import random
import sycret
import numpy as np
def sampleBits(seed,expand_len) -> int:
if seed is None:
# random.seed(time.time())
return random.getrandbits(expand_len)
class GroupElement(object):
def __init__(self, value, bitlen,repr_value=None):
assert (bitlen >= 1), "Improper bit length or scale"
self.bitlen = bitlen
self.Modulo = 2 ** self.bitlen
if repr_value is None:
self.value = (int(value) + 2 ** self.bitlen) % (2 ** self.bitlen)
self.value = repr_value
def unpack(cls,binary,bitlen):
value = int.from_bytes(binary,"big")
return GroupElement(value,bitlen)
def getNegVal(self):
return 2 ** self.bitlen - self.value
def __add__(self, other):
assert (type(other) is GroupElement), "Non groupType"
assert (other.bitlen == self.bitlen), "can only be applied in the same bit length"
value = (self.value + other.value) & (self.Modulo - 1)
return GroupElement(value=None, bitlen=self.bitlen, repr_value=value)
def __sub__(self, other):
assert (type(other) is GroupElement), "Non groupType"
assert (other.bitlen == self.bitlen), "can only be applied in the same bit length"
value = (self.value - other.value+ self.Modulo) & (self.Modulo - 1)
return GroupElement(value=None, bitlen=self.bitlen, repr_value=value)
def __gt__(self, other):
assert (type(other) is GroupElement), "Non groupType"
assert (other.bitlen == self.bitlen), "can only be applied in the same bit length"
return self.value > other.value
def __lt__(self, other):
assert (type(other) is GroupElement), "Non groupType"
assert (other.bitlen == self.bitlen), "can only be applied in the same bit length"
return self.value < other.value
def __eq__(self, other):
assert (type(other) is GroupElement), "Non groupType"
assert (other.bitlen == self.bitlen), "can only be applied in the same bit length"
return self.value == other.value
def __getitem__(self, item):
assert (self.bitlen >= item >= 0), f"No index at {item}"
return self.value >> (self.bitlen-1-item) & 1
def selfPrint(self):
print("val is: ",self.value)
def ele2Str(self):
for i in range(self.getLen()):
tmp += str(self[i])
return tmp
def getLen(self):
return self.bitlen
def getValue(self):
return self.value
def packData(self):
byteLen = int((self.bitlen+7)/8)
# print("byteLen is: ",byteLen)
return bytearray( self.value.to_bytes(byteLen,'big') )
class NewICKey(object):
cw_payload0: a arithmetical secret sharing of beta
cw_payload1: correction word
def __init__(self):
self.CW = 0
self.dcf_key = None
class ICNew:
Interval Containment Test:
If evaluation input x is \in [0,N/2] return b1, otherwise return b2. (b1,b2 are output group elements)
(Notice, if b2 is not given, then b2 by default is equal to zero).
def __init__(self,sec_para=128,ring_len=1):
self.sec_para = sec_para
self.ring_len = ring_len
self.dcf = sycret.LeFactory(n_threads=6)
def keyGen(self,inputLen=32):
# DCF keys
dcfk0, dcfk1 = self.dcf.keygen(1)
alpha_a = np.frombuffer(np.ascontiguousarray(
dcfk0[:, 0:4]), dtype=np.uint32)
alpha_b = np.frombuffer(np.ascontiguousarray(
dcfk1[:, 0:4]), dtype=np.uint32)
gamma = alpha_a + alpha_b
r_in = GroupElement( gamma - (2**32-1), 32)
r_in0 = GroupElement(sampleBits(None,inputLen) , inputLen)
r_in1 = r_in - r_in0
#Calculate the second correction word
alpha_p = r_in
alpha_q = r_in + GroupElement( 1<<(inputLen-1), inputLen)
alpha_q_prime = alpha_q + GroupElement( 1, inputLen)
scale = 0
scale += 1 if alpha_p > alpha_q else 0
scale -= 1 if alpha_p.getValue() > 0 else 0
scale += 1 if alpha_q_prime.getValue() > ( (1<<(inputLen-1)) +1 ) else 0
scale += 1 if alpha_q.getValue() == ( (1<<inputLen)-1 ) else 0
cw_payload = GroupElement(scale%2, self.ring_len)
k0 = NewICKey()
k0.CW = GroupElement(sampleBits(None, self.ring_len) , self.ring_len)
k0.dcf_key = dcfk0
k1 = NewICKey()
k1.CW = cw_payload - k0.CW
k1.dcf_key = dcfk1
return r_in0.getValue(),r_in1.getValue(),k0,k1
# Start the online evaluation phase
param:: zeta is an masked integer value;
param:: key is an ICNew key
def eval(self,_id, zeta, key):
inputLen = 32
zeta = GroupElement(zeta, 32)
scale = 1 if zeta.getValue() > 0 else 0
scale -= 1 if zeta.getValue() > ( (1<<(inputLen-1)) +1 ) else 0
scale *= _id
out = GroupElement(scale, self.ring_len)
x_p = zeta + GroupElement( (1<<inputLen)-1, inputLen)
x_q_prime = zeta + GroupElement( (1<<(inputLen-1))-2, inputLen)
x_pConvert = np.array( [np.int64(x_p.getValue())] )
x_q_primeConvert = np.array( [np.int64(x_q_prime.getValue())] )
eval0 = GroupElement( self.dcf.eval(_id,x_pConvert,key.dcf_key)[0].item(), self.ring_len)
eval1 = GroupElement(self.dcf.eval(_id,x_q_primeConvert,key.dcf_key)[0].item(), self.ring_len)
out -= eval0
out += eval1
out += key.CW
return out.getValue()
if __name__=="__main__":
inputLen = 32
ic = ICNew()
r0,r1,k0,k1 = ic.keyGen()
zeta = 1
zeta += r0
zeta += r1
v0 = ic.eval(0,zeta,k0)
v1 = ic.eval(1,zeta,k1)
ret = (v0+v1)%2
print("test result is: ", 1-v0 )
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