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yinbin6 提交于 2024-09-13 19:04 . sync example: solve double free
%define conf_path %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
Name: gazelle
Version: 1.0.2
Release: 61
Summary: gazelle is a high performance user-mode stack
License: MulanPSL-2.0
URL: https://gitee.com/openeuler/gazelle
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRequires: cmake gcc-c++
BuildRequires: lwip >= 2.2.0-51
BuildRequires: dpdk-devel >= 21.11-5
BuildRequires: numactl-devel libpcap-devel libconfig-devel libboundscheck uthash-devel
%ifarch ppc64le
BuildRequires: libarchive libarchive-devel
Requires: dpdk >= 21.11-5
Requires: numactl libpcap libconfig libboundscheck
Patch9001: 0001-remove-unused-dpdk-dynamic-libraries.patch
Patch9002: 0002-gazelle_stat_pkts-gazelle_stat_low_power_info.patch
Patch9003: 0003-set-localhost-ip-when-bind-ip-is-same-as-ip-in-lstac.patch
Patch9004: 0004-refactoring-preload-module.patch
Patch9005: 0005-fix-previous-commit-refactoring-preload-module.patch
Patch9006: 0006-add-lstack_preload.c-to-makefile.patch
Patch9007: 0007-cosmetic-changes.patch
Patch9008: 0008-add-loongarch64-and-sw64-arch-support.patch
Patch9009: 0009-CFG-fixed-the-dpdk-primary-default-parameter.patch
Patch9010: 0010-suport-clang-build.patch
Patch9011: 0011-ethdev-fix-pbuf-chain-tot_len-incorrect.patch
Patch9012: 0012-kernelevent-kernel-event-thread-report-kernel-events.patch
Patch9013: 0013-fix-bond-port-reta_size-init.patch
Patch9014: 0014-init-remove-sync-sem-between-lstack-thread-and-main-.patch
Patch9015: 0015-lstack_lwip-external-api-start-with-do_lwip_-prefix.patch
Patch9016: 0016-cfg-nic-rx-tx-queue-size-configure.patch
Patch9017: 0017-epoll-distinguish-add-del_sock_event-and-add-del_soc.patch
Patch9018: 0018-preload-support-thread-hijacking-mode.patch
Patch9019: 0019-cfg-add-run-to-completion-mode-configure.patch
Patch9020: 0020-statck-the-for-loop-in-lstack-thread-is-defined-as-s.patch
Patch9021: 0021-delete_rule-bug.patch
Patch9022: 0022-tools-gazelle_setup-adapt-non-ltran-mode.patch
Patch9023: 0023-wrap-add-run-to-completion-wakeup-mode-api.patch
Patch9024: 0024-fix-arping-gazelle-return-value-is-1.patch
Patch9025: 0025-init-stack-setup-in-app-thread-when-app-call-socket-.patch
Patch9026: 0026-epoll-adapt-epoll-interface-for-rtc-mode.patch
Patch9027: 0027-clean-useless-code.patch
Patch9028: 0028-ethdev-fix-arp-unicast-packets-cannot-be-transmitted.patch
Patch9029: 0029-stack-add-semaphore-to-ensure-all-stack-threads-setu.patch
Patch9030: 0030-ethdev-register-offload-to-netif.patch
Patch9031: 0031-epoll-fix-epollet-mode-error.patch
Patch9032: 0032-bond6.patch
Patch9033: 0033-cfg-fix-bond_mode-null.patch
Patch9034: 0034-dfx-add-four-snmp-udp-datas.patch
Patch9035: 0035-cfg-nic-queue-size-only-support-power-of-2.patch
Patch9036: 0036-stack-fix-possible-coredump-when-arp-packet-broadcas.patch
Patch9037: 0037-Fix-coredump-issue-and-skip-rte_pdump_init-for-secon.patch
Patch9038: 0038-solve-problem-that-rte_pktmbuf_poll_creat-in-same-nu.patch
Patch9040: 0040-when-timeout-occurs-process-exits.patch
Patch9041: 0041-wrap-support-select.patch
Patch9042: 0042-add-vlan-support.patch
Patch9043: 0043-slave-mac-addr.patch
Patch9044: 0044-PRE_LOG-modify-prelog-info-transfer-to-terminal-at-t.patch
Patch9045: 0045-ethdev-mbuf-data-start-pointer-pbuf-payload.patch
Patch9047: 0047-cfg-fix-lstack-mempool-lookup-failed-in-ltran-mode.patch
Patch9048: 0048-add-tx-package-timeout.patch
Patch9049: 0049-modif-mem.patch
Patch9050: 0050-enable-ipv6.patch
Patch9051: 0051-wrap-dont-hijack-select-temporarily.patch
Patch9052: 0052-ipv6.patch
Patch9053: 0053-add-gazelle-log.patch
Patch9054: 0054-PRE_LOG-modify-log-info-while-there-are-repeated-ite.patch
Patch9055: 0055-add-gazelle-log.patch
Patch9056: 0056-wrap-fix-connect-wrong-port-after-addr-bind-two-port.patch
Patch9057: 0057-cfg-rm-ipv6_enable.patch
Patch9058: 0058-ltran-support-vlan.patch
Patch9059: 0059-update-src-ltran-ltran_param.c.patch
Patch9060: 0060-dfx-support-bond-get-dpdk-xstats.patch
Patch9061: 0061-add-tcp-faste-timer-cnt.patch
Patch9062: 0062-stack-fix-coredump-caused-by-gazelleclt-in-rtc-mode.patch
Patch9063: 0063-dfx-add-tcp-exception-and-kernel-event-statistics.patch
Patch9064: 0064-add-vlan_id-in-netif.patch
Patch9065: 0065-support-vlan-offload.patch
Patch9066: 0066-gazellectl-fix-gazellectl-lstack-show-1-r-error.patch
Patch9067: 0067-fix-coredump-because-sock-closed-before-send-data-fu.patch
Patch9068: 0068-fix-compilation-error.patch
Patch9069: 0069-fix-coredump-because-of-addr-null-in-lwip_fill_sendr.patch
Patch9070: 0070-add-struct-gz_addr_t.patch
Patch9071: 0071-wrap-support-shutdown.patch
Patch9072: 0072-1.solve-the-problem-of-1w-connection-not-being-able-.patch
Patch9073: 0073-dfx-gazellectl-c-support-ipv6.patch
Patch9074: 0074-The-call-stack-is-not-printed-in-the-proactive-exit-.patch
Patch9075: 0075-dfx-fix-gazellectl-lstack-show-ip-failed.patch
Patch9076: 0076-gazellectl-add-connect-para.patch
Patch9077: 0077-log-optimize-lstack-log.patch
Patch9078: 0078-support-show-nic-offload-and-features.patch
Patch9079: 0079-Fixed-an-issue-where-no-packet-is-sent-or-received-w.patch
Patch9080: 0080-fix-example-print-error.patch
Patch9081: 0081-dfx-fix-kernel_events-stat.patch
Patch9082: 0082-add-keep-alive-info.patch
Patch9083: 0083-fix-close-can-t-exit.patch
Patch9084: 0084-mod-unix-time-stamp-to-local-time.patch
Patch9085: 0085-optimize-gazelle-exit-process.patch
Patch9086: 0086-fix-EPOLLIN-event-error.patch
Patch9087: 0087-mod-time-err.patch
Patch9088: 0088-fix-gazellectl-lstack-show-ip-r-with-ltran-error-log.patch
Patch9089: 0089-fix-udp-multicast-bind-error.patch
Patch9090: 0090-support-netperf.patch
Patch9091: 0091-fix-alloc-not-free.patch
Patch9092: 0092-sigaction-fix-deprecated-signal-flags.patch
Patch9093: 0093-fix-gazellectl-c-msg-error.patch
Patch9094: 0094-CFG-fix-check-func-strdup-return-value-is-NULL.patch
Patch9095: 0095-fix-func-separate_str_to_array-overflow-problem.patch
Patch9096: 0096-use-default-nonblock-mode.patch
Patch9097: 0097-fix-rte_ring_create-free-time-consuming.patch
Patch9098: 0098-optimize-shutdown-exit-process.patch
Patch9099: 0099-fix-func-separate_str_to_array-overflow-problem.patch
Patch9100: 0100-fix-func-separate_str_to_array-overflow-problem.patch
Patch9101: 0101-fix-func-separate_str_to_array-overflow-problem.patch
Patch9102: 0102-fix-func-separate_str_to_array-overflow-problem.patch
Patch9103: 0103-fix-func-stack_setup_thread-array-doesn-t-init.patch
Patch9104: 0104-fix-stack_setup_thread-array-range.patch
Patch9105: 0105-fix-func-separate_str_to_array-overflow-problem.patch
Patch9106: 0106-fix-dpdk_alloc_pktmbuf-time-consuming.patch
Patch9107: 0107-ltran-optimize-config-file-error-message.patch
Patch9108: 0108-replace-with-gz_addr_t.patch
Patch9109: 0109-match_host_addr-func-support-ipv6.patch
Patch9110: 0110-add-example-keep-alive-interval-para.patch
Patch9111: 0111-update-src-common-dpdk_common.c.patch
Patch9112: 0112-listen_shadow-support-ipv6.patch
Patch9113: 0113-lstack_dpdk-limit-mbuf-max-num.patch
Patch9114: 0114-gazellectl-add-tcp_input-empty-ack-cnt.patch
Patch9115: 0115-add-socket-accept-fail-cnt.patch
Patch9116: 0116-diff-lstack-and-ltran-dfx-sock.patch
Patch9117: 0117-fix-host_addr6-can-be-assigned-a-multicast-address.patch
Patch9118: 0118-udp-do-not-merge-data-into-last-pbuf.patch
Patch9119: 0119-adpat-dpdk-23.11.patch
Patch9120: 0120-modify-conf-vlan-default-vlaue.patch
Patch9121: 0121-remove-unused-variables-in-pbuf-and-reduce-mbuf-size.patch
Patch9122: 0122-optimize-recv-exit-process-for-FIN-and-unsupport-SO_.patch
Patch9123: 0123-remove-expand_send_ring.patch
Patch9124: 0124-set-ltran.patch
Patch9125: 0125-add-bond-doc.patch
Patch9126: 0126-cfg-host_addr-is-not-mandatory.patch
Patch9127: 0127-add-bond1-support.patch
Patch9128: 0128-fix-t_params-double-free.patch
Patch9129: 0129-fix-receive-fin-packet-process-error.patch
Patch9130: 0130-support-netperf-UDP_STREAM-and-UDP_RR.patch
Patch9131: 0131-adapt-lwip-2.2.0.patch
Patch9132: 0132-add-observable-method-of-data-aggregation.patch
Patch9133: 0133-try-to-ensure-arp-packet-can-be-sent.patch
Patch9134: 0134-gazellectl-support-send-latency-show.patch
Patch9135: 0135-rpc-function-does-not-depend-on-protocol-stack.patch
Patch9136: 0136-readv-return-1-errno-is-EAGAIN-when-recvring-no-data.patch
Patch9137: 0137-split-the-flow-fules-related-functions-into-separate.patch
Patch9138: 0138-fix-coreddump-when-stack-setup-failed-in-rtc-mode.patch
Patch9139: 0139-diff-udp-and-tcp-read-from-stack.patch
Patch9140: 0140-FAULT-INJECT-gazelle-add-packet-delay-and-packet-dro.patch
Patch9141: 0141-recv-support-MSG_DONTWAIT.patch
Patch9142: 0142-do_setsockopt-function-no-longer-checks-the-results-.patch
Patch9143: 0143-FAUT-INJECT-add-fault-inject-unset-method.patch
Patch9144: 0144-support-udp-pkglen-mtu.patch
Patch9145: 0145-add-limit-with-level-for-sockopt.patch
Patch9146: 0146-udp-add-restriction-message-too-long.patch
Patch9147: 0147-dfx-improve-log-readability-when-connect-ltran-lstac.patch
Patch9148: 0148-fix-rpc_pool-create-failed-coredump.patch
Patch9149: 0149-ensure-the-bond-interface-flow_type_rss_offloads-mat.patch
Patch9150: 0150-FAULT-INJECT-add-duplicate-and-reorder-methods.patch
Patch9151: 0151-select-timeout-arguments-check.patch
Patch9152: 0152-recvfrom-support-timeout.patch
Patch9153: 0153-fix-netperf-setsockopt-fail.patch
Patch9154: 0154-fix-LATENCY_WRITE-increase-in-recv-process.patch
Patch9155: 0155-dpdk-add-vlan-filter.patch
Patch9156: 0156-Correcting-spelling-errors.patch
Patch9157: 0157-perftool-add-lhist-statstic-tool.patch
Patch9158: 0158-add-udp-poll.patch
Patch9159: 0159-DFX-adapt-testcase-for-gazellectl-connect-failed.patch
Patch9160: 0160-warp-add-configuration-check-with-host_addr-and-serv.patch
Patch9161: 0161-add-latency-nodes-READ_APP_CALL-WRITE_RPC_MSG.patch
Patch9162: 0162-fix-vlan-filter-can-be-added-when-vlan_mode-1.patch
Patch9163: 0163-Add-support-for-arch-ppc64le.patch
Patch9164: 0164-dfx-support-get-nic-bond-status.patch
Patch9165: 0165-remove-dpdk_skip_nic_init-for-dpdk-23.11.patch
Patch9166: 0166-gazellectl-add-lwip-stats_proto-print.patch
Patch9167: 0167-fix-port-not-support-vlan-filter.patch
Patch9168: 0168-fix-tcp-recv-does-not-return-pkg-when-ring-buffer-is.patch
Patch9169: 0169-add-tuple_fileter-error-info.patch
Patch9170: 0170-adapt-dpdk-23.11-remove-kni.patch
Patch9171: 0171-fix-ioctl-set-failed.patch
Patch9172: 0172-ltran-memset-quintuple.patch
Patch9173: 0173-gazellectl-add-lwip-stats_proto-print.patch
Patch9174: 0174-CFG-set-multicast-IP-assert.patch
Patch9175: 0175-cfg-devices-must-be-in-bond_slave_mac-for-BONDING_MO.patch
Patch9176: 0176-CFG-fix-multicast-IP-assert-error.patch
Patch9177: 0177-fix-mbuf-leak-in-dpdk-23.11-due-to-kni-removed.patch
Patch9178: 0178-add-riscv64-support.patch
Patch9179: 0179-dfx-fix-gazellectl-x-for-bond.patch
Patch9180: 0180-change-gazelle_stat_lstack_proto-from-u16-to-u64.patch
Patch9181: 0181-memary-error-fix-some-memary-error.patch
Patch9182: 0182-bond-remove-bond-initialization-code-in-dpdk_ethdev_.patch
Patch9183: 0183-make-rpc_msg_max-recv_ring_size-configurable.patch
Patch9184: 0184-EPOLL-fix-coredump-while-event-count-exceed-maxevent.patch
Patch9185: 0185-fix-fin-pack-free-coredump.patch
Patch9186: 0186-fix-MySQL-shutdown-cmd.patch
Patch9187: 0187-cfg-remove-map-perfect-flag-in-lstack.conf.patch
Patch9188: 0188-redis-perf-add-tx-driver-cache.patch
Patch9189: 0189-optimized-latency-distribution-dotting.patch
Patch9190: 0190-rtc-adapt-rtc_close.patch
Patch9191: 0191-virtio-flow_bifurcation-switch.patch
Patch9192: 0192-remove-legacy-mem.patch
Patch9193: 0193-cfg-bond_slave_mac-support-pci-addr.patch
Patch9194: 0194-refactor-tx-cache-module.patch
Patch9195: 0195-virtio-create-and-init-virtio_port.patch
Patch9196: 0196-refactor-udp-send.patch
Patch9197: 0197-solve-compile-err-in-20.03.patch
Patch9198: 0198-fix-function-call-error.patch
Patch9199: 0199-perftool-add-latency-tool.patch
Patch9200: 0200-cfg-del-unnecessary-logs.patch
Patch9201: 0201-fix-dpdk_bond_primary_set-bug.patch
Patch9202: 0202-fix-build-failed-in-2003sp4.patch
Patch9203: 0203-virtio-cfg-ipv4-and-ipv6-addr.patch
Patch9204: 0204-parse-packages-type-in-rx_poll.patch
Patch9205: 0205-virtio-distribute-pkg-by-dst_port.patch
Patch9206: 0206-fix-coredump-when-get-empty-from-udp-sendring.patch
Patch9207: 0207-fix-poll-init-not-clear-old-fd.patch
Patch9208: 0208-virtio-mode-actual_queue_num.patch
Patch9209: 0209-virtio-update-g_rule_port-by-reg_ring_type-enum.patch
Patch9210: 0210-virtio-dfx-data-of-virtio.patch
Patch9211: 0211-add-flow_bifurcation-switch-in-lstack_cfg-file.patch
Patch9212: 0212-example-sync-example-update.patch
Patch9213: 0213-cleancode-improving-makefile-readability.patch
Patch9214: 0214-add-.gitignore.patch
Patch9215: 0215-cleancode-rename-gazelle-files-in-lwip.patch
Patch9216: 0216-cleancode-refactor-lwipsock.h.patch
Patch9217: 0217-cleancode-refactor-posix-type-and-get_socket.patch
Patch9218: 0218-fix-some-error-of-NULL-pointer.patch
Patch9219: 0219-cleancode-refactor-posix_api.patch
Patch9220: 0220-cleancode-refactor-lwipgz_list.h.patch
Patch9221: 0221-fix-EPOLLIN-event-dropd.patch
Patch9222: 0222-cleancode-refactor-lwipgz_hlist.h.patch
Patch9223: 0223-add-sem-post-when-update-event.patch
Patch9224: 0224-cleancode-refactor-sys_now-and-lwip_ioctl.patch
Patch9225: 0225-POSIX-fix-select-timeout-disable-and-build-failed-in.patch
Patch9226: 0226-support-kernel-connect.patch
Patch9227: 0227-Check-the-return-of-lwip_init.patch
Patch9228: 0228-vitio_user-modify-mbuf-index-for-bond4.patch
Patch9229: 0229-fix-redis-coredump-when-hugetlbs-pagesize-is-1024M.patch
Patch9230: 0230-dfx-optimize-gazellectl-x-for-bond.patch
Patch9231: 0231-virtio-fix-dfx-error-with-multiple-cpus.patch
Patch9232: 0232-fix-issue-create-virtio_user-based-on-bond4-main-net.patch
Patch9233: 0233-virtio_user-modify-mbuf-index-for-bond4.patch
Patch9234: 0234-WRAP-fix-double-connect-lead-posix-api-disable.patch
Patch9235: 0235-virtio_user-add-vlan-info-for-kernerl-packets-when-v.patch
Patch9236: 0236-virtio_user-solve-the-issue-that-failed-to-bind-virt.patch
Patch9237: 0237-refector-fill-udp-sendring.patch
Patch9238: 0238-virtio_user-The-program-establishes-a-network-connec.patch
Patch9239: 0239-WRAP-fix-ltran-mode-did-not-bind-kernel-while-open-k.patch
Patch9240: 0240-WRAP-fix-bind-log-error.patch
Patch9241: 0241-virtio-mod-virtio_user_name-when-multi-process-is-on.patch
Patch9242: 0242-fix-redis-coredump-ctrl-c-during-the-pressure-test.patch
Patch9243: 0243-virtio_user-check-netif-status.patch
Patch9244: 0244-virtio-solve-compilation-error-in-2003sp3.patch
Patch9245: 0245-CMAKE-fix-ltran-build-error-in-2403.patch
Patch9246: 0246-fix-mbuf_total-calculation-error.patch
Patch9247: 0247-cfg-modify-maximum-tcp_conn_count-to-2w.patch
Patch9248: 0248-tools-fix-sync-patch-script-date-wrong-and-update-th.patch
Patch9249: 0249-epoll-fix-wild-pointer-detected-by-cooddy.patch
Patch9250: 0250-tools-fix-script-generate-patchname-wrong.patch
Patch9251: 0251-fix-when-errno-is-ENOTCONN-ignore-it.patch
Patch9252: 0252-rtc-do_lwip_init_sock-no-need-to-create-ring-in-rtc-.patch
Patch9253: 0253-example-solve-double-free.patch
%{name} is a high performance user-mode stack.
ExclusiveArch: x86_64 aarch64 ppc64le riscv64
%autosetup -n %{name}-%{version} -p1
#export DPDK_VERSION_1911=1
cd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}
# Add compile option, ignore map address check. Scenarios: asan test
%if 0%{?gazelle_map_addr_nocheck}
sed -i 's/-pthread/-pthread -D gazelle_map_addr_nocheck/' %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/src/ltran/CMakeLists.txt
sh build/build.sh
install -dpm 0755 %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}
install -dpm 0755 %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}/lib64
install -dpm 0750 %{buildroot}/%{conf_path}
install -Dpm 0500 %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/src/lstack/liblstack.* %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/
install -Dpm 0640 %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/src/lstack/lstack.Makefile %{buildroot}/%{conf_path}/
install -Dpm 0640 %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/src/lstack/lstack.conf %{buildroot}/%{conf_path}/
install -Dpm 0500 %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/src/ltran/gazellectl %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/
install -Dpm 0500 %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/src/ltran/ltran %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/
install -Dpm 0640 %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/src/ltran/ltran.conf %{buildroot}/%{conf_path}/
%dir %{conf_path}
%config(noreplace) %{conf_path}/lstack.conf
%config(noreplace) %{conf_path}/ltran.conf
* Fri Sep 13 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-61
- example: solve double free
- rtc: do_lwip_init_sock no need to create ring in rtc mode
* Fri Sep 06 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-60
- fix: when errno is ENOTCONN, ignore it
- tools: fix script generate patchname wrong
* Fri Aug 30 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-59
- epoll: fix wild pointer detected by cooddy
- tools: fix sync patch script date wrong and update the way get patchnum
- cfg: modify maximum tcp_conn_count to 2w
- fix mbuf_total calculation error
* Wed Aug 28 2024 laokz <zhangkai@iscas.ac.cn> - 1.0.2-58
- add riscv64 to %ExclusiveArch
* Mon Aug 26 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-57
- CMAKE: fix ltran build error in 2403
* Fri Aug 23 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-56
- virtio: solve compilation error in 2003sp3
- virtio_user: check netif status
* Fri Aug 16 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-55
- virtio: mod virtio_user_name when multi process is on
- WRAP: fix bind log error
- WRAP:fix ltran mode did not bind kernel while open kni
- virtio_user: The program establishes a network connection when network card status is up
- fix redis coredump ctrl-c during the pressure test
* Fri Aug 9 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-54
- refector fill udp sendring
- virtio_user: solve the issue that failed to bind virtio_user's IPv6 address
- virtio_user: add vlan info for kernerl packets when vlan switch is on
- WRAP:fix double connect lead posix api disable
* Fri Aug 2 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-53
- virtio_user: modify mbuf index for bond4
- fix issue: create virtio_user based on bond4 main network card
- virtio: fix dfx error with multiple cpus
- dfx: optimize gazellectl -x for bond
* Thu Jul 25 2024 yangchen555 <yangchen145@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-52
- fix redis coredump when hugetlbs pagesize is 1024M
- vitio_user: modify mbuf index for bond4
- Check the return of lwip_init
- support kernel connect
- POSIX: fix select timeout disable and build failed in openEuler 2003
* Fri Jul 19 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-51
- cleancode: refactor sys_now and lwip_ioctl
- add sem post when update event
- cleancode: refactor lwipgz_hlist.h
- fix EPOLLIN event dropd
- cleancode: refactor lwipgz_list.h
- cleancode: refactor posix_api
- fix some error of NULL pointer
- cleancode: refactor posix type and get_socket
- cleancode: refactor lwipsock.h
* Thu Jul 11 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-50
- cleancode: rename gazelle files in lwip
- add .gitignore
- cleancode: improving makefile readability
* Thu Jul 11 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-49
- example: sync example update
* Fri Jul 5 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-48
- add flow_bifurcation switch in lstack_cfg file
- virtio: dfx data of virtio
- virtio: update g_rule_port by reg_ring_type enum
- virtio: mode actual_queue_num
- fix poll init not clear old fd
* Fri Jun 28 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-47
- fix coredump when get empty from udp sendring
- [virtio]: distribute pkg by dst_port
- parse packages type in rx_poll
- [virtio]: cfg ipv4 and ipv6 addr
- fix build failed in 2003sp4
- fix dpdk_bond_primary_set bug
- cfg: del unnecessary logs
- perftool: add latency tool
* Wed Jun 26 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-46
- fix function call error
* Tue Jun 25 2024 yinbin<yinbin6@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-45
- fix changelog version incorrect
* Tue Jun 25 2024 yinbin<yinbin6@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-44
- sync solve compile err in 20.03
* Fri Jun 14 2024 jiangheng <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-43
- refacotr udp send
* Fri Jun 21 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-42
- [virtio]: create and init virtio_port
- refactor tx cache module
- cfg: bond_slave_mac support pci addr
- remove legacy-mem
- [virtio]: flow_bifurcation switch
- rtc: adapt rtc_close
- optimized latency distribution dotting
- redis perf: add tx driver cache
* Fri Jun 14 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-41
- cfg: remove map-perfect flag in lstack.conf
- fix MySQL shutdown cmd
- fix fin pack free coredump
* Fri June 7 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-40
- make rpc_msg_max recv_ring_size configurable
- EPOLL: fix coredump while eventcount exceed maxevent
* Fri May 31 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-39
- bond:remove bond initialization code in dpdk_ethdev_init
* Fri May 24 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-38
- memary error: fix some memary error
- change gazelle_stat_lstack_proto from u16 to u64
* Thu May 16 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-37
- dfx: fix gazellectl -x for bond
* Fri May 10 2024 yangchen555 <yangchen145@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-36
- add riscv64 support
- fix mbuf leak in dpdk-23.11 due to kni removed
* Thu May 9 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-35
- CFG:fix multicast IP assert error
- cfg: devices must be in bond_slave_mac for BONDING_MODE_ACTIVE
- CFG:set multicast IP assert
- gazellectl add lwip stats_proto print
- ltran: memset quintuple
* Sun Apr 28 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-34
- fix ioctl set failed
* Fri Apr 19 2024 yangchen555 <yangchen145@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-33
- adapt dpdk-23.11 remove kni
- add tuple_fileter error info
- fix tcp recv does not return pkg when ring buffer is empty
* Fri Apr 12 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-32
- fix port not support vlan filter
- gazellectl add lwip stats_proto print
- remove dpdk_skip_nic_init for dpdk-23.11
- dfx: support get nic bond status
* Sun Apr 7 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-31
- Add support for arch ppc64le
* Sun Apr 7 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-30
- fix vlan filter can be added when vlan_mode=-1
- add latency nodes: READ_APP_CALL & WRITE_RPC_MSG
- warp: add configuration check with host_addr and server_ip for ipv6
- DFX: adapt testcase for gazellectl connect failed
- add udp poll
- perftool: add lhist statstic tool
- Correcting spelling errors
- dpdk add vlan filter
- fix LATENCY_WRITE increase in recv process
- fix netperf setsockopt fail
- recvfrom support timeout
- select timeout arguments check
- FAULT INJECT: add duplicate and reorder methods
- ensure the bond interface flow_type_rss_offloads match slave
* Thu Mar 14 2024 yinbin6 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-29
- fix rpc_pool create failed coredump
- dfx: improve log readability when connect ltran/lstack failed
- udp add restriction: message too long
- add limit with level for sockopt
- support udp pkglen > mtu
- FAUT INJECT: add fault inject unset method
- do_setsockopt function no longer checks the results of the kernel.
- recv support MSG_DONTWAIT
* Thu Mar 14 2024 yinbin6 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-28
- FAULT INJECT: gazelle add packet delay and packet drop
- diff udp and tcp read from stack
- fix coreddump when stack setup failed in rtc mode
- split the flow fules related functions into separate file
- readv return -1, errno is EAGAIN when recvring no data
- rpc function does not depend on protocol stack diff rpc queue and dfx rpc queue
- gazellectl: support send latency show
- try to ensure arp packet can be sent
- add observable method of data aggregation
* Wed Feb 07 2024 yibin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-27
- support netperf UDP_STREAM and UDP_RR
* Sun Feb 4 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-26
- support netperf UDP_STREAM and UDP_RR
- fix receive fin packet process error
- fix t_params double free
- add bond1 support
- cfg: host_addr is not mandatory
- add bond doc
- set ltran
- remove expand_send_ring
- optimize recv exit process for FIN and unsupport SO_RCVBUF
- remove unused variables in pbuf and reduce mbuf size
- modify conf vlan default vlaue
* Sat Jan 20 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-25
- adpat dpdk 23.11
- udp: do not merge data into last pbuf
- fix host_addr6 can be assigned a multicast address
- diff lstack and ltran dfx sock
- add socket accept fail cnt
- gazellectl: add tcp_input empty ack cnt
- lstack_dpdk: limit mbuf max num
- listen_shadow support ipv6
* Sat Jan 06 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-24
- replace with gz_addr_t
- update src/common/dpdk_common.c
- match_host_addr func support ipv6
- add example keep-alive interval para
* Sat Jan 06 2024 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-23
- fix dpdk_alloc_pktmbuf time-consuming
- ltran: optimize config file error message
* Wed Dec 27 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-22
- fix rte_ring_create/free time consuming
- use default nonblock mode
- fix func separate_str_to_array overflow problem
- CFG:fix check func strdup return value is NULL
- fix gazellectl -c msg error
- sigaction: fix deprecated signal flags
- fix alloc not free
- optimize shutdown exit process
* Tue Dec 19 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-21
- support netperf
- fix udp multicast bind error
* Mon Dec 18 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-20
- fix gazellectl lstack show ip -r with ltran error && log info display unknow error
- mod time err
* Sat Dec 16 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-19
- fix EPOLLIN event error
- optimize gazelle exit process 1. close all fds 2. lstack thread exits, then gazelle process exits
- mod unix time stamp to local time
- fix close can't exit
- add keep-alive info
- dfx: fix kernel_events stat
* Sat Dec 9 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-18
- Fixed an issue where no packet is sent or received when UDP traffic is sent
- support show nic offload and features
- log: optimize lstack log
- gazellectl add connect para
- dfx: fix 'gazellectl lstack show ip' failed
- The call stack is not printed in the proactive exit scenario.
- dfx: gazellectl -c support ipv6
- 1.solve the problem of 1w connection not being able to ping 2.add debug info : rpc_mempool availd size
- wrap: support shutdown
- add struct gz_addr_t
- fix coredump because of addr null in lwip_fill_sendring
- fix compilation error
- fix coredump because sock closed before send data fully
- gazellectl: fix gazellectl lstack show 1 -r error
* Wed Nov 29 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-17
- support vlan offload
- add vlan_id in netif
- dfx: add tcp exception and kernel event statistics
- stack: fix coredump caused by gazelleclt in rtc mode when stack num defined is greater than the hijacked thread num
- add tcp faste timer cnt
- dfx: support bond get dpdk xstats
- update src/ltran/ltran_param.c. 规范679行的报错日志信息,将“,”之后的“Please”修正为“please”
- ltran support vlan
- cfg: rm ipv6_enable
- wrap: fix connect wrong port after addr bind two ports
- add gazelle log
- PRE_LOG: modify log info while there are repeated items in conf file
- add gazelle log
* Wed Nov 22 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-16
- ipv6
* Sat Nov 18 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-15
- wrap: dont hijack select temporarily
* Sat Nov 18 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-14
- enable ipv6
* Sat Nov 18 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-13
- modif mem
- add tx package timeout
- cfg: fix lstack mempool lookup failed in ltran mode
- build: fix ltran build error
- ethdev: mbuf data start pointer pbuf->payload
- PRE_LOG: modify prelog info transfer to terminal at the same time
- slave mac addr
- add vlan support
- wrap: support select
- when timeout occurs,process exits.
- build: add mlx5 pmd dependency
* Sat Nov 18 2023 hantwofish <hankangkang5@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-12
- solve problem that rte_pktmbuf_poll_creat in same numa .
- Fix coredump issue and skip rte_pdump_init for secondary process
- stack: fix possible coredump when arp packet broadcast in rtc mode
- cfg: nic queue size only support power of 2
- dfx: add four snmp udp datas
* Sat Nov 4 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-11
- cfg: fix bond_mode null
* Sat Nov 4 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-10
- bond6
- epoll: fix epollet mode error
- ethdev: register offload to netif
- stack: add semaphore to ensure all stack threads setup success in rtw mode before call main()
- ethdev: fix arp unicast packets cannot be transmitted to current procotol stack
- clean useless code
- epoll: adapt epoll interface for rtc mode
* Sat Nov 4 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-9
- init: stack setup in app thread when app call socket/epoll_create first in rtc mode
- fix arping gazelle return value is 1
- wrap: add run-to-completion/wakeup mode api
- tools: gazelle_setup adapt non ltran mode
- delete_rule bug
- statck: the for loop in lstack thread is defined as stack_polling
* Mon Oct 30 2023 yangchenCloud <yangchen145@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-8
- cfg: add run-to-completion mode configure
- preload: support thread hijacking mode
* Mon Oct 30 2023 hantwofish <hankangkang5@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-7
- epoll: distinguish add/del_sock_event and add/del_sock_event_nolock
- cfg: nic rx/tx queue size configure
* Sat Oct 14 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-6
- update lwip version buildrequire
* Fri Oct 13 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-5
- lstack_lwip: external api start with do_lwip_ prefix
- init: remove sync sem between lstack thread and main thread
- fix bond port reta_size init
* Sat Oct 7 2023 yinbin6 <yinbin8@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-4
- kernelevent: kernel event thread report kernel events to app thread directly without passing through lstack thread
- ethdev: fix pbuf chain tot_len incorrect p->tot_len = p->len + (p->next ? p->next->tot_len : 0)
- suport clang build
- CFG:fixed the dpdk primary default parameter
- 添加龙芯和申威架构支持
- cosmetic changes
* Sat Aug 19 2023 jiangheng12 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-3
- add lstack_preload.c to makefile fix compile failure
- fix previous commit "refactoring preload module"
- refactoring preload module
- set localhost ip when bind ip is same as ip in lstack.conf
* Sat Jul 8 2023 jiangheng12 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-2
- sync remove unused dpdk dynamic libraries
* Tue Jul 4 2023 jiangheng12 <chengyechun1@huawei.com> - 1.0.2-1
- update version to 1.0.2
* Mon Jul 3 2023 jiangheng12 <chengyechun1@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-72
- bond4 add dpdk return value check
* Sat Jul 1 2023 jiangheng12 <chengyechun1@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-71
- fix bond4 EPOLLOUT event error
* Fri Jun 30 2023 jiangheng12 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-70
- add build requires constraints on lwip version
* Tue Jun 27 2023 jiangheng12 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-69
- add udp_enable to turn off udp in need
* Wed Jun 21 2023 jiangheng12 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-68
- check return value of hugepage_init to avoid coredump when hugepage memory is insufficient
- fix core dump when slave mac failed
* Sun Jun 25 2023 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-67
- enable UDP CKSUM in gazelle
- lstack: cfg add app_exclude_cpus
- skip gro when tcp/ip checksum offloads disable
- fix null pointer of sock in udp_recvfrom
* Mon Jun 19 2023 jiangheng12 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-66
- add multicast enable in dpdk_ethdev_init
- add use_sockmap in cfg to distinguish whether to use dpdk ring communication between processes
* Mon Jun 19 2023 jiangheng12 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-65
- remove obsolete args num_wakeup in doc
* Thu Jun 15 2023 jiangheng12 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-64
- change send_ring_size 32 in lstack conf
- adapt to dpdk-19.11 and dpdk-21.11
- fix t_params use after free in kernel event thread
- rpc pool use dpdk mempool replace array
* Wed Jun 14 2023 jiangheng12 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-63
- set sock when select path is PATH_UNKNOW
* Wed Jun 14 2023 jiangheng12 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-62
- fix udp send/recv in muliple queue
- fix gazellectl block before lstack registration is complete
- add exception handling for is_dst_ip_localhost
- fix change low power mod invalid
- send/recv thread bind numa only app_bind_numa set to 1
* Tue Jun 6 2023 jiangheng <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-61
- revert cleancode series patches
* Fri Jun 2 2023 LemmyHuang <huangliming5@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-60
- fix socket init and clean
- fix coredump caused by lwip_get_socket_nouse
* Mon May 29 2023 LemmyHuang <huangliming5@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-59
- drop netbuf in read_lwip_data to fix mem overflow
- cleancode: refactor memp
- cleancode: refactor sys_now and lwip_ioctl
- cleancode: refactor gazelle_hlist.h
- cleancode: refactor gazelle_list.h
- cleancode: refactor gazelle_posix_api.h
- cleancode: refactor lwipsock.h
- cleancode: rename gazelle files in lwip
- cleancode: improving makefile readability
* Sat May 20 2023 jiangheng <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-58
- modify hugepage directory name
* Tue May 16 2023 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-57
- add udp multicast support in gazelle
- clean code
- add bond4 suport
- dfx: security function failed, return error directly
- dfx: set g_unix_fd to -1 after abnormal close fd to avoid double close
- fix bond_ports parse error fix socket_mem parse error when the value exceeds 65536 exit if create_rxtx_pktmbuf failed build.sh build failed return 1 clean code
- add parentheses to fix build error
- fix rpc msg alloc failed fix process_numa args error coredump fix sock->conn not free when fd is kernel mode
- kni down not stop nic
- fix client connect number unbalance on lstack
- fix gazellectl -x error when multiplt user nic config
* Sat May 13 2023 jiangheng12 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-56
- fix build err with dpdk-21.11
- fix config flow rule race
- update lstack.Makefile
- add socket check before write it
- optimize do_close
- set kni_switch valid only in primary process
- fix build err on select_path
- optimite select_path and pbuf_take
- check primary process idx and secondary lstack num
- revert select_thread_path and optimize app thread when sendmsg
- do not transfer broadcast arp pkts to other process
* Thu Apr 20 2023 sunsuwan <sunsuwan3@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-55
- sepeate_string_to array add error args handle
* Thu Apr 20 2023 wu-changsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-54
- waiting when primary process not start already
- gazelle send/recv thread bind numa
* Tue Mar 21 2023 jiangheng12 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-53
- fix parse args error
- discard wakeup_num parameter
- fix kernel scoket select path error
* Sat Mar 18 2023 jiangheng<jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-52
- add pbuf lock when aggregate pbuf
- support multi process
- add gazellectl -x -a args
- add same node ring for iner-process communication
- fix send reset by peer when not sleep after connect
- add tuple filter in conf to diff rss rule adn tuple filter rule
- support tuple rule add/delete
- disable tso without ipv4 checksum
- refactor mbuf private data
* Sat Mar 11 2023 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-51
- when send ring full whether dynamic alloc mbuf is configurable reduce cpu usage when send ring full
- send should return -1, errno EAGAIN when ring full
- send ring size is configure
- remove rxtx driver cache
- fix do_close core dump
- fix private data offset error
* Mon Feb 27 2023 wu-changsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-50
- reduce duplicate code in lstack_cfg.c
- adapt unsupport sock optname
* Wed Feb 22 2023 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-49
- eneble TSO and fix TSO mbuf pktlen error
- check and fix wakeup_list when null appears
* Mon Feb 13 2023 net <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-48
- change mbuf_pool_size in lstack.conf to tcp_conn_count * mbuf_count_per_conn
- bring up kni when init
- fix coredump in example server mum mode
- add fucntest
- test readv writev epoll_create1 accept4
* Mon Feb 6 2023 jiangheng12 <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-47
- add gazelle setup tools
- add unitest
* Tue Jan 31 2023 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-46
- add gazelle fuzz
- add log message when wait for connecting to ltran
* Mon Jan 16 2023 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-45
- add ret check in pthread_create and fix example bug
- move control_client_thread creation after control_in and dpdk_skip_nic_init
* Fri Jan 6 2023 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-44
- add the suggestion of using the -u parameter when the connection to unix socket fails
* Fri Dec 30 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-43
- revert expand recv data buff
* Wed Dec 28 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-42
- pbuf cacheline align
support main thread affinity
reduce epoll wakeup
* Fri Dec 23 2022 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-41
- fix null pointer deref in stack_broadcast_close
- fix lstack Makefile warning
* Thu Dec 22 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-40
- add dfx rcv_nxt info
mbuf private cache line align
send pkts index bug fix
free recv pkts in main loop
* Wed Dec 21 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-39
- add mempool dfx info
write support without epoll/poll
* Tue Dec 20 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-38
- optimite recv data buff and send pkts index
* Sun Dec 18 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-37
- pkts-bulk-send-to-nic and rpc-dont-send
* Sat Dec 17 2022 jiangheng <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-36
- remove mbuf reserve in mbuf alloc
* Sat Dec 17 2022 jiangheng <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-35
- optimite net type
app bind numa when epoll/poll create
stack thread params set dafult value
* Sat Dec 17 2022 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-34
- add RXTX_NB_MBUF_MAX to limit mbuf_pool_size to its range
* Fri Dec 16 2022 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-33
- move select_thread_path after posix_api_init
* Thu Dec 15 2022 jiangheng <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-32
- ltran rxtx mbuf pool size config by conf
* Thu Dec 15 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-31
- stack thread params config by lstack.conf
* Wed Dec 14 2022 jiangheng <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-30
- fix kernel event thread bind nuam failed
* Tue Dec 13 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-29
- dfx add pcb windows info
rxtx mbuf pool size config by conf
* Mon Dec 12 2022 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-28
- add pdump support in ltran
* Sat Dec 3 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-27
- optimize app thread write buff block
* Fri Dec 2 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-26
- fix epoll_wait report events 0
* Thu Dec 1 UTC compile_success <980965867@qq.com> - 1.0.1-25
- add malloc init zero
- modify EPOLLOUT event is overwritten.
* Sat Nov 26 UTC compile_success <980965867@qq.com> - 1.0.1-24
- fix write event error
* Wed Nov 16 2022 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-23
- modify duplicate code
- fix data flow error when use NIC in kernel
- fix lwip send return 0 add err event
- fix pcb snd_buf flip
- avoid send stop when mbuf pool empty
- merge lstack rx tx mbuf pool
* Tue Nov 15 2022 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-22
- fix pdump and mutil NIC init fail
* Mon Nov 14 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-21
- support muti-nic
fix some bugs
* Tue Nov 8 2022 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-20
- add pdump support in lstack
* Sat Nov 07 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-19
- resolve the conflict between the eth_dev_ops variable and the dpdk-19.11
* Sat Nov 05 2022 kircher <majun65@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-18
- Add kni local support in lstack
* Fri Nov 04 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-17
- Optimize ceph client performance
* Sat Oct 08 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-16
- refactor event
addapt for ceph client
* Mon Sep 05 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-15
- expand rpc msg pool size
* Mon Sep 05 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-14
- backport bugfix and doc
* Mon Aug 08 2022 fushanqing <fushanqing@kylinos.cn> - 1.0.1-13
- Unified license name specification
* Tue Jul 26 2022 wuchangsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-12
- support epoll oneshot
* Tue Jul 19 2022 xiusailong <xiusailong@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-11
- reconstruct packet sending and receiving to improve performance
* Thu Jul 7 2022 jiangheng <jiangheng14@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-10
- Type:bugfix
- CVE:
- DESC:update readme
fix some bugs
refactor pkt read send to improve performance
refactoe kernle event to improve performanc
* Fri May 27 2022 xiusailong <xiusailong@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-9
- update license lockless queue
* Fri May 20 2022 xiusailong <xiusailong@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-8
- update README.md
* Thu Mar 31 2022 jiangheng <jiangheng12@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-7
- Type:bugfix
- CVE:
- DESC:add gazelle.yaml
* Tue Mar 29 2022 jiangheng <jiangheng12@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-6
- refactor event
- add gazellectl lstack constraint
* Fri Mar 18 2022 jiangheng <jiangheng12@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-5
- limit lwip_alloc_pbuf size to TCP_MSS
- sending of sock last data is triggered by lstack iteself
* Thu Mar 17 2022 jiangheng <jiangheng12@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-4
- fix repeatede stack restart coredump
* Wed Mar 16 2022 jiangheng <jiangheng12@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-3
- fix gazelle test issue
* Mon Mar 7 2022 wu-changsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-2
- reduce copy in send
* Thu Mar 3 2022 wu-changsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.1-1
- support mysql with two mode:ltran+lstack and lstack.
* Thu Feb 24 2022 wu-changsheng <wuchangsheng2@huawei.com> - 1.0.0-1
- release initial version
马建仓 AI 助手


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