#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
from py2neo import Graph
class AnswerSearching:
def __init__(self):
self.graph = Graph("http://localhost:7474", username="neo4j", password="123456789")
self.top_num = 10
def question_parser(self, data):
:param data: {"Disease":[], "Alias":[], "Symptom":[], "Complication":[]}
sqls = []
if data:
for intent in data["intentions"]:
sql_ = {}
sql_["intention"] = intent
sql = []
if data.get("Disease"):
sql = self.transfor_to_sql("Disease", data["Disease"], intent)
elif data.get("Alias"):
sql = self.transfor_to_sql("Alias", data["Alias"], intent)
elif data.get("Symptom"):
sql = self.transfor_to_sql("Symptom", data["Symptom"], intent)
elif data.get("Complication"):
sql = self.transfor_to_sql("Complication", data["Complication"], intent)
if sql:
sql_['sql'] = sql
return sqls
def transfor_to_sql(self, label, entities, intent):
:param label:实体标签
:param entities:实体列表
:param intent:查询意图
if not entities:
return []
sql = []
# 查询症状
if intent == "query_symptom" and label == "Disease":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[:HAS_SYMPTOM]->(s) WHERE d.name='{0}' RETURN d.name,s.name".format(e)
for e in entities]
if intent == "query_symptom" and label == "Alias":
sql = ["MATCH (a:Alias)<-[:ALIAS_IS]-(d:Disease)-[:HAS_SYMPTOM]->(s) WHERE a.name='{0}' return " \
"d.name,s.name".format(e) for e in entities]
# 查询治疗方法
if intent == "query_cureway" and label == "Disease":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[:HAS_DRUG]->(n) WHERE d.name='{0}' return d.name,d.treatment," \
"n.name".format(e) for e in entities]
if intent == "query_cureway" and label == "Alias":
sql = ["MATCH (n)<-[:HAS_DRUG]-(d:Disease)-[]->(a:Alias) WHERE a.name='{0}' " \
"return d.name, d.treatment, n.name".format(e) for e in entities]
if intent == "query_cureway" and label == "Symptom":
sql = ["MATCH (n)<-[:HAS_DRUG]-(d:Disease)-[]->(s:Symptom) WHERE s.name='{0}' " \
"return d.name,d.treatment, n.name".format(e) for e in entities]
if intent == "query_cureway" and label == "Complication":
sql = ["MATCH (n)<-[:HAS_DRUG]-(d:Disease)-[]->(c:Complication) WHERE c.name='{0}' " \
"return d.name,d.treatment, n.name".format(e) for e in entities]
# 查询治疗周期
if intent == "query_period" and label == "Disease":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease) WHERE d.name='{0}' return d.name,d.period".format(e) for e in entities]
if intent == "query_period" and label == "Alias":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[]->(a:Alias) WHERE a.name='{0}' return d.name,d.period".format(e)
for e in entities]
if intent == "query_period" and label == "Symptom":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[]->(s:Symptom) WHERE s.name='{0}' return d.name,d.period".format(e)
for e in entities]
if intent == "query_period" and label == "Complication":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[]->(c:Complication) WHERE c.name='{0}' return d.name," \
"d.period".format(e) for e in entities]
# 查询治愈率
if intent == "query_rate" and label == "Disease":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease) WHERE d.name='{0}' return d.name,d.rate".format(e) for e in entities]
if intent == "query_rate" and label == "Alias":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[]->(a:Alias) WHERE a.name='{0}' return d.name,d.rate".format(e)
for e in entities]
if intent == "query_rate" and label == "Symptom":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[]->(s:Symptom) WHERE s.name='{0}' return d.name,d.rate".format(e)
for e in entities]
if intent == "query_rate" and label == "Complication":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[]->(c:Complication) WHERE c.name='{0}' return d.name," \
"d.rate".format(e) for e in entities]
# 查询检查项目
if intent == "query_checklist" and label == "Disease":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease) WHERE d.name='{0}' return d.name,d.checklist".format(e) for e in entities]
if intent == "query_checklist" and label == "Alias":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[]->(a:Alias) WHERE a.name='{0}' return d.name,d.checklist".format(e)
for e in entities]
if intent == "query_checklist" and label == "Symptom":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[]->(s:Symptom) WHERE s.name='{0}' return d.name," \
"d.checklist".format(e) for e in entities]
if intent == "query_checklist" and label == "Complication":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[]->(c:Complication) WHERE c.name='{0}' return d.name," \
"d.checklist".format(e) for e in entities]
# 查询科室
if intent == "query_department" and label == "Disease":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[:DEPARTMENT_IS]->(n) WHERE d.name='{0}' return d.name," \
"n.name".format(e) for e in entities]
if intent == "query_department" and label == "Alias":
sql = ["MATCH (n)<-[:DEPARTMENT_IS]-(d:Disease)-[:ALIAS_IS]->(a:Alias) WHERE a.name='{0}' " \
"return d.name,n.name".format(e) for e in entities]
if intent == "query_department" and label == "Symptom":
sql = ["MATCH (n)<-[:DEPARTMENT_IS]-(d:Disease)-[:HAS_SYMPTOM]->(s:Symptom) WHERE s.name='{0}' " \
"return d.name,n.name".format(e) for e in entities]
if intent == "query_department" and label == "Complication":
sql = ["MATCH (n)<-[:DEPARTMENT_IS]-(d:Disease)-[:HAS_COMPLICATION]->(c:Complication) WHERE " \
"c.name='{0}' return d.name,n.name".format(e) for e in entities]
# 查询疾病
if intent == "query_disease" and label == "Alias":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[]->(s:Alias) WHERE s.name='{0}' return " \
"d.name".format(e) for e in entities]
if intent == "query_disease" and label == "Symptom":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[]->(s:Symptom) WHERE s.name='{0}' return " \
"d.name".format(e) for e in entities]
# 查询疾病描述
if intent == "disease_describe" and label == "Alias":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[]->(a:Alias) WHERE a.name='{0}' return d.name,d.age," \
"d.insurance,d.infection,d.checklist,d.period,d.rate,d.money".format(e) for e in entities]
if intent == "disease_describe" and label == "Disease":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease) WHERE d.name='{0}' return d.name,d.age,d.insurance,d.infection," \
"d.checklist,d.period,d.rate,d.money".format(e) for e in entities]
if intent == "disease_describe" and label == "Symptom":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[]->(s:Symptom) WHERE s.name='{0}' return d.name,d.age," \
"d.insurance,d.infection,d.checklist,d.period,d.rate,d.money".format(e) for e in entities]
if intent == "disease_describe" and label == "Complication":
sql = ["MATCH (d:Disease)-[]->(c:Complication) WHERE c.name='{0}' return d.name," \
"d.age,d.insurance,d.infection,d.checklist,d.period,d.rate,d.money".format(e) for e in entities]
return sql
def searching(self, sqls):
:param sqls:
final_answers = []
for sql_ in sqls:
intent = sql_['intention']
queries = sql_['sql']
answers = []
for query in queries:
ress = self.graph.run(query).data()
answers += ress
final_answer = self.answer_template(intent, answers)
if final_answer:
return final_answers
def answer_template(self, intent, answers):
:param intent: 查询意图
:param answers: 知识图谱查询结果
:return: str
final_answer = ""
if not answers:
return ""
# 查询症状
if intent == "query_symptom":
disease_dic = {}
for data in answers:
d = data['d.name']
s = data['s.name']
if d not in disease_dic:
disease_dic[d] = [s]
i = 0
for k, v in disease_dic.items():
if i >= 10:
final_answer += "疾病 {0} 的症状有:{1}\n".format(k, ','.join(list(set(v))))
i += 1
# 查询疾病
if intent == "query_disease":
disease_freq = {}
for data in answers:
d = data["d.name"]
disease_freq[d] = disease_freq.get(d, 0) + 1
n = len(disease_freq.keys())
freq = sorted(disease_freq.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for d, v in freq[:10]:
final_answer += "疾病为 {0} 的概率为:{1}\n".format(d, v/10)
# 查询治疗方法
if intent == "query_cureway":
disease_dic = {}
for data in answers:
disease = data['d.name']
treat = data["d.treatment"]
drug = data["n.name"]
if disease not in disease_dic:
disease_dic[disease] = [treat, drug]
i = 0
for d, v in disease_dic.items():
if i >= 10:
final_answer += "疾病 {0} 的治疗方法有:{1};可用药品包括:{2}\n".format(d, v[0], ','.join(v[1:]))
i += 1
# 查询治愈周期
if intent == "query_period":
disease_dic = {}
for data in answers:
d = data['d.name']
p = data['d.period']
if d not in disease_dic:
disease_dic[d] = [p]
i = 0
for k, v in disease_dic.items():
if i >= 10:
final_answer += "疾病 {0} 的治愈周期为:{1}\n".format(k, ','.join(list(set(v))))
i += 1
# 查询治愈率
if intent == "query_rate":
disease_dic = {}
for data in answers:
d = data['d.name']
r = data['d.rate']
if d not in disease_dic:
disease_dic[d] = [r]
i = 0
for k, v in disease_dic.items():
if i >= 10:
final_answer += "疾病 {0} 的治愈率为:{1}\n".format(k, ','.join(list(set(v))))
i += 1
# 查询检查项目
if intent == "query_checklist":
disease_dic = {}
for data in answers:
d = data['d.name']
r = data['d.checklist']
if d not in disease_dic:
disease_dic[d] = [r]
i = 0
for k, v in disease_dic.items():
if i >= 10:
final_answer += "疾病 {0} 的检查项目有:{1}\n".format(k, ','.join(list(set(v))))
i += 1
# 查询科室
if intent == "query_department":
disease_dic = {}
for data in answers:
d = data['d.name']
r = data['n.name']
if d not in disease_dic:
disease_dic[d] = [r]
i = 0
for k, v in disease_dic.items():
if i >= 10:
final_answer += "疾病 {0} 所属科室有:{1}\n".format(k, ','.join(list(set(v))))
i += 1
# 查询疾病描述
if intent == "disease_describe":
disease_infos = {}
for data in answers:
name = data['d.name']
age = data['d.age']
insurance = data['d.insurance']
infection = data['d.infection']
checklist = data['d.checklist']
period = data['d.period']
rate = data['d.rate']
money = data['d.money']
if name not in disease_infos:
disease_infos[name] = [age, insurance, infection, checklist, period, rate, money]
disease_infos[name].extend([age, insurance, infection, checklist, period, rate, money])
i = 0
for k, v in disease_infos.items():
if i >= 10:
message = "疾病 {0} 的描述信息如下:\n发病人群:{1}\n医保:{2}\n传染性:{3}\n检查项目:{4}\n" \
final_answer += message.format(k, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], v[6])
i += 1
return final_answer
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