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luna_pinyin.cn_en.dict.yaml 8.93 KB
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码农伯伯 提交于 2023-07-05 10:11 . chmod
# Rime dictionary
# encoding: utf-8
# Luna Pinyin Extended Dictionary(Chinese&English) - 明月拼音擴充詞庫(含西文的詞彙)
# 瑾昀 <cokunhui@gmail.com>
# 部署位置:
# ~/.config/ibus/rime (Linux)
# ~/Library/Rime (Mac OS)
# %APPDATA%\Rime (Windows)
# 於重新部署後生效
name: luna_pinyin.cn_en
version: "2016.6.19"
sort: by_weight
use_preset_vocabulary: true
⇧⌃⌥⌘ dian nao 100
2B er b 100
2B er bi 100
阿 Q a q 100
阿 Q 正傳 a q zheng zhuan 100
單邊 z 變換 dan bian z bian huan 100
逗 B dou b 100
逗 B dou bi 100
哆啦 A 夢 duo la a meng 100
二 B er b 100
二 B er bi 100
卡拉 OK ka la o k 100
牛 B niu b 100
牛 B niu bi 100
三 K 黨 san k dang 100
三 K 黨 san kei dang 100
傻 B sha b 100
傻 B sha bi 100
智能 ABC zhi neng a b c 100
裝 B zhuang b 100
裝 B zhuang bi 100
A 股 a gu 100
A 盤 a pan 100
A 片 a pian 100
AA 制 a a zhi 100
AcFUN ac fun 100
Adobe adobe 100
AirDrop air drop 100
Airmail air mail 100
AirPlay air play 100
AirServer air server 100
Alfred alfred 100
Amazon amazon 100
AMD amd 100
Amphetamine amp hetamine 100
Android android 100
AnyConnect any connect 100
Aperture aperture 100
App Store app store 100
App Store Marketing Guidelines app store marketing guidelines 100
AppFridays app fridays 100
Apple apple 100
Apple Developer apple developer 100
Apple File System apple file system 100
Apple ID apple id 100
Apple Music apple music 100
Apple News apple news 100
Apple Pay apple pay 100
Apple Store apple store 100
Apple TV apple tv 100
Apple Watch apple watch 100
AppleCare+ apple care 100
AppShopper app shopper 100
Arduino arduino 100
aText a text 100
ATI ati 100
ATM 機 atm ji 100
Atom a tom 100
Axure a xure 100
B 超 b chao 100
B 股 b gu 100
B 淋巴細胞 b lin ba xi bao 100
B 盤 b pan 100
B 細胞 b xi bao 100
Bartender bartender 100
BetterSnap Tool better snap tool 100
BetterTouchTool better touch tool 100
BetterZip better zip 100
Brackets brackets 100
BundleHunt bundlehunt 100
Byword byword 100
C 盤 c pan 100
C 語言 c yu yan 100
Caffeine caffeine 100
Calcbot calcbot 100
Calibre calibre 100
CarPlay car play 100
CDN cdn 100
Charles charles 100
CheatSheet cheat sheet 100
ChemBioDraw chembiodraw 100
Chrome chrome 100
CleanMyMac cleanmymac 100
Clear clear 100
CloudApp cloud app 100
CloudMagic cloud magic 100
Coda coda 100
CodeBox code box 100
CodeKit code kit 100
CodeRunner code runner 100
ColorSchemer color schemer 100
ColorSnapper color snapper 100
Control Center control center 100
Cornerstone cornerstone 100
Cornerstone c s 100
Cortana co r tan a 100
Curio curio 100
Current Mac Bundles current mac bundles 100
D 盤 d pan 100
DaisyDisk daisy disk 100
Dash dash 100
Datagraph datagraph 100
Day One day one 100
Default Folder X default folder x 100
Desktop desk top 100
Developer Preview developer preview 100
DEVONthink devon think 100
Disk Utility disk utility 100
Diumoo diumoo 100
DNA dna 100
Dock dock 100
Dropbox drop box 100
Dropzone drop zone 100
DVD dvd 100
E 盤 e pan 100
EI Capitan ei capitan 100
Endnote endnote 100
Entropy entropy 100
ePub epub 100
Eureka eureka 100
Evernote ever note 100
ExFAT ex fat 100
F 盤 f pan 100
Fantastical fan tastical 100
FileVault file vault 100
Final Cut Pro final cut pro 100
Flickr flickr 100
Flux flux 100
Force Touch force touch 100
Forecast fore cast 100
ForkLift forklift 100
Frank DeLoupe frank deloupe 100
G 點 g dian 100
G 盤 g pan 100
Geekbench geek bench 100
Gemini ge mini 100
Gestimer ges timer 100
GhostNote ghost note 100
GhostTile ghost tile 100
Gif Brewery gif brewery 100
Gists gists 100
GitHub github 100
Gmail gmail 100
GoagentX goagent x 100
Google google 100
Google Music google music 100
Graffle graffle 100
H 股 h gu 100
H 盤 h pan 100
Handoff hang off 100
Hazel hazel 100
Home home 100
HomeKit home kit 100
HTML html 100
I 盤 i pan 100
iA Writer ia writer 100
iCloud i cloud 100
iCloud Drive i cloud drive 100
iExplorer i explorer 100
iFFmpeg iffmpeg 100
IFTTT ifttt 100
iMessage i message 100
iMore imore 100
Inboard inboard 100
Instacast instacast 100
Instashare instashare 100
Intellij IDEA intellij idea 100
Intensify intensify 100
iOS i os 100
IP i p 200
IP 地址 i p di zhi 100
IP 電話 i p dian hua 100
IP 卡 i p ka 100
IP 位址 i p wei zhi 100
iPack i pack 100
iPad i pad 120
iPhone i phone 150
IPN ipn 100
iPod i pod 100
IPTV i p tv 100
IPv4 i p v si 100
IPv6 i p v liu 100
iStat Menus istat menus 100
iTerm iterm 100
iTunes itunes 100
iTunes Connect itunes connect 100
iTunes Match itunes match 100
iWatch i watch 100
J 盤 j pan 100
K 寶 k bao 100
K 寶 kei bao 100
K 粉 k fen 100
K 粉 kei fen 100
K 歌 k ge 100
K 歌 kei ge 100
Kaleidoscope kaleidoscope 100
Karabiner karabiner 100
Keka keka 100
Keyboard Maestro keyboard maestro 100
Keycard key card 100
KeyCue key cue 100
Knock knock 100
LaTeXian latexian 100
LaTeXian ltx 100
Launcher launcher 100
Linux linux 100
Little Snitch little snitch 100
Live Photos live photos 100
LiveReload live reload 100
LockScreen lock screen 100
Mac mac 100
Mac App Store mac app store 100
Mac Rumors mac rumors 100
MacAppDeals mac app deals 100
Macbook mac book 100
Macbook Air mac book air 100
MacID mac id 100
macOS mac os 100
macOS Sierra mac os sierra 100
MacTips mac tips 100
MacUpdate Desktop mac update desktop 100
Mailbox mail box 100
MAMP PRO mamp pro 100
Manico manico 100
Maple maple 100
MarkMyWords mark my words 100
MarsEdit mars edit 100
Mathtype math type 100
Microsoft micr soft 100
MIPS mips 100
Moke moke 100
Moneywiz moneywiz 100
Moom moom 100
MP3 mp san 100
MP4 mp si 100
MplayerX mplayer x 100
Netflix net flix 100
Noizio noizio 100
Numbers numbers 100
nvALT nvalt 100
Nvidia nvidia 100
Office office 100
OmmWriter ommwriter 100
OmniFocus omni focus 100
OmniGraffle omni graffle 100
OmniOutliner omni outliner 100
OmniPlan omni plan 100
OneNote one note 100
Overcast over cast 100
Overflow over flow 100
Pages pages 100
PaintCode paint code 100
Parallels Desktop parallels desktop 100
Password password 100
Paste paste 100
Paw paw 100
PayPal pay pal 100
PhotoDesk photo desk 100
Photoshop photo shop 100
Picatext pica text 100
PingWest ping west 100
Pixelmator pixel mator 100
Play by Play play by play 100
PlistEdit plist edit 100
PopClip pop clip 100
POS 機 pos ji 100
PowerPack power pack 100
Privoxy privoxy 100
Pro pro 100
Promotee promotee 100
Proxifier proxifier 100
Public Beta public beta 100
Python python 100
Q 幣 q bi 100
QQ q q 100
QQ 號 q q hao 100
QQ 號碼 q q hao ma 100
QQ 會員 q q hui yuan 100
QQ 空間 q q kong jian 100
QQ 羣 q q qun 100
QQ 郵箱 q q you xiang 100
Quitter quitter 100
Quiver quiver 100
Rdio rdio 100
Readability read ability 100
Readkit read kit 100
Regulex regulex 100
Remote remote 100
RescueTime rescue time 100
Rime rime 100
Rime zhong zhou yun 100
Safari safari 100
Safari View Controller safari view controller 100
SaneDesk sane desk 100
scomper@gmail.com smail 100
Scrapbook scrap book 100
ScreenFloat screen float 100
ScreenFlow screen flow 100
Scribble scri bble 100
Scrivener scri vener 100
SDK sdk 100
Should I Sleep should i sleep 100
SIM 卡 sim ka 100
Simplenote simple note 100
Siri siri 100
Sketch sketch 100
Slicy slicy 100
Snagit snagit 100
Snip snip 100
Sparkbox spark box 100
Sparrow sparrow 100
Speedtest speed test 100
Spotify spot ify 100
Spotlight spot light 100
Spss spss 100
Squirrel squirrel 100
SSLEdge ssledge 100
StackSocial stack social 100
Sublime Text sublime text 100
Surge surge 100
Swift swift 100
Symbol symbol 100
T 淋巴細胞 t lin ba xi bao 100
T 細胞 t xi bao 100
T 型臺 t xing tai 100
T 恤 t xu 100
T 恤衫 t xu shan 100
Tag ta g 100
TechWeb tech web 100
Telegram telegram 100
Terminal terminal 100
TestFlight test flight 100
Texshop texshop 100
Textastic text astic 100
TextExpander text expander 100
TextWrangler text wrangler 100
The Unarchiver the unarchiver 100
Things things 100
Thunder thunder 100
Thunderbird thunder bird 100
Time Capsule time capsule 100
Timing timing 100
TinkerTool tinker tool 100
Touch touch 100
Touch ID touch id 100
Tower tower 100
Trello trello 100
Tumblr tumblr 100
tvOS tv os 100
Tweetbot tweet bot 100
Twitter twitter 100
Typora typora 100
U 盾 u dun 100
U 盤 u pan 100
U 形管 u xing guan 100
Uber u ber 100
uBlock u block 100
UIM 卡 uim ka 100
Ulysses u lysses 100
USB usb 100
USIM 卡 u sim ka100
Versions versions 100
VPN vpn 100
Watch watch 100
watchOS watch os 100
Wi-Fi wai fai 100
Wi-Fi wi fi 100
Widget widget 100
WiFi wai fai 100
WiFi wi fi 100
WiFi Explorer wifi explorer 100
WiFi Scanner wifi scanner 100
Window Tidy window tidy 100
Windows windows 100
Word word 100
Workflow work flow 100
WorkFlowy work flowy 100
WWDC wwdc 100
X 刀 x dao 100
X 光 x guang 100
X 染色體 x ran se ti 100
X 射線 x she xian 100
Xee xee 100
Xeon xeon 100
Xmind x mind 100
xScope x scope 100
XtraFinder xtra finder 100
Y 染色體 y ran se ti 100
YouTube you tube 100
z 變換 z bian huan 100
z 逆變換 z ni bian huan 100
ZEALER zealer 100
α 粒子 a er fa li zi 100
α 射線 a er fa she xian 100
β 粒子 bei ta li zi 100
β 射線 bei ta she xian 100
γ 刀 ga ma dao 100
γ 射線 ga ma she xian 100
apple 100
马建仓 AI 助手
