I created a simple script which will compile OpenCV 3.4 with opencv_contrib (SIFT, SURF available) for linking with Native Abstractions for Node.js on Ubuntu 18.04
The first WebRTC group call example without socket.io. Can be used as a scaffold for production solution
A storybook for react-declarative npm package for quick feature observing
An React form builder which interfaces with a json endpoint to generate 12 column based nested grids with input fields and automatic state management. Json endpoint is typed by typescript (IntelliSense available). This tool is based on material-ui components so your app is going to look pretty on any device...
Web-Component for rendering a 12-column grid using DevExtreme by json template
Webpack-free umd port of MaterialUi React components with custom router, sample projects and typedef in TypeScript namespaces
RAD for CRUD without third party dependencies. Instead of utility piping for assembly, only TypeScript compiler required to make deployment
PWA for marking bounded boxes of objects in images for training neural network Yolo v3 and v2 with touchscreen support right in your web browser
ElectronJS alternative based on Nokia's V4 engine with custom JSX factory which create's QML components in React code-styling
QML Singleton C++ provider slot with rest arguments (same as ES6 rest operator)
Simple self-written material calendar without third party dependencies
Webpack-free material preact components in TypeScript namespaces
Sample screenshot program that uses dxgi instead of gdi and can capture video games on windows