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main.go 8.76 KB
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package main
import (
// Message describes a message
type Message struct {
Topic string
QoS byte
Payload interface{}
Sent time.Time
Delivered time.Time
Error bool
// RunResults describes results of a single client / run
type RunResults struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Successes int64 `json:"successes"`
Failures int64 `json:"failures"`
RunTime float64 `json:"run_time"`
MsgTimeMin float64 `json:"msg_time_min"`
MsgTimeMax float64 `json:"msg_time_max"`
MsgTimeMean float64 `json:"msg_time_mean"`
MsgTimeStd float64 `json:"msg_time_std"`
MsgsPerSec float64 `json:"msgs_per_sec"`
// TotalResults describes results of all clients / runs
type TotalResults struct {
Ratio float64 `json:"ratio"`
Successes int64 `json:"successes"`
Failures int64 `json:"failures"`
TotalRunTime float64 `json:"total_run_time"`
AvgRunTime float64 `json:"avg_run_time"`
MsgTimeMin float64 `json:"msg_time_min"`
MsgTimeMax float64 `json:"msg_time_max"`
MsgTimeMeanAvg float64 `json:"msg_time_mean_avg"`
MsgTimeMeanStd float64 `json:"msg_time_mean_std"`
TotalMsgsPerSec float64 `json:"total_msgs_per_sec"`
AvgMsgsPerSec float64 `json:"avg_msgs_per_sec"`
// JSONResults are used to export results as a JSON document
type JSONResults struct {
Runs []*RunResults `json:"runs"`
Totals *TotalResults `json:"totals"`
func main() {
var (
broker = flag.String("broker", "tcp://localhost:1883", "MQTT broker endpoint as scheme://host:port")
topic = flag.String("topic", "/test", "MQTT topic for outgoing messages")
payload = flag.String("payload", "", "MQTT message payload. If empty, then payload is generated based on the size parameter")
username = flag.String("username", "", "MQTT client username (empty if auth disabled)")
password = flag.String("password", "", "MQTT client password (empty if auth disabled)")
qos = flag.Int("qos", 1, "QoS for published messages")
wait = flag.Int("wait", 60000, "QoS 1 wait timeout in milliseconds")
size = flag.Int("size", 100, "Size of the messages payload (bytes)")
count = flag.Int("count", 100, "Number of messages to send per client")
clients = flag.Int("clients", 10, "Number of clients to start")
format = flag.String("format", "text", "Output format: text|json")
quiet = flag.Bool("quiet", false, "Suppress logs while running")
clientPrefix = flag.String("client-prefix", "mqtt-benchmark", "MQTT client id prefix (suffixed with '-<client-num>'")
clientCert = flag.String("client-cert", "", "Path to client certificate in PEM format")
clientKey = flag.String("client-key", "", "Path to private clientKey in PEM format")
brokerCaCert = flag.String("broker-ca-cert", "", "Path to broker CA certificate in PEM format")
insecure = flag.Bool("insecure", false, "Skip TLS certificate verification")
rampUpTimeInSec = flag.Int("ramp-up-time", 0, "Time in seconds to generate clients by default will not wait between load request")
messageIntervalInSec = flag.Int("message-interval", 1, "Time interval in seconds to publish message")
if *clients < 1 {
log.Fatalf("Invalid arguments: number of clients should be > 1, given: %v", *clients)
if *count < 1 {
log.Fatalf("Invalid arguments: messages count should be > 1, given: %v", *count)
if *clientCert != "" && *clientKey == "" {
log.Fatal("Invalid arguments: private clientKey path missing")
if *clientCert == "" && *clientKey != "" {
log.Fatalf("Invalid arguments: certificate path missing")
var tlsConfig *tls.Config
if *clientCert != "" && *clientKey != "" {
tlsConfig = generateTLSConfig(*clientCert, *clientKey, *brokerCaCert, *insecure)
resCh := make(chan *RunResults)
start := time.Now()
sleepTime := float64(*rampUpTimeInSec) / float64(*clients)
for i := 0; i < *clients; i++ {
if !*quiet {
log.Println("Starting client ", i)
c := &Client{
ID: i,
ClientID: *clientPrefix,
BrokerURL: *broker,
BrokerUser: *username,
BrokerPass: *password,
MsgTopic: *topic,
MsgPayload: *payload,
MsgSize: *size,
MsgCount: *count,
MsgQoS: byte(*qos),
Quiet: *quiet,
WaitTimeout: time.Duration(*wait) * time.Millisecond,
TLSConfig: tlsConfig,
MessageInterval: *messageIntervalInSec,
go c.Run(resCh)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(sleepTime*1000) * time.Millisecond)
// collect the results
results := make([]*RunResults, *clients)
for i := 0; i < *clients; i++ {
results[i] = <-resCh
totalTime := time.Since(start)
totals := calculateTotalResults(results, totalTime, *clients)
// print stats
printResults(results, totals, *format)
func calculateTotalResults(results []*RunResults, totalTime time.Duration, sampleSize int) *TotalResults {
totals := new(TotalResults)
totals.TotalRunTime = totalTime.Seconds()
msgTimeMeans := make([]float64, len(results))
msgsPerSecs := make([]float64, len(results))
runTimes := make([]float64, len(results))
bws := make([]float64, len(results))
totals.MsgTimeMin = results[0].MsgTimeMin
for i, res := range results {
totals.Successes += res.Successes
totals.Failures += res.Failures
totals.TotalMsgsPerSec += res.MsgsPerSec
if res.MsgTimeMin < totals.MsgTimeMin {
totals.MsgTimeMin = res.MsgTimeMin
if res.MsgTimeMax > totals.MsgTimeMax {
totals.MsgTimeMax = res.MsgTimeMax
msgTimeMeans[i] = res.MsgTimeMean
msgsPerSecs[i] = res.MsgsPerSec
runTimes[i] = res.RunTime
bws[i] = res.MsgsPerSec
totals.Ratio = float64(totals.Successes) / float64(totals.Successes+totals.Failures)
totals.AvgMsgsPerSec = stats.StatsMean(msgsPerSecs)
totals.AvgRunTime = stats.StatsMean(runTimes)
totals.MsgTimeMeanAvg = stats.StatsMean(msgTimeMeans)
// calculate std if sample is > 1, otherwise leave as 0 (convention)
if sampleSize > 1 {
totals.MsgTimeMeanStd = stats.StatsSampleStandardDeviation(msgTimeMeans)
return totals
func printResults(results []*RunResults, totals *TotalResults, format string) {
switch format {
case "json":
jr := JSONResults{
Runs: results,
Totals: totals,
data, err := json.Marshal(jr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error marshalling results: %v", err)
var out bytes.Buffer
_ = json.Indent(&out, data, "", "\t")
for _, res := range results {
fmt.Printf("======= CLIENT %d =======\n", res.ID)
fmt.Printf("Ratio: %.3f (%d/%d)\n", float64(res.Successes)/float64(res.Successes+res.Failures), res.Successes, res.Successes+res.Failures)
fmt.Printf("Runtime (s): %.3f\n", res.RunTime)
fmt.Printf("Msg time min (ms): %.3f\n", res.MsgTimeMin)
fmt.Printf("Msg time max (ms): %.3f\n", res.MsgTimeMax)
fmt.Printf("Msg time mean (ms): %.3f\n", res.MsgTimeMean)
fmt.Printf("Msg time std (ms): %.3f\n", res.MsgTimeStd)
fmt.Printf("Bandwidth (msg/sec): %.3f\n\n", res.MsgsPerSec)
fmt.Printf("========= TOTAL (%d) =========\n", len(results))
fmt.Printf("Total Ratio: %.3f (%d/%d)\n", totals.Ratio, totals.Successes, totals.Successes+totals.Failures)
fmt.Printf("Total Runtime (sec): %.3f\n", totals.TotalRunTime)
fmt.Printf("Average Runtime (sec): %.3f\n", totals.AvgRunTime)
fmt.Printf("Msg time min (ms): %.3f\n", totals.MsgTimeMin)
fmt.Printf("Msg time max (ms): %.3f\n", totals.MsgTimeMax)
fmt.Printf("Msg time mean mean (ms): %.3f\n", totals.MsgTimeMeanAvg)
fmt.Printf("Msg time mean std (ms): %.3f\n", totals.MsgTimeMeanStd)
fmt.Printf("Average Bandwidth (msg/sec): %.3f\n", totals.AvgMsgsPerSec)
fmt.Printf("Total Bandwidth (msg/sec): %.3f\n", totals.TotalMsgsPerSec)
func generateTLSConfig(certFile string, keyFile string, caFile string, insecure bool) *tls.Config {
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(certFile, keyFile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error reading certificate files: %v", err)
var caCertPool *x509.CertPool = nil
if caFile != "" {
caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(caFile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error reading CA certificate file: %v", err)
caCertPool = x509.NewCertPool()
ok := caCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(caCert)
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("Error parsing CA certificate %v", certFile)
cfg := tls.Config{
ClientAuth: tls.NoClientCert,
ClientCAs: nil,
InsecureSkipVerify: insecure,
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
RootCAs: caCertPool,
return &cfg
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