This file describes how to compile dbus using the cmake build system
- cmake version >= 2.6.0 see http://www.cmake.org
- installed libexpat see http://sourceforge.net/projects/expat/
unsupported RelWithDebInfo builds could be fetched
from http://sourceforge.net/projects/kde-windows/files/expat/
- for generating documentation based on docbook files
- xsltproc (provided by the distribution or from http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/xsltproc2.html) and
- docbook dtd and stylesheets (provided by the distribution or from https://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook/)
Win32 MinGW-w64|32
1. install mingw-w64 from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/
2. install cmake, libexpat and optional xsltproc and docbook dtd and stylesheets
3. get dbus sources
4. unpack dbus sources into a sub directory (referred as <dbus-src-root> later)
5. mkdir dbus-build
6. cd dbus-build
7. run
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" [<options, see below>] <dbus-src-root>
mingw32-make install
Mingw32 cross compile on Linux
2. install cmake, libexpat and optional xsltproc and docbook dtd and stylesheets
e.g on openSUSE Leap 15.0:
sudo zypper ar -f https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/windows:/mingw:/win32/openSUSE_Leap_15.0/
sudo zypper install mingw32-cross-gcc-c++ mingw32-libexpat-devel libxslt-tools mingw32-docbook_4 mingw32-docbool-xsl-stylesheets
2. get dbus sources
3. unpack dbus sources into a sub directory (referred as <dbus-src-root> later)
4. mkdir dbus-build
5. cd dbus-build
6. run
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<dbus-src-root>/cmake/i686-w64-mingw32.cmake \
-DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sysroot/i686-w64-mingw32 \
[<options, see below>] <dbus-src-root>
make install
Win32 Microsoft nmake
1. install MSVC 2010 Express Version from http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2010-editions/visual-cpp-express
2. install cmake, libexpat and optional xsltproc and docbook dtd and stylesheets
3. get dbus sources
4. unpack dbus sources into a sub directory (referred as <dbus-src-root> later)
5. mkdir dbus-build
6. cd dbus-build
7. run
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" [<options, see below>] <dbus-src-root>
nmake install
Win32 Visual Studio 2010 Express IDE
1. install MSVC 2010 Express Version from http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2010-editions/visual-cpp-express
2. install cmake, libexpat and optional xsltproc and docbook dtd and stylesheets
3. get dbus sources
4. unpack dbus sources into a sub directory (referred as <dbus-src-root> later)
5. mkdir dbus-build
6. cd dbus-build
7. run
cmake -G "Visual Studio 10" [<options, see below>] <dbus-src-root>
8a. open IDE with
vcexpress dbus.sln
8b. for immediate build run
vcexpress dbus.sln /build
Win32 Visual Studio 2010 Professional IDE
1. install MSVC 2010 Professional Version
2. install cmake, libexpat and optional xsltproc and docbook dtd and stylesheets
3. get dbus sources
4. unpack dbus sources into a sub directory (referred as <dbus-src-root> later)
5. mkdir dbus-build
6. cd dbus-build
7. run
cmake -G "Visual Studio 10" [<options, see below>] <dbus-src-root>
8a. open IDE with
devenv dbus.sln
8b. for immediate build run
devenv dbus.sln /build
2. install cmake, libexpat and optional xsltproc and docbook dtd and stylesheets
2. get dbus sources
3. unpack dbus sources into a sub directory (referred as <dbus-src-root> later)
4. mkdir dbus-build
5. cd dbus-build
6. run
cmake [<options, see below>] <dbus-src-root>
make install
For other compilers see cmake --help in the Generators section
Configuration flags
When using the cmake build system the dbus-specific configuration flags that can be given
to the cmake program are these (use -D<key>=<value> on command line). The listed values
are the defaults (in a typical build - some are platform-specific).
// in case cmake is not able to determine the xsltproc executable (optional)
XSLTPROC_EXECUTABLE=<path to xsltproc executable)
// in case cmake is not able to determine the installation of the docbook stylesheets (optional)
DOCBOOKXSL_DIR=<path to docbook stylesheets)
// Choose the type of build, options are: None(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS or
// CMAKE_C_FLAGS used) Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel.
// Include path for 3rdparty packages
// Library path for 3rdparty packages
// Install path prefix, prepended onto install directories.
// enable unit test code
// The name of the dbus daemon executable
// Disable assertion checking
// Disable public API sanity checking
// enable -ansi -pedantic gcc flags
// build DOXYGEN documentation (requires Doxygen)
// enable bus daemon usage statistics
// enable restricted servers for app containers
// support verbose debug mode
// build XML documentation (requires xmlto or meinproc4)
// install required system libraries
// session bus default listening address
// session bus fallback address for clients
// system bus default address (only useful on Unix)
win32 only:
// enable win32 debug port for message output
// use wine to run cross compiled test applications (only for cross compiling for Windows)
gcc only:
// compile with coverage profiling instrumentation
solaris only:
// enable console owner file
// Directory to check for console ownership
// Linux only:
// enable inotify as dir watch backend
*BSD only:
// enable kqueue as dir watch backend
x11 only:
// Build with X11 auto launch support
MSVC only (Visual Studio >= 2012):
// Enable code analyzing for MSVC compiler: /analyze
Note: Above mentioned options starting with DBUS_ or CMAKE_ could
be extracted after configuring from the output of running
"<maketool> help-options" in the build directory.
How to compile in dbus into clients with cmake
To compile dbus library into a client application with cmake
the following cmake commands are required:
1. call find_package to find dbus package
2. after specifing targets link dbus into target
add_executable(test test.c)
target_link_libraries(test ${DBus1_LIBRARIES})
Adding ${DBus1_LIBRARIES} to targets also adds required dbus
include dirs and compiler definitions by default. There is
no need to add them with include_directories and add_definitions.
To compile against dbus installed in a non standard location
specify -DDBus1_DIR=<dbus-install-root>/lib[64]/cmake/DBus1
on cmake command line.
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