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shey_kail/simple terminal

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normalMode.c 23.87 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
shey_kail 提交于 2020-04-11 21:55 . my perfect st
/* See LICENSE for license details. */
#include "normalMode.h"
#include "dynamicArray.h"
#include "term.h"
#include "win.h"
#include "error.h"
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a)[0])
#define BETWEEN(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) && (x) <= (b))
//#define FALLTHROUGH __attribute__((fallthrough));
#define SEC(var,ini,h,r) var = ini; if (!var) { h; return r; }
#define EXPAND(v1,v2,r) char *SEC(v1, expand(v2), empty(v2), true)
#define currentCommand (toggle ? &commandHist0 : &commandHist1)
#define lastCommand (toggle ? &commandHist1 : &commandHist0)
// Interface to the terminal
extern Glyph const styleCommand, styleSearch;
extern NormalModeShortcuts normalModeShortcuts[];
extern size_t const amountNormalModeShortcuts;
extern char wordDelimSmall[];
extern char wordDelimLarge[];
extern unsigned int fgCommandYank, fgCommandVisual, fgCommandVisualLine,
bgCommandYank, bgCommandVisual, bgCommandVisualLine, bgPos, fgPos;
extern void selclear(void);
extern void tsetdirt(int, int);
extern size_t utf8encode(Rune, char *);
extern size_t utf8decode(const char *, Rune *, size_t);
extern size_t utf8decodebyte(char c, size_t *i);
extern void selextend(int, int, int, int, int);
extern void selstart(int, int, int, int);
extern char *getsel(void);
extern void tfulldirt(void);
// `Private` structs
typedef struct { uint32_t x; uint32_t y; uint32_t yScr; } Position;
/// Entire normal mode state, consisting of an operation and a motion.
typedef struct {
Position initialPosition;
struct OperationState {
enum Operation {
noop = ' ', visual='v', visualLine='V', yank = 'y' } op;
Position startPosition;
enum Infix { infix_none = 0, infix_i = 1, infix_a = 2, } infix;
} command;
struct MotionState {
uint32_t amount;
enum Search {none, forward, backward} search;
Position searchPosition;
bool finished;
} motion;
} NormalModeState;
/// Default state if no operation is performed.
NormalModeState defaultNormalMode = {
{0,0,0}, {noop, {0, 0, 0}, false}, {0, none, {0, 0, 0}, true}
NormalModeState stateVB = {
{0,0,0}, {noop, {0, 0, 0}, false}, {0, none, {0, 0, 0}, true}
DynamicArray searchString = UTF8_ARRAY;
DynamicArray commandHist0 = UTF8_ARRAY;
DynamicArray commandHist1 = UTF8_ARRAY;
DynamicArray highlights = DWORD_ARRAY;
/// History command toggle
static bool toggle = false;
// Utility functions
static inline int intervalDiff(int v, int a, int b) {
return (v < a) ? (v - a) : ((v > b) ? (v - b) : 0);
static inline void swap(DynamicArray *const a, DynamicArray *const b) {
DynamicArray tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp;
static inline int max(int a, int b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
static inline int min(int a, int b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
static inline int mod(int a, int b) { for (; a < 0; a += b); return a % b; }
static inline bool contains (char c, char const * values, uint32_t memSize) {
ENSURE(values != NULL, return false);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < memSize; ++i) if (c == values[i]) return true;
return false;
static inline void applyPosition(Position const *pos) {
ENSURE(pos != NULL, return);
term.c.x = pos->x;
term.c.y = pos->y;
term.scr = pos->yScr;
static inline int getSearchDirection(void) {
return stateVB.motion.search == forward ? 1 : -1;
// Utilities for working with the current version of the scrollback patch.
static bool moveLine(int32_t const amount) {
int32_t const reqShift = intervalDiff(term.c.y+=amount, 0, term.row-1);
term.c.y -= reqShift;
int32_t const sDiff = intervalDiff(term.scr-=reqShift, 0, HISTSIZE-1);
term.scr -= sDiff;
return sDiff == 0;
static void moveLetter(int32_t const amount) {
int32_t value = (term.c.x += amount) / term.col;
if (value -= (term.c.x < 0)) {
term.c.x = moveLine(value) ? mod(term.c.x, term.col)
: max(min(term.c.x,term.col - 1), 0);
// `Private` functions:
// Functions: Temporarily display string on screen.
/// Display string at end of a specified line without writing it into the buffer
/// @param str string that is to be displayed
/// @param g glyph
/// @param yPos
static void
displayString(DynamicArray const *str, Glyph const *g, int yPos, bool prePos) {
ENSURE((str != NULL) && (g != NULL) && (term.row > 0), return);
ENSURE(yPos >= 0, yPos = 0);
ENSURE(yPos < term.row, yPos = term.row - 1);
// Arbritary limit to avoid withhelding too much info from user.
int const maxFractionOverridden = 3;
// Threshold: if there is no space to print, do not print, but transfer
// repsonsibility for printing back to [st].
if (term.col < maxFractionOverridden) { // (0)
term.dirty[yPos] = 1;
int32_t const botSz = prePos * 6; //< sz for position indication
// Determine the dimensions of used chunk of screen.
int32_t const overrideSize = min(size(str) + botSz,
term.col / maxFractionOverridden); // (1)
int32_t const overrideEnd = term.col - 2;
// Has to follow trivially hence th assert:
// overrideSize <(1)= term.col/3 <(0)= term.col = overrideEnd + 1.
assert(overrideSize <= overrideEnd + 1);
int32_t const overrideStart = 1 + overrideEnd - overrideSize;
// display history[history.size() - (overrideSize - botSz)::-1]
Glyph *SEC(line, malloc(sizeof(Glyph) * (overrideSize)),,)
int32_t offset = (size(str) - overrideSize - 1 + botSz) * str->itemSize;
for (uint32_t chr = 0; chr < overrideSize - botSz; ++chr) {
line[chr] = *g;
line[chr].u = *((Rune*) (str->content+(offset+=str->itemSize)));
if (prePos) {
ENSURE(term.scr < HISTSIZE, term.scr = HISTSIZE - 1);
int const p=(int)(0.5+(HISTSIZE-1-term.scr)*100./(HISTSIZE-1));
int const v = min(max(p, 0), 100);
char prc [10];
switch (term.scr) {
case HISTSIZE - 1: strcpy(prc, " [TOP]"); break;
case 0: strcpy(prc, " [BOT]"); break;
default: sprintf(prc, " % 3d%c ", v, '%');
for (uint32_t chr = 0; chr < botSz; ++chr) {
line[chr + overrideSize - botSz] =*g;
line[chr + overrideSize - botSz].fg = fgPos;
line[chr + overrideSize - botSz].bg = bgPos;
line[overrideSize - botSz] =*g;
xdrawline(TLINE(yPos), 0, yPos, overrideStart);
term.c.y -= term.row; term.c.x -= term.col; // not highlight hack
xdrawline(line-overrideStart, overrideStart, yPos, overrideEnd + 1);
term.c.y += term.row; term.c.x += term.col;
static inline void printCommandString(void) {
Glyph g = styleCommand;
switch(stateVB.command.op) {
case yank: g.fg = fgCommandYank; g.bg = bgCommandYank; break;
case visual: g.fg=fgCommandVisual; g.bg=bgCommandVisual; break;
case visualLine: g.fg=fgCommandVisualLine;
displayString(isEmpty(currentCommand) ? lastCommand : currentCommand,
&g, term.row - 1, true);
static inline void printSearchString(void) {
displayString(&searchString, &styleSearch, term.row - 2, false);
// NormalMode Operation / Motion utilies.
static inline bool isMotionFinished(void) { return stateVB.motion.finished; }
static inline void finishMotion(void) { stateVB.motion.finished = true; }
static inline bool isOperationFinished(void) {
return stateVB.command.op==noop && stateVB.command.infix==infix_none;
/// Register that the current comamnd is finished and a new command is lgoged
static inline void startNewCommand(bool abort) {
if (!abort) { toggle = !toggle; }
static inline void finishOperation(void) {
stateVB.command = defaultNormalMode.command;
// After an operation is finished, the selection has to be released and
// no highlights are to be released.
// THe command string is reset for a new command.
static inline void enableOperation(enum Operation o) {
stateVB.command.op = o;
stateVB.command.infix = infix_none;
stateVB.command.startPosition.x = term.c.x;
stateVB.command.startPosition.y = term.c.y;
stateVB.command.startPosition.yScr = term.scr;
/// @param abort: If enabled, the command exits without registering
/// @return Whether the the application is ready to yield control back to
//the normal command flow
static bool terminateCommand(bool abort) {
bool const exitOperation = isMotionFinished();
bool exitNormalMode = false;
if (exitOperation) {
exitNormalMode = isOperationFinished();
return exitNormalMode;
static inline void exitCommand(void) { terminateCommand(false); }
static inline void abortCommand(void) { terminateCommand(true); }
/// Go to next occurrence of string relative to the current location
/// conduct search, starting at start pos
static bool gotoString(int8_t sign) {
uint32_t const searchStrSize = size(&searchString);
uint32_t const maxIter = (HISTSIZE+term.row) * term.col + searchStrSize;
uint32_t findIdx = 0;
for (uint32_t cIteration = 0; findIdx < searchStrSize
&& ++cIteration <= maxIter; moveLetter(sign)) {
char const * const SEC(next, sign==1
? view(&searchString, findIdx)
: viewEnd(&searchString, findIdx), , false)
uint32_t const searchChar = *((uint32_t*) next);
if (TLINE(term.c.y)[term.c.x].u == searchChar) { ++findIdx; }
else { findIdx = 0; }
bool const found = findIdx == searchStrSize;
for (uint32_t i = 0; found && i < searchStrSize; ++i) moveLetter(-sign);
return found;
/// Highlight all found strings on the current screen.
static void highlightStringOnScreen(void) {
if (isEmpty(&searchString)) { return; }
uint32_t const searchStringSize = size(&searchString);
uint32_t findIdx = 0;
uint32_t xStart, yStart;
bool success = true;
for (int y = 0; y < term.row && success; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < term.col && success; x++) {
char const* const SEC(next,
if (TLINE(y)[x].u == (Rune) *((uint32_t*)(next))) {
if (++findIdx == 1) {
xStart = x;
yStart = y;
if (findIdx == searchStringSize) {
success = success
&& append(&highlights, &xStart)
&& append(&highlights, &yStart);
findIdx = 0; //term.dirty[yStart] = 1;
} else { findIdx = 0; }
if (!success) { empty(&highlights); }
static bool gotoStringAndHighlight(int8_t sign) {
// Find hte next occurrence of the #searchString in direction #sign
bool const found = gotoString(sign);
if (!found) { applyPosition(&stateVB.motion.searchPosition); }
//tsetdirt(0, term.row-3); //< everything except for the 'status bar'
return found;
static bool pressKeys(char const* nullTerminatedString, size_t end) {
bool sc = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < end && sc; ++i) {
sc = kpressNormalMode(&nullTerminatedString[i], 1, false, NULL);
return sc;
static bool executeCommand(DynamicArray const *command) {
size_t end=size(command);
char decoded [32];
bool succ = true;
size_t len;
for (size_t i = 0; i < end && succ; ++i) {
char const *const SEC(nextRune, view(command, i),,false)
len = utf8encode(*((Rune *) nextRune), decoded);
succ = kpressNormalMode(decoded, len, false, NULL);
return succ;
struct { char const first; char const second; } const Brackets [] =
{ {'(', ')'}, {'<', '>'}, {'{', '}'}, {'[', ']'}, };
/// Emits Command prefix and suffix when i motion is performed (e.g. yiw).
/// @param c: motion character
/// @param expandMode: 1 for 'i', 2 for 'a'
/// @param first, second: Dynamic arrays in which the prefix and postfix
/// commands will be returned
/// @return whether the command could be extracted successfully.
static bool expandExpression(char const c, enum Infix expandMode,
char operation, DynamicArray *cmd) {
bool s = true; //< used in order to detect memory allocation errors.
char const lower = tolower(c);
// Motions
if (lower == 'w') {
// translated into wb[command]e resp. WB[command]E, which works
// file even when at the fist letter. Does not work for single
// letter words though.
int const diff = c - lower;
s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, c);
s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, (signed char)(((int)'b') + diff));
s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, operation);
s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, (signed char)(((int)'e')+ diff));
return s;
// Symmetrical brackets (quotation marks)
if (c == '\'' || c == '"') {
// Local ambiguity -> do nothing. It cannot be determined if
// the current char is the 1st or last char of the selection.
// <---- search here? -- ['] -- or search here? --->
if (TLINE(term.c.y)[term.c.x].u == c) {
return false;
// Prefix
char res [] = {'?', c, '\n'};
s = s && checkSetNextP(cmd, res);
// infix
bool const iffy = expandMode == infix_i;
if (iffy) { s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, 'l'); }
s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, operation);
if (!iffy) { s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, 'l'); }
// suffix
res[0] = '/';
s = s && checkSetNextP(cmd, res);
if (iffy) { s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, 'h'); }
return s;
// Brackets: Does not if in range / if the brackets belong togehter.
for (size_t pid = 0; pid < sizeof(Brackets); ++pid) {
if(Brackets[pid].first == c || Brackets[pid].second == c) {
if (TLINE(term.c.y)[term.c.x].u!=Brackets[pid].first) {
s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, '?');
s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, Brackets[pid].first);
s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, '\n');
bool const iffy = expandMode == infix_i;
if (iffy) { s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, 'l'); }
s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, operation);
if (!iffy) { s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, 'l'); }
s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, '/');
s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, Brackets[pid].second);
s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, '\n');
if (iffy) { s = s && checkSetNextV(cmd, 'h'); }
return s;
// search string
// complicated search operation: <tag>
if (c == 't') {
// XXX: (Bug in vim: @vit )
// <tag_name attr="hier" a2="\<sch\>"> [current pos] </tag_name>
// 1. Copy history ( tag := hist[?<\n:/ \n] )
// 2. Copy history ( first_find := hist[?<\n: next place in
// history where count '>' > count '<'
// (can be behind current pos) )
// 3. first := [?first_find][#first_ind]l
// second:= [/tag">"]h
//return true; // XXX: not implmented yet.
return false;
// Public API
void onMove(void) {
stateVB.initialPosition.x = term.c.x;
stateVB.initialPosition.y = term.c.y;
stateVB.initialPosition.yScr = term.scr;
int highlighted(int x, int y) {
// Compute the legal bounds for a hit:
int32_t const stringSize = size(&searchString);
int32_t xMin = x - stringSize;
int32_t yMin = y;
while (xMin < 0 && yMin > 0) {
xMin += term.col;
if (xMin < 0) { xMin = 0; }
uint32_t highSize = size(&highlights);
ENSURE(highSize % 2 == 0, empty(&highlights); return false;);
highSize /= 2;
uint32_t *ptr = (uint32_t*) highlights.content;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < highSize; ++i) {
int32_t const sx = (int32_t) *(ptr++);
int32_t const sy = (int32_t) *(ptr++);
if (BETWEEN(sy, yMin, y) && (sy != yMin || sx > xMin)
&& (sy != y || sx <= x)) {
return true;
return false;
ExitState kpressNormalMode(char const * cs, int len, bool ctrl, void const *v) {
KeySym const * const ksym = (KeySym*) v;
bool const esc = ksym && *ksym == XK_Escape;
bool const enter = (ksym && *ksym==XK_Return) || (len==1 &&cs[0]=='\n');
bool const quantifier = len == 1 && (BETWEEN(cs[0], 49, 57)
|| (cs[0] == 48 && stateVB.motion.amount));
int const previousScroll = term.scr;
// [ESC] or [ENTER] abort resp. finish the current level of operation.
// Typing 'i' if no operation is currently performed behaves like ESC.
if (esc || enter || (len == 1 && cs[0] == 'i' && isMotionFinished()
&& isOperationFinished())) {
if (terminateCommand(!enter)) {
Position const pc = stateVB.initialPosition;
stateVB = defaultNormalMode;
stateVB.initialPosition = pc;
return finished;
len = 0;
goto motionFinish;
// Backspace
if (ksym && *ksym == XK_BackSpace) {
bool s = stateVB.motion.search!=none&&!stateVB.motion.finished;
bool q = stateVB.motion.amount != 0;
if (!(s || q)) { return failed; }
len = 0;
if (!isEmpty(currentCommand)) { pop(currentCommand); }
if (s) {
if (!isEmpty(&searchString)) { pop(&searchString); }
else if (isEmpty(&searchString)) {
return success;
} else if (q) {
stateVB.motion.amount /= 10;
goto finishNoAppend;
// Search: append to search string, then search & highlight
if (stateVB.motion.search != none && !stateVB.motion.finished) {
if (len >= 1) {
EXPAND(kSearch, &searchString, true)
utf8decode(cs, (Rune*)(kSearch), len);
goto finish;
if (len == 0) { return failed; }
// Quantifiers
if (quantifier) {
stateVB.motion.amount = min(SHRT_MAX,
stateVB.motion.amount * 10 + cs[0] - 48);
goto finish;
// 'i' mode enabled, hence the expression is to be expanded:
// [start_expression(cs[0])] [operation] [stop_expression(cs[0])]
if (stateVB.command.infix != infix_none && stateVB.command.op != noop) {
DynamicArray cmd = CHAR_ARRAY;
char const operation = stateVB.command.op;
bool succ = expandExpression(cs[0],
stateVB.command.infix, visual, &cmd);
if (operation == yank) {
succ = succ && checkSetNextV(&cmd, operation);
NormalModeState const st = stateVB;
TCursor const tc = term.c;
stateVB.command.infix = infix_none;
if (succ) {
stateVB.command.op = noop;
for (int i = 0; i < size(&cmd) && succ; ++i) {
succ = pressKeys(&cmd.content[i], 1);
if (!succ) { // go back to the old position, apply op
stateVB = st;
term.c = tc;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size(&cmd); ++i) {
EXPAND(kCommand, currentCommand, true)
utf8decode(cmd.content+i, (Rune*)(kCommand),1);
goto finishNoAppend;
// Commands (V / v or y)
switch(cs[0]) {
case '.':
if (isEmpty(currentCommand)) { toggle = !toggle; }
DynamicArray cmd = UTF8_ARRAY;
swap(&cmd, currentCommand);
executeCommand(&cmd) ? success : failed;
swap(&cmd, currentCommand);
goto finishNoAppend;
case 'i': stateVB.command.infix = infix_i; goto finish;
case 'a': stateVB.command.infix = infix_a; goto finish;
case 'y':
switch(stateVB.command.op) {
case noop: //< Start yank mode & set #op
selstart(term.c.x, term.c.y,term.scr,0);
goto finish;
case yank: //< Complete yank [y#amount j]
selstart(0, term.c.y, term.scr, 0);
int const origY = term.c.y;
moveLine(max(stateVB.motion.amount, 1));
term.c.y = origY;
case visualLine: // Yank visual selection
case visual:
goto finish;
return failed;
case visual:
case visualLine:
if (stateVB.command.op == cs[0]) {
return true;
} else {
selstart(cs[0] == visualLine ? 0 : term.c.x,
term.c.y, term.scr, 0);
goto finish;
// CTRL Motions
int32_t sign = -1; //< if command goes 'forward'(1) or 'backward'(-1)
if (ctrl) {
if (ksym == NULL) { return false; }
switch(*ksym) {
case XK_f:
term.scr = max(term.scr - max(term.row-2,1), 0);
term.c.y = 0;
goto finish;
case XK_b:
term.scr = min(term.scr + max(term.row - 2, 1),
term.c.y = term.bot;
goto finish;
case XK_u:
term.scr = min(term.scr+term.row/2, HISTSIZE-1);
goto finish;
case XK_d:
term.scr = max(term.scr - term.row / 2, 0);
goto finish;
default: return false;
// Motions
switch(cs[0]) {
case 'c': empty(&commandHist0); empty(&commandHist1);
goto finishNoAppend;
case 'j': sign = 1; FALLTHROUGH
case 'k': moveLine(max(stateVB.motion.amount,1) * sign);
goto motionFinish;
case 'H': term.c.y = 0;
goto motionFinish;
case 'M': term.c.y = term.bot / 2;
goto motionFinish;
case 'L': term.c.y = term.bot;
goto motionFinish;
case 'G': applyPosition(&stateVB.initialPosition);
goto motionFinish;
case 'l': sign = 1; FALLTHROUGH
case 'h': moveLetter(sign * max(stateVB.motion.amount,1));
goto motionFinish;
case '0': term.c.x = 0;
goto motionFinish;
case '$': term.c.x = term.col-1;
goto motionFinish;
case 'E': sign = 1; FALLTHROUGH
case 'b': {
char const * const wDelim =
cs[0] <= 90 ? wordDelimLarge : wordDelimSmall;
uint32_t const wDelimLen = strlen(wDelim);
bool const startSpaceIsSeparator =
!(cs[0] == 'w' || cs[0] == 'W');
// Whether to start & end with offset:
bool const performOffset = startSpaceIsSeparator;
// Max iteration := One complete hist traversal.
uint32_t const maxIter = (HISTSIZE+term.row) * term.col;
// Doesn't work exactly as in vim: Linebreak is
// counted as 'normal' separator, hence a jump can
// span multiple lines here.
stateVB.motion.amount = max(stateVB.motion.amount, 1);
for (;stateVB.motion.amount>0;--stateVB.motion.amount) {
uint8_t state = 0;
if (performOffset) { moveLetter(sign); }
for (uint32_t cIt = 0; cIt ++ < maxIter; moveLetter(sign)) {
if (startSpaceIsSeparator == contains(TLINE(term.c.y)[term.c.x].u, wDelim, wDelimLen)) {
if (state == 1) {
if (performOffset) {
} else if (state == 0) { state = 1; }
goto motionFinish;
case '/': sign = 1; FALLTHROUGH
case '?':
stateVB.motion.search = sign == 1 ? forward : backward;
stateVB.motion.searchPosition.x = term.c.x;
stateVB.motion.searchPosition.y = term.c.y;
stateVB.motion.searchPosition.yScr = term.scr;
stateVB.motion.finished = false;
goto finish;
case 'n': sign = 1; FALLTHROUGH
case 'N': {
if (stateVB.motion.search == none) return failed;
if (stateVB.motion.search == backward) { sign *= -1; }
bool b = true; int ox = term.c.x;
int oy = term.c.y ; int scr = term.scr;
int32_t i = max(stateVB.motion.amount, 1);
for (;i>0 && (b=gotoString(sign)); --i) {
oy = term.c.y; scr = term.scr;
if (!b) { term.c.x = ox; term.c.y = oy; term.scr = scr;}
goto motionFinish;
case 't': // Toggle selection mode and set dirt.
sel.type = sel.type == SEL_REGULAR
//tsetdirt(sel.nb.y, sel.ne.y);
goto motionFinish;
// Custom commands
for (size_t i = 0; i < amountNormalModeShortcuts; ++i) {
if (cs[0] == normalModeShortcuts[i].key) {
return pressKeys(normalModeShortcuts[i].value,
? success : failed;
return failed;
stateVB.motion.amount = 0;
//if (isMotionFinished() && stateVB.command.op == yank) {
if (stateVB.command.op == yank) {
selextend(term.c.x, term.c.y, term.scr, sel.type, 0);
if (len == 1 && !ctrl) { // XXX: for now.
EXPAND(kCommand, currentCommand, true)
utf8decode(cs, (Rune*)(kCommand), len);
if (stateVB.command.op == visual) {
selextend(term.c.x, term.c.y, term.scr, sel.type, 0);
} else if (stateVB.command.op == visualLine) {
selextend(term.col-1, term.c.y, term.scr, sel.type, 0);
if (previousScroll != term.scr && !isEmpty(&searchString)) {
tsetdirt(0, term.row-3); //< Required because of the cursor cross.
return success;
马建仓 AI 助手
simple terminal
