Third-party open-source software gn | 三方开源软件gn
Compilation and building framework and scripts | 编译构建框架和脚本
Compilation and building framework and scripts | 编译构建框架和脚本
Product configuration | 产品配置
Compilation and building framework and scripts | 编译构建框架和脚本
init process for startup | 启动模块init进程
Storing declaration files for JavaScript APIs | JavaScript API 公共仓,存放 d.ts 声明文件
init process for startup | 启动模块init进程
Key management service | 提供密钥管理服务功能
Third-party open-source software JerryScript engine | 三方开源软件JerryScript引擎
Third-party open-source software JerryScript engine | 三方开源软件JerryScript引擎
Third-party open-source software JerryScript engine | 三方开源软件JerryScript引擎
Ability management framework | 元能力框架
Runtime Core组件是方舟运行时的公共组件,主要包括一些语言无关的基础运行库,包含承载字节码以及执行字节码所需要相关信息的ARK File、支持Debugger的Tooling、负责系统平台公共基础接口的ARK Base等
Providing resource loading, parsing, and reading capabilities | 提供资源加载、解析、读取的能力
Framework of the distributed manager service (distributed scheduler) | 分布式任务调度执行框架