%global upstream_version 0.54_05
Name: perl-TestML
Version: %(echo '%{upstream_version}' | tr _ .)
Release: 1
Summary: Generic software Testing Meta Language
# src/perl5/pkg/doc/TestML.pod: GPL+ or Artistic
# src/perl5/pkg/dist.ini: GPL+ or Artistic
## unused and not packaged
# src/testml-compiler-coffee/pkg/package.json: MIT
# src/testml-compiler-perl5/pkg/doc/TestML/Compiler.pod: GPL+ or Artistic
# src/python/pkg/setup.py: MIT
# src/python/pkg/LICENSE: MIT text
# src/python/pkg/ReadMe.md: MIT
# src/node/pkg/package.json: MIT
License: GPL+ or Artistic
URL: https://github.com/testml-lang/testml/
Source0: %{url}archive/pkg-perl5-%{upstream_version}.tar.gz
# Upstream build script requires checking out various git trees and
# executing sripts dowloaded from the Internet. Use a trivial Makefile.PL
# instead.
Source1: Makefile.PL
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: coreutils
BuildRequires: make
BuildRequires: perl-generators
BuildRequires: perl-interpreter
BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) >= 6.76
# Run-time:
# No tests executed, no modules used at build time
# base
# Carp
# Exporter
# List::Util
# overload
# Scalar::Util
# strict
# Test::Builder
# Text::Diff
# utf8
# warnings
Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`perl -V:version`"; echo $version))
Requires: perl(Carp)
Requires: perl(List::Util)
Requires: perl(Text::Diff)
Requires: perl(warnings)
Requires: perl(XXX)
TestML <http://www.testml.org/> is a generic, programming language agnostic,
meta language for writing unit tests. The idea is that you can use the same
test files in multiple implementations of a given programming idea. Then you
can be more certain that your application written in, say, Python matches your
Perl implementation.
In a nutshell you write a bunch of data tests that have inputs and expected
results. Using a simple syntax, you specify what functions the data must pass
through to produce the expected results. You use a bridge class to write the
data functions that pass the data through your application.
In Perl 5, TestML module is the evolution of the Test::Base module. It has
a superset of Test:Base's goals. The data markup syntax is currently exactly
the same as Test::Base.
Currently, TestML is being redesigned. This package contains the new unstable
implementation. The original, production-ready, implementation is available
under TestML1 name in perl-TestML1 package.
%setup -q -n testml-pkg-perl5-%{upstream_version}
cd src/perl5
cp %{SOURCE1} .
mv pkg/doc/TestML.pod lib/
mv pkg/Changes .
cd src/perl5
perl Makefile.PL VERSION=%{upstream_version} INSTALLDIRS=vendor \
cd src/perl5
%{_fixperms} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/*
cd src/perl5
make test
%doc src/perl5/Changes
* Thu Jul 09 2021 Liang Changwei <liangchangwei@kylinos.cn> - 0.54.05-1
- package init
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