBXQmWPZhC4Y5zncECMN61Li,
url = "http://Orion.com",
voteCount = 100009
address: TVnWr8bm3b2gDrJDBTfWXuPXiT1cvZUGan,
url = "http://Pavo.com",
voteCount = 100008
address: TNR2BDkX53rFCvkSg89nK7nfeC6hLN7B5o,
url = "http://Perseus.com",
voteCount = 100007
address: TVw2k1pD3n4ErWnr4uWmjVwsdai8vT5wyn,
url = "http://Phecda.com",
voteCount = 100006
address: THtcGdFXoGWNd9PDrhCradfvcdsQAoNVAC,
url = "http://Phoenix.com",
voteCount = 100005
address: TEZ31xxrECtLmsGvQFnh2quQVxKFoHxqqu,
url = "http://Pyxis.com",
voteCount = 100004
address: TA6ztifHZSkQ5F6KMe73rYRgQ5fBKLPomV,
url = "http://Scutum.com",
voteCount = 100003
address: TXuLKjf8J8aCKgDgA5uczwn1yQNYVPLocY,
url = "http://Taurus.com",
voteCount = 100002
address: TAihbgDWBK1QTS5gsk7evWDy2nhpkmkGZJ,
url = "http://Volans.com",
voteCount = 100001
timestamp = "0" #2017-8-26 12:00:00
parentHash = "0x30000000001d13ab3eced28c7eb8ef3a0a1a941f1c60e2e66088f461266ecab5"
#localwitness = [
localwitnesskeystore = [
block = {
needSyncCheck = true
maintenanceTimeInterval = 600000
proposalExpireTime = 600000 // 3 day: 259200000(ms)
trx.reference.block = "solid" //head;solid
vm = {
supportConstant = true
minTimeRatio = 0.0
maxTimeRatio = 5.0
saveInternalTx = false
committee = {
allowCreationOfContracts = 0 //mainnet:0 (reset by committee),test:1
event.subscribe = {
native = {
useNativeQueue = true // if true, use native message queue, else use event plugin.
bindport = 5555 // bind port
sendqueuelength = 1000 //max length of send queue
path = "" // absolute path of plugin
server = "" // target server address to receive event triggers
dbconfig = "" // dbname|username|password
contractParse = true,
topics = [
triggerName = "block" // block trigger, the value can't be modified
enable = false
topic = "block" // plugin topic, the value could be modified
triggerName = "transaction"
enable = false
topic = "transaction"
triggerName = "contractevent"
enable = false
topic = "contractevent"
triggerName = "contractlog"
enable = false
topic = "contractlog"
triggerName = "solidity" // solidity block event trigger, the value can't be modified
enable = true // the default value is true
topic = "solidity"
filter = {
fromblock = "" // the value could be "", "earliest" or a specified block number as the beginning of the queried range
toblock = "" // the value could be "", "latest" or a specified block number as end of the queried range
contractAddress = [
"" // contract address you want to subscribe, if it's set to "", you will receive contract logs/events with any contract address.
contractTopic = [
"" // contract topic you want to subscribe, if it's set to "", you will receive contract logs/events with any contract topic.
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