energy是Go语言基于CEF(Chromium Embedded Framework)开发的框架, 用于开发Windows、MacOSX和Linux跨平台桌面应用.
Kiran desktop platform integration plugin
Kubernetes Operating System simplifies OS updating
A low-overhead eBPF-based probes framework
The Community repo is to store all the information about openEuler Community, inclouding governance, SIGs(project teams), Communications and etc.
this repository provides glfw, skia modules for ft_engine
a tool to analyze the impact of changes to software packages
A security product that provides features such as baseline hardening, trusted protection, file protection, private boxes and device management.
ft_engine is contains modules window display and window management, providing the core capabilities of the Windows engine
Cve management service, monitor machine vulnerabilities and provide fix functions.
An OS-level configuration management service
Operating System Security Intrusion Detection System
A rpm packager bot for python modules from
A tool for handling synchronization between branches
yocto-meta-openeuler是用于构建openEuler Embedded所需要的一系列工具、构建配方的集合, 以及当前openEuler Embedded开发使用文档的承载仓库。
lcr(Lightweight Container Runtime) is CLI tool for spawning and running containers according to OCI specification. It is based on liblxc and written by C
Kiran control center for configuring system settings such as accounts,timedate and keyboard, etc.
Pin (Plug-IN framework) server provides plugin APIs for compiler optimization developers to develop optimization pass.