import numpy as np
import sys
from scipy import sparse
from pyklu_package import KLUSolver
from pandapower.pf.create_jacobian import create_jacobian_matrix, get_fastest_jacobian_function
import pdb
it_num = 0
solver = KLUSolver()
is_init = False
# check the "create jacobian" stuff
tol = 1e-08
Ybus = np.load("Ybus.npy")
Ybus = sparse.csc_matrix(Ybus)
Sbus = np.load("Sbus.npy")
V0 = np.load("V0.npy")
pv = np.load("pv.npy")
pq = np.load("pq.npy")
# other variable initialized from above
iwamoto = False
numba = False
max_it = 10
i = 0
V = V0
Va = np.angle(V)
Vm = abs(V)
pvpq = np.r_[pv, pq]
pvpq_lookup = np.zeros(max(Ybus.indices) + 1, dtype=int)
pvpq_lookup[pvpq] = np.arange(len(pvpq))
npv = len(pv)
npq = len(pq)
j1 = 0
j2 = npv # j1:j2 - V angle of pv buses
j3 = j2
j4 = j2 + npq # j3:j4 - V angle of pq buses
j5 = j4
j6 = j4 + npq # j5:j6 - V mag of pq buses
createJ = get_fastest_jacobian_function(pvpq, pq, numba)
# mimic the code
F = solver._evaluate_Fx(Ybus, V, Sbus, pv, pq)
converged = solver._check_for_convergence(F, tol)
while (not converged and i < max_it):
i = i + 1
J = solver.create_jacobian_matrix(Ybus, V, pq, pvpq)
# to test
J2_ = create_jacobian_matrix(Ybus, V, pvpq, pq, createJ, pvpq_lookup, npv, npq, numba)
J2 = sparse.csc_matrix(J2_)
J_pp_ = np.load("J_{}.npy".format(i))
J_pp = sparse.csc_matrix(J_pp_)
test2 = np.where(J2.toarray() != 0)
test = np.where(J.toarray() != 0)
print("Are the non null values identical: ")
print("\t for rows: {}".format(np.all(test[0] == test2[0])))
print("\t for columns: {}".format(np.all(test[1] == test2[1])))
comp_val = np.abs(J - J2)
comp_val = comp_val.toarray()
print("Is J the same:")
print("\t for J11 (dS_dVa_r): {}".format(np.sum(np.abs(comp_val[:len(pvpq), :len(pvpq)]))))
print("\t for J21 (dS_dVa_i): {}".format(np.sum(np.abs(comp_val[len(pvpq):, :len(pvpq)]))))
print("\t for J12 (dS_dVm_r): {}".format(np.sum(np.abs(comp_val[:len(pvpq), len(pvpq):]))))
print("\t for J22 (dS_dVm_i): {}".format(np.sum(np.abs(comp_val[len(pvpq):, len(pvpq):]))))
# J = sparse.csc_matrix(J)
# check the one_iter function
tol = 1e-08
Ybus = np.load("Ybus.npy")
Ybus = sparse.csc_matrix(Ybus)
Sbus = np.load("Sbus.npy")
V0 = np.load("V0.npy")
pv = np.load("pv.npy")
pq = np.load("pq.npy")
# other variable initialized from above
iwamoto = False
numba = False
max_it = 10
i = 0
V = V0
Va = np.angle(V)
Vm = abs(V)
pvpq = np.r_[pv, pq]
pvpq_lookup = np.zeros(max(Ybus.indices) + 1, dtype=int)
pvpq_lookup[pvpq] = np.arange(len(pvpq))
npv = len(pv)
npq = len(pq)
j1 = 0
j2 = npv # j1:j2 - V angle of pv buses
j3 = j2
j4 = j2 + npq # j3:j4 - V angle of pq buses
j5 = j4
j6 = j4 + npq # j5:j6 - V mag of pq buses
createJ = get_fastest_jacobian_function(pvpq, pq, numba)
# mimic the code
F = solver._evaluate_Fx(Ybus, V, Sbus, pv, pq)
converged = solver._check_for_convergence(F, tol)
while (not converged and i < max_it):
i = i + 1
J = create_jacobian_matrix(Ybus, V, pvpq, pq, createJ, pvpq_lookup, npv, npq, numba)
J = sparse.csc_matrix(J)
if not is_init:
is_init = True
J_pp = np.load("J_{}.npy".format(i))
F_pp = np.load("F_{}.npy".format(i))
print("assertion is equal to pandapower for iteration {}".format(i))
print("\tJ: {}".format(np.all(np.abs(J - J_pp) <= 1e-5)))
same_as_pp = np.all(np.abs(F - F_pp) <= 1e-5)
print("\tF: {}".format(same_as_pp))
if not same_as_pp:
F, V = solver.one_iter(J, F, pv, pq,
V, #Va.astype(np.float), Vm.astype(np.float),
Ybus, Sbus)
converged = solver._check_for_convergence(F, tol)
# check evaluate function and norm
tol = 1e-08
Ybus = np.load("Ybus.npy")
Ybus = sparse.csc_matrix(Ybus)
Sbus = np.load("Sbus.npy")
V0 = np.load("V0.npy")
pv = np.load("pv.npy")
pq = np.load("pq.npy")
# other variable initialized from above
iwamoto = False
numba = False
max_it = 10
i = 0
V = V0
Va = np.angle(V)
Vm = abs(V)
pvpq = np.r_[pv, pq]
pvpq_lookup = np.zeros(max(Ybus.indices) + 1, dtype=int)
pvpq_lookup[pvpq] = np.arange(len(pvpq))
npv = len(pv)
npq = len(pq)
j1 = 0
j2 = npv # j1:j2 - V angle of pv buses
j3 = j2
j4 = j2 + npq # j3:j4 - V angle of pq buses
j5 = j4
j6 = j4 + npq # j5:j6 - V mag of pq buses
createJ = get_fastest_jacobian_function(pvpq, pq, numba)
# mimic the code
F = solver._evaluate_Fx(Ybus, V, Sbus, pv, pq)
converged = solver._check_for_convergence(F, tol)
while (not converged and i < max_it):
i = i + 1
J = create_jacobian_matrix(Ybus, V, pvpq, pq, createJ, pvpq_lookup, npv, npq, numba)
J = sparse.csc_matrix(J)
if not is_init:
is_init = True
# solve the system
dx = 1.0 * F
solver.solve(J, dx)
dx *= -1.0
# update voltage
if npv and not iwamoto:
Va[pv] = Va[pv] + dx[j1:j2]
if npq and not iwamoto:
Va[pq] = Va[pq] + dx[j3:j4]
Vm[pq] = Vm[pq] + dx[j5:j6]
V = Vm * np.exp(1j * Va)
Vm = abs(V) # update Vm and Va again in case
Va = np.angle(V) # we wrapped around with a negative Vm
J_pp = np.load("J_{}.npy".format(i))
dx_pp = np.load("dx_{}.npy".format(i))
F_pp = np.load("F_{}.npy".format(i))
print("assertion is equal to pandapower for iteration {}".format(i))
print("\tJ: {}".format(np.all(np.abs(J - J_pp) <= 1e-5)))
print("\tdx: {}".format(np.all(np.abs(dx - dx_pp) <= 1e-5)))
print("\tF: {}".format(np.all(np.abs(F - F_pp) <= 1e-5)))
F = solver._evaluate_Fx(Ybus, V, Sbus, pv, pq)
converged = solver._check_for_convergence(F, tol)
# check the invert solver
for it_num in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
J = np.load("J_{}.npy".format(it_num))
dx = np.load("dx_{}.npy".format(it_num))
F = np.load("F_{}.npy".format(it_num))
F_klu = 1.0 * F
# need to be in csc matrix
compress_A = sparse.csc_matrix(J)
if not is_init:
is_init = True
# Ap = compress_A.indptr
# Ai = compress_A.indices
# n = Ap.size - 1
# solver.analyze(int(n), Ap, Ai)
solver.analyze(compress_A) #int(n), Ap, Ai)
# print(F_klu[:5])
## solver.solve(Ap, Ai, compress_A.data, F_klu)
solver.solve(compress_A, F_klu)
dx_klu = -1.0 * F_klu
# print(F_klu[:5])
# res_klu = np.matmul(J, -1.0 * dx_klu) - F
# res = np.matmul(J, -1.0 * dx) - F
# print("res_klu: {}".format(np.sum(np.abs(res_klu))))
# print("res: {}".format(np.sum(np.abs(res))))
# print(F_klu[:5])
# # dx = -1 * spsolve(J, F, permc_spec=permc_spec, use_umfpack=use_umfpack)
# see pandapower.pypower.newtonpf and newtonpf
# import numpy as np
# F = np.array([-2.40868988e+01, 1.28470484e+01, -5.90647951e+00, -2.84961091e+01,
# 3.43054654e-01, -1.50490473e+01, -2.47184985e+00, -1.79735240e+00,
# 1.33656911e+01, 7.72235439e+00, 3.37569963e+01, -4.73176627e+00,
# 2.70588869e+00, -1.19207512e+01, 3.79737055e+00, 1.98062446e+01,
# 8.28495595e+00, -1.81921518e+01, 2.51794141e+01, -1.72386939e+01,
# -1.37021142e+01, -4.74929487e+00, -2.00634711e+01, -1.54528301e+01,
# 1.14227448e+00, 1.00922067e+01, 4.37165896e+01, 4.16234337e+00,
# -1.04932999e+01, 1.04290700e+00, -1.50213339e+01, 7.27652222e+00,
# -2.59131600e+00, 3.88186912e+00, 8.74638448e+00, 4.15407621e+01,
# -6.71110016e+00, 1.66592934e+01, -1.61290061e+00, 8.06365233e-01,
# -1.68274547e+01, -2.37032325e+01, 1.73276739e+01, 6.94067069e+01,
# -1.47350705e+01, 1.59962144e+00, -4.44352738e+00, 8.02846245e+00,
# 3.13932398e+01, -2.63415646e+00, -7.43639078e+00, -4.24722772e+00,
# 2.69336655e+01, 1.12731147e+01, 4.08917007e+00, -2.36993936e+00,
# 5.27562435e-01, 1.58100217e+01, 1.23632415e+01, 7.94204158e+00,
# 9.86388471e+00, 8.07155493e+00, 1.45914180e+00, 2.68449448e+01,
# 5.84277115e+00, 4.10618936e+00, 1.98248611e+00, 3.85203561e+00,
# 5.79307800e+00, 2.35432909e+01, 1.15023935e+00, 1.30073890e+00,
# -2.05860715e+01, 7.13510424e+00, 2.24722122e+01, -9.18612791e+00,
# 6.96005994e+00, 2.21490266e+01, 7.16040052e-01, -1.80440712e-01,
# 1.17984140e+01, -4.52227074e+01, 1.62415142e+01, 2.25400037e+00,
# 1.38603338e+00, -2.21561568e+00, -2.05808708e+01, -2.18683678e+01,
# -1.34011415e+01, -6.56817916e+00, 2.81057920e+00, 7.88158904e+00,
# 1.27255644e+01, 1.29745451e+01, -5.83253646e+00, 7.17083252e-01,
# 5.09162251e-01, -5.94932087e+00, -1.43211727e+01, -4.04189491e+01,
# 4.72553476e+00, 1.23653555e+01, -3.02116063e+01, -1.51582805e+01,
# -3.13453808e+01, -3.21527641e+00, -1.64994144e-01, 6.66301252e+00,
# 5.61436619e+00, 1.17732094e+00, -1.10505433e+00, 1.84481045e+00,
# -8.76751187e+00, 4.44977293e+00, -2.71642610e+00, -1.01924691e+01,
# -1.18987380e+01, 4.41585924e+01, 3.09139394e+01, -3.01378151e+00,
# 2.84169429e+00, 7.44351034e+01, 3.11849237e+01, 2.36163415e+01,
# 4.50154050e+01, 3.82588132e+01, 1.07337802e+01, 1.01060329e+02,
# 2.90804711e+01, 1.05846354e+01, 1.25022166e+01, -7.41405972e+01,
# 2.70390717e+01, 8.95997795e+01, 9.71550043e+00, 6.70690990e+00,
# -5.26990626e+01, 3.23719114e+01, 7.01225962e+01, -2.73649716e+00,
# 2.63237860e+01, 1.06000375e+02, -1.44978425e+02, 1.53015617e+02,
# 4.77992116e+01, -2.65001576e+02, 5.80383447e+01, 9.50382786e+00,
# -1.61205350e+00, 1.99713517e+00, -6.89789192e+01, -6.78410937e+01,
# -3.23006253e+01, -8.97726650e+00, 8.78268413e+00, 3.94574468e+01,
# 3.75451783e+01, 3.73943670e+01, -3.17081714e+01, 3.45927260e+00,
# 1.31512848e+02, -3.08275863e+01, -5.04497872e+01, -4.77448839e+02,
# 1.49139959e+01, 5.79062175e+01, -7.54945566e+01, -4.57182853e+01,
# -3.16657194e+02, 9.59132472e+00, -3.02318224e+00, 9.00065162e+00,
# 1.62118985e+01, 3.27317969e+00, 6.00983438e+00, 1.02787563e+01,
# -2.23377791e+01, 4.15849366e+01, -1.01716755e+01, -4.14302504e+01,
# -4.62477040e+01])
# dx = np.array([-0.05463578, -0.0382218 , -0.0323992 , -0.03340859, -0.03854723,
# -0.04248839, -0.05978398, -0.040956 , -0.05303533, -0.05499707,
# -0.01695892, -0.05305905, -0.0530527 , -0.05076724, -0.03370322,
# -0.05496989, -0.05634815, -0.04660005, -0.0575151 , -0.05110835,
# -0.04559774, -0.04825972, -0.04809417, -0.04924428, -0.04541869,
# -0.02684788, -0.02940566, -0.05857076, -0.02496616, -0.02521909,
# -0.02509464, -0.02507503, -0.02213192, -0.02275906, -0.02353401,
# -0.03105105, -0.00906439, -0.05941174, -0.02118386, -0.0130712 ,
# -0.00438955, -0.00364688, -0.01348649, -0.02349328, -0.01619588,
# -0.02293209, -0.01981847, -0.02372939, -0.0842955 , -0.02124834,
# -0.0212674 , -0.02777709, -0.03304965, -0.05715996, -0.05782893,
# -0.0268229 , -0.02310438, -0.03333692, -0.03722006, -0.03864532,
# -0.04614045, -0.04621666, -0.05869014, -0.00326461, -0.05548527,
# -0.05853158, -0.05774513, -0.05542647, -0.04826335, -0.05596753,
# -0.04529825, -0.04251601, -0.04086443, -0.04841272, -0.05051452,
# -0.05307107, -0.0508482 , -0.04820202, -0.04918101, -0.04491326,
# -0.04831426, -0.05807827, -0.04809035, -0.04276021, -0.03433976,
# -0.02963108, -0.02460523, -0.02941373, -0.0266234 , -0.02437822,
# -0.02450553, -0.02503458, -0.02529449, -0.02485161, -0.02247777,
# -0.05901855, -0.02266533, -0.02235809, -0.02510739, -0.01683595,
# -0.01211087, -0.00372743, -0.0134815 , -0.01519699, -0.07082179,
# -0.01870511, -0.0190566 , -0.01928269, -0.01627639, -0.01918528,
# -0.01742291, -0.02224974, -0.02401617, -0.02099645, -0.02165357,
# -0.02148729, -0.02515766, -0.01806002, -0.00459003, 0.00165252,
# -0.0006491 , -0.02782071, -0.02303107, -0.02223859, -0.02883201,
# -0.02889966, -0.01571272, -0.03883342, -0.02101821, -0.00616555,
# -0.00580896, 0.00540714, -0.03163609, -0.02150471, -0.03076257,
# -0.01973142, 0.0099948 , -0.02745302, -0.02587349, -0.00412821,
# -0.01837788, -0.0092111 , 0.00112257, -0.02734521, -0.01934987,
# 0.0123894 , -0.02243306, -0.01239446, -0.0051167 , -0.00324492,
# 0.02818471, 0.03183937, 0.01174089, -0.02200706, -0.03166426,
# -0.04196828, -0.01856925, -0.02970183, 0.00337246, -0.00046795,
# -0.02056048, -0.00585641, 0.03083093, 0.01365736, -0.00293157,
# -0.02171797, 0.01385313, 0.01979025, 0.05623961, 0.00717467,
# -0.00108937, -0.00528149, -0.00996533, -0.00306131, -0.00233939,
# -0.00424623, 0.00021747, -0.00913819, 0.0027597 , 0.02196277,
# 0.03493246])
import pyklu
dx_klu = -1.0 * pyklu.solve_linear_system(J, F_klu)
# from scipy import sparse
# import ctypes
# libklu = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('libpyklu.so')
# compress_A = sparse.csc_matrix(J)
# Ap = compress_A.indptr
# Ai = compress_A.indices
# Ax = compress_A.data
# n = Ap.size - 1
# c_Ap = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(Ap)
# c_Ai = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(Ai)
# c_Ax = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(Ax)
# c_b = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(F_klu)
# libklu.solve_linear_system(n, c_Ap, c_Ai, c_Ax, c_b)
# dx_klu = -1.0 * np.array(c_b)
res_klu = np.matmul(J, -1.0 * dx_klu) - F
res_pp = np.matmul(J, -1.0 * dx) - F
import pdb
# with open("F.npy", "r") as f:
# F = np.load(f.read())
# with open("J.npy", "r") as f:
# J = np.load(f)
# with open("dx.npy", "r") as f:
# dx = np.load(f)
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