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dfranx 提交于 2020-09-01 03:57 . Fix 'Save As' for projects with textures
+ web version of SHADERed: https://shadered.org
+ add 'Browse online' window -> install plugins, themes & shaders through the application
+ add "Check for plugin updates on startup" option
+ add File -> Open Recent
+ hardware mouse cursors
+ fix "Save As" for projects that use textures
+ fix render state saving
+ fix text editor windows not being resizable
+ fix file dialog search
+ fix Gray theme's comments
+ [DEBUGGER] add immediate window
+ [DEBUGGER] add watches
+ [DEBUGGER] add conditional breakpoints
+ [DEBUGGER] add a feature that executes expressions on hover
+ [DEBUGGER] add color preview for vec3 and vec4 variables
+ add code snippets (located in Options)
+ add a feature that allows exporting images, textures & render textures to an image file
+ add ability to disable compute pass
+ add ability to update image's content from a loaded texture
+ add markers to text editor's scrollbar
+ add "Auto indent on paste" option
+ add IsSavingToFile system variable
+ add custom file dialogs
+ add ability to add multiple textures to project at once
+ add KeyboardTexture description in Help -> Information
+ implement IPlugin2
+ redesign "Output" window
+ fix text editor's "Find and replace" feature
+ fix a bug that would crash SHADERed when using multiple compute shaders
+ fix a bug that would crash SHADERed when deleting a buffer
+ fix a bug that would crash SHADERed when setting FPS limit to 0 while the FPS limit is applied to whole application
+ fix a bug that would add textures to Shader Pass' variables when using "auto variables" feature
+ fix a bug that caused SHADERed not to apply 'system value' if a variable previously used a function
+ fix cubemaps
+ fix cubemap example
+ fix a bug that would incorrectly report an error when exporting project to a C++ file
+ fix a bug that would add some themes two times to the theme list in options
+ fix a bug that wouldn't sync breakpoint's state when toggling it through the "Breakpoints" window
+ remove "Create shader file" menu item
+ rename "Active autocomplete" option to "Continuous autocomplete"
+ plugin API v1
+ add a feature that automatically detects and adds uniforms to variable manager
+ add "Active autocomplete" option
+ add user defined functions, variables & structures to text editor's autocomplete
+ add KeyboardTexture object
+ add BreakpointDisabled, UserFunction, UserType, UniformVariable, GlobalVariable, LocalVariable, FunctionArgument entries to TextEditor's theme
+ add "Syntax highlighting" option
+ add SHADERED_WEB, SHADERED_DESKTOP & SHADERED_VERSION preprocessor definitions to shaders
+ add Preview.ToggleCursorVisibility, Preview.ToggleMouseLock & Preview.ToggleTimePause shortcuts
+ add more information to the "Stats" page
+ add ability to reload texture objects
+ plugins are backward and forward compatible
+ plugins can implement their own shader language & editor
+ improve the "auto recompile" feature
+ fix text editor's ui scaling
+ fix HLSL geometry shaders
+ fix a bug that caused SHADERed to crash when deleting render textures
+ fix a bug that sometimes caused SHADERed to crash when deleting shader pass item
+ fix a bug that caused deleted plugins to stay in the "Not loaded" list in options
+ fix a bug that allowed user to create objects without a name
+ fix a bug that caused SHADERed to crash when debugging a shader that uses some image functions
+ fix cubemap saving
+ fix text editor's "Save changes" popup
+ fix "Autocomplete" option
+ fix "Brace completion"
+ fix mouse wrapping
+ rename "Recompile shader every 200ms" to "Recompile shader on content change"
+ rename "Smart predictions" to "Autocomplete"
+ replace ShaderDebugger with SPIRV-VM (introduces significant improvements to the SHADERed's debugger)
+ add pixel outline to debugger's overlay
+ add debugger overlay to render texture's preview
+ add Stats page (currently only shows SPIR-V)
+ add "Auto fetch" option
+ add "Primitive outline" & "Pixel outline" options
+ add a feature that automatically creates shader files when creating a shader pass
+ add line numbers in the "Function stack" window
+ add statusbar to render texture's preview
+ add new templates (QuadHLSL and QuadGLSL)
+ primitive's outline is now shown even after zooming in when paused and debugging
+ changing properties in Save Preview -> Advanced should now accordingly update the preview window
+ use glslang for error messages
+ use more powerful GPU by default (NvOptimusEnablement & AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance)
+ double clicking on an object in the "Objects" window now opens its preview
+ make it possible to pick pixels on the render texture's preview window
+ show pixel coordinates in "Pixel Inspect" window
+ update text editor's light theme (better current line and "selection" colors)
+ reset zoom on project load
+ pause music & audio shader when preview is paused
+ [DEBUGGER] now works with buffers, 3D textures and cubemaps
+ [DEBUGGER] now works with VertexBuffer items
+ [DEBUGGER] add support for derivative functions
+ remove "Immediate" window, "Watches" & conditional breakpoints
+ fix a bug where buffer objects couldn't be bound to vertex/pixel shaders
+ fix (render) texture's preview alignment
+ fix (render) texture's preview magnifier
+ fix gizmo
+ fix VertexBuffer picking + bounding box
+ fix 3D model picking
+ fix "Step Out" (it's now possible to use "Step In" multiple times on the same line)
+ fix a bug that caused breakpoints to duplicate when a new line is added
+ fix a bug that caused SHADERed to change current time after a render to file even if user didn't change it
+ fix a bug that caused SHADERed to crash when deleting a texture that's open in properties
+ fix a bug that caused magnifier not to zoom sometimes
+ fix a bug that made it possible to open preview for the same object several times
+ fix a bug that caused debugger to produce wrong numbers when it is rendered to the same render texture multiple times in the project
+ fix a bug that caused buffer to stay bound to compute pass even after it has been unbound
+ fix buffer's "load data from 3D model"
+ fix text editor's UI when user horizontally scrolls
+ fix a bug that would apply user's custom render states to the magnifier UI
+ fix TextEditor::EnsureCursorVisible()
+ add VertexBuffer
+ add command line arguments
+ add an option to pause buffer preview
+ add an option to load buffer data from texture, 3D models and regular files
+ add horizontal scrolling with mouse cursor while selecting text
+ add SHIFT + left click to select text
+ add color preview to vec3 and vec4 shader variables
+ line numbers & breakpoints in text editor should now be "pinned" to the left side
+ fix a bug that unfocused text editor on AltGr key press
+ fix a bug that caused SHADERed to crash when parsing error messages
+ fix a bug that caused SHADERed to crash when using ObjectProperty variables
+ fix a bug that caused SHADERed to crash when a font file didn't exist
+ fix a bug that caused SHADERed sometimes to crash after pressing "Change Variables" button
+ fix a bug that caused variable values to get mixed up sometimes
+ fix a bug that caused preview window to sometimes go blank when using an external text editor
+ fix a bug that caused "Save As" file dialog to open twice when saving templates
+ fix a bug caused by deleting variables used in the "Change Variables" popup
+ fix gizmo
+ fix file dialogs
+ fix fps limit options
+ fix line highlighting in the text editor
+ fix plane and circle normals
+ add texture properties
+ add shader variables that point to pipeline item properties
+ add a splash screen
+ add "Changelog" popup which shows up on startup after an update
+ add "Show tips on startup" option
+ add "This will unassign Shortcut.ID" popup when changing shortcuts
+ fix ScreenQuad position and size on other RTs
+ fix a bug that caused SHADERed to crash when clicking on shader variable function list combobox
+ add confirmation dialog when deleting a shader pass item
+ add CTRL + scroll to change text editor font size
+ fix font resizing/changing
+ fix a bug where caret would move multiple characters after pressing backspace
+ fix picking with SHIFT + A
+ fix picking scaled 3D models
+ fix a bug where SHADERed would sometimes block on exit on Linux
+ fix UI scaling
+ DPI awareness
+ moving items up/down now counts as a project modification
+ resizing render textures now counts as a project modification
+ remove MatrixShadow and MatrixReflect
+ add shader debugger
+ add plugin API
+ add MSAA
+ add option for supersampling when rendering to an image file
+ add support for #include keyword
+ add "Export -> as C++ project" option
+ add ability to load projects by drag and dropping them
+ add search in Options -> Shortcuts
+ add "Pause preview on startup" option
+ add "Show function description tooltips" option
+ change default font & theme
+ change how MouseButton works
+ change how paused state works
+ clicking on "Reset time" when paused will now rerender everything
+ fix zoom reset using double click when paused
+ fix a bug where SHADERed would think it's minimized on startup (and slow down the whole program)
+ fix copy and pasting '\t'
+ fix deleting '\t'
+ various fixes
+ add drag & drop to PipelineUI
+ add ability to "hide/deactivate" certain shader pass
+ fix TextEditor shortcut system (**please update your shortcuts.kb file**)
+ fix Home/End in TextEditor
+ fix gizmo interaction when preview is zoomed in
+ fix Find tool's highlighting
+ fix pause functionality
+ scroll to Find tool's selection
+ Editor.Replace is now bound to CTRL+H (instead of SHIFT+H)
+ add 3D textures
+ add audio shaders (HLSL/GLSL synthesized audio)
+ add ability to have multiple cameras / camera snapshots
+ add ability to change variable type after variable has been created
+ add a window where all system variables are listed
+ add magnifier tool to texture/image preview window
+ add find and replace feature in the text editor
+ add right click context menu in the text editor
+ add Editor.FindNext shortcut
+ add feature that automatically adds variables on shader pass creation
+ add support for HLSL types in the buffer format
+ add ability to change warning, message and error text colors in the theme files
+ add ability to use sprintf format specifiers in filenames when exporting image sequence
+ fix copy and paste
+ fix matrix variable exporting & importing
+ fix a bug where openning Sobel -> Edge -> Sobel examples would break the renderer
+ fix RT default size
+ fix bounding box color
+ fix a bug where SHADERed would recompile file two times after clicking "Compile" button
+ fix texture loading
+ fix "GeometryShader" & "VulkanSimple" example
+ fix a bug where "Outline" example wouldn't work after Edge/Sobel examples
+ fix ObjectPreviewUI::Close()
+ fix a crash on openning "cubemap" example
+ improve image sequence export speed
+ any form of project saving should also now save all shader code modifications
+ shader code modifications now also count as project modifications (now you will get "Are you sure" message box on exit)
+ recompile shader pass after we change it's shader path
+ close code editors after a shader pass has been deleted
+ prevent various crashes (loading wrong 3D model file, wrong project file, compute shaders not supported, etc...)
+ color compute shader labels light/dark green (can be changed)
+ improve CTRL+F
+ internal changes
+ rework image objects (you can choose how to bind them & removed Read & Write flags) - **some old projects with compute shaders may not work**
+ add support for Vulkan GLSL
+ add input layout manager
+ add CTRL+F in code editor
+ add tangent, bitangent and color vertex attributes
+ add ability to export your shader to an image sequence
+ add support for drag & drop
+ add resource manager
+ add project change detection & "Are you sure?" message box
+ add "Hide menu bar in performance mode" option
+ add glslang error messages when preprocessing fails
+ add CamerPosition3 and CameraDirection3 variables
+ fix a bug which would crash whole app after deleting last variable in the list
+ fix a bug where variable name was wrongly limited to 16chars when being created
+ fix a bug where SHADERed would use absolute paths even if project and shader file were on the same drive
+ fix file "Compile" option so that it only recompiles the correct shader pass
+ fix "Recompile on file change" so that it only recompiles correct shaders
+ fix non resizable columns
+ fix a bug where SHADERed would sometimes crash on exit
+ fix a bug where no actual error messages show up with the auto recompile on HLSL and Vulkan GLSL shaders
+ fix "Edge" example
+ fix for two vertical scrollbars in CodeEditorUI
+ fix for loading textures with improper size
+ fix ScreenQuadNDC rendering in GLSL projects
+ save "performance mode" state on exit
+ increase variable name length from 32 to 256
+ color the "Name:" label red when user tries to use already existing item name
+ fix ctrl + backspace / ctrl + delete
+ fix ctrl + shift selecting
+ fix "Insert spaces on tab press" option
+ fix "Show horizontal scrollbar" option
+ fix text editor error message color on light theme (& add ErrorMessage property to editor themes)
+ fix various transcompiler crashes
+ fix a crash that occurs when fetching texel data from a texture without a sampler in a HLSL shader
+ fix a bug where text editor would append \n at the end of file
+ fix crash when using RWTexture2D
+ fix crash on HLSL function calls with no arguments
+ write item type in the Properties
+ minor UI polishing
+ add compute shaders
+ add empty image object
+ fix loading files from different drives on Windows
+ fix saving info about item opened in PropertyUI
+ fix "Show error list window when build finishes with an error" option
+ temprorary fix for crash on float3(), float4(), etc...
+ add auto recompile option (compile shaders every 200ms)
+ add option to disable/enable window's alpha channel
+ add "Show whitespace" option
+ add ScreenQuadNDC
+ add the ability to set CodeUI.Save and Project.Save to same shortcut
+ add option to stream logs to log.txt
+ fix some TextEditor bugs
+ add option to reset time
+ add CTRL+ALT+MWheel to zoom in/out
+ add cubemap preview
+ add object preview window
+ add buffer objects
+ add instancing
+ add automatic update checks
+ add option to modify system variables when rendering to image
+ fix zoom area dragging
+ fix zoom selection bounds
+ fix picking when zoomed in
+ fix gizmo, bounding box & zoom area performance
+ fix a bug where SHADERed would crash with multiple 3D models
+ add icon font
+ add tool bar
+ add zoom in/out functionality
+ add zoom controls (ALT + LEFT drag to select the zoom area, ALT + RIGHT drag to move the zoom area, ALT + DBL CLICK reset zoom)
+ add format property to render textures
+ add ability to pause and increase time by 100ms (or hold CTRL to increase just by 1 frame)
+ add Mouse and MouseButton system variables
+ fix float4/int4/bool4 variables
+ fix last frame flag for GeometryTransform
+ fix a bug where bounding box wouldn't show if gizmo is turned off
- disable last frame flag for ViewportSize
+ add Pointer function (variables can now be pointers to other variables)
+ add shader macros
+ add FrameIndex system variable
+ add shader variable flags (invert matrices, use last frame values, etc...)
+ add option to disable RT clear
+ fix clear color parsing
+ fix a bug where SHADERed would crash when adding a shader pass through CreateItemUI
+ fix a bug when multiple textures are bound but some are not used
+ fix GLSL shaders (specify location)
+ port from DirectX to OpenGL & SDL (works on linux now)
+ add CMakeLists.txt
+ use assimp - supports more 3D model file formats
+ link glslang and SPIRV-Cross (rather than using external processes)
+ only one variable manager for all stages (variable names now matter though)
+ write actual error messages in the Output window
+ add line number and shader type (source) in the Output Window
+ support single key shortcuts (example: press F to go into Performance mode)
+ KeyboardShortcuts doesnt listen to repeated events anymore
+ merge DepthStencilState, RasterizerState, BlendState into one state called RenderState
+ HLSL to GLSL transcompiler
+ cubemaps now require path to 6 separate textures
+ append version to project files (+ backwards compatibility)
+ implement version #2 of SHADERed project files
+ SHIFT+drag gizmo for faster dragging
+ slow down the application when minimized
+ add "Apply the FPS limit to the whole application" option
+ add "Limit application to 60FPS when it is not focused" option
+ limit rotation value between [0, 360] in PropertyUI
+ duplicated object now appears in PropertyUI if "PropertyPick" option is turned on
+ IsPicked variable now works with multiple items selected
+ prompt user to save project when user tries to save changes to a shader file in a template
+ prompt user to save project when user tries to open template shaders in an external editor
+ add an actual logger -> outputs high amount of stuff in log.txt
+ fix mouse cursor capture when rotating camera
+ fix bounding boxes for other geometry types
+ fix for "app wont gain focus when clicking on anything but the titlebar"
+ fix a bug where the app would crash if when set as a default app for ".sprj" files
+ fix a bug where gizmo wont move with the selected object when the object is moved using PropertyUI
+ fix a bug where user couldnt write {} (and other characters using alt and ctrl) in the text editor
+ fix a bug where user could pick a render state item by double clicking it in PipelineUI
+ fix a bug where two items could exist with names "Box", "BoX", etc...
+ fix a bug where where SHADERed wouldnt check for file updates on a recently added geometry shader
- remove FXAA
- remove stats page
- remove input layout manager
- remove glslangValidator.exe & SPIRVCross.exe
+ add ability to duplicate selected items
+ add shift+click to select multiple items
+ add bounding box
+ add option to open shaders in an external text editor
+ add a more flexible GLSL file extension system
+ add mute button for audio files
+ add context menu in ObjectListUI and PipelineUI
+ add "collapsed" attribute to shader passes in the project file
+ add a wheel UI when rotating an object using GizmoObject
+ add option to snap transformations with gizmo
+ add minor changes to UI design in Options
+ add CTRL+click shortcut to delete the shortcut in the options
+ add DPI scale text in the options
+ add wrapped text in popup windows
+ show degrees (rather than radians) in PropertyUI for OBJModel and Geometry
+ fix gizmo (different model for scale and rotation transforms, change color on hover, etc...)
+ fix item picking
+ fix an error that occurs when loading audio file on a PC with no audio output device
+ fix PipelineManager::Has -> it was possible to have two or more items with the same name
+ add ability to load audio files
+ add DPI awareness
+ fix for "VSync not being applied on startup"
+ add more editor shortcuts to the options
+ add an option to automatically recompile shader on file change
+ add performance mode (hide everything except preview window)
+ add FXAA
+ add "Open project directory" option
+ add ability to switch what left and right click do
+ fix TextEditor ctrl+backspace/delete
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