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JSON.mqh 10.30 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
//| EA31337 framework |
//| Copyright 2016-2020, 31337 Investments Ltd |
//| https://github.com/EA31337 |
* This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Prevents processing this includes file for the second time.
#ifndef JSON_MQH
#define JSON_MQH
// Includes.
#include "DictBase.mqh"
#include "JsonNode.mqh"
#include "JsonSerializer.mqh"
#include "Object.mqh"
class Log;
class JSON {
static string ValueToString(datetime value, bool includeQuotes = false) {
#ifdef __MQL5__
return (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "") + TimeToString(value) + (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "");
return (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "") + TimeToStr(value) + (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "");
static string ValueToString(bool value, bool includeQuotes = false) {
return (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "") + (value ? "true" : "false") + (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "");
static string ValueToString(int value, bool includeQuotes = false) {
return (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "") + IntegerToString(value) + (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "");
static string ValueToString(long value, bool includeQuotes = false) {
return (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "") + IntegerToString(value) + (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "");
static string ValueToString(string value, bool includeQuotes = false) {
string output = includeQuotes ? "\"" : "";
for (unsigned short i = 0; i < StringLen(value); ++i) {
#ifdef __MQL5__
switch (StringGetCharacter(value, i))
switch (StringGetChar(value, i))
case '"':
output += "\\\"";
case '/':
output += "\\/";
case '\n':
output += "\\n";
case '\r':
output += "\\r";
case '\t':
output += "\\t";
case '\\':
output += "\\\\";
#ifdef __MQL5__
output += ShortToString(StringGetCharacter(value, i));
output += ShortToString(StringGetChar(value, i));
return output + (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "");
static string ValueToString(float value, bool includeQuotes = false) {
return (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "") + StringFormat("%.6f", value) + (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "");
static string ValueToString(double value, bool includeQuotes = false) {
return (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "") + StringFormat("%.8f", value) + (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "");
static string ValueToString(Object* _obj, bool includeQuotes = false) {
return (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "") + ((Object*)_obj).ToString() + (includeQuotes ? "\"" : "");
template <typename T>
static string ValueToString(T value, bool includeQuotes = false) {
return StringFormat("%s%s%s", (includeQuotes ? "\"" : ""), value, (includeQuotes ? "\"" : ""));
template <typename X>
static string Stringify(X& obj, bool trimWhitespace = true, int indentSize = 2) {
JsonSerializer serializer(NULL, JsonSerialize);
serializer.PassStruct(obj, "", obj);
if (serializer.GetRoot()) {
return serializer.GetRoot().ToString(trimWhitespace, indentSize);
// Error occured.
return "{\"error\": \"Cannot stringify object!\"}";
template <typename X>
static bool Parse(string data, X* obj, Log* logger = NULL) {
return Parse(data, *obj, logger);
template <typename X>
static bool Parse(string data, X& obj, Log* logger = NULL) {
JsonNode* node = Parse(data);
if (!node) {
// Parsing failed.
return false;
JsonSerializer serializer(node, JsonUnserialize);
if (logger != NULL) serializer.Logger().Link(logger);
// We don't use result. We parse data as it is.
return true;
static JsonNode* Parse(string data) {
JsonNodeType type;
if (StringGetCharacter(data, 0) == '{')
type = JsonNodeObject;
else if (StringGetCharacter(data, 0) == '[')
type = JsonNodeArray;
else {
return GracefulReturn("Failed to parse JSON. It must start with either \"{\" or \"[\".", 0, NULL, NULL);
JsonNode* root = NULL;
JsonNode* current = NULL;
JsonNode* node = NULL;
string extracted;
bool isOuterScope = true;
bool expectingKey = false;
bool expectingValue = false;
bool expectingSemicolon = false;
JsonParam* key = NULL;
JsonParam* value = NULL;
unsigned short ch, ch2;
unsigned int k;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)StringLen(data); ++i) {
ch = StringGetCharacter(data, i);
// ch2 will be an another non-whitespace character.
k = i + 1;
do {
ch2 = StringGetCharacter(data, k++);
} while (ch2 == ' ' || ch2 == '\t' || ch2 == '\n' || ch2 == '\r');
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') continue;
if (ch == '"') {
extracted = ExtractString(data, i + 1);
if (extracted == NULL) {
return GracefulReturn("Unexpected end of file when parsing string", i, root, key);
if (expectingKey) {
key = JsonParam::FromString(extracted);
expectingKey = false;
expectingSemicolon = true;
} else if (expectingValue) {
new JsonNode(current.GetType() == JsonNodeObject ? JsonNodeObjectProperty : JsonNodeArrayItem, current,
key, JsonParam::FromString(extracted)));
expectingValue = false;
} else {
return GracefulReturn("Unexpected '\"' symbol", i, root, key);
// Skipping double quotes.
i += StringLen(extracted) + 1;
} else if (expectingSemicolon) {
if (ch != ':') {
return GracefulReturn("Expected semicolon", i, root, key);
expectingSemicolon = false;
expectingValue = true;
} else if (ch == '{') {
if (expectingKey) {
return GracefulReturn("Cannot use object as a key", i, root, key);
node = new JsonNode(JsonNodeObject, current, key);
if (!root) root = node;
if (expectingValue) current.AddChild(node);
current = node;
isOuterScope = false;
expectingValue = false;
expectingKey = ch2 != '}';
key = NULL;
} else if (ch == '}') {
if (expectingKey || expectingValue || current.GetType() != JsonNodeObject) {
return GracefulReturn("Unexpected end of object", i, root, key);
current = current.GetParent();
expectingValue = false;
} else if (ch == '[') {
if (expectingKey) {
return GracefulReturn("Cannot use array as a key", i, root, key);
node = new JsonNode(JsonNodeArray, current, key);
if (!root) root = node;
if (expectingValue) current.AddChild(node);
current = node;
expectingValue = ch2 != ']';
isOuterScope = false;
key = NULL;
} else if (ch == ']') {
if (expectingKey || expectingValue || current.GetType() != JsonNodeArray) {
return GracefulReturn("Unexpected end of array", i, root, key);
current = current.GetParent();
expectingValue = false;
} else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
if (!expectingValue) {
return GracefulReturn("Unexpected numeric value", i, root, key);
if (!ExtractNumber(data, i, extracted)) {
return GracefulReturn("Cannot parse numeric value", i, root, key);
value = StringFind(extracted, ".") != -1 ? JsonParam::FromValue(StringToDouble(extracted))
: JsonParam::FromValue(StringToInteger(extracted));
current.AddChild(new JsonNode(current.GetType() == JsonNodeObject ? JsonNodeObjectProperty : JsonNodeArrayItem,
current, key, value));
expectingValue = false;
// Skipping value.
i += StringLen(extracted) - 1;
// We don't want to delete it twice.
key = NULL;
} else if (ch == ',') {
if (expectingKey || expectingValue || expectingSemicolon) {
return GracefulReturn("Unexpected comma", i, root, key);
if (current.GetType() == JsonNodeObject)
expectingKey = true;
expectingValue = true;
if (key) delete key;
return root;
static JsonNode* GracefulReturn(string error, unsigned int index, JsonNode* root, JsonParam* key) {
Print(error + " at index ", index);
if (root != NULL) delete root;
if (key != NULL) delete key;
return NULL;
static bool ExtractNumber(string& data, unsigned int index, string& number) {
string str;
for (unsigned int i = index; i < (unsigned int)StringLen(data); ++i) {
#ifdef __MQL5__
unsigned short ch = StringGetCharacter(data, i);
unsigned short ch = StringGetChar(data, i);
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
str += ShortToString(ch);
} else if (ch == '.') {
if (i == index) {
return false;
str += ShortToString(ch);
} else {
// End of the number.
number = str;
return true;
return true;
static string ExtractString(string& data, unsigned int index) {
for (unsigned int i = index; i < (unsigned int)StringLen(data); ++i) {
unsigned short ch = StringGetCharacter(data, i);
if (ch == '"') {
return StringSubstr(data, index, i - index);
return NULL;
马建仓 AI 助手
