同步操作将从 WellCherish/okhttpSource 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
# The website is built using MkDocs with the Material theme.
# https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/
# It requires Python to run.
# Install the packages with the following command:
# pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material
set -ex
# Delete any existing temporary website clone
rm -rf $DIR
# Clone the current repo into temp folder
git clone $REPO $DIR
# Move working directory into temp folder
cd $DIR
# Generate the API docs
./gradlew \
:mockwebserver:dokka \
:okhttp-brotli:dokka \
:okhttp-dnsoverhttps:dokka \
:okhttp-logging-interceptor:dokka \
:okhttp-sse:dokka \
:okhttp-tls:dokka \
:okhttp-urlconnection:dokka \
# Dokka filenames like `-http-url/index.md` don't work well with MkDocs <title> tags.
# Assign metadata to the file's first Markdown heading.
# https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/writing-your-docs/#meta-data
title_markdown_file() {
TITLE_PATTERN="s/^[#]+ *(.*)/title: \1 - OkHttp/"
echo "---" > "$1.fixed"
cat $1 | sed -E "$TITLE_PATTERN" | grep "title: " | head -n 1 >> "$1.fixed"
echo "---" >> "$1.fixed"
echo >> "$1.fixed"
cat $1 >> "$1.fixed"
mv "$1.fixed" "$1"
set +x
for MARKDOWN_FILE in $(find docs/4.x/ -name '*.md'); do
title_markdown_file $MARKDOWN_FILE
set -x
# Copy in special files that GitHub wants in the project root.
cat README.md | grep -v 'project website' > docs/index.md
cp CHANGELOG.md docs/changelog.md
cp CONTRIBUTING.md docs/contributing.md
# Build the site and push the new files up to GitHub
mkdocs gh-deploy
# Restore Javadocs from 1.x, 2.x, and 3.x.
git checkout gh-pages
git cherry-pick bb229b9dcc9a21a73edbf8d936bea88f52e0a3ff
git cherry-pick c695732f1d4aea103b826876c077fbfea630e244
git push
# Delete our temp folder
cd ..
rm -rf $DIR
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