Collection of automation tools for easily maintaining openEuler
Community governance is listed in the repository.
A small build system with a focus on speed.
release management including key features, release plan, development and branch plan, release scope and notes
A tool for handling synchronization between branches
The TC repo is to store all the information about openEuler TC, inclouding meeting record, technology vision, technology topic and etc.
OpenResty, scalable web platform by extending NGINX with Lua
LuaRocks is the package manager for Lua modules
OpenResty, scalable web platform by extending NGINX with Lua
plugsched 是 Linux 内核调度器子系统热升级的 SDK,它可以实现在不重启系统、应用的情况下动态替换调度器子系统,毫秒级 downtime 。plugsched 可以对生产环境中的内核调度特性动态的进行增、删、改,以满足不同场景或应用的需求,且支持回滚。