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李政 提交于 2021-11-23 21:48 . init from fork
* Template for specifying an extension to OpenGL, OpenGL ES,
* and related APIs.
* Last Modified Date: January 20, 2010
* Revision: 8
* Document Source: the OpenGL Extension Registry at
* http://www.opengl.org/registry/
* and the OpenGL ES Extension Registry at
* http://www.khronos.org/registry/gles/
* Notes:
* Comments in this template document are preceded by an asterisk.
* This entire section is one big comment.
* Extension documents are simple fixed-width ASCII text, up to 132
* characters wide. Here is a line of 132 characters for calibration:
* Lines should end with a hard newline. Do not assume that any
* special formatting or interpretation will be made by software
* displaying the specification.
* Although the extension file is formally 132 characters wide,
* text is limited to 72 characters, and only tables that require
* more than 72 character width extend to the full file width.
* Here is a line of 72 characters for calibration:
* The extension is completely described by its specification, mostly
* in the "Additions to <section name>" sections. These sections are
* written as though the additions described by previous extensions
* had actually been made to specified portions of the OpenGL, OpenGL
* ES, OpenGL Shading Language, GLX, EGL, or other Specification
* documents.
* The "Dependencies on Extension" sections are used to describe how
* the extension semantics are modified if a previous extension is not
* supported, or to indicate that a previous extension must be
* supported.
* When changes are made to the contents of a table, new, changed,
* and removed table entries must be identified. All fields of
* changed table entires should be included, even if not all fields
* have changed.
* An extension specification is always written against given
* version(s) of Specifications, which must be identified in the
* Dependencies section. That is, the references and modifications in
* the extension are applied to that version of the Specification.
* The latest Khronos-approved version of Specifications should be
* used when writing an extension. If it is possible for the extension
* to be used with older versions of a Specification, this should also
* be described in the Dependencies section.
* For consistency with OpenGL and ES Specifications, extension
* documents omit gl prefixes on command names, GL_ prefixes on
* token names, and GL prefixes on type names. Vendor-specific
* suffixes are included in these files, however. The terms
* "GL" and "ES" below should be taken to refer to OpenGL and
* OpenGL ES, respectively.
* To be consistent with the GLX Specification, however, extensions
* defining GLX functionality include glX prefixes on command names
* and GLX_ prefixes on token names. Similarly, WGL extensions
* include wgl and WGL_ prefixes on command and token names.
* An extension document should by preference include all the
* sections in this template unless a particular section indicates
* its inclusion is optional. If there is no text in a section,
* this is indicated by the word "None", such as:
* Dependencies
* None
* While this may appear excessively verbose, the purpose is to ensure
* that extension authors document all affected parts of Specifications.
* An exception is that headers for sections of Specifications that
* are not altered by the extension may be omitted, once the extension
* has been completed. Thus for example a GLX extension need not
* retain "Changes to Chapter <N> of the OpenGL 1.X Specification"
* headers, and an OpenGL extension that does not affect per-vertex
* processing in any way need not retain "Changes to Chapter 2...".
* Lower-case or numeric subscripts of upper-case variables are
* simply appended to the variable. For example "R subscript t"
* is written as Rt. If it is not easy to distinguish the variable
* from the subscript, an underbar is used to separate them. For
* example, "R subscript T" is written as R_T.
* Multiplication is indicated with an asterisk, not by adjacency
* of two variables.
* In text, parameter names are distinguished by being surrounded
* with angle brackets. For example, the pname parameter to
* TexParameter is written as <pname>.
* Math symbols (such as the 'tau', 'lambda', and 'rho' defined
* by the texturing section) should be completely written out
* in ASCII as described, rather than assuming a non-ASCII
* character set.
* The template proper follows.
* The formal name of the extension. The prefix of the name is a
* vendor-specific tag. This is a short, capitalized string unique
* to that vendor, such as "SGI" and "IBM" for those respective
* companies. The prefix may also be "EXT" is two or more vendors
* have agreed to support the extension, "ARB" if the OpenGL ARB
* Working Group has voted to approve the extension, "OES" is the
* OpenGL ES Working Group has voted to approve the extension,
* and "KHR" if the EGL Working Group has voted to approve
* the extension.
* Some vendors use an additional convention where the vendor
* tag may be followed by "S" to indicate an extension
* only supported on a subset of their supported platforms,
* and may be followed by an "X" to indicate an experimental
* extension, which may be changed or withdrawn in the future.
* The prefix is separated from the body of the name by an
* underscore. Words within the name are also separated by
* underscores. There is no capitalization used in the body of the
* name. For example:
* Name
* SGI_new_extension
Name Strings
* Extensions may apply to several different APIs, and extension
* names are prefixed accordingly. The possible categories are:
* Extension of String query function Name prefixed by
* ------------ --------------------- ----------------
* GL and/or ES glGetString GL_
* GLU gluGetString GLU_
* GLX glXQueryExtensionsString GLX_
* EGL eglQueryString EGL_
* WGL glGetString, WGL_
* wglGetExtensionsStringEXT(*)
* AGL ??? ???_
* (*) Note: WGL extension strings are returned by both glGetString
* and (if the WGL_EXT_extensions_string extension is supported) by
* wglGetExtensionsStringEXT.
* For example, an SGI-specific extension which adds entry points to
* both GLX and OpenGL would be listed as:
* Name Strings
* GL_SGI_new_extension
* GLX_SGI_new_extension
* A multivendor extension which adds an entry point to WGL would be
* listed as:
* Name Strings
* WGL_EXT_new_extension
* The name strings are included in header files, and are returned
* by the string query functions as shown in the table above.
* In most cases the Name String is simply the Name prefixed
* by the relevant API.
* Name, company, and email address of people responsible for the
* extension. We suggest using 'at' instead of '@' in email
* addresses, to help prevent spam. For multivendor extensions,
* contacts from each vendor supporting the extension are preferred.
* A backup contact, in case the principal moves on, will be
* helpful. Example:
* Contact
* Jon Leech, Khronos (jon 'at' alumni.caltech.edu)
* Name and company of other people who helped develop the
* extension. Credit may be given to an entire Working
* Group if contributions are too diffuse.
* Contributors
* Members of the Khronos ARB-ES Convergence TSG
* If the specification is incomplete, the Status section should
* be something like
* XXX - Not complete yet. Do not ship!!!
* to indicate that nobody should ship the extension in its
* current, unfinished state. Once it is complete, Status should be
* changed to "Complete". For extensions approved by Khronos, this
* should be extended to note when the extension was approved by
* the relevant Working Group(s) and by the Khronos Promoters.
* Once the extension ships, its status should be changed to
* indicate this, as well as what the version number at shipping
* time is. Finally, if an extension is withdrawn (or never shipped
* due to e.g. cancellation of a product), it should be marked
* obsolete. Examples:
* Status
* XXX - Not complete yet!!!
* Status
* Complete. Approved by the Khronos Promoters on April 1, 2009.
* Status
* Shipping (version Major.minor)
* Status
* Obsolete
* It's hard to generate good version numbers with version control
* systems, since extension specs may live in many different source
* trees. We now suggest including a manually-inserted date of last
* modification and version number. These should be updated only
* for meaningful changes to the extension, not just formatting.
* Version
* Last Modified Date: January 20, 2010
* Revision: 8
* If you do not include a date and version number when submitting
* an extension to the registry, Khronos will generate one based on
* the date the specification was received.
* Extensions are numbered for documentation purposes. Each
* extension should document its interactions with the core
* Specification and with all other extensions (that are also
* supported by the vendors shipping this extension) that have lower
* numbers. For example, extension 3 should document its interactions
* with the core document and (if any) with extensions 1 and 2.
* The extension number has no meaning outside of the documentation.
* In particular, it is not revealed to programmers who use OpenGL.
* Extension numbers are assigned by Khronos when an extension is
* submitted to the registry.
* ARB and ES extensions follow separate numbering schemes from
* vendor extensions. If an extension can be implemented against
* both GL and ES, assign numbers from both registries.
* Number
* 12
* Number
* ARB Extension #12
* Number
* ARB Extension #23
* OpenGL ES Extension #17
* List the oldest version of GL, ES, OpenGL Shading Language, GLX,
* etc.) against which this extension can be implemented, as well
* as the version and, if relevant, profile against which the
* extension is written. Because specifications can be revised
* after their initial release, affecting page and table numbering,
* also include the release date of the specifications. It is
* usually best to write the extension against the current
* versions of Specifications even if it can be successfully
* implemented against older versions).
* Separately list all API profiles and extensions that must be
* present for this extension to be implemented, and all extensions
* whose presence or absence modifies the operation of this
* extension.
* If an extension can be implemented against both GL and ES,
* document both requirements, and note if their are any
* functionality differences (typically an extension which
* works with both GL and ES will not support interactions
* with GL features not present in ES in the ES version, but
* it is still valuable to have a common extension spec).
* Dependencies
* OpenGL 3.2 (either core or compatibility profiles) is
* required.
* This extension is written against the OpenGL 3.2
* (Core Profile) Specification (August 3, 2009).
* Dependencies
* OpenGL 2.0 or OpenGL ES 2.0 are required.
* Some of the functionality of this extension is not supported
* when implemented against OpenGL ES 2.0.
* This extension is written against the OpenGL 2.0
* Specification (October 22, 2004).
* Dependencies
* OpenGL 1.2 is required.
* ARB_texture_float affects the definition of this extension.
* This extension is written against the OpenGL 2.1
* Specification (May 16, 2008).
* What does the extension do? What problem does it solve? This
* can include background and rationale (unlike the specification
* language proper). A common format is a single sentence
* summarizing the extension, followed by greater levels of detail
* which will help people understand the extension. Note that the
* GL Specification explicitly does not include rationale, so the
* overview is a good place to put it instead.
IP Status
* Document any known patents or other IP claims that may prohibit
* royalty-free implementation of an extension, or impose other
* constraints on implementations. It is better to write "No
* known IP claims" rather than "None", since Khronos, or the
* vendor for vendor extensions, may not know of relevant IP.
* Examples:
* IP Status
* ReallyBigCo has made unspecified IP claims against
* all implementations of this extension.
* IP Status
* US Patent #7,654,321, owned by ReallyBigCo, may
* be infringed by implementations of this extension.
* (note: extensions which have been approved by the Khronos
* Promoters fall under the Khronos IP agreements, which
* offer mutual protections to the members who implement
* such extensions).
* IP Status
* No known IP claims.
New Procedures and Functions
* List all the procedures and functions that are defined by this
* extension. Each should be suffixed using the same string as was
* chosen as the extension name prefix. All parameter names and
* types must be included, including the return values of functions.
* Follow the style used in the appropriate Specifications.
* Example:
* New Procedures and Functions
* void NewCommandEXT(int arg1, float arg2);
New Types
* List all new GL types defined by this extension. Include enough
* information to define a common underlying C-language binding
* definition on a per-architecture basis. For example, instead
* of saying "GLhandleARB", say:
* New Types
* typedef unsigned int GLhandleARB;
New Tokens
* This list should be complete. It should separate the new tokens
* based on which procedures and parameters accept them, and
* explicitly list those procedures and parameters. Token suffixes
* must match the prefix chosen for the extension name. If
* enumerant values have been assigned, include them; otherwise
* list the values as "0x????". For example:
* New Tokens
* Accepted by the <pname> parameters of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
* GetInteger64v, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev:
* NEW_TOKEN_EXT 0x6042
* Now, for each section of the relevant Specification (GL, ES, GLX,
* EGL, etc.), show in detail all changes to the Specification
* document required to completely describe this extension. Changes
* should be written in the style of the specifications and should be
* phrased as changes to specific, identifiable parts of the document.
* In each section heading, include the version of the specification
* being modified. If an extension is being written against both GL
* and ES, it is usually best to show changes against the GL
* Specification, then summarize differences when implemented with
* ES in a "Dependencies" section following the changes (see below).
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Core Profile) Specification
(OpenGL Operation)
* Include any new command suffixes here (section 2.3)
* Include any new error types here (section 2.5)
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Core Profile) Specification
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Core Profile) Specification
(Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Core Profile) Specification
(Special Functions)
* List commands that are not included in display lists
* (typically, Get* commands)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Core Profile) Specification
(State and State Requests)
* The lists of state and implementation-dependent state are added
* in the "New State" section. Add queries and new attributes here.
Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 3.2 (Core Profile) Specification
* If the utility of the extension would be increased by
* specification of invariance relationships, note that here.
Additions to Appendix D of the OpenGL 3.2 (Core Profile) Specification
(Shared Objects and Multiple Contexts)
* If object sharing behavior is affected by the extension,
* describe that in the set of sharing rules in this section.
* If this is an OpenGL Shading Language extension, include a separate
* section for each affected chapter of the 1.50 (or specified version)
* Specification.
Additions to Chapter 1 of the OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 Specification
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 Specification
(Overview of OpenGL Shading)
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 Specification
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 Specification
(Variables and Types)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 Specification
(Operators and Expressions)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 Specification
(Statements and Structure)
Additions to Chapter 7 of the OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 Specification
(Built-in Variables)
Additions to Chapter 8 of the OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 Specification
(Built-in Functions)
Additions to Chapter 9 of the OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 Specification
(Shading Language Grammar)
Additions to Chapter 10 of the OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 Specification
* If none of the window-system integration APIs are affected by
* this extension, indicate this by
Additions to the AGL/EGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
* Otherwise, for a WGL or AGL extension, include a description of how
* the extension affects those APIs. WGL and AGL don't have spec
* documents, but we still phrase these sections as "Changes to the
* Specification" in anticipation of specifications being written.
Additions to the WGL Specification
Additions to the AGL Specification
* For a GLX extension (since GLX has a formal Specification),
* include a separate section for each affected chapter of
* the GLX Specification:
Additions to Chapter 1 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (Overview)
Additions to Chapter 2 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (GLX Operation)
Additions to Chapter 3 of the GLX 1.4 Specification
(Functions and Errors)
Additions to Chapter 4 of the GLX 1.4 Specification
(Encoding on the X Byte Stream)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (Extending OpenGL)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (GLX Versions)
* Likewise for an EGL extension.
Additions to Chapter 1 of the EGL 1.4 Specification (Overview)
Additions to Chapter 2 of the EGL 1.4 Specification (EGL Operation)
Additions to Chapter 3 of the EGL 1.4 Specification
(EGL Functions and Errors)
Additions to Chapter 4 of the EGL 1.4 Specification (Extending EGL)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the EGL 1.4 Specification
(EGL Versions and Enumerants)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the EGL 1.4 Specification (Glossary)
* For an extension of any type which is to be supported by GLX indirect
* rendering, include additions to the GLX Protocol Specification.
GLX Protocol
* Add protocol here using the same format as the GLX protocol
* document. Be sure to specify the values of enumerated types.
* Use glXVendorPrivate for extended requests without a reply
* (e.g., new GLX commands) :
* glXVendorPrivate
* 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
* 1 16 GLX opcode
* 2 2+(n+p)/4 request length
* 4 CARD32 vendor-specific opcode
* n LISTofBYTE vendor-specific data
* p unused, p=pad(n)
* Make sure to reserve a vendor-specific opcode by request from
* Khronos (just as enumerant values are assigned on request), then
* define the layout of the vendor-specific data.
* Use glXVendorPrivateWithReply for extended requests with a reply
* (e.g., new gets for OpenGL):
* glXVendorPrivateWithReply
* 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
* 1 17 GLX opcode
* 2 2+(n+p)/4 request length
* 4 CARD32 vendor-specific opcode
* n LISTofBYTE vendor-specific data
* p unused, p=pad(n)
* =>
* 1 1 reply
* 1 unused
* 2 CARD16 sequence number
* 4 n reply length
* 24 LISTofBYTE returned data
* 4*n LISTofBYTE more returned data
* This is similar to glXVendorPrivate except you also need to
* define the layout of the returned data.
* For extended OpenGL commands, be sure to specify whether it is a
* rendering command or a non-rendering command, and if it is a
* rendering command, whether or not it can be large.
* To specify an extended visual attribute, specify a property
* type/property value pair to use with glXGetVisualConfigs.
Dependencies on GL and ES profiles, versions, and other extensions
* Separately list each interaction which affects the behavior
* of this extension depending on which other extensions
* are present or on which version of Specifications this
* extension is implemented against. Examples:
* Dependencies on ARB_texture_float
* If ARB_texture_float is not supported, then
* delete all references to the R*F* pixel formats.
* Dependencies on OpenGL ES
* If implemented for OpenGL ES, this extension
* behaves as specified, except:
* - Ignore all references to display lists and
* immediate mode, including changes to section 5.4.
* - Ignore all references to GLX and GLX Protocol.
* This list summarizes all possible errors generated by the
* extension and should be complete (however, errors are best
* described in the extension body text as well).
New State
* Include modifications to the state tables in chapter 6 of the
* GL and/or ES Specifications (other Specifications do not
* have state tables). For each affected table, identify the
* table and describe all new or modified state values in the
* format of that table. Client state (for e.g. vertex arrays or
* pixel packing parameters) should have "client" listed in the
* Attribute column. Example:
* Changes to table 6.99, p. 516 (Funky Geometry State)
* Initial
* Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attribute
* --------- ---- ----------- ------- ----------- ---- ---------
* RADIUS R GetFloatv 1.0 Disk radius 2.6 vertex
New Implementation Dependent State
* Describe all implementation dependent state in the same
* fashion. Example:
* (Changes to table 6.100, p. 518 (Implementation-Dependent State)
* Minimum
* Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attribute
* --------- ---- ----------- ------- ----------- ---- ---------
* MAX_DISKS Z+ GetIntegerv 1000 Max. # of 2.5 -
* disks.
Sample Code
* For complex extensions, it may be worthwhile to include
* code samples of how to use the extension.
Conformance Tests
* If a conformance test is defined for the extension,
* summarize its basic purpose, if not necessarily its
* source code, here. If no test has been defined, note that
* they are needed.
* List remaining open issues, or closed issues whose resolution
* set a precedent or was otherwise especially interesting.
* Briefly describe each issue, options considered, the choice
* made, and the reason for that choice. The Issues section
* documents motivation, rationale, etc. while not being a
* normative part of the extension. We suggest a numerically
* order list so that issues can refer to other issues.
* We now recommend placing the Issues list near the end of
* the extension, since it can grow very long yet is ancillary
* to the specification itself.
Revision History
* Include important changes in the evolution of the extension.
* It's especially important to include this section if the
* extension is modified after a version has been shipped.
* Example (and actual revision history of the template):
* Revision 8, 2010/01/20
* - Minor updates for completeness and consistency. Push updated
* template to the public Registry.
* Revision 7, 2009/12/07
* - Generalize template to allow for ES and GL extensions
* and change references from SGI to Khronos as the
* Registry owner.
* Revision 6, 2006/10/09
* - Move registry URL to www.opengl.org.
* Revision 5, 2004/06/22
* - Update template to allow OpenGL Shading Language and EGL
* extensions. Add "Sample Code" section. Include more examples
* under "IP Status". Add the template's revision history.
* Add state table examples. Cleanup overall formatting to make
* clear what are the section headers which must be present,
* in contrast to the examples which are just part of this
* template. Add document source URL.
* Revision 4, 2003/12/19
* - Add "New Types" section.
* Revision 3, 2000/04/26
* - Add "Author Revision" field to Version section, instead of
* relying on source code control versions.
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