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Rong Tao/autofdo

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llvm_propeller_node_chain.h 6.24 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Wei Mi 提交于 2021-09-15 22:55 . Update to the latest internal version.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "llvm_propeller_cfg.h"
#include "third_party/abseil/absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
// A node chain represents an ordered list of CFG nodes, which are further
// splitted into multiple (ordered) list of nodes called bundles. For example
// * bundle1 {foo -> foo.1} -> bundle2 {bar} -> bundle3 {foo.2 -> foo.3}
// represents a chain for 4 nodes from function "foo" and one node from "bar".
// The nodes are grouped into three bundles: two bundles for "foo" and one
// bundle for "bar".
// NodeChainBuilder keeps merging chains together to form longer chains.
// Merging may be done by splitting one chains and shoving the other chain
// in between, but it cannot break any bundles. For instance, the chain above
// can only be splitted across the two bundle-joining parts (bundle1 and bundle2
// or bundle2 and bundle3). NodeChainBuilder can also "bundle-up" multiple
// bundles into a single bundle when no gains are foreseen from splitting those
// bundles.
// At each point in time, every node belongs to exactly one bundle which is
// contained in exactly one chain.
namespace devtools_crosstool_autofdo {
class NodeChain;
class CFGNodeBundle {
// All the CFG nodes in this bundle.
std::vector<CFGNode *> nodes_;
// Containing chain for this bundle.
NodeChain *chain_;
// Offset at which this bundle is located in its containing chain.
int64_t chain_offset_;
// Total binary size of this bundle.
uint64_t size_;
// Total execution frequency of this bundle.
uint64_t freq_;
// Constructor for building a bundle for a single CFG node and placing it in a
// given chain.
CFGNodeBundle(CFGNode *n, NodeChain *c, int64_t chain_offset)
: nodes_(1, n),
freq_(n->freq()) {
// Represents a chain of nodes (basic blocks).
class NodeChain {
// Representative node for the chain.
CFGNode *delegate_node_;
// ControlFlowGraph of the nodes in this chain (This will be null if the nodes
// come from more than one cfg).
ControlFlowGraph *cfg_;
// Ordered list of the bundles of the chain.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CFGNodeBundle>> node_bundles_;
// Total binary size of the chain.
uint64_t size_;
// Total execution frequency of the chain.
uint64_t freq_;
struct PtrComparator {
bool operator()(const NodeChain *nc1, const NodeChain *nc2) const {
if (!nc2) return false;
if (!nc1) return true;
return nc1->id() < nc2->id();
// Each map key is a NodeChain which has (at least) one CFGNode that is
// the sink end of one of the "inter_outs_" of CFGNode in "this" NodeChain,
// the corresponding map value is the collection of CFGNodes which have
// "inter_outs_"'s sink end equals to one of the CFGNodes of the corresponding
// map key.
// Note, we use "NodeChain::PtrComparator" to make sure the iterating order is
// deterministic.
std::map<NodeChain *, std::vector<CFGEdge *>, NodeChain::PtrComparator>
// Chains which have outgoing edges to this chain. Using "unordered_set"
// implies we never iterate this set (because iterating order is
// undeterministic), we only search it.
absl::flat_hash_set<NodeChain *> in_edges_;
uint64_t id() const { return delegate_node_->symbol_ordinal(); }
// Gives the execution density for this chain.
double exec_density() const {
return (static_cast<double>(freq_)) /
std::max(size_, static_cast<uint64_t>(1));
// Constructor for building a chain from a single node, placed in one bundle
// of its own.
explicit NodeChain(CFGNode *node) {
node_bundles_.emplace_back(new CFGNodeBundle(node, this, 0));
delegate_node_ = node;
cfg_ = node->cfg();
size_ = node->size();
freq_ = node->freq();
// This moves the bundles from another chain into this chain and updates the
// bundle and chain fields accordingly. After this is called, the 'other'
// chain becomes empty.
void MergeWith(NodeChain *other) {
for (auto &bundle : other->node_bundles_) {
bundle->chain_ = this;
bundle->chain_offset_ += size_;
std::move(other->node_bundles_.begin(), other->node_bundles_.end(),
size_ += other->size_;
freq_ += other->freq_;
// Nullify cfg_ if the other chain's nodes come from a different CFG.
if (cfg_ && cfg_ != other->cfg_)
cfg_ = nullptr;
CFGNode * GetFirstNode() {
return node_bundles_.front()->nodes_.front();
// Helper function to iterate over the outgoing edges of this chain to a
// specific chain, while applying a given function on each edge.
template <class Visitor>
void VisitEachOutEdgeToChain(NodeChain *chain, Visitor v) {
auto it = out_edges_.find(chain);
if (it == out_edges_.end()) return;
for (CFGEdge *e : it->second)
// Visit each candidate chain of this chain. This includes all the chains
// that this chain has edges to or from, excluding itself.
template <class Visitor>
void VisitEachCandidateChain(Visitor v) {
// Visit chains having edges *to* this chain.
for (auto *c : in_edges_) {
if (c == this) continue;
// Visit chains having *from* this chain, excluding those visited above.
for (auto &elem : out_edges_) {
if (elem.first == this) continue;
// Chains having edges *to* this chain are already visited above.
if (in_edges_.count(elem.first)) continue;
// Helper method for iterating over all nodes in this chain (in order).
template <class Visitor>
void VisitEachNodeRef(Visitor v) {
for (auto &bundle_ptr : node_bundles_)
for (CFGNode *n : bundle_ptr->nodes_) v(*n);
// Gets the chain containing a given node.
NodeChain *GetNodeChain(const CFGNode *n);
// Gets the offset of a node in its containing chain.
int64_t GetNodeOffset(const CFGNode *n);
} // namespace devtools_crosstool_autofdo
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