# Copyright (c) 2024-present Simdsoft Limited.
# xweb - A nginx + mysql + php environment
$op = 'start',
$targets = 'all',
$xweb_ver = '1.1.0'
Set-Alias println Write-Host
println "xweb version $xweb_ver"
if($version) { return }
$Global:IsWin = $IsWindows -or ("$env:OS" -eq 'Windows_NT')
$Global:IsUbuntu = !$IsWin -and ($PSVersionTable.OS -like 'Ubuntu *')
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'manifest.ps1')
$download_path = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'cache'
$install_prefix = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'opt'
function parse_prop($line_text) {
if ($line_text -match "^#.*$") {
return $null
if ($line_text -match "^(.+?)\s*=\s*(.*)$") {
$key = $matches[1].Trim()
$value = $matches[2].Trim()
return $key, $value
return $null
function ConvertFrom-Props {
$props = @{}
foreach($_ in $InputObject) {
$key,$val = parse_prop $_
if ($key) {
$props[$key] = $val
return $props
function gen_random_key {
$charset = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@$%^&*~'
$random = [System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator]::Create()
$key = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new($Length)
$byte = New-Object Byte[] 1
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Length; $i++) {
$index = [convert]::ToInt32($byte[0]) % $charset.Length
$key.Append($charset[$index]) | Out-Null
return $key.ToString()
function mkdirs($path) {
if (!(Test-Path $path)) { New-Item $path -ItemType Directory 1>$null }
function download_file($url, $out) {
if (Test-Path $out -PathType Leaf) { return }
println "Downloading $url to $out ..."
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $out
function download_and_expand($url, $out, $dest) {
download_file $url $out
try {
if($out.EndsWith('.zip')) {
if($IsWin) {
Expand-Archive -Path $out -DestinationPath $dest -Force
else {
unzip -d $dest $out | Out-Null
elseif ($out.EndsWith('.tar.gz') -or $out.EndsWith('.tar')) {
tar xf "$out" -C $dest | Out-Host
elseif ($out.EndsWith('.7z') -or $out.EndsWith('.exe')) {
7z x "$out" "-o$dest" -bsp1 -snld -y | Out-Host
elseif ($out.EndsWith('.sh')) {
chmod 'u+x' "$out" | Out-Host
if (!$?) { throw "1kiss: Expand fail" }
catch {
Remove-Item $out -Force
throw "1kiss: Expand archive $out fail, please try again"
function resolve_path ($path, $prefix = $null) {
if ([IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($path)) {
return $path
} else {
if(!$prefix) { $prefix = $PSScriptRoot }
return Join-Path $prefix $path
function fetch_pkg($url, $out = $null, $exrep = $null, $prefix = $null) {
if (!$out) { $out = Join-Path $download_path $(Split-Path $url.Split('?')[0] -Leaf) }
else { $out = resolve_path $out $download_path }
$pfn_rename = $null
if($exrep) {
$exrep = $exrep.Split('=')
if ($exrep.Count -eq 1) { # single file
if (!$prefix) {
$prefix = resolve_path $exrep[0]
} else {
$prefix = resolve_path $prefix
else {
$prefix = resolve_path $prefix
$inst_dst = Join-Path $prefix $exrep[1]
$pfn_rename = {
# move to plain folder name
$full_path = (Get-ChildItem -Path $prefix -Filter $exrep[0]).FullName
if ($full_path) {
Move-Item $full_path $inst_dst
else {
throw "1kiss: rename $($exrep[0]) to $inst_dst fail"
if (Test-Path $inst_dst -PathType Container) { Remove-Item $inst_dst -Recurse -Force }
} else {
if (!$prefix) {
$prefix = $install_prefix
} else {
$prefix = resolve_path $prefix
download_and_expand $url $out $prefix
if ($pfn_rename) { &$pfn_rename }
$Script:local_props = $null
$actions = @{
setup_env = {
if(!$targets) {
throw "targets is empty!"
if ($targets -eq 'all') {
$targets = @('nginx', 'php', 'mysql')
$setup_actions = @('init'; 'fetch'; 'install')
if ($setup_actions.Contains($op)) { $targets += 'phpmyadmin' }
} elseif($targets -isnot [array]) {
$targets = "$targets".Split(',')
$Script:targets = $targets
mkdirs $install_prefix
mkdirs $download_path
mkdirs $(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'var/nginx/logs')
mkdirs $(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'var/nginx/temp')
mkdirs $(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'var/php-cgi')
mkdirs $(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'var/mysqld')
$prop_file = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'local.properties')
if (Test-Path $prop_file -PathType Leaf) {
$props_lines = (Get-Content -Path $prop_file)
else {
$mysql_pass = gen_random_key -Length 16
$props_lines = @("mysql_pass=$mysql_pass", "mysql_auth_backport=0", "server_names=sandbox.xweb.dev")
Set-Content -Path $prop_file -Value $props_lines
$Script:local_props = ConvertFrom-Props $props_lines
if($IsWin) {
$is_php8 = $php_ver -ge [Version]'8.0.0'
$Script:php_vs = @('vc15', 'vs17')[$is_php8]
$Script:mysqld_cwd = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'var/mysqld'
$Script:mysqld_data = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'var/mysqld/data'
function mod_php_ini($php_ini_file, $do_setup) {
$match_ext = {
param($ext, $exts)
foreach($item in $exts) {
if($ext -like $item) {
return $true
return $false
$upload_props = @{upload_max_filesize='64M'; post_max_size='64M'; memory_limit='128M'}
$exclude_exts = @('*=oci8_12c*', '*=pdo_firebird*', '*=pdo_oci*', '*=snmp*')
$lines = Get-Content -Path $php_ini_file
$line_index = 0
$mods = 0
foreach($line_text in $lines) {
if($line_text -like ';extension_dir = "ext"') {
if ($do_setup) {
$lines[$line_index] = 'extension_dir = "ext"'
elseif($line_text -like '*extension=*') {
if ($do_setup) {
if ($line_text -like ';extension=*') {
if (-not (&$match_ext $line_text $exclude_exts)) {
$line_text = $line_text.Substring(1)
$lines[$line_index] = $line_text
$match_info = [Regex]::Match($line_text, '(?<!;)\bextension=([^;]+)')
if($match_info.Success -and $line_text.StartsWith('extension=')) {
println "php.ini: $($match_info.value)"
else {
$key,$val = parse_prop $line_text
if ($key -and $upload_props.Contains($key)) {
$new_val = $upload_props[$key]
$lines[$line_index] = "$key = $new_val"
return $lines, $mods
if ($IsWin) {
$actions.fetch = @{
nginx = {
fetch_pkg "https://nginx.org/download/nginx-${nginx_ver}.zip" -exrep "nginx-${nginx_ver}=${nginx_ver}" -prefix 'opt/nginx'
php = {
if ($php_ver -eq $php_latset) {
fetch_pkg "https://windows.php.net/downloads/releases/php-${php_ver}-Win32-$php_vs-x64.zip" -exrep "opt/php/${php_ver}"
} else {
fetch_pkg "https://windows.php.net/downloads/releases/archives/php-${php_ver}-Win32-$php_vs-x64.zip" -exrep "opt/php/${php_ver}"
phpmyadmin = {
fetch_pkg "https://files.phpmyadmin.net/phpMyAdmin/${phpmyadmin_ver}/phpMyAdmin-${phpmyadmin_ver}-all-languages.zip" -exrep "phpMyAdmin-${phpmyadmin_ver}-all-languages=${phpmyadmin_ver}" -prefix 'opt/phpmyadmin'
fetch_pkg "https://files.phpmyadmin.net/themes/boodark-nord/1.1.0/boodark-nord-1.1.0.zip" -prefix "opt/phpmyadmin/${phpmyadmin_ver}/themes/"
mysql = {
if ($mysql_ver -eq $mysql_latest) {
fetch_pkg "https://cdn.mysql.com//Downloads/MySQL-$($mysql_ver.Major).$($mysql_ver.Minor)/mysql-$mysql_ver-winx64.zip" -exrep "mysql-${mysql_ver}-winx64=${mysql_ver}" -prefix 'opt/mysql'
else {
fetch_pkg "https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/get/p/23/file/mysql-${mysql_ver}-winx64.zip" -exrep "mysql-${mysql_ver}-winx64=${mysql_ver}" -prefix 'opt/mysql'
mariadb = {
fetch_pkg "https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/mariadb///mariadb-$mariadb_ver/winx64-packages/mariadb-$mariadb_ver-winx64.zip" -exrep "mariadb-$mariadb_ver-winx64=$mariadb_ver" -prefix 'opt/mariadb'
$actions.init = @{
php = {
$php_dir = Join-Path $install_prefix "php/$php_ver"
$php_ini = (Join-Path $php_dir 'php.ini')
if (!(Test-Path $php_ini -PathType Leaf) -or $force) {
$lines, $_ = mod_php_ini (Join-Path $php_dir 'php.ini-production') $true
# xdebug ini
$lines += '`n'
$xdebug_lines = Get-Content -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'etc/php/xdebug.ini')
foreach($line_text in $xdebug_lines) {
$lines += $line_text
Set-Content -Path $php_ini -Value $lines
# xdebug
$xdebug_php_ver = "$($php_ver.Major).$($php_ver.Minor)"
$xdebug_ver = $xdebug_ver_map[$xdebug_php_ver]
$xdebug_file_name = "php_xdebug-$xdebug_ver-$xdebug_php_ver-$php_vs-x86_64.dll"
download_file -url "https://xdebug.org/files/$xdebug_file_name" -out $(Join-Path $download_path $xdebug_file_name)
$xdebug_src = Join-Path $download_path $xdebug_file_name
$xdebug_dest = Join-Path $php_dir 'ext/php_xdebug.dll'
Copy-Item $xdebug_src $xdebug_dest -Force
phpmyadmin = {
$phpmyadmin_dir = Join-Path $install_prefix "phpmyadmin/$phpmyadmin_ver"
$phpmyadmin_conf = (Join-Path $phpmyadmin_dir 'config.inc.php')
if (!(Test-Path $phpmyadmin_conf -PathType Leaf) -or $force) {
$blowfish_secret = gen_random_key -Length 32
$lines = Get-Content -Path (Join-Path $phpmyadmin_dir 'config.sample.inc.php')
$line_index = 0
$has_theme_manager = $false
$has_theme_default = $false
foreach($line_text in $lines) {
if ($line_text -like "*blowfish_secret*") {
$lines[$line_index] = $line_text.Replace("''", "'$blowfish_secret'")
elseif($line_text -like '*ThemeManager*') {
$lines[$line_index] = $line_text.Replace("false", "true")
$has_theme_manager = $true
elseif($line_text -like '*ThemeDefault*') {
$lines[$line_index] = $line_text -replace "'.*'", "'boodark-nord'"
$has_theme_default = $true
if(!$has_theme_manager) {
$lines += "`$cfg['ThemeManager'] = true;"
$lines += "`$cfg['ShowAll'] = true;"
if(!$has_theme_default) {
$lines += "`$cfg['ThemeDefault'] = 'boodark-nord';"
Set-Content -Path $phpmyadmin_conf -Value $lines
mysql = {
# enable plugin mysql_native_password, may don't required
$mysql_dir = Join-Path $install_prefix "mysql/$mysql_ver"
if (Test-Path $mysqld_data -PathType Container) {
$anwser = if ($force) { Read-Host "Are you sure force reinit mysqld, will lost all database(y/N)?" } else { 'N' }
if ($anwser -inotlike 'y*') {
println "mysql init: nothing need to do"
println "Deleting $mysqld_data"
taskkill /f /im mysqld.exe 2>$null
Remove-Item $mysqld_data -Recurse -Force
$mysql_bin = Join-Path $mysql_dir 'bin'
$mysqld_prog = Join-Path $mysql_bin 'mysqld.exe'
$mysql_prog = Join-Path $mysql_bin 'mysql.exe'
$mysql_pass = $local_props['mysql_pass']
$mysql_auth_backport = [int]$local_props['mysql_auth_backport'] -and $mysql_ver.Major -lt 9
if ($mysql_auth_backport) {
$my_conf_file = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'etc/mysql/my.ini'
Copy-Item $my_conf_file $mysql_dir -Force
Push-Location $mysqld_cwd
& $mysqld_prog --initialize-insecure --datadir $mysqld_data | Out-Host
Start-Process $mysqld_prog -ArgumentList "--console --datadir `"$mysqld_data`"" -WorkingDirectory $mysqld_cwd
println "Wait mysqld ready ..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
if ($mysql_auth_backport) {
$set_pass_cmds = "use mysql; ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '$mysql_pass'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"
} else {
$set_pass_cmds = "use mysql; UPDATE user SET authentication_string='' WHERE user='root'; ALTER user 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$mysql_pass';"
& $mysql_prog -u root -e $set_pass_cmds | Out-Host
if ($?) {
taskkill /f /im mysqld.exe 2>$null
$actions.passwd = @{
mysql = {
taskkill /f /im mysqld.exe 2>$null
$mysql_dir = Join-Path $install_prefix "mysql/$mysql_ver"
$mysql_bin = Join-Path $mysql_dir 'bin'
$mysqld_prog = Join-Path $mysql_bin 'mysqld.exe'
$mysql_prog = Join-Path $mysql_bin 'mysql.exe'
Start-Process $mysqld_prog -ArgumentList "--console --skip-grant-tables --shared-memory --datadir `"$mysqld_data`"" -WorkingDirectory $mysqld_cwd
println "Wait mysqld ready ..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
$mysql_pass1 = Read-Host "Please input new password"
$mysql_pass2 = Read-Host "input again"
if ($mysql_pass1 -ne $mysql_pass2) {
throw "two input passwd mismatch!"
$set_pass_cmds = "use mysql; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; UPDATE user SET authentication_string='' WHERE user='root'; ALTER user 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$mysql_pass1';"
& $mysql_prog -u root -e $set_pass_cmds | Out-Host
if ($?) {
taskkill /f /im mysqld.exe 2>$null
$actions.start = @{
nginx = {
$nginx_dir = Join-Path $install_prefix "nginx/$nginx_ver"
$nginx_prog = Join-Path $nginx_dir 'nginx.exe'
$nginx_conf = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "etc/nginx/$nginx_ver/nginx.conf"
$nginx_cwd = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'var/nginx'
Push-Location $nginx_cwd
&$nginx_prog -t -c $nginx_conf | Out-Host
Start-Process $nginx_prog -ArgumentList "-c `"$nginx_conf`"" -WorkingDirectory $nginx_cwd -WindowStyle Hidden
php = {
$php_dir = Join-Path $install_prefix "php/$php_ver"
$php_cgi_prog = Join-Path $php_dir 'php-cgi.exe'
$php_cgi_cwd = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'var/php-cgi'
Start-Process $php_cgi_prog -ArgumentList "-b" -WorkingDirectory $php_cgi_cwd -WindowStyle Hidden
mysql = {
$mysql_dir = Join-Path $install_prefix "mysql/$mysql_ver"
$myslqd_prog = Join-Path $mysql_dir 'bin/mysqld.exe'
Start-Process $myslqd_prog -ArgumentList "--datadir `"$mysqld_data`"" -WorkingDirectory $mysqld_cwd -WindowStyle Hidden
$actions.stop = @{
nginx = {
taskkill /f /im nginx.exe 2>$null
php = {
taskkill /f /im php-cgi.exe 2>$null
taskkill /f /im intelliphp.ls.exe 2>$null
mysql = {
taskkill /f /im mysqld.exe 2>$null
} elseif($IsUbuntu) { # Ubuntu Linux
# local dev, use current user to run mysql
# please use `mysql` as mysqld runner user when publish your site
$Script:xweb_user = whoami
$actions.fetch = @{
nginx = {
$nginx_dir = "$install_prefix/nginx/$nginx_ver"
if (!(Test-Path $nginx_dir -PathType Container)) {
fetch_pkg -url "https://nginx.org/download/nginx-${nginx_ver}.tar.gz" -prefix 'cache'
$nginx_src = Join-Path $download_path "nginx-${nginx_ver}"
Push-Location $nginx_src
sudo apt install --allow-unauthenticated --yes libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libssl-dev
./configure --with-http_ssl_module --prefix=$nginx_dir
make ; make install
php = {
# ensure we can install old releases of php on ubuntu
$php_ppa = $(grep -ri '^deb.*ondrej/php' /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/)
if (!$php_ppa) {
sudo LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt update
$php_pkg = "php$($php_ver.Major).$($php_ver.Minor)"
sudo apt install --allow-unauthenticated --yes $php_pkg $php_pkg-fpm $php_pkg-mysql $php_pkg-curl $php_pkg-cgi
mysql = {
# sudo apt install mysql-server
# we use offical deb to install latest mysql version 9.1.0
$os_info = $PSVersionTable.OS.Split(' ')
$os_name = $os_info[0].ToLower()
$os_ver = $os_info[1].Split('.')
$os_id = "$os_name$($os_ver[0]).$($os_ver[1])"
$mysql_server_deb_bundle = "mysql-server_$mysql_ver-1${os_id}_amd64.deb-bundle.tar"
if ($mysql_ver -eq $mysql_latest) {
fetch_pkg "https://cdn.mysql.com//Downloads/MySQL-$($mysql_ver.Major).$($mysql_ver.Minor)/$mysql_server_deb_bundle" -prefix "cache/mysql-$mysql_ver"
else {
fetch_pkg "https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/get/p/23/file/$mysql_server_deb_bundle" -prefix "cache/mysql-$mysql_ver"
$mysqld_cmd = Get-Command mysqld -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$mysqld_cmd) {
Push-Location $download_path/mysql
sudo apt install --allow-unauthenticated --yes libaio1 libmecab2
sudo dpkg -i mysql-common_*.deb
sudo dpkg -i mysql-community-client-plugins*amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i mysql-community-client-core*amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i mysql-community-client_*amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i libmysqlclient*amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i mysql-community-server-core*amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i mysql-client_*amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i mysql-community-server_*amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i mysql-server_*amd64.deb
sudo dpkg --configure -a
$actions.init = @{
php = {
$php_ini_dir = "/etc/php/$($php_ver.Major).$($php_ver.Minor)/cgi"
$lines, $mods = mod_php_ini "$php_ini_dir/php.ini" $false
if ($mods) {
Set-Content -Path "$download_path/php.ini" -Value $lines
sudo cp -f "$download_path/php.ini" "$php_ini_dir/php.ini"
} else {
println "php init: nothing need to do"
mysql = {
if (Test-Path /var/lib/mysql* -PathType Container) {
$anwser = if($force) { Read-Host "Are you sure force reinit mysqld, will lost all database(y/N)?" } else { 'N' }
if ($anwser -inotlike 'y*') {
println "mysql init: nothing need to do"
$mysql_tmp_dirs = @('/var/run/mysql', '/var/run/mysqld', '/var/lib/mysql', '/var/lib/mysql-files', '/var/log/mysql')
foreach($tmp_dir in $mysql_tmp_dirs) {
sudo rm -rf $tmp_dir
sudo mkdir -p $tmp_dir
sudo chown -R ${xweb_user}:$xweb_user $tmp_dir
sudo chown -R ${xweb_user}:$xweb_user /etc/mysql
sudo chmod -R 750 /var/run/mysql /var/lib/mysql* /var/log/mysql /etc/mysql
ls -l /var/run | grep mysql
ls -l /var/lib | grep mysql
ls -l /var/log | grep mysql
sudo mysqld --initialize-insecure --user=$xweb_user | Out-Host
$mysql_auth_backport = [int]$local_props['mysql_auth_backport']
$mysql_pass = $local_props['mysql_pass']
if ($mysql_auth_backport) {
Copy-Item (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "etc/mysql/my.ini") '/etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf' -Force
$init_cmds = "use mysql; ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '$mysql_pass'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"
} else {
$init_cmds = "use mysql; UPDATE user SET authentication_string='' WHERE user='root'; ALTER user 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$mysql_pass';"
bash -c "sudo mysqld --user=$xweb_user >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
println "Wait mysqld ready ..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
mysql -u root -e $init_cmds | Out-Host
pkill -f mysqld
$actions.start = @{
nginx = {
$nginx_dir = Join-Path $install_prefix "nginx/$nginx_ver"
$nginx_conf = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "etc/nginx/$nginx_ver/nginx.conf"
Push-Location $nginx_dir
bash -c "sudo ./sbin/nginx -t -c '$nginx_conf'" | Out-Host
bash -c "sudo ./sbin/nginx -c '$nginx_conf' >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
php = {
bash -c "nohup sudo php-cgi -b >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
mysql = {
bash -c "nohup sudo mysqld --user=$xweb_user >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
$actions.stop = @{
nginx = {
sudo pkill -f nginx
php = {
sudo pkill -f php-cgi
mysql = {
sudo pkill -f mysqld
} else {
throw "Unsupported OS: $($PSVersionTable.OS)"
$actions.init.nginx = {
if($IsWin) {
$xweb_root = $PSScriptRoot.Replace('\', '/')
} else {
$xweb_root = $PSScriptRoot
$nginx_conf_dir = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "etc/nginx/$nginx_ver"
$nginx_conf_file = Join-Path $nginx_conf_dir 'nginx.conf'
if (Test-Path $nginx_conf_file -PathType Leaf) {
$anwser = if($force) { Read-Host "Are you want force reinit nginx, will lost conf?(y/N)" } else { 'N' }
if ($anwser -inotlike 'y*') {
println "nginx init: nothing need to do"
if ((Test-Path $nginx_conf_dir -PathType Container)) {
$lines = Get-Content -Path (Join-Path $nginx_conf_dir 'nginx.conf.in')
$line_index = 0
foreach($line_text in $lines) {
if ($line_text.Contains('@XWEB_ROOT@')) {
$lines[$line_index] = $line_text.Replace('@XWEB_ROOT@', $xweb_root)
} elseif($line_text.Contains('@XWEB_SERVER_NAMES@')) {
$lines[$line_index] = $line_text.Replace('@XWEB_SERVER_NAMES@', $local_props['server_names'])
elseif (!$IsWin -and $line_text.Contains('nobody')) {
$line_text = $line_text.Replace('nobody', "$(whoami)")
if ($line_text.StartsWith('#')) { $line_text = $line_text.TrimStart('#') }
$lines[$line_index] = $line_text
Set-Content -Path (Join-Path $nginx_conf_dir 'nginx.conf') -Value $lines
} else {
mkdirs $nginx_conf_dir
Copy-Item (Join-Path $install_prefix "nginx/$nginx_ver/conf/*") $nginx_conf_dir
if ($IsUbuntu) {
# $nginx_grp = $(cat /etc/passwd | grep nginx)
# if (!$nginx_grp) {
# sudo groupadd nginx
# sudo useradd -g nginx -s /sbin/nologin nginx
# }
sudo chown -R ${xweb_user}:${xweb_user} $xweb_root/htdocs
function run_action($name, $targets) {
$action = $actions[$name]
foreach($target in $targets) {
$action_comp = $action.$target
if ($action_comp) {
& $action_comp
} else {
println "The $target not support action: $name"
& $actions.setup_env
'fetch' {
run_action 'fetch' $targets
'init' {
run_action 'init' $targets
'install' {
println 'Installing server ...'
run_action 'fetch' $targets
run_action 'init' $targets
'start' {
println "Starting server ..."
run_action 'start' $targets
'restart' {
println "Restarting server ..."
run_action 'stop' $targets
run_action 'start' $targets
'stop' {
println "Stopping server ..."
run_action 'stop' $targets
'passwd' {
run_action 'passwd' $targets
if($?) {
println "The operation successfully."
else {
throw "The operation fail!"
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。