同步操作将从 张煦明/Paper_Corno_Lucia_2020_replication 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
* --------------------------------------------------
* $$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$ $
* $$ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$
* $$ $ $$ $$$ $$ $$$
* $$$ $$ $ $$ $$ $ $$
* $$$ $$ $ $$ $$ $ $$
* $$$ $$ $$$$$ $$ $$$$$
* $ $$ $$ $ $$ $$ $ $$
* $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$ $ $$
* $$$$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$$
* Corno, Lucia, N. Hildebrandt, and A. Voena.
* "Age of Marriage, Weather Shocks,
* and the Direction of Marriage Payments."
* Econometrica 88(2020).
*- 固定面板效应
global path "D:\Stata16\FinalWork\Paper_Corno_Lucia_2020_replication"
cd $path
cap mkdir data
cap mkdir refs
cap mkdir out
global D "$path\Data" //范例数据
global R "$path\refs" //参考文献
global Output "$path\Output" //结果:图形和表格
cd "$path" //设定工作路径
set scheme s2color
set more off
* 一、降雨与农作产出、收入和家庭消费
* Figure A1 撒哈拉以南非洲和印度历史干旱和洪水的直方图
* Table A2 回归分析:【撒哈拉以南非洲】 干旱 与 农作物产量、收入和家庭消费
* Table A3 回归分析:【印度】 干旱 与 农作物产量、收入和家庭消费
* Figure A2: 农作物产出与降水分位数分布
* 二、干旱对童婚可能性的影响
* Table 1: 干旱对结婚时间影响
* Table 2: 干旱对结婚时间影响
* Table 3: 干旱对生育率影响
* 三、稳健性检验
* Figure 2: 干旱的不同定义:百分位截取的不同
* Table A5: 干旱的不同定义:总体干旱水平
* Table B9: 洪水(高降水概率对童婚的影响)
* Table B11: 过去和未来的时间效应
* Table B12: 以更大的地理单元格单元格聚类
* 四、异质性分析
* Table4: 撒哈拉以南地区异质性分析
* Table5: 印度地区异质性分析
* 一、降雨与农作产出、收入和家庭消费
* Figure A1 撒哈拉以南非洲和印度历史干旱和洪水的直方图
*Important globals for plotting
global yearStart 1960
global yearEnd 2010
global yearStep 5
* Programs
* Make bar plots based on the type of weather shock input.
cap program drop makeShockBarPlot
program define makeShockBarPlot
args shockVar shockVarDisp region regionDisp
summ lr_mean_pct_`shockVar'_cy, meanonly
global lr_mean_`shockVar'_disp = trim("`: di %-10.2f `r(mean)''") + "%"
#delimit ;
graph twoway
(bar pct_`shockVar'_cy calendar_year, color(gs11))
(line lr_mean_pct_`shockVar'_cy calendar_year, lcolor(black) lpattern(dash)),
title("Prevalence of `shockVarDisp': `regionDisp'")
ytitle("Percent with `shockVarDisp'") xtitle("Year")
xscale(range(${yearStart} ${yearEnd}))
graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white)
legend(order(2 "Mean ${yearStart}-${yearEnd}: ${lr_mean_`shockVar'_disp}")
ring(0) pos(1) col(4) region(lstyle(none) color(none)) symxsize(6))
name("bar_`region'_`shockVar'", replace)
note("Figure shows the percent of grid cells in `regionDisp' with `shockVar' each year."
"The dashed black line indicates the long run mean from ${yearStart} to ${yearEnd}.", span)
gr export "Output/bar_`region'_`shockVar'.pdf",
replace name("bar_`region'_`shockVar'");
#delimit cr
use "Data/droughts.dta" if data=="SSA"
* Call program and make plots.
makeShockBarPlot drought Drought SSA SSA
* India
use "Data/droughts.dta" if data=="India"
* Call program and make plots.
makeShockBarPlot drought Drought IN India
window manage close graph _all
* Table A2 回归分析:【撒哈拉以南非洲】 干旱 与 农作物产量、收入和家庭消费
global cropsSSA Maize Sorghum Millet Rice Wheat MainCrops
use "Data/SSA_crops_income", clear
lab var drought_cy "Drought"
**Crop regressions**
foreach crop of global cropsSSA {
lab var log_yield`crop' "`crop'"
areg log_yield`crop' drought_cy i.calendar_year ///
, absorb(country_num) vce(cluster country_num)
if "`crop'"=="Maize" {
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/tableA2.xlsx", ///
keep(drought_cy) replace excel label adjr2 nocons
else {
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/tableA2.xlsx", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
gen gdp_pc = real(gdp_pc_str)
gen loggdp_pc = log(gdp_pc)
lab var loggdp_pc "GDP per capita"
gen hh_consumption_agg = real(hh_consumption_agg_str)
gen loghh_consumption_agg = log(hh_consumption_agg)
lab var loghh_consumption_agg "HH consumption"
foreach y in gdp_pc hh_consumption_agg {
areg log`y' drought_cy i.calendar_year, absorb(country_num) vce(cluster country_num)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/tableA2.xlsx", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
* Table A3 回归分析:【印度】 干旱 与 农作物产量、收入和家庭消费
global cropsIN Rice Wheat Jowar Maize Bajra MainCrops
use "Data/India_crops", clear
lab var drought_cy "Drought"
foreach crop of global cropsIN {
lab var log_yield`crop' "`crop'"
areg log_yield`crop' drought_cy i.calendar_year ///
, absorb(district_num) vce(cluster district_num)
if "`crop'"=="Rice" {
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/tableA3.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) replace excel label adjr2 nocons
else {
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/tableA3.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
**NSDP p.c. portion**
use "Data/India_nsdp", clear
gen log_nsdp_pc = log(nsdp_pc)
lab var log_nsdp_pc "NSDP per cap."
replace drought_cy = drought_cy_lag1
lab var drought_cy "Drought"
areg log_nsdp_pc drought_cy i.year, absorb(state) vce(cluster state)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/tableA3.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
**NSS portion**
use "Data/India_NSS", clear
**Generate real consumption, i.e. adjusted using deflator**
**Note that this generates consumption in 2011 INR**
gen real_cons = (cons / deflator) * 100
gen log_real_cons = log(real_cons)
lab var real_cons "Consumption (2011 INR)"
lab var log_real_cons "HH consumption"
**Generate drought variable**
gen drought_cy = (total_cy_xtile_lag1 < 0.15) if total_cy_xtile_lag1 != . // First lag
lab var drought_cy "Drought"
areg log_real_cons drought_cy i.round if round <= 54, ///
absorb(district_num) vce(cluster district_num)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/tableA3.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
* Figure A2: 农作物产出与降水分位数分布
* Globals
global cropsSSA MainCrops
global cropsIN MainCrops Rice
* Number of bootstraps.
global numSim 500
* Make rain quantile labels for LaTeX tables.
* Remember to specify the reference distribution for rain quantiles.
* Leave blank for the "raw" quantiles (based on empirical uniform dist)
local quantDist Gam_
global lbldecile
global lblquintile
global lblvingtile
forval iter = 1/20 {
if `iter' <= 5 {
global lblquintile $lblquintile `iter'.rain_`quantDist'quintile \hspace{16pt}`iter'
if `iter' <= 10 {
global lbldecile $lbldecile `iter'.rain_`quantDist'decile \hspace{16pt}`iter'
global lblvingtile $lblvingtile `iter'.rain_`quantDist'vingtile \hspace{16pt}`iter'
di "$lblvingtile"
di "$lbldecile"
di "$lblquintile"
global vingtileShort vin
global decileShort dec
global quintileShort qui
global vingtileRef 10 // Actually 10 and 11 but I will redefine 11 to be 10 later.
global decileRef 5
global quintileRef 3
global vingtileRefText The base categories (omitted) are the 10\textsuperscript{th} and 11\textsuperscript{th} rain vingtiles.
global decileRefText The base category (omitted) is the 5\textsuperscript{th} rain decile.
global quintileRefText The base category (omitted) is the 3\textsuperscript{rd} rain quintile.
************* Custom programs *************
* Generate quantiles defined based on the gamma rainfall distribution
cap program drop genGammaQuantiles
program define genGammaQuantiles
gen total_cy_ptile = total_cy_xtile*100
* Divide percentile by bin size (e.g. vingtile has bin size of 5).
* Take the floor of the above and add 1 if there is a remainder in the division.
local binSize 5
gen rain_Gam_vingtile = floor(total_cy_ptile/`binSize') + 1*((total_cy_ptile - floor(total_cy_ptile/`binSize'))>0)
tab rain_Gam_vingtile
scatter rain_Gam_vingtile total_cy_ptile
replace rain_Gam_vingtile = 10 if rain_Gam_vingtile==11
tab rain_Gam_vingtile
local binSize 10
gen rain_Gam_decile = floor(total_cy_ptile/`binSize') + 1*((total_cy_ptile - floor(total_cy_ptile/`binSize'))>0)
tab rain_Gam_decile
local binSize 20
gen rain_Gam_quintile = floor(total_cy_ptile/`binSize') + 1*((total_cy_ptile - floor(total_cy_ptile/`binSize'))>0)
tab rain_Gam_quintile
* This program plots the regression coefficients of log annual crop yields on rain quantiles
cap program drop plotCropRainCoef
program define plotCropRainCoef
args modName crop regionShort clustVar
parmest, nores
gen xvar = real(regexs(1)) if regexm(parm, "^([0-9]*)(b*)\.rain_(.*ile)$")
keep if xvar != .
gen temp_base = regexs(2) if regexm(parm, "^([0-9]*)(b*)\.rain_(.*ile)$")
gen temp_quantile = regexs(3) if regexm(parm, "^([0-9]*)(b*)\.rain_(.*ile)$")
* drop the "Gam_" modifer (to indicate gamma quantiles) if it exists
replace temp_quantile = subinstr(temp_quantile, "Gam_", "", .)
summ xvar, meanonly
local maxCat `r(max)'
summ xvar if ~missing(temp_base), meanonly
local baseCat `r(max)'
local baseCatText `baseCat' `"(Omitted)"'
if `baseCat'==10 {
local baseCatText 10 " (Omitted)" 11 " "
local quantile = temp_quantile + "s"
local Quantile = proper("`quantile'")
#delimit ;
(bar estimate xvar, base(0) barwidth(0.7) color(gs10) finten(inten100))
(rcap max95 min95 xvar, lcolor(blue))
title("Coefficient for rain `quantile' and 95% CI in `regionShort': `crop'" " ")
ytitle("Coefficient") xtitle("Rain `Quantile'")
ylabel(, format(%4.1f))
xlabel(1(1)`maxCat' `baseCatText')
yline(0, lcolor(black) lpattern(dash))
note("Regression includes year and `clustVar' FEs. SEs clustered at `clustVar' level.", span)
name("`modName'", replace)
#delimit cr
gr export "Output/`modName'.pdf", replace name("`modName'")
****** SSA rain quantile plots
use "Data/SSA_crops_income", clear
xtset countrycode calendar_year
/* SSA: crop yields vs. rain quantiles (vingtiles, deciles, and quintiles)*/
* Generate quantiles defined based on the gamma rainfall distribution
* Remember to specify the reference distribution for rain quantiles.
* Leave blank for the "raw" quantiles (based on empirical uniform dist)
local quantDist Gam_
foreach crop of global cropsSSA {
*** All SSA
* Vingtiles
local modName SSAvin1`crop'
eststo `modName': areg log_yield`crop' ib10.rain_`quantDist'vingtile i.calendar_year ///
, absorb(country_num) vce(cluster country_num)
plotCropRainCoef `modName' `crop' SSA country
*** DHS SSA sample
* Vingtiles
local modName SSAvin2`crop'
eststo `modName': areg log_yield`crop' ib10.rain_`quantDist'vingtile i.calendar_year ///
if in_DHS==1, absorb(country_num) vce(cluster country_num)
plotCropRainCoef `modName' `crop' SSA country
****** India regressions and rain quantile plots
use "Data/India_crops", clear
xtset district_num calendar_year
/*INDIA: crop yields vs. rain quantiles (vingtiles, deciles, and quintiles)*/
* Generate quantiles defined based on the gamma rainfall distribution
* Remember to specify the reference distribution for rain quantiles.
* Leave blank for the "raw" quantiles (based on empirical uniform dist)
local quantDist Gam_
foreach crop of global cropsIN {
* Vingtiles
local modName INvin`crop'
eststo `modName': areg log_yield`crop' ib10.rain_`quantDist'vingtile i.calendar_year ///
, absorb(district_num) vce(cluster district_num)
plotCropRainCoef `modName' `crop' IN district
window manage close graph _all
log close
* 二、干旱对童婚可能性的影响
* Table 1: 干旱对结婚时间影响
* 样本选择:<=24岁
use "Data/SSA_duration_final" ///
if inrange(year,12,24), clear
keep if war_upto24==0
lab var drought_cy "Drought"
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year if year<=24 ///
[pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table1.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) replace excel label adjr2 nocons
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.country if year<=24 ///
[pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table1.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.country i.country#i.cohort_num if year<=24 ///
[pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table1.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
use "Data/India_duration_final" if inrange(year,12,24), clear
lab var drought_cy "Drought"
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year ///
if year<=24, ///
absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table1.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.state_gec_num#i.cohort_num ///
if year<=24, ///
absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table1.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
* Table 2: 干旱对结婚时间影响
* 样本选择:<=17岁
use "Data/SSA_duration_final" ///
if inrange(year,12,17), clear
keep if war_upto17==0
lab var drought_cy "Drought"
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year if year<=17 ///
[pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table2.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) replace excel label adjr2 nocons
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.country if year<=17 ///
[pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table2.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.country i.country#i.cohort_num if year<=17 ///
[pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table2.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
use "Data/India_duration_final" if inrange(year,12,17), clear
lab var drought_cy "Drought"
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year ///
if year<=17 & data=="DHS_98", ///
absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table2.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.state_gec_num#i.cohort_num ///
if year<=17 & data=="DHS_98", ///
absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table2.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
* Table 3: 干旱对生育率影响
use "Data/SSA_duration_final" ///
if year>=12 & year<18, clear
keep if war_upto17==0
lab var drought_cy "Drought"
gen haschild=0
replace haschild=1 if year==v212
replace haschild=. if year>v212
areg haschild drought_cy i.birth_year i.year ///
[pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table3.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) replace excel label adjr2 nocons
areg haschild drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.country ///
[pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table3.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
areg haschild drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.country i.country#i.cohort_num ///
[pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table3.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
use "Data/India_duration_final" ///
if data=="DHS_98" & year>=12 & year<18, clear
lab var drought_cy "Drought"
gen haschild=0
replace haschild=1 if year==v212
replace haschild=. if year>v212
areg haschild drought_cy i.birth_year i.year , absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table3.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
areg haschild drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.state_gec_num#i.cohort_num, absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table3.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
* 三、稳健性检验
* Figure 2: 干旱的不同定义:百分位截取的不同
************ IMPORTANT: Remember to choose age cutoff ************
global ageLowerLim 12
* Whether to limit age up till 17 or 24
global ageUpperLim 17
*** Whether to use weights in India regressions
global INregWeight
*global INregWeight [pweight = wgt_new]
*** Whether to use SSA high BP
global ssaHighBp 0
*** Whether to include flood (1 means yes, otherwise no)
global includeFlood 0
*----------------- Robustness to Drought and Flood Cutoffs -----------------*
********************************** SSA ***************************************
**** Use surveys conducted >= 1994
use "Data/SSA_duration_final" ///
if inrange(year,${ageLowerLim},${ageUpperLim}) & war_upto${ageUpperLim}==0, clear
di " "
di "*****************************************"
di "* Robustness to cutoffs: SSA (High BP)"
di "*****************************************"
di " "
if $ssaHighBp == 1 {
global highBpControl "& highbp_ge50pct==1"
global plotTitle "SSA, BP {&ge} 50%"
global outputStub SSAhighbp
else {
global highBpControl
global plotTitle "SSA"
global outputStub SSAfull
* Initialize beta and SE matrices for the new definitions of drought_cy and flood_cy.
matrix matBetas = J(300,2,1)
matrix matSE = J(300,2,1)
matrix mat_drought_cutoff = J(300,1,1)
matrix mat_flood_cutoff = J(300,1,1)
global droughtCutoffMin 1
global droughtCutoffMax 45
global droughtCutoffNum = $droughtCutoffMax - $droughtCutoffMin + 1
**For coefplot**
matrix coef_SSA = J(1,$droughtCutoffNum ,.)
matrix ci_SSA = J(2,$droughtCutoffNum ,.)
* Loop over new cutoffs, run regressions, and save coefs + SEs
local counter = 0
local cutoffRng ${droughtCutoffMin}(1)${droughtCutoffMax}
forvalues cutoff = `cutoffRng' {
local ++counter
di "------------------------------------------"
di "The cutoff is " %-10.2f `cutoff'/100
di "------------------------------------------"
di " "
cap drop new_drought
gen new_drought = (total_cy_xtile <= round(`cutoff'/100, 10^-2))
if $includeFlood == 1 {
cap drop new_flood
gen new_flood = (total_cy_xtile > 1 - round(`cutoff'/100, 10^-2))
* Main regression specification: drought + flood
areg married_survival new_drought new_flood i.birth_year i.year i.country ///
if year<=$ageUpperLim ${highBpControl} [pweight = wgt_new], ///
absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
matrix matBetas[`counter',2] = _b[new_flood]
matrix matSE[`counter',2] = _se[new_flood]
matrix mat_flood_cutoff[`counter',1] = 1 - round(`cutoff'/100, 10^-2)
else {
* Main regression specification: drought
areg married_survival new_drought i.birth_year i.year i.country ///
if year<=$ageUpperLim ${highBpControl} [pweight = wgt_new], ///
absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
* Drought is always included.
matrix matBetas[`counter',1] = _b[new_drought]
matrix matSE[`counter',1] = _se[new_drought]
matrix mat_drought_cutoff[`counter',1] = round(`cutoff'/100, 10^-2)
matrix coef_SSA[1,`counter'] = _b[new_drought]
matrix ci_SSA[1,`counter'] = (_se[new_drought] * (-1.96)) + _b[new_drought]
matrix ci_SSA[2,`counter'] = (_se[new_drought] * 1.96) + _b[new_drought]
cap drop new_drought
cap drop new_flood
drop _all
svmat matBetas
svmat matSE
svmat mat_drought_cutoff
svmat mat_flood_cutoff
drop if matBetas1==1
***** Drought
* Rename vars, convert to %, then create 95% upper and lower CI
rename matBetas1 drought
rename matSE1 drought_se
rename mat_drought_cutoff1 drought_cutoff
replace drought_cutoff = drought_cutoff*100
gen drought_CIL = drought - 1.96*drought_se
gen drought_CIU = drought + 1.96*drought_se
* Make plots of coef (and 95% CI) vs. cutoff.
#delimit ;
(rarea drought_CIL drought_CIU drought_cutoff, color(gs13))
(connected drought drought_cutoff, mcolor(black) lcolor(black) lpattern(solid) msymbol(S) msize(0.8))
title("Robustness to Rainfall Cutoff: ${plotTitle}")
ytitle("Effect of Drought") xtitle("Cutoff Percentile for Drought Definition") xscale(range($droughtCutoffMin $droughtCutoffMax))
ylabel(, format(%6.3f))
graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white)
yline(0, lcolor(black) lpattern(dash))
name("rob_${outputStub}_drought_cutoff", replace)
gr export "Output/rob_${outputStub}_drought_cutoff.pdf", replace name("rob_${outputStub}_drought_cutoff");
#delimit cr
if $includeFlood == 1 {
***** Flood
* Rename vars, convert to %, then create 95% upper and lower CI
rename matBetas2 flood
rename matSE2 flood_se
rename mat_flood_cutoff1 flood_cutoff
replace flood_cutoff = flood_cutoff*100
gen flood_CIL = flood - 1.96*flood_se
gen flood_CIU = flood + 1.96*flood_se
* Make plots of coef (and 95% CI) vs. cutoff.
#delimit ;
(rarea flood_CIL flood_CIU flood_cutoff, color(gs13))
(connected flood flood_cutoff, mcolor(black) lcolor(black) lpattern(solid) msymbol(S) msize(0.8))
title("Robustness to Rainfall Shocks Cutoff: ${plotTitle}")
ytitle("Effect of Flood") xtitle("Cutoff Percentile for Flood Definition") xscale(range(`=100-$droughtCutoffMax' `=100-$droughtCutoffMin'))
ylabel(, format(%6.3f))
graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white)
yline(0, lcolor(black) lpattern(dash))
name("rob_${outputStub}_flood_cutoff", replace)
gr export "Output/rob_${outputStub}_flood_cutoff.pdf", replace name("rob_${outputStub}_flood_cutoff");
#delimit cr
mat drop matBetas matSE
cap mat drop mat_drought_cutoff
cap mat drop mat_flood_cutoff
********************************* India **************************************
use "Data/India_duration_final" ///
if inrange(year,${ageLowerLim},${ageUpperLim}), clear
di " "
di "*****************************************"
di "* Robustness to cutoffs: INDIA"
di "*****************************************"
di " "
* Initialize beta and SE matrices for the new definitions of drought_cy and flood_cy.
matrix matBetas = J(300,2,1)
matrix matSE = J(300,2,1)
matrix mat_drought_cutoff = J(300,1,1)
matrix mat_flood_cutoff = J(300,1,1)
global droughtCutoffMin 1
global droughtCutoffMax 45
global droughtCutoffNum = $droughtCutoffMax - $droughtCutoffMin + 1
**For coefplot**
matrix coef_IN = J(1, $droughtCutoffNum , .)
matrix ci_IN = J(2, $droughtCutoffNum , .)
* Loop over new cutoffs, run regressions, and save coefs + SEs
local counter = 0
local cutoffRng ${droughtCutoffMin}(1)${droughtCutoffMax}
forvalues cutoff = `cutoffRng' {
local ++counter
di "------------------------------------------"
di "The cutoff is " %-10.2f `cutoff'/100
di "------------------------------------------"
di " "
cap drop new_drought
gen new_drought = (total_cy_xtile <= round(`cutoff'/100, 10^-2))
if $includeFlood == 1 {
cap drop new_flood
gen new_flood = (total_cy_xtile > 1 - round(`cutoff'/100, 10^-2))
* Main regression specification: drought + flood
areg married_survival new_drought new_flood i.birth_year i.year ///
if year<=$ageUpperLim & data=="DHS_98" ${INregWeight}, ///
absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
matrix matBetas[`counter',2] = _b[new_flood]
matrix matSE[`counter',2] = _se[new_flood]
matrix mat_flood_cutoff[`counter',1] = 1 - round(`cutoff'/100, 10^-2)
else {
* Main regression specification: drought
areg married_survival new_drought i.birth_year i.year ///
if year<=$ageUpperLim & data=="DHS_98" ${INregWeight}, ///
absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
* Drought is always included.
matrix matBetas[`counter',1] = _b[new_drought]
matrix matSE[`counter',1] = _se[new_drought]
matrix mat_drought_cutoff[`counter',1] = round(`cutoff'/100, 10^-2)
matrix coef_IN[1,`counter'] = _b[new_drought]
matrix ci_IN[1,`counter'] = (_se[new_drought] * (-1.96)) + _b[new_drought]
matrix ci_IN[2,`counter'] = (_se[new_drought] * 1.96) + _b[new_drought]
cap drop new_drought
cap drop new_flood
drop _all
svmat matBetas
svmat matSE
svmat mat_drought_cutoff
svmat mat_flood_cutoff
drop if matBetas1==1
***** Drought
* Rename vars, convert to %, then create 95% upper and lower CI
rename matBetas1 drought
rename matSE1 drought_se
rename mat_drought_cutoff1 drought_cutoff
replace drought_cutoff = drought_cutoff*100
gen drought_CIL = drought - 1.96*drought_se
gen drought_CIU = drought + 1.96*drought_se
* Make plots of coef (and 95% CI) vs. cutoff.
#delimit ;
(rarea drought_CIL drought_CIU drought_cutoff, color(gs13))
(connected drought drought_cutoff, mcolor(black) lcolor(black) lpattern(solid) msymbol(S) msize(0.8))
title("Robustness to Rainfall Cutoff: India")
ytitle("Effect of Drought") xtitle("Cutoff Percentile for Drought Definition") xscale(range($droughtCutoffMin $droughtCutoffMax))
ylabel(, format(%6.3f))
graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white)
yline(0, lcolor(black) lpattern(dash))
name("rob_India_drought_cutoff", replace)
gr export "Output/rob_India_drought_cutoff.pdf", replace name("rob_India_drought_cutoff");
#delimit cr
if $includeFlood == 1 {
***** Flood
* Rename vars, convert to %, then create 95% upper and lower CI
rename matBetas2 flood
rename matSE2 flood_se
rename mat_flood_cutoff1 flood_cutoff
replace flood_cutoff = flood_cutoff*100
gen flood_CIL = flood - 1.96*flood_se
gen flood_CIU = flood + 1.96*flood_se
* Make plots of coef (and 95% CI) vs. cutoff.
#delimit ;
(rarea flood_CIL flood_CIU flood_cutoff, color(gs13))
(connected flood flood_cutoff, mcolor(black) lcolor(black) lpattern(solid) msymbol(S) msize(0.8))
title("Robustness to Rainfall Shocks Cutoff: India")
ytitle("Effect of Flood") xtitle("Cutoff Percentile for Flood Definition") xscale(range(`=100-$droughtCutoffMax' `=100-$droughtCutoffMin'))
ylabel(, format(%6.3f))
graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white)
yline(0, lcolor(black) lpattern(dash))
name("rob_India_flood_cutoff", replace)
gr export "Output/rob_India_flood_cutoff.pdf", replace name("rob_India_flood_cutoff");
#delimit cr
mat drop matBetas matSE
cap mat drop mat_drought_cutoff
cap mat drop mat_flood_cutoff
**Combined coefplot**
#delimit ;
coefplot (matrix(coef_SSA), recast(connected) ci(ci_SSA) label("SSA") color(blue) ciopts(recast(rcap) color(blue)))
(matrix(coef_IN), recast(connected) lp(solid) m(circle) ci(ci_IN) label("India") color(red) ciopts(recast(rcap) color(red))),
vertical title()
ytitle(Effect of Drought) xtitle(Cutoff Percentile for Drought Definition)
yline(0, lcolor(black)) xlabel(0(5)45) nooffset
#delimit cr
graph export "Output/drought_robustness.pdf", replace
#delimit ;
coefplot (matrix(coef_SSA), recast(connected) ci(ci_SSA) label("SSA") color(blue) ciopts(recast(rcap) color(blue)))
(matrix(coef_IN), recast(connected) lp(solid) m(circle) ci(ci_IN) label("India") color(red%0) ciopts(recast(rcap) color(red%0))),
vertical title()
ytitle(Effect of Drought) xtitle(Cutoff Percentile for Drought Definition)
yline(0, lcolor(black)) xlabel(0(5)45) nooffset legend(order(2))
#delimit cr
graph export "Output/drought_robustness_SSA.pdf", replace
#delimit ;
coefplot (matrix(coef_SSA), recast(connected) ci(ci_SSA) label("SSA") color(blue%0) ciopts(recast(rcap) color(blue%0)))
(matrix(coef_IN), recast(connected) lp(solid) m(circle) ci(ci_IN) label("India") color(red) ciopts(recast(rcap) color(red))),
vertical title()
ytitle(Effect of Drought) xtitle(Cutoff Percentile for Drought Definition)
yline(0, lcolor(black)) xlabel(0(5)45) nooffset legend(order(4))
#delimit cr
graph export "Output/drought_robustness_IN.pdf", replace
window manage close graph _all
cap log close
* Table A5: 干旱的不同定义:总体干旱水平
*----------------------------------------------- SSA ---------------------------------
************ IMPORTANT: Remember to choose age cutoff ************
global ageLowerLim 12
* Whether to limit age up till 17 or 24
global ageUpperLim 17
******** Globals for the effect of drought by age plots for both SSA and India
global shock_controls_1 drought_cy_${ageLowerLim} - drought_cy_${ageUpperLim} i.birth_year i.year
global step 1
global xvar "Age"
use "Data/SSA_duration_final" ///
if dhsyear >= 1994 & inrange(year,${ageLowerLim},${ageUpperLim}), clear
*** Drop war years
keep if war_upto${ageUpperLim}==0
*Generate # grids in the country which experienced drought in the same year
**By country**
gen year_cy=calendar_year
bys year_cy grid_cell: gen countgrid=_n
sort year_cy grid
gen aaa=(countgrid==1)
gen bbb=(countgrid==1 & drought_cy==1)
bys country_code year_cy: egen numerator=sum(bbb) if countgrid==1
bys country_code year_cy: egen denominator=sum(aaa) if countgrid==1
gen ndrought_neigh_cty_aux = (numerator - drought_cy) / (denominator - 1) if drought_cy != .
gen ndrought_inclown_cty_aux = numerator/denominator if drought_cy != .
bys grid_cell year_cy: egen ndrought_neigh_cty = max(ndrought_neigh_cty_aux)
bys grid_cell year_cy: egen ndrought_inclown_cty = max(ndrought_inclown_cty_aux)
drop aaa bbb *aux numerator denominator countgrid
gen drought_ndroughtneigh_cty = drought_cy * ndrought_neigh_cty
gen drought_ndroughtinclown_cty = drought_cy * ndrought_inclown_cty
lab var ndrought_neigh_cty "Ratio of in-country droughts (excl. own)"
lab var ndrought_inclown_cty "Ratio of in-division droughts"
lab var drought_ndroughtneigh_cty "Local drought $\times$ ratio of in-country droughts (excl. own)"
lab var drought_ndroughtinclown_cty "Local drought $\times ratio of in-country droughts"
gen ndrought_neigh_clone = ndrought_neigh
gen ndrought_neigh_cty_clone = ndrought_neigh_cty
// model names: [modelID]_[sampleID]_{Birth Year FE}{Age FE}{Country FE}{Country FE X Cohort FE}, where {} is either y (yes), n (no), or t (not applicable).
**Aggregating at the country level**
areg married_survival ndrought_inclown_cty i.birth_year i.year ///
if year<=$ageUpperLim [pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster country_code)
areg married_survival ndrought_inclown_cty i.birth_year i.year i.country ///
if year<=$ageUpperLim [pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster country_code)
areg married_survival ndrought_inclown_cty i.birth_year i.year i.country#i.cohort_num ///
if year<=$ageUpperLim [pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster country_code)
*------------------------------------ INDIA ----------------------------------------------------------*
snapshot erase _all
set matsize 5000, perm
************ IMPORTANT: Remember to choose age cutoffs ************
global ageLowerLim 12
* Whether to limit age up till 17 or 24
global ageUpperLim 17
*** Whether to use weights in India regressions
global INregWeight
*global INregWeight [pweight = wgt_new]
******** Globals for the effect of drought by age plots for both SSA and India
global shock_controls_1 drought_cy_${ageLowerLim} - drought_cy_${ageUpperLim} i.birth_year i.year
global step 1
global xvar "Age"
************** INDIA ************
use "Data/India_duration_final" ///
if inrange(year,${ageLowerLim},${ageUpperLim}) & data=="DHS_98", clear
tab data, m // DHS_98
**Generating variables**
gen year_cy=calendar_year
bys year_cy district: gen countgrid=_n
gen distarea = total_area if countgrid==1
gen droughtarea = total_area * drought_cy
bys state_gec_num year_cy: egen a_numerator=sum(droughtarea) if countgrid==1
bys state_gec_num year_cy: egen a_denominator=sum(distarea) if countgrid==1
gen ndrought_neigh_aux = (a_numerator - droughtarea) / (a_denominator - distarea) // Leaving out own district
gen ndrought_inclown_aux = a_numerator / a_denominator // Incl. own district
bys district year_cy: egen ndrought_neigh = max(ndrought_neigh_aux)
bys district year_cy: egen ndrought_inclown = max(ndrought_inclown_aux)
drop distarea droughtarea *aux
gen drought_ndrought_neigh = drought_cy * ndrought_neigh
gen drought_ndrought_inclown = drought_cy * ndrought_inclown
lab var ndrought_neigh "Ratio of neighboring droughts"
lab var ndrought_inclown "Ratio of local droughts"
lab var drought_ndrought_neigh "Local drought $\times$ ratio of neighboring droughts"
lab var drought_ndrought_inclown "Local drought $\times$ ratio of local droughts"
gen ndrought_inclown_cty = ndrought_neigh
gen ndrought_neigh_cty = ndrought_neigh
lab var ndrought_inclown_cty "Ratio of local droughts"
lab var ndrought_neigh_cty "Ratio of neighboring droughts"
gen ndrought_neigh_clone = ndrought_neigh
areg married_survival ndrought_inclown_cty i.birth_year i.year ///
if year<=$ageUpperLim ${INregWeight}, ///
absorb(district) vce(cluster state_gec_num)
areg married_survival ndrought_inclown_cty i.birth_year i.year i.state_gec_num#i.cohort_num ///
if year<=$ageUpperLim ${INregWeight}, ///
absorb(district) vce(cluster state_gec_num)
* Table B9: 洪水(高降水概率对童婚的影响)
use "Data/SSA_duration_final" ///
if inrange(year,12,17), clear
keep if war_upto17==0
areg married_survival drought_cy flood_cy i.birth_year i.year if year<=17 ///
[pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy flood_cy using "Output/tableB9.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy flood_cy) replace excel label adjr2 nocons
areg married_survival drought_cy flood_cy i.birth_year i.year i.country if year<=17 ///
[pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy flood_cy using "Output/tableB9.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy flood_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
use "Data/India_duration_final" if inrange(year,12,17), clear
gen flood_cy_rice=flood_cy*meanshare_RICE
gen drought_cy_rice=drought_cy*meanshare_RICE
areg married_survival drought_cy flood_cy i.birth_year i.year ///
if year<=17, ///
absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
outreg2 drought_cy flood_cy using "Output/tableB9.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy flood_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
areg married_survival drought_cy flood_cy drought_cy_rice flood_cy_rice i.birth_year i.year ///
if year<=17, ///
absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
outreg2 drought_cy flood_cy using "Output/tableB9.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy flood_cy drought_cy_rice flood_cy_rice) append excel label adjr2 nocons
* Table B11: 过去和未来的时间效应
************ IMPORTANT: Remember to choose age cutoff ************
global ageLowerLim 12
* Whether to limit age up till 17 or 24
global ageUpperLim 17
use "Data/SSA_duration_final" ///
if inrange(year,12,17), clear
keep if war_upto17==0
************ Drought Shocks Lags ************
*col 1
areg married_survival drought_cy drought_cy_lag1 i.birth_year i.year i.country ///
if year<=$ageUpperLim [pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
*col 2
areg married_survival drought_cy drought_cy_lag1 drought_cy_lead1 ///
i.birth_year i.year i.country if year<=$ageUpperLim [pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
*col 3
areg married_survival max_drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.country ///
if year<=$ageUpperLim [pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
*col 7
areg married_survival drought_cy_lag1 i.birth_year i.year i.country ///
if year<=$ageUpperLim [pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
use "Data/India_duration_final" if inrange(year,12,17), clear
* col 4
areg married_survival drought_cy drought_cy_lag1 ///
i.birth_year i.year ///
if year<=17, absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
* col 5
areg married_survival drought_cy drought_cy_lag1 drought_cy_lead1 ///
i.birth_year i.year if year<=17, ///
absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
*col 6
areg married_survival max_drought_cy i.birth_year i.year ///
if year<=17, ///
absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
* col 8
areg married_survival drought_cy_lead1 i.birth_year i.year ///
if year<=17, ///
absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
* Table B12: 以更大的地理单元格单元格聚类
use "Data/SSA_duration_final" ///
if inrange(year,12,17), clear
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year [pweight=wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) cluster(grid_cell)
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.country [pweight=wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) cluster(grid_cell)
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.country#i.cohort_num [pweight=wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) cluster(grid_cell)
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year [pweight=wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) cluster(country)
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.country [pweight=wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) cluster(country)
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.country#i.cohort_num [pweight=wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) cluster(country)
use "Data/India_duration_final" if inrange(year,12,17), clear
tab birth_year,gen(byd)
tab year,gen(yrd)
tab district,gen(distd)
xi: reg married_survival drought_cy byd* yrd* distd*, cluster(district)
xi: reg married_survival drought_cy byd* yrd* distd*, cluster(state_gec_num)
cap tab birth_year,gen(byd)
cap tab year,gen(yrd)
cap tab district,gen(distd)
egen aaa=group(cohort_num state_gec_num)
clustse regress married_survival drought_cy byd* yrd*, fe(district) cluster(state_gec_num) reps(500) seed(999) method(wild)
tab aaa, gen(aaad)
xi: reg married_survival drought_cy byd* yrd* distd* aaad*, cluster(district)
xi: reg married_survival drought_cy byd* yrd* distd* aaad*, cluster(state_gec_num)
clustse regress married_survival drought_cy byd* yrd* aaad*, fe(district) cluster(state_gec_num) reps(500) seed(999) method(wild)
* 四、异质性分析
* Table4: 撒哈拉以南地区异质性分析
use "Data/SSA_duration_final" ///
if inrange(year,12,17), clear
keep if war_upto17==0
lab var drought_cy "Drought"
**High BP**
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year if year<=17 ///
& highbp_ge50pct==1 [pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table4.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) replace excel label adjr2 nocons
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.country if year<=17 ///
& highbp_ge50pct==1 [pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table4.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
**Low BP**
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year if year<=17 ///
& lowbp_lt50pct==1 [pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table4.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year i.country if year<=17 ///
& lowbp_lt50pct==1 [pweight = wgt_new], absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table4.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
**Dowry (Eritrea)**
areg married_survival drought_cy i.birth_year i.year if year<=17 ///
& country_code=="ERI", absorb(grid_cell) vce(cluster grid_cell)
outreg2 drought_cy using "Output/table4.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy) append excel label adjr2 nocons
* Table5: 印度地区异质性分析
use "Data/India_duration_final" if inrange(year,12,17) & data=="DHS_98", clear
gen nohindu=(religion!=1) if (religion!=.)
gen low_dowry=dowry_pop<0.5 if dowry_pop!=.
gen low_dowry_nohindu=low_dowry*nohindu
gen drought_nohindu=drought_cy*nohindu
gen drought_low_dowry=drought_cy*low_dowry
gen drought_low_dowry_nohindu=drought_cy*low_dowry*nohindu
lab var drought_cy "Drought"
la var drought_nohindu "Drought $\times$ non-Hindu"
la var drought_low_dowry "Drought $\times$ Low Dowry"
la var drought_low_dowry_nohindu "Drought $\times$ non-Hindu $\times$ Low Dowry"
areg married_survival drought_cy drought_nohindu i.birth_year#i.nohindu i.year#i.nohindu ///
if year<=17, absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
outreg2 drought_cy drought_nohindu using "Output/table5.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy drought_nohindu) replace excel label adjr2 nocons
lincom drought_cy + drought_nohindu
areg married_survival drought_cy drought_low_dowry i.birth_year#i.low_dowry i.year#i.low_dowry ///
if year<=17, absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
outreg2 drought_cy drought_low_dowry using "Output/table5.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy drought_low_dowry) append excel label adjr2 nocons
lincom drought_cy + drought_low_dowry
areg married_survival drought_cy drought_low_dowry_nohindu i.birth_year#i.low_dowry_nohindu ///
i.year#i.low_dowry_nohindu if year<=17, absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
outreg2 drought_cy drought_low_dowry_nohindu using "Output/table5.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy drought_low_dowry_nohindu) append excel label adjr2 nocons
lincom drought_cy + drought_low_dowry_nohindu
rename cohort_50t59 cohort1
rename cohort_60t69 cohort2
rename cohort_70t79 cohort3
gen south_cohort1=south_i*cohort1
gen south_cohort2=south_i*cohort2
gen south_cohort3=south_i*cohort3
gen drought_cy1=drought_cy*cohort1
gen drought_cy2=drought_cy*cohort2
gen drought_cy3=drought_cy*cohort3
gen drought_south=drought_cy*south_india
gen drought_south1=drought_cy1*south_india
gen drought_south2=drought_cy2*south_india
gen drought_south3=drought_cy3*south_india
la var drought_south "Drought $\times$ South India"
la var drought_cy1 "Drought $\times$ born 1950-59"
la var drought_cy2 "Drought $\times$ born 1960-69"
la var drought_cy3 "Drought $\times$ born 1970-79"
la var drought_south1 "Drought $\times$ South $\times$ born 1950-59"
la var drought_south2 "Drought $\times$ South $\times$ born 1960-69"
la var drought_south3 "Drought $\times$ South $\times$ born 1970-79"
areg married_survival drought_cy drought_south i.birth_year#i.south_i i.year#i.south_i ///
if year<=17, absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
outreg2 drought_cy drought_south using "Output/table5.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy drought_south) append excel label adjr2 nocons
lincom drought_cy + drought_south
areg married_survival drought_cy drought_cy2 drought_cy3 drought_south drought_south2 ///
drought_south3 i.birth_year#i.cohort_num i.year#i.cohort_num i.birth_year#i.south_i ///
i.year#i.south_i i.birth_year#i.south_cohort2 i.year#i.south_cohort2 i.birth_year#i.south_cohort3 ///
i.year#i.south_cohort3 if year<=17, absorb(district) vce(cluster district)
outreg2 drought_cy drought_cy2 drought_cy3 drought_south drought_south2 drought_south3 ///
using "Output/table5.xls", ///
keep(drought_cy drought_cy2 drought_cy3 drought_south drought_south2 drought_south3) ///
append excel label adjr2 nocons
lincom drought_cy + drought_cy2
lincom drought_cy + drought_cy3
lincom drought_cy + drought_south
lincom drought_cy + drought_cy2 + drought_south + drought_south2
lincom drought_cy + drought_cy3 + drought_south + drought_south3
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