Cloud Kernel 是龙蜥操作系统(Anolis OS)内核,目前已经达到 300 多万部署规模. 它基于Linux社区主线稳定版. 致力于打造更稳定, 更可靠, 更安全, 特性更丰富, 性能更优化的 Linux 系统内核. 为 Anolis OS 以及下游生态合作 OS 发行版提供坚实的内核支持, 更好的支撑和扩展上层业务应用.
openEuler 内核是 openEuler操作系统的核心,是系统性能和稳定性的基础,是链接芯片、设备与业务的桥梁。openEuler 内核致力于打造成最具活力的产业Linux平台,成为信息产业基础设施的可靠基石。
本仓库用于 oepkgs 软件编译系统的当前用户配置,其中的信息用于被导入到编译系统数据库。每次有新的 packager时需要通过向此软件仓库提交 PR (Pull Request),并邮件通知系统管理员配置系统并提供相应信息。
This is a demo repo for openEuler project admin to manage a third-party repo from Attention: This repo is only a demo or template, DO NOT use it directly, Just using it as template, modify it to consistent with you own and maintain it carefully before using it.
Contributions last year: 77
Max continuous contributions: 2
Recent contributions: 1
Commits, issues, and pull requests will appear on your contribution graph. Only when the email address used for the commits in local configuration is associated with your GitOSC account, the commits' contribution will be counted.