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Melka Konshie 提交于 2023-08-17 09:42 . Bump tool version to 0.7.0
// This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation, Inc. and licensed under
// the Volatility Software License 1.0, which is available at
// https://www.volatilityfoundation.org/license/vsl-v1.0
// utility for converting DWARF in ELF to JSON
package main
import (
const (
DW_OP_addr = 0x3
const (
TOOL_NAME = "dwarf2json"
TOOL_VERSION = "0.7.0"
// Extract defines the type/symbol information that should be processed
type Extract int
// Defines information to extract during processing steps
const (
DwarfSymbols Extract = 1
DwarfTypes Extract = 2
SymTabSymbols Extract = 4
ConstantData Extract = 8
SystemMap Extract = 16
// FileToProcess defines the file that needs to be processed and
// information that should be extracted from that file
type FileToProcess struct {
FilePath string
Extract Extract
// FilesToProcess is a list of file that need processing
type FilesToProcess []FileToProcess
// Add intelligently adds a file to processing queue
func (f *FilesToProcess) Add(newFile FileToProcess) {
// if file path of the new file exists, then update what needs to be done
for i := range *f {
if (*f)[i].FilePath == newFile.FilePath {
(*f)[i].Extract |= newFile.Extract
// else add a new entry
*f = append(*f, newFile)
// The symbol names are part of Linux's or Mac's read-only data
// Their contents will be saved, if the symbol is found
var constantLinuxDataSymbols = []string{"linux_banner"}
var constantMacosDataSymbols = []string{"version"}
// The compiler can add a leading underscore to symbol names in the symbol
// table. To match the names from a mach-O file to those in the DWARF file, the
// symbol from the mach-O file may need to be stripped of the leading
// underscore.
var stripLeadingUnderscore = false
// sha256Sum computes sha256 hash of filePath
func sha256Sum(filePath string) ([]byte, error) {
f, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
h := sha256.New()
if _, err := io.Copy(h, f); err != nil {
return nil, err
return h.Sum(nil), nil
type sourceMetadata struct {
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
HashType string `json:"hash_type,omitempty"`
HashValue string `json:"hash_value,omitempty"`
func newSourceMetadata(filePath string) *sourceMetadata {
fileMeta := &sourceMetadata{Name: filepath.Base(filePath)}
sha, err := sha256Sum(filePath)
if err == nil {
fileMeta.HashType = "sha256"
fileMeta.HashValue = fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha)
return fileMeta
type unixMetadata struct {
Symbols []*sourceMetadata `json:"symbols,omitempty"`
Types []*sourceMetadata `json:"types,omitempty"`
type vtypeMetadata struct {
Linux *unixMetadata `json:"linux,omitempty"`
Mac *unixMetadata `json:"mac,omitempty"`
Producer map[string]string `json:"producer"`
Format string `json:"format"`
// newVtypeMetadata created a new vtypeMetadata structure containing meta-data
// about the ISF file being produced.
func newVtypeMetadata() *vtypeMetadata {
result :=
Producer: make(map[string]string),
result.Producer["version"] = TOOL_VERSION
result.Producer["name"] = TOOL_NAME
return result
type vtypeStructField struct {
FieldType map[string]interface{} `json:"type,omitempty"`
Offset int64 `json:"offset"`
Anonymous bool `json:"anonymous,omitempty"`
type vtypeStruct struct {
Size int64 `json:"size"`
Fields map[string]vtypeStructField `json:"fields"`
Kind string `json:"kind"`
type vtypeBaseType struct {
Size int64 `json:"size"`
Signed bool `json:"signed"`
Kind string `json:"kind"`
Endian string `json:"endian"`
type vtypeEnum struct {
Size int64 `json:"size"`
Base string `json:"base"`
Constants map[string]int64 `json:"constants"`
type vtypeSymbol struct {
SymbolType map[string]interface{} `json:"type,omitempty"`
Address uint64 `json:"address"`
ConstantData []byte `json:"constant_data,omitempty"`
func newVtypeJson() *vtypeJson {
return &vtypeJson{
Metadata: newVtypeMetadata(),
BaseTypes: make(map[string]*vtypeBaseType),
UserTypes: make(map[string]*vtypeStruct),
Enums: make(map[string]*vtypeEnum),
Symbols: make(map[string]*vtypeSymbol),
type vtypeJson struct {
Metadata *vtypeMetadata `json:"metadata"`
BaseTypes map[string]*vtypeBaseType `json:"base_types"`
UserTypes map[string]*vtypeStruct `json:"user_types"`
Enums map[string]*vtypeEnum `json:"enums"`
Symbols map[string]*vtypeSymbol `json:"symbols"`
func (doc *vtypeJson) addStruct(structType *dwarf.StructType, name string) {
if structType.Incomplete {
st :=
Size: structType.Size(),
Fields: make(map[string]vtypeStructField),
Kind: structType.Kind,
for _, field := range structType.Field {
if field == nil {
fieldType := typeName(field.Type)
// skip fields for which type cannot be obtained
if fieldType == nil {
vtypeField := vtypeStructField{Offset: field.ByteOffset}
fieldName := field.Name
if fieldName == "" {
fieldName = fmt.Sprintf("unnamed_field_%x", field.ByteOffset)
vtypeField.Anonymous = true
if field.BitSize != 0 {
vtypeField.FieldType = make(map[string]interface{})
vtypeField.FieldType["kind"] = "bitfield"
vtypeField.FieldType["bit_length"] = field.BitSize
vtypeField.FieldType["type"] = fieldType
// calculation to change the DWARF offset from MSB to LSB
maxPos := (8 * field.ByteSize) - 1
vtypeField.FieldType["bit_position"] = maxPos - (field.BitOffset + (field.BitSize - 1))
} else {
vtypeField.FieldType = fieldType
st.Fields[fieldName] = vtypeField
doc.UserTypes[name] = st
func (doc *vtypeJson) addDwarf(data *dwarf.Data, endian string, extract Extract) error {
doc.BaseTypes["void"] = &vtypeBaseType{Size: 0, Signed: false, Kind: "void", Endian: endian}
symbolsCb := func(entry *dwarf.Entry, addressSize int) error {
switch entry.Tag {
case dwarf.TagVariable:
name, _ := entry.Val(dwarf.AttrName).(string)
typOff, _ := entry.Val(dwarf.AttrType).(dwarf.Offset)
loc := entry.AttrField(dwarf.AttrLocation)
if name == "" || typOff == 0 {
// if entry.Val(dwarf.AttrSpecification) != nil {
// // Since we are reading all the DWARF,
// // assume we will see the variable elsewhere.
// break
// }
// return fmt.Errorf("malformed DWARF TagVariable entry")
var address uint64
// insert 0 when we don't know the address. ELF symbol table
// may know it...
if loc == nil {
address = 0
} else {
address = locationToUint64(loc, addressSize)
sym := &vtypeSymbol{Address: address}
genericType, err := data.Type(typOff)
if err == nil {
sym.SymbolType = typeName(genericType)
} else {
voidType := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
voidType["kind"] = "base"
voidType["name"] = "void"
sym.SymbolType = voidType
doc.Symbols[name] = sym
return nil
typesCb := func(entry *dwarf.Entry, addressSize int) error {
switch entry.Tag {
case dwarf.TagUnionType:
case dwarf.TagStructType:
genericType, err := data.Type(entry.Offset)
if err != nil {
structType, ok := genericType.(*dwarf.StructType)
if ok != true {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a StructType?", genericType.String())
doc.addStruct(structType, structName(structType))
case dwarf.TagEnumerationType:
genericType, err := data.Type(entry.Offset)
if err != nil {
enumType, ok := genericType.(*dwarf.EnumType)
if ok != true {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not an EnumType?", genericType.String())
et :=
Size: enumType.ByteSize,
Base: "void", // replaced below, if match found
Constants: make(map[string]int64, 0),
if et.Size < 0 {
et.Size = 0
enumSigned := false
for _, v := range enumType.Val {
et.Constants[v.Name] = v.Val
if v.Val < 0 {
enumSigned = true
// Sort keys to make map enum type selection deterministic
keys := make([]string, 0, len(doc.BaseTypes))
for k := range doc.BaseTypes {
keys = append(keys, k)
// Now match type using sorted keys
for _, baseName := range keys {
baseType := doc.BaseTypes[baseName]
if baseType.Kind == "int" && baseType.Size == enumType.ByteSize && baseType.Signed == enumSigned {
et.Base = baseName
doc.Enums[enumName(enumType)] = et
case dwarf.TagPointerType:
if _, present := doc.BaseTypes["pointer"]; !present {
genericType, err := data.Type(entry.Offset)
if err != nil {
doc.BaseTypes["pointer"] =
&vtypeBaseType{Size: genericType.Size(), Signed: false, Kind: "int", Endian: endian}
case dwarf.TagBaseType:
genericType, err := data.Type(entry.Offset)
if err != nil {
common := genericType.Common()
if _, present := doc.BaseTypes[common.Name]; !present {
doc.BaseTypes[common.Name] = newBasetype(genericType, endian)
case dwarf.TagTypedef:
genericType, err := data.Type(entry.Offset)
if err != nil {
typedefType, ok := genericType.(*dwarf.TypedefType)
if !ok {
if structType, ok := typedefType.Type.(*dwarf.StructType); ok && structType.Name == "" {
doc.addStruct(structType, typedefType.Name)
return nil
callBacks := []func(entry *dwarf.Entry, addressSize int) error{}
if extract&DwarfTypes != 0 {
callBacks = append(callBacks, typesCb)
if extract&DwarfSymbols != 0 {
callBacks = append(callBacks, symbolsCb)
// go through the DWARF
reader := data.Reader()
for {
entry, err := reader.Next()
if entry == nil && err == nil {
// fmt.Printf("Done!\n")
if err != nil {
return err
for _, cb := range callBacks {
err = cb(entry, reader.AddressSize())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// This is a very dumbed-down dwarf expression evaluator.
// For now we only support addresses...
func computeDwarfExpression(buf []byte, addressSize int) (uint64, error) {
if len(buf) < 5 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("not enough data to compute expression (%d bytes)", len(buf))
if buf[0] != DW_OP_addr {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unsupported DWARF opcode 0x%x", buf[0])
var retval uint64
var err error
reader := bytes.NewReader(buf[1:])
if addressSize == 4 {
var retval32 uint32
err = binary.Read(reader, binary.LittleEndian, &retval32)
retval = uint64(retval32)
} else {
err = binary.Read(reader, binary.LittleEndian, &retval)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return retval, nil
func locationToUint64(loc *dwarf.Field, addressSize int) uint64 {
var result uint64
switch loc.Class {
// fmt.Printf("WARNING: unconverted location %v\n", loc.Class)
case dwarf.ClassAddress:
result = loc.Val.(uint64)
case dwarf.ClassConstant:
result = uint64(loc.Val.(int64))
// case dwarf.ClassLocListPtr:
// fmt.Printf("loclistptr: 0x%x\n", loc.Val.(int64))
case dwarf.ClassExprLoc:
val, err := computeDwarfExpression(loc.Val.([]byte), addressSize)
if err == nil {
result = val
} else {
// fmt.Printf("WARNING: failed to compute DWARF location expression: %v\n", err)
return result
func structName(dwarfStruct *dwarf.StructType) string {
if dwarfStruct.StructName != "" {
return dwarfStruct.StructName
data := sha1.Sum([]byte(dwarfStruct.Defn()))
return fmt.Sprintf("unnamed_%8x", data[0:8])
func enumName(dwarfEnum *dwarf.EnumType) string {
if dwarfEnum.EnumName != "" {
return dwarfEnum.EnumName
data := sha1.Sum([]byte(dwarfEnum.String()))
return fmt.Sprintf("unnamed_%8x", data[0:8])
func typeName(dwarfType dwarf.Type) map[string]interface{} {
result := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
switch t := dwarfType.(type) {
case *dwarf.StructType:
result["kind"] = t.Kind
result["name"] = structName(t)
case *dwarf.ArrayType:
result["kind"] = "array"
if t.Count < 0 {
result["count"] = 0
} else {
result["count"] = t.Count
result["subtype"] = typeName(t.Type)
case *dwarf.PtrType:
result["kind"] = "pointer"
result["subtype"] = typeName(t.Type)
case *dwarf.EnumType:
result["kind"] = "enum"
result["name"] = enumName(t)
case *dwarf.BoolType, *dwarf.CharType, *dwarf.ComplexType, *dwarf.IntType, *dwarf.FloatType, *dwarf.UcharType, *dwarf.UintType:
result["kind"] = "base"
result["name"] = t.Common().Name
case *dwarf.TypedefType:
if structType, ok := t.Type.(*dwarf.StructType); ok && structType.Name == "" {
result["kind"] = structType.Kind
result["name"] = t.Name
} else {
result = typeName(t.Type)
case *dwarf.QualType:
result = typeName(t.Type)
case *dwarf.VoidType, *dwarf.UnspecifiedType:
result["kind"] = "base"
result["name"] = "void"
case *dwarf.FuncType:
result["kind"] = "function"
// *dwarf.UnsupportedType:
return nil
return result
func newBasetype(dwarfType dwarf.Type, endian string) *vtypeBaseType {
signed := true
kind := "int"
switch dwarfType.(type) {
case *dwarf.UintType:
signed = false
case *dwarf.UcharType:
signed = false
kind = "char"
case *dwarf.CharType:
kind = "char"
case *dwarf.BoolType:
kind = "bool"
case *dwarf.FloatType:
kind = "float"
bt :=
Size: dwarfType.Size(),
Signed: signed,
Kind: kind,
Endian: endian,
return bt
func readELFSymbol(file *elf.File, symbol elf.Symbol) ([]byte, error) {
var result []byte
var err error
for _, section := range file.Sections {
if section.Name == ".rodata" &&
(section.Flags&elf.SHF_ALLOC) == elf.SHF_ALLOC &&
section.Addr <= symbol.Value &&
(section.Addr+section.Size) >= (symbol.Value+symbol.Size) {
start := symbol.Value - section.Addr
end := start + symbol.Size
sectionData, err := section.Data()
if err == nil {
result = sectionData[start:end]
return result, err
func readMachoSymbol(file *macho.File, symbol macho.Symbol, length uint64) ([]byte, error) {
var result []byte
var err error
for _, section := range file.Sections {
if section.Name == "__const" && section.Addr <= symbol.Value &&
(section.Addr+section.Size) >= (symbol.Value+length) {
start := symbol.Value - section.Addr
end := start + length
sectionData, err := section.Data()
if err == nil {
result = sectionData[start:end]
return result, err
func main() {
// Help message setup
pflag.Usage = func() {
`Usage: %s COMMAND
A tool for generating intermediate symbol file (ISF)
linux generate ISF for Linux analysis
mac generate ISF for macOS analysis
pflag.ErrHelp = errors.New("")
// mac subcommand setup
macArgs := pflag.NewFlagSet("mac", pflag.ExitOnError)
fatArch := macArgs.String("arch", "", "architecture for universal FAT files. `NAME` is one of {i386|x86_64}")
machoSymbolPaths := macArgs.StringArray("macho-symbols", nil, "Mach-O file `PATH` to extract only symbol information")
machoTypePaths := macArgs.StringArray("macho-types", nil, "Mach-O file `PATH` to extract only type information")
machoPaths := macArgs.StringArray("macho", nil, "Mach-O file `PATH` to extract symbol and type information")
macArgs.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s mac [OPTIONS]\n\n", TOOL_NAME)
// linux subcommand setup
linuxArgs := pflag.NewFlagSet("linux", pflag.ExitOnError)
elfPaths := linuxArgs.StringArray("elf", nil, "ELF file `PATH` to extract symbol and type information")
systemMapPaths := linuxArgs.StringArray("system-map", nil, "System.Map file `PATH` to extract symbol information")
elfTypePaths := linuxArgs.StringArray("elf-types", nil, "ELF file `PATH` to extract only type information")
elfSymbolPaths := linuxArgs.StringArray("elf-symbols", nil, "ELF file `PATH` to extract only symbol information")
linuxArgs.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s linux [OPTIONS]\n\n", TOOL_NAME)
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
var err error
var doc *vtypeJson
// Switch on the subcommand
switch os.Args[1] {
case "mac":
var filesToProcess FilesToProcess
// Type only
for _, filePath := range *machoTypePaths {
filesToProcess.Add(FileToProcess{FilePath: filePath, Extract: DwarfTypes})
// Type and Symbols
for _, filePath := range *machoPaths {
filesToProcess.Add(FileToProcess{FilePath: filePath, Extract: SymTabSymbols | DwarfSymbols | DwarfTypes | ConstantData})
//Symbol only
for _, filePath := range *machoSymbolPaths {
// filesToProcess.Add(FileToProcess{FilePath: filePath, Extract: DwarfSymbols | SymTabSymbols | ConstantData})
filesToProcess.Add(FileToProcess{FilePath: filePath, Extract: SymTabSymbols | ConstantData})
if len(filesToProcess) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "No files specified\n")
doc, err = generateMac(filesToProcess, *fatArch)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed mac processing: %v\n", err)
case "linux":
var filesToProcess FilesToProcess
// Type only
for _, filePath := range *elfTypePaths {
filesToProcess.Add(FileToProcess{FilePath: filePath, Extract: DwarfTypes})
// Type and Symbols
for _, filePath := range *elfPaths {
filesToProcess.Add(FileToProcess{FilePath: filePath, Extract: SymTabSymbols | DwarfSymbols | DwarfTypes | ConstantData})
//Symbol only
for _, filePath := range *elfSymbolPaths {
// filesToProcess.Add(FileToProcess{FilePath: filePath, Extract: DwarfSymbols | SymTabSymbols | ConstantData})
filesToProcess.Add(FileToProcess{FilePath: filePath, Extract: SymTabSymbols | ConstantData})
// System.Map processing
for _, filePath := range *systemMapPaths {
filesToProcess.Add(FileToProcess{FilePath: filePath, Extract: SystemMap})
if len(filesToProcess) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "No files specified\n")
doc, err = generateLinux(filesToProcess)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed linux processing: %v\n", err)
case "-h", "--help":
"%s: '%s' is not a %s command.\nSee '%s --help'\n",
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(doc, "", " ")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
func generateMac(files FilesToProcess, fatArch string) (*vtypeJson, error) {
doc := newVtypeJson()
macMeta := new(unixMetadata)
for _, f := range files {
var machoFile *macho.File
var err error
if fatArch == "" {
machoFile, err = macho.Open(f.FilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not open %s: %v", f.FilePath, err)
defer machoFile.Close()
} else {
fatFile, err := macho.OpenFat(f.FilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not open %s: %v", f.FilePath, err)
defer fatFile.Close()
machoFile, err = findFatArch(fatFile, fatArch)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", f.FilePath, err)
// process dwarf
if extract := f.Extract & (DwarfTypes | DwarfSymbols); extract != 0 {
var endian string
if machoFile.ByteOrder == binary.LittleEndian {
endian = "little"
} else {
endian = "big"
data, err := machoFile.DWARF()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get DWARF from %s: %v", f.FilePath, err)
if err = doc.addDwarf(data, endian, extract); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error processing DWARF: %v", err)
// Add meta information
fileMeta := newSourceMetadata(f.FilePath)
fileMeta.Kind = "dwarf"
if f.Extract&DwarfSymbols != 0 {
macMeta.Symbols = append(macMeta.Symbols, fileMeta)
if f.Extract&DwarfTypes != 0 {
macMeta.Types = append(macMeta.Types, fileMeta)
// process symtab
if extract := f.Extract & (SymTabSymbols | ConstantData); extract != 0 {
if err := processMachoSymTab(doc, machoFile, extract); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error processing symtab: %v", err)
// Add meta information
fileMeta := newSourceMetadata(f.FilePath)
fileMeta.Kind = "symtab"
macMeta.Symbols = append(macMeta.Symbols, fileMeta)
doc.Metadata.Mac = macMeta
return doc, nil
func findFatArch(fatFile *macho.FatFile, arch string) (*macho.File, error) {
var cpu macho.Cpu
// Convert user provided arch string to macho.Cpu
switch arch {
case "i386":
cpu = macho.Cpu386
case "x86_64":
cpu = macho.CpuAmd64
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown arch type %s. Supported types are i386 and x86_64", arch)
// Select the embedded dwarf file that matches the user architecture
for _, a := range fatFile.Arches {
if a.Cpu == cpu {
return a.File, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("does not contain requested architecture %s", arch)
// processMachoSymTab adds missing symbol information from SymTab to the vtypeJson doc
func processMachoSymTab(doc *vtypeJson, machoFile *macho.File, extract Extract) error {
if doc == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid vtypeJSON: nil")
if machoFile == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid machoFile: nil")
voidType := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
voidType["kind"] = "base"
voidType["name"] = "void"
// Iterate over mach-O symbols in symtab. The symbols in symtab have an
// address and name, but do not have type information. We can use this
// symtab to fill in the missing addresses for symbols from DWARF.
// To compensate for the fact that the compiler adds a "_" prefix to symtab
// symbols, we must check both the symbol name as it appears in symtab
// (with "_") and also attempt to strip the leading "_" and check for that
// symbol.
symtab := machoFile.Symtab
if symtab == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("symtab command does not exist")
machoSyms := symtab.Syms
if machoSyms == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("symtab does not have any symbols")
// Determine how the names from symtab map to those of the DWARF with
// respect to the presence or absence of the leading underscore
exactMatchCount := 0
strippedUnderscoreMatchCount := 0
for _, machosym := range machoSyms {
strippedName := strings.TrimPrefix(machosym.Name, "_")
if _, ok := doc.Symbols[machosym.Name]; ok {
if _, ok := doc.Symbols[strippedName]; ok {
// If more stripped-underscore-symbols match, then the underscore
// should be stripped from processing
stripLeadingUnderscore := strippedUnderscoreMatchCount > exactMatchCount
// we convert the constantDataSymbols slice to a map for fast lookups
constantDataMap := make(map[string]bool)
for _, constantSymbol := range constantMacosDataSymbols {
constantDataMap[constantSymbol] = false
normalizeName := func(symName string) string {
if stripLeadingUnderscore {
symName = strings.TrimPrefix(symName, "_")
return symName
symbolsCb := func(machosym macho.Symbol) {
symName := normalizeName(machosym.Name)
sym, ok := doc.Symbols[symName]
if !ok {
sym = &vtypeSymbol{Address: machosym.Value, SymbolType: voidType}
} else {
sym.Address = machosym.Value
doc.Symbols[symName] = sym
constantDataCb := func(machosym macho.Symbol) {
symName := normalizeName(machosym.Name)
_, ok := constantDataMap[symName]
if !ok {
sym, ok := doc.Symbols[symName]
if !ok {
dataLen, ok := sym.SymbolType["count"].(int64)
if !ok {
data, err := readMachoSymbol(machoFile, machosym, uint64(dataLen))
if err != nil {
sym.ConstantData = data
doc.Symbols[symName] = sym
callBacks := []func(machosym macho.Symbol){}
if extract&SymTabSymbols != 0 {
callBacks = append(callBacks, symbolsCb)
if extract&ConstantData != 0 {
callBacks = append(callBacks, constantDataCb)
for _, machosym := range machoSyms {
for _, cb := range callBacks {
return nil
func generateLinux(files FilesToProcess) (*vtypeJson, error) {
doc := newVtypeJson()
linuxMeta := new(unixMetadata)
for _, f := range files {
var elfFile *elf.File
var err error
// process system map text, and skip to next file
if extract := f.Extract & (SystemMap); extract != 0 {
r, err := os.Open(f.FilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not open %s: %v", f.FilePath, err)
if err := processSystemMap(doc, r); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error processing system map: %v", err)
// Add meta information
fileMeta := newSourceMetadata(f.FilePath)
fileMeta.Kind = "system-map"
linuxMeta.Symbols = append(linuxMeta.Symbols, fileMeta)
// process binary elf files
elfFile, err = elf.Open(f.FilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not open %s: %v", f.FilePath, err)
defer elfFile.Close()
// process dwarf
if extract := f.Extract & (DwarfTypes | DwarfSymbols); extract != 0 {
var endian string
if elfFile.ByteOrder == binary.LittleEndian {
endian = "little"
} else {
endian = "big"
data, err := DWARF(elfFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get DWARF from %s: %v", f.FilePath, err)
if err = doc.addDwarf(data, endian, extract); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error processing DWARF: %v", err)
// Add meta information
fileMeta := newSourceMetadata(f.FilePath)
fileMeta.Kind = "dwarf"
if f.Extract&DwarfSymbols != 0 {
linuxMeta.Symbols = append(linuxMeta.Symbols, fileMeta)
if f.Extract&DwarfTypes != 0 {
linuxMeta.Types = append(linuxMeta.Types, fileMeta)
// process symtab
if extract := f.Extract & (SymTabSymbols | ConstantData); extract != 0 {
if err := processElfSymTab(doc, elfFile, extract); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error processing symtab: %v", err)
// Add meta information
fileMeta := newSourceMetadata(f.FilePath)
fileMeta.Kind = "symtab"
linuxMeta.Symbols = append(linuxMeta.Symbols, fileMeta)
doc.Metadata.Linux = linuxMeta
return doc, nil
// processSystemMap adds the missing symbol information from system.map to vtypeJson doc
func processSystemMap(doc *vtypeJson, systemMap io.Reader) error {
voidType := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
voidType["kind"] = "base"
voidType["name"] = "void"
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(systemMap)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
words := strings.Fields(line)
addr, err := strconv.ParseUint(words[0], 16, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed parsing %s", line)
symName := words[2]
sym, ok := doc.Symbols[symName]
if !ok {
sym = &vtypeSymbol{Address: addr, SymbolType: voidType}
} else {
sym.Address = addr
doc.Symbols[symName] = sym
return nil
// processElfSymTab adds missing symbol information from SymTab to the vtypeJson doc
func processElfSymTab(doc *vtypeJson, elfFile *elf.File, extract Extract) error {
if doc == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid vtypeJSON: nil")
if elfFile == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid elfFile: nil")
// we convert the constantDataSymbols slice to a map for fast lookups
constantDataMap := make(map[string]bool)
for _, constantSymbol := range constantLinuxDataSymbols {
constantDataMap[constantSymbol] = false
// go through the ELF symbols looking for missing addresses
elfsymbols, err := elfFile.Symbols()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not get symbols: %v", err)
voidType := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
voidType["kind"] = "base"
voidType["name"] = "void"
symbolsCb := func(elfsym elf.Symbol) {
sym, ok := doc.Symbols[elfsym.Name]
if !ok {
sym = &vtypeSymbol{Address: elfsym.Value, SymbolType: voidType}
} else {
sym.Address = elfsym.Value
doc.Symbols[elfsym.Name] = sym
constantDataCb := func(elfsym elf.Symbol) {
_, ok := constantDataMap[elfsym.Name]
if !ok {
sym, ok := doc.Symbols[elfsym.Name]
if !ok {
data, _ := readELFSymbol(elfFile, elfsym)
sym.ConstantData = data
doc.Symbols[elfsym.Name] = sym
callBacks := []func(elfsym elf.Symbol){}
if extract&SymTabSymbols != 0 {
callBacks = append(callBacks, symbolsCb)
if extract&ConstantData != 0 {
callBacks = append(callBacks, constantDataCb)
for _, elfsym := range elfsymbols {
for _, cb := range callBacks {
return nil
马建仓 AI 助手


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