《Python数据分析:活用Pandas库:Pandas for everyone》代码
GDAL is an open source X/MIT licensed translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats.
This code is the implementation of the paper "An Improved Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Parametric Binary Tree Labeling".
Automatic contrast enhancement using reversible data hiding
Reversible Data Hiding with automatic brightness contrast enhancement
Skewed Histogram Shifting for Reversible Data Hiding Using a Pair of Extreme Predictions
代码 -《深度学习之PyTorch物体检测实战》
Pytorch🍊🍉 is delicious, just eat it!😋😋
基于CNN训练的一套 "端到端" 的验证码识别模型,使用深度学习+训练数据+大量计算力,纯数字识别率高达 99.99%,数字+字母识别率 96%
该课题为基于MATLAB的发票识别系统。主要识别发票的编号。可定做发票的日期,金额等字段的识别。通过输入图片,校正,定位目标区域,分割,字符分割,模板匹配识别,得出结果。整个设计包含GUI界面。 另外,如动车票,机票,汽车票等均可。