同步操作将从 kongkong/monitor-http-server 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# check if a given URL is returning a HTTP 200 or not.
# 1. We need to install (http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/cron#autres_considerations) :
# sudo apt-get install mailutils
# 2. Add the recipient to the crontab :
# MAILTO="me@host.com"
# 3. Run :
# ./monitor-app.sh me@host.com http://example.com/
# set -x
scriptDir="$(dirname "$0")" # emplacement du script
. "$scriptDir"/toolboxrc # charge quelques function utiles (today, etc.). Le
. "$scriptDir"/stylerc # include some style
# Email To ?
# Remove the scheme (https?) and the trailing slash
# @param string application URL
function getSiteName() {
local appUrl="$1"
local site="${appUrl#*//}" # remove the protocole
local site="${site%/*}" # remove trailing slash
echo "$site"
# Get the HTTP status code
# @param string application URL
function getHttpCode() {
local appUrl="$1"
curl -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.104 Safari/537.36' -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "$appUrl"
# entry point
# @param string application URL
function doThings() {
local appUrl="$1"
local site="$(getSiteName "$appUrl")"
local httpCode=$(getHttpCode "$appUrl")
local notify=1 # assumption is that there is a problem
currentDir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)
echo '-------------------------' >> ${currentDir}/logs/run.log
date >> ${currentDir}/logs/run.log
echo $appUrl >> ${currentDir}/logs/run.log
echo $httpCode >> ${currentDir}/logs/run.log
case "$httpCode" in
msg="$(printf "[%s] Server is %s on: %%s%%s" \
"$(_valid "$httpCode")" \
"$(_valid "running")"
notify=0 # don't send any notification when everything is ok
unset httpCode # remove the code (less noise in the logs)
3??) # 301
# msg="$(printf "[%s] Page %-40s on: %%s %s %s" \
msg="$(printf "[%s] Page %s on: %%s %s %s" \
"$(_warning "$httpCode")" \
"$(_warning "redirection")" \
"$(_valid "->\t")" \
"$(_warning "Check the resulting page is valid")"
notify=0 # don't send any notification when everything is ok
msg="$(printf "[%s] Client %s on: %%s %s %s" \
"$(_error "$httpCode")" \
"$(_error "Error")" \
"$(_valid "->\t")" \
"$(_warning "Check your connectivity")"
msg="$(printf "[%s] Internal %s on: %%s %s %s" \
"$(_error "$httpCode")" \
"$(_error "Server Error")" \
"$(_valid "->\t")" \
"$(_error "Restart Tomcat")"
msg="$(printf "[%s] Service %s on: %%s %s %s" \
"$(_error "$httpCode")" \
"$(_error "Unavailable")" \
"$(_valid "->\t")" \
"$(_error "Restart Tomcat")"
msg="$(printf "[%s] Server %s on: %%s %s %s" \
"$(_error "$httpCode")" \
"$(_error "error")" \
"$(_valid "->\t")" \
"$(_error "Check manually")"
msg="$(printf "[%s] Unknown %s on: %%s %s %s" \
"$(_error "$httpCode")" \
"$(_error "error")" \
"$(_valid "->\t")" \
"$(_error "Check manually")"
subject="$(printf "[Monitor] %s [error: %s] @ %s" "$site" "$httpCode" "$(now)")"
message="$(printf "$msg\n" "${appUrl:0:40}")"
logEvent "$appUrl" "$message"
if (( $notify != 0 ))
warn="`date`, url: "$appUrl" is down !!!"
printf "$message\n" #"$(getSiteName "$appUrl")"
sendNotification "url服务检测报警" "$warn"
currentDir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)
/home/work/xuemengwang/jdk1.7.0_67/bin/java -jar ${currentDir}/weixin-alert.jar "${warn}"
printf "$message\n" #"$(getSiteName "$appUrl")"
# Write message into log files (app and aggregate)
# @param string application URL
# @param string message to log
function logEvent() {
local appUrl="$1"
local message=$(printf "[%s] %s\n" "$(now)" "$2")
local site="$(getSiteName "$appUrl")"
local site="${site/\//-}" # pour avoir un nom de fichier valide
local appLog="$LOGS_DIR"/monitor-"$(today)"-"$site".log # one file per app
local metaLog="$LOGS_DIR"/monitor-meta-"$(today)".log # aggregate one file per day
#echo $message >> "$appLog" # add to app log
#echo $message >> "$metaLog" # add to meta log
# Send mail notification
# @param string subject of the mail
# @param string message of the mail
function sendNotification() {
local subject="$1"
local message="$2"
if type mail 2> /dev/null; then
echo $message | mail -v -s "$subject" "$EMAIL_TO" # send Email
[[ ! -d "$LOGS_DIR" ]] && mkdir -p "$LOGS_DIR" # create log dir
doThings "$2" # || { echo "[!] Could not execute monitor-app.sh ($@)" >&2; exit 1; }
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。