import asyncio
import json
import time
import numpy as np
import requests
from constant import speed_threshold, cctv_frame_track_interface, semaphore, shared_data, ship_trackers
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from typing import Tuple
stream_status = {} # 全局ws连接状态存储
# 处理 websocket 连接
async def handle_stream(websocket):
user_selections = None
global stream_status
src_rtsp_urls = {}
async for message in websocket:
data = json.loads(message)
src_rtsp_urls = data.get('rtsp_url')
# 更新用户框选信息
if 'selections' in data:
user_selections = data.get('selections')
if 'command' in data and (data['command'] == 'start' or data['command'] =='select'):
for src_rtsp_url in src_rtsp_urls:
if websocket not in stream_status:
# 初始化存储状态
stream_status[websocket] = {
'src_rtsp_urls': set(),
'user_selection_cache':{}, # 用于存储本次用户选中的船
'selected_cache': {} # 用于存储用户已经选中的船
# 初始化当前 selected_cache
stream_status[websocket]['selected_cache'][src_rtsp_url] = set()
# 更新当前用户选中的船
stream_status[websocket]['user_selection_cache'][src_rtsp_url] = user_selections
# 添加当前 WebSocket 到集合中
stream_status[websocket]['src_rtsp_urls'].add(src_rtsp_url) # 查看当前视频流的 websocket 有哪些
# 启动处理任务(如果尚未启动)
if 'task' not in stream_status[websocket]:
# 创建新的处理任务,并添加到任务列表中
task = asyncio.create_task(Createtask(websocket, stream_status[websocket]['src_rtsp_urls'],
stream_status[websocket]['selected_cache'], stream_status[websocket]['user_selection_cache']))
stream_status[websocket]['task'] = task
elif 'command' in data and data['command'] == 'stop':
for src_rtsp_url in src_rtsp_urls:
if websocket in stream_status:
if not stream_status[websocket]['src_rtsp_urls']:
del stream_status[websocket]['task'] # 删除任务
print(f"Task for {src_rtsp_url} cancelled.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error handling stream: {e}")
for src_rtsp_url in src_rtsp_urls:
if websocket in stream_status:
if not stream_status[websocket]['src_rtsp_urls']:
del stream_status[websocket]['task'] # 删除任务
print(f"Task for {src_rtsp_url} cancelled.")
# 创建websocket返回消息的异步任务
async def Createtask(websocket, src_rtsp_urls, selected_cache,user_selection_cache):
send_tasks = []
task = process_video(websocket, src_rtsp_urls, selected_cache,user_selection_cache)
await asyncio.gather(*send_tasks)
await asyncio.sleep(0.001)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
print(f"Video processing was cancelled.")
print(f"Stopped processing video")
# 处理生成要通过websocket返回的标注数据
async def process_video(websocket, src_rtsp_urls, selected_cache:dict,user_selection_cache:dict):
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
while True:
for src_rtsp_url in src_rtsp_urls:
detections = inferCreate(src_rtsp_url)
user_selections = user_selection_cache[src_rtsp_url]
global thread_running
thread_running = True
# 标记用户选定的物体
if user_selections: # 检查 user_selections 是否非空
player_width = user_selections['videoWidth']
player_height = user_selections['videoHeight']
bbox = user_selections['bbox']
# 转换坐标
frame_bbox = convert_bbox_to_frame_coords(src_rtsp_url,player_width, player_height, bbox)
for detection in detections['detections']['tracking_results']:
if is_contained(detection['bounding_box'], frame_bbox):
selected_cache[src_rtsp_url].add(detection['id']) # 标记船舶id
detection['user_selected'] = True
user_selection_cache[src_rtsp_url] = None #清空user_selection_cache,若下次用户没有框选,则user_selections为空
executor.submit(callFrameTracking, detection, src_rtsp_url, detection['id'])
# print('发送目标所在标注框坐标到光电接口', detection['bounding_box'])
for detection in detections['detections']['tracking_results']:
if detection['id'] in selected_cache[src_rtsp_url]:
detection['user_selected'] = True # 确保一旦标记后继续被跟踪
executor.submit(callFrameTracking, detection, src_rtsp_url, detection['id'])
# print('发送目标所在标注框坐标到光电接口', detection['bounding_box'])
data[src_rtsp_url] = detections
await websocket.send(json.dumps(data))
await asyncio.sleep(0.00001)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
print(f"Video processing for {src_rtsp_url} was cancelled.")
print(f"Stopped processing video for {src_rtsp_url}")
# 整理推理结果,并将结果存储
def inferCreate(src_rtsp_url:str) -> np.ndarray:
frame_time1 = time.time()
# 获取当前时间的毫秒值
current_time_milliseconds = int(time.time() * 1000)
global shared_data
ship_bboxes = shared_data[src_rtsp_url]['ship_bboxes']
ship_tboxes = shared_data[src_rtsp_url]['ship_tboxes']
text_bboxes = shared_data[src_rtsp_url]['text_bboxes']
ocr_texts = shared_data[src_rtsp_url]['ocr_texts']
# 创建用于存储结果的字典
detections = {
"ship_detections": [],
"tracking_results": [],
"text_detections": []
# 船舶检测结果
for bbox in ship_bboxes:
detection = {
"label": bbox.lbl,
"probability": f"{bbox.prob:.2f}",
"bounding_box": [bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1],
"rectangle_color": trk_id2color(bbox.cls) if bbox.lbl != 'Jie_Bo' else (0, 255, 0)
# 跟踪结果
for tbox in ship_tboxes:
tracking = {
"id": tbox.id,
"speed": tbox.speed,
"bounding_box": [tbox.x0, tbox.y0, tbox.x1, tbox.y1],
"speed_status": "exceeded" if tbox.speed >= speed_threshold else "normal",
"rectangle_color": (0, 0, 255) if tbox.speed >= speed_threshold else trk_id2color(tbox.id),
# 文字检测结果
for bbox, ocr_text in zip(text_bboxes, ocr_texts):
text_detection = {
"text": ocr_text,
"bounding_box": [bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1]
frame_time2 = time.time()
time_difference = frame_time2 - frame_time1
detection_data = {
"width": shared_data[src_rtsp_url]['width'],
"height": shared_data[src_rtsp_url]['height'],
"detections": detections,
"timestamp": current_time_milliseconds,
"tiem_differ":int(time_difference * 1000),
# print(f"{src_rtsp_url}:生成标注数据中...")
return detection_data
# 框选比较函数,检查船舶识别框是否在用户框选的框内
def is_contained(detection_bbox, user_bbox):
# 检查detection_bbox是否在user_bbox内
dx_min, dy_min, dx_max, dy_max = detection_bbox
ux_min, uy_min, ux_max, uy_max = user_bbox
return dx_min >= ux_min and dx_max <= ux_max and dy_min >= uy_min and dy_max <= uy_max
# 坐标转换函数
def convert_bbox_to_frame_coords(src_rtsp_url,player_width, player_height, bbox):
scale_x = frame_width / player_width
scale_y = frame_height / player_height
# bbox格式 [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]
x_min = int(bbox[0] * scale_x)
y_min = int(bbox[1] * scale_y)
x_max = int(bbox[2] * scale_x)
y_max = int(bbox[3] * scale_y)
return [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]
# 根据 ship_id 返回不同颜色
def trk_id2color(id: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
id *= 3
return (37 * id) % 255, (17 * id) % 255, (29 * id) % 255
# 根据图像方位调转光电的接口
def callFrameTracking(detection, src_rtsp_url, target_tbox_id):
global thread_running
if thread_running:
x1,y1,x2,y2 = detection['bounding_box']
ship_trackers[src_rtsp_url].s2c.flag = True
ship_trackers[src_rtsp_url].s2c.target_tbox_id = target_tbox_id
# rsp = requests.post(
# cctv_frame_track_interface,
# data={
# 'camera_id':28, # 摄像头id这里应该获取不到
# 'x_top': x1,
# 'y_top': y1,
# 'x_bottom': x2,
# 'y_bottom': y2,
# },
# verify=False # 忽略 SSL 证书验证
# )
# if rsp.status_code == 200:
# response_data = rsp.json()
# status = response_data.get('status')
# print(response_data, status)
# # todo 3. 使用 Shift2Center 方法 修正ship_id
# # status 是 True 说明需要矫正一下 ship_id
# ship_trackers[src_rtsp_url].s2c.flag = True
# ship_trackers[src_rtsp_url].s2c.target_tbox_id = target_tbox_id
# else:
# print(f"Error: Received status code {rsp.status_code}")
thread_running = None
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