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Tree.py 23.60 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
karanpandya12 提交于 2020-05-12 18:49 . Update Tree.py
import numpy as np
from Obstacle import Obstacle
import random
import utils
class Tree(object):
def __init__(self,start,goal,obstacles,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,maxNumNodes = 1000,res = 0.0001,eta = 1.,gamma = 20.,epsilon = 0.5):
self.nodes = np.array([start[0],start[1],0,-1]).reshape(1,4)
#4th column of self.nodes == parentID of root node is None
#3rd column of self.nodes == costs to get to each node from root
self.obstacles = obstacles # a list of Obstacle Objects
self.goalIDs = np.array([]).astype(int) # list of near-goal nodeIDs
self.update_q = [] # for cost propagation
self.resolution = res # Resolution for obstacle check along an edge
self.orphanedTree = np.array([0,0,0,0]).reshape(1,4)
self.separatePathID = np.array([]) # IDs along path to goal in the orphaned tree
self.pcurID = 0 # ID of current node (initialized to rootID)
self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax = xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
self.start = start
self.goal = goal
self.eta = eta
print("Eta: ",eta)
self.gamma = gamma
self.temp_tree = np.array([0,0,0,-1]).reshape(1,4)
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.maxNumNodes = maxNumNodes
def addEdge(self, parentID, child, cost):
if parentID < 0 or parentID > np.shape(self.nodes)[0]-1:
print("INVALID Parent ID when adding a new edge")
new_node = np.array([[child[0],child[1],float(cost),int(parentID)]])
self.nodes = np.append(self.nodes,new_node,axis = 0)
return len(self.nodes)-1 #return child node's ID
def getNearest(self, sample):
# Returns nearest neighbour to the sample from the nodes of the self
temp = self.nodes[:,0:2] - sample
# print(temp.dtype)
# print(self.nodes)
distance = np.linalg.norm(temp,axis = 1)
nearest_nodeID = np.argmin(distance)
nearest_node = self.nodes[nearest_nodeID,0:2]
return nearest_node, nearest_nodeID
def retracePathFromTo(self, nodeID, rootID = -1):
#returns nodeID sequence from the root node to the given node
path_ID = np.array([nodeID])
parentID = int(self.nodes[nodeID, 3])
while parentID != rootID:
path_ID = np.append(path_ID, [parentID])
parentID = int(self.nodes[parentID,3])
if rootID != -1:
path_ID = np.append(path_ID, [rootID])
return np.flipud(path_ID)
def collisionFree(self, node):
#node contains either the x-y coord of the robot or the x-y coords along an edge
for obs in self.obstacles:
if not obs.isCollisionFree(node):
return False
return True
def isValidBranch(self, x1, x2, branchLength):
#returns a boolean whether or not a branch is feasible
# for x in np.linspace(x1, x2, 20):
# if not self.collisionFree(x):
# return False
num_points = int(branchLength / self.resolution)
x = np.linspace(x1,x2,num_points)
return self.collisionFree(x)
def addGoalID(self, goalID):
self.goalIDs = np.append(self.goalIDs, int(goalID))
def updateObstacles(self,dt):
for obst in self.obstacles:
###### RRT* and RRT*FN Methods #######
def getNN(self, new_node, radius):
#returns nodeIDs of neighbors within hyperball
temp = self.nodes[:,0:2] - new_node
distances = np.linalg.norm(temp,axis = 1)
distances = np.around(distances,decimals = 4)
neighbour_indices = np.argwhere(distances <= radius)
return distances,neighbour_indices
def forcedRemove(self, xnewID, goal, goalFound):
#1. find childless nodes
parentIDs = self.nodes[:, 3].copy().tolist()
parentIDs = set(parentIDs)
nodeIDs = set(np.arange(np.shape(self.nodes)[0]))
childlessIDs = nodeIDs - parentIDs
#2. Get the tail node of best path towards goal
bestLastNodeID = self.bestPathLastNode(goal, goalFound)
#3. Exclude xnew and bestLastNode from childless list. Then draw
childlessIDs = list(childlessIDs - {bestLastNodeID, xnewID})
if len(childlessIDs) < 1:
xremoveID = random.choice(childlessIDs)
#4. Remove
self.nodes = np.delete(self.nodes, xremoveID, axis = 0)
if xremoveID in self.goalIDs:
self.goalIDs = np.delete(self.goalIDs,np.argwhere(self.goalIDs == xremoveID))
#adjust parentIDs
parents = self.nodes[:, 3]
self.nodes[np.where(parents > xremoveID), 3]= self.nodes[np.where(parents > xremoveID), 3]-1
#adjust goalIDs
self.goalIDs[np.where(self.goalIDs > xremoveID)]= self.goalIDs[np.where(self.goalIDs > xremoveID)]-1
# print("REMOVED CHILDLESS NODE: {}".format(self.nodes[xremoveID, :]))
def bestPathLastNode(self, goal, goalFound):
# if goal is found, get best path to goal
if goalFound:
#returns best near goal nodeID and its cost
minCostToGoal, goalID = self.minGoalID()
return goalID
#else get best path to node closest to goal
nearestToGoal, ntgID = self.getNearest(goal)
return ntgID
def minGoalID(self):
self.goalIDs = self.goalIDs.astype(int)
costsToGoal = self.nodes[self.goalIDs, 2]
minCostID = np.argmin(costsToGoal)
return costsToGoal[minCostID], self.goalIDs[minCostID]
def chooseParent(self,new_node,neighbour_indices,distances):
#choosing Best Parent
nayID = neighbour_indices[0]
parent_index = nayID
branchCost = distances[nayID]
costToNay = self.nodes[nayID,2]
min_cost = branchCost + costToNay
for nayID in neighbour_indices:
branchCost = distances[nayID]
costToNay = self.nodes[nayID,2]
cost = branchCost + costToNay
if cost < min_cost and self.isValidBranch(self.nodes[nayID, 0:2], new_node, branchCost):
min_cost = cost
parent_index = nayID
return parent_index, min_cost
# Rewiring the tree nodes within the hyperball after a new node has been added to the tree.
# The new node becomes the parent of the rewired nodes
def rewire(self,new_nodeID,neighbour_indices,distances):
distance_to_neighbours = distances[neighbour_indices] #branch costs to neighbor
new_costs = distance_to_neighbours + self.nodes[new_nodeID,2]
for i in range(neighbour_indices.shape[0]):
# print(f"rewired {i}")
if new_costs[i] < self.nodes[neighbour_indices[i],2]:
self.nodes[neighbour_indices[i],3] = self.nodes.shape[0] - 1 #change parent
self.nodes[neighbour_indices[i],2] = new_costs[i] #change cost
children_indices = np.argwhere(self.nodes[:,3] == neighbour_indices[i])
children_indices = list(children_indices)
# print("REWIRING....")
while len(self.update_q) != 0:
child_index = int(self.update_q.pop(0))
parent_index = int(self.nodes[child_index,3])
dist = self.nodes[child_index,0:2] - self.nodes[parent_index,0:2]
self.nodes[child_index,2] = self.nodes[parent_index,2] + np.linalg.norm(dist) #update child's cost
next_indices = np.argwhere(self.nodes[:,3] == child_index)
next_indices = list(next_indices)
######### RRT* FND Methods #########
def initGrowth(self, exhaust = False, N = 5000, FN = False):
#exhaust: if true, finish all N iterations before returning solPath
#initial tree growth. Returns solution path and its ID sequence
print("Begin initial growth...")
goalFound = False
num_iterations = 0
max_iterations = 20
def iterate(goalFound):
if num_iterations >= max_iterations:
return None,None,goalFound
for i in range(N):
# print("iter {} || number of nodes: {}".format(i, self.nodes.shape[0]))
#2. Sample
qrand = utils.sampleUniform(self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax)
#3. Find nearest node to qrand
qnear, qnearID = self.getNearest(qrand)
# print("eta: ",self.eta)
qnew = utils.steer(self.eta,qnear,qrand)
if self.isValidBranch(qnear, qnew, np.linalg.norm(qnear-qnew)):
#4. Find nearest neighbors within hyperball
n = np.shape(self.nodes)[0] #number of nodes in self
radius = min(self.eta, self.gamma*np.sqrt(np.log(n)/n))
# print("radius: ",radius)
distances, NNids = self.getNN(qnew, radius)
#distances are branch costs from every node to qnew
#5. Choose qnew's best parent and insert qnew
naysID = np.append(np.array([qnearID]),NNids)
qparentID, qnewCost = self.chooseParent(qnew, naysID, distances)
qnewID = self.addEdge(int(qparentID), qnew, qnewCost)
#6. If qnew is near goal, store its id
if np.linalg.norm(qnew - self.goal) < self.epsilon:
goalFound = True
#6.1 Append qnewID(goalID) to self.goalIDs list
#7. Rewire within the hyperball vicinity
#8.Trim tree
if FN:
if np.shape(self.nodes)[0] > self.maxNumNodes:
self.forcedRemove(qnewID, self.goal, goalFound)
if not exhaust:
if goalFound:
costToGoal, goalID = self.minGoalID()
solpath_ID = self.retracePathFromTo(goalID)
return self.nodes[solpath_ID, 0:2], solpath_ID, goalFound
# print(" cost to goal: {}".format(costToGoal))
# iterations.append(i)
# costs.append(costToGoal)
if goalFound:
costToGoal, goalID = self.minGoalID()
solpath_ID = self.retracePathFromTo(goalID)
return self.nodes[solpath_ID, 0:2], solpath_ID, goalFound
return -1,-1,goalFound
while not goalFound:
solPath, solPathID, goalFound = iterate(goalFound)
if solPath is None:
return None,None
return solPath, solPathID
def detectCollision(self,solpath):
# path_list = []
# for i in range(solpath.shape[0] - 1):
# num_points = int(np.linalg.norm(solpath[i] - solpath[i + 1]) / self.resolution)
# x = list(np.linspace(solpath[i],solpath[i + 1],num_points))
# path_list.append(x)
# path_list = np.array(path_list)
# Much faster version
# Since it doesn't involve conversion of array to list, append and the 'for loop'
# Might be less accurate
# Since it uses only a fixed number of points along all edges irrespective of edge length
num_points = 10000
path_list = np.linspace(solpath[0:-1],solpath[1:],num_points)
path_list = path_list.reshape(-1,2)
# Returns True if a collision is detected
return np.logical_not(self.collisionFree(path_list))
def rerootAtID(self,newrootID,tree,pathIDs=None,goalIDs=None):
# check if root
papaIDs = tree[:,-1]
rootID = np.where(papaIDs==-1)[0][0]
if newrootID == rootID:
raise ValueError('This is already the root node, dummy')
# save copy of tree as self.temp_tree to allow recursion
self.temp_tree = np.copy(tree)
# recursively strip lineage starting with root node
strippedToNodeID = np.cumsum(np.isnan(self.temp_tree[:,-1]))
for ID in range(self.temp_tree.shape[0]):
parentID = self.temp_tree[ID,-1]
if not np.isnan(ID) and not np.isnan(parentID):
self.temp_tree[ID,-1] -= strippedToNodeID[int(parentID)]
self.temp_tree[newrootID,-1] = -1
# delete nodes before newroot (where parentID==None)
removeIDs = np.argwhere(np.isnan(self.temp_tree[:,-1]))
self.temp_tree = np.delete(self.temp_tree,removeIDs,axis=0)
out_tree = self.temp_tree
self.temp_tree = np.array([0,0,0,-1]).reshape(1,4)
# shift subpathIDs
returnpath = False
if not pathIDs is None:
returnpath = True
q = np.array([np.argwhere(pathIDs == i)[0][0] if i in pathIDs else np.nan for i in removeIDs])
q = q[ ~np.isnan(q)]
pathIDs = np.delete(pathIDs, q, axis = 0)
sub_pathIDs = [int(ID)-strippedToNodeID[int(ID)] for ID in pathIDs]
sub_pathIDs = np.array(sub_pathIDs)[np.greater_equal(sub_pathIDs,0,dtype=int)]
sub_pathIDs = np.empty(0)
# shift remaining subset of goalIDs
returngoal = False
if not goalIDs is None:
returngoal = True
q = np.array([np.argwhere(goalIDs == i)[0][0] if i in goalIDs else np.nan for i in removeIDs])
q = q[ ~np.isnan(q)]
goalIDs = np.delete(goalIDs,q, axis = 0)
rem_goalIDs = [int(ID)-strippedToNodeID[int(ID)] for ID in goalIDs]
rem_goalIDs = np.array(rem_goalIDs)
# Intelligent return
if returnpath and returngoal:
return out_tree,sub_pathIDs,rem_goalIDs
if returnpath:
return out_tree,sub_pathIDs
if returngoal:
return out_tree,rem_goalIDs
return out_tree
def recursivelyStrip(self,newrootID,parentIDs,nodeID):
# Strip this node
self.temp_tree[nodeID,-1] = None
# Find all children
childrenIDs = np.argwhere(parentIDs==nodeID).flatten()
# for each child { if not newroot { continue recursion } }
if not childrenIDs.shape[0]==0:
childrenIDs = childrenIDs.tolist()
for childID in childrenIDs:
if not childID == newrootID:
def selectBranch(self,solnpathIDs):
# modify tree in place by rerooting at pcurID:
# - remove all lineages prior to pcur (adjust nx4 matrix)
# - adjust goalIDs
# - output subpathIDs
#return the adjusted solpathID(shorter and ID-correct), passs solpathID to validPath()
self.nodes,subpathIDs,self.goalIDs = self.rerootAtID(self.pcurID,tree = self.nodes,pathIDs = solnpathIDs,goalIDs = self.goalIDs)
return subpathIDs
def destroyLineage(self, ancestorIDs, tree):
#returns new tree with lineage(s) rooted at ancestorID(s) removed
#remove all nodes in the lineage staring from ancestor down to(but not including) baby
#args: tree== nx4 matrix
#1. Nan-mark nodes to be removed
rootID = np.argwhere(tree[:, -1] == -1)
self.temp_tree = np.copy(tree)
for ancesID in ancestorIDs:
self.recursivelyStrip(rootID,tree[:, -1], ancesID)
#2. delete nodes
strippedToNodeID = np.cumsum(np.isnan(self.temp_tree[:,-1]))
for ID in range(self.temp_tree.shape[0]):
parentID = self.temp_tree[ID,-1]
if not np.isnan(ID) and not np.isnan(parentID):
self.temp_tree[ID,-1] -= strippedToNodeID[int(parentID)]
self.temp_tree[rootID,-1] = -1
removeIDs = np.argwhere(np.isnan(self.temp_tree[:,-1]))
self.temp_tree = np.delete(self.temp_tree,removeIDs,axis=0)
out_tree = self.temp_tree
self.temp_tree = np.array([0,0,0,-1]).reshape(1,4)
#adjust goalIDs
q = np.array([np.argwhere(self.goalIDs == i)[0][0] if i in self.goalIDs else np.nan for i in removeIDs])
q = q[ ~np.isnan(q)]
self.goalIDs = np.delete(self.goalIDs,q, axis = 0)
self.goalIDs = np.array([int(int(ID)-strippedToNodeID[int(ID)]) for ID in self.goalIDs])
return out_tree
def validPath(self, solPathID):
solPathID = np.array(solPathID)
#returns pathID relative to orphanRoot, and the orphaned tree
#1. Find in-collision nodes
mask = np.logical_not([ self.collisionFree(self.nodes[i, 0:2]) for i in solPathID]) #node wise
if not(np.any(mask)): #assert that solpath is in collision
# use branch-wise mask
solpath = self.nodes[solPathID, 0:2]
num_points = 10000
path_list = np.linspace(solpath[0:-1],solpath[1:],num_points)
path_list = path_list.reshape(-1,2)
mask2 = [not self.isValidBranch(self.nodes[solPathID[i], 0:2], self.nodes[solPathID[i+1],0:2], np.linalg.norm(self.nodes[solPathID[i], 0:2]- self.nodes[solPathID[i+1],0:2])) for i in range(solPathID[:-1].shape[0])]
mask2 = np.append(mask2, False)
mask = mask|mask2
mask[0] = False
maskShifted = np.append(np.array([0]), mask[:-1])
maskSum = mask + maskShifted
#2. Find all nodes between in-collision nodes as well
leftSentinel = np.where(mask)[0][0]
rightSentinel = np.where(mask)[0][-1]+1
mask[leftSentinel: rightSentinel ] = [True for i in range(rightSentinel -leftSentinel)]
p_separateID = solPathID[np.where(maskSum == 1)[0][-1]]
deadNodesID = solPathID[mask]
##### FIND all in-collision nodes
allDeadNodesID = np.argwhere([not self.collisionFree(self.nodes[i, 0:2]) for i in range(np.shape(self.nodes)[0])]).reshape(1, -1)[0]
allDeadNodesID = np.delete(allDeadNodesID, np.argwhere(allDeadNodesID == self.pcurID))
deadNodesID = list(set(deadNodesID)| set(allDeadNodesID)) #union the 2 sets in case nodes inbetween in-collisions have to be removed as well
#3. Extract orphan subtree and separate_path to goal
self.orphanedTree, self.separatePathID, orphanGoalIDs = self.rerootAtID(p_separateID, self.nodes, solPathID, self.goalIDs)
#4. Destroy in-collision lineages and update main tree
self.nodes = self.destroyLineage(deadNodesID,self.nodes)
return self.separatePathID, self.orphanedTree
def adoptTree(self, parentNodeID, orphanedTree):
#args: parentNodeID== id of connection node, orphanedTree == mx4 mat
#1.Adjust orphan ParentIDs and set parent of orphanroot to parentNodeID
orphanRootNewID = np.where(orphanedTree[:, 3] == -1)[0][0] + np.shape(self.nodes)[0]
orphanedTree[np.where(orphanedTree[:, 3] != -1),3] = orphanedTree[np.where(orphanedTree[:, 3] != -1),3] + np.shape(self.nodes)[0]
orphanedTree[np.where(orphanedTree[:, 3] == -1), 3] = parentNodeID #assign parent
#2. concat orphanedTree matrix to mainTree matrix and update orphanroot's cost
fullTree = np.concatenate((self.nodes,orphanedTree), axis = 0)
fullTree[orphanRootNewID, 2] = fullTree[parentNodeID, 2] + np.linalg.norm(fullTree[parentNodeID, 0:2]- fullTree[orphanRootNewID, 0:2])
#3. propagate cost from main tree
q = [] #queue
children_indices = np.argwhere(fullTree[:,3] == orphanRootNewID)
children_indices = list(children_indices)
while len(q) != 0:
child_index = int(q.pop(0))
parent_index = int(fullTree[child_index,3])
dist = fullTree[child_index,0:2] - fullTree[parent_index,0:2]
fullTree[child_index,2] = fullTree[parent_index,2] + np.linalg.norm(dist) #update child's cost
next_indices = np.argwhere(fullTree[:,3] == child_index)
next_indices = list(next_indices)
#5. Recover goalIDs
self.nodes = fullTree
normOfDiffs = np.linalg.norm(self.nodes[:, 0:2] - self.goal, axis =1)
self.goalIDs = np.argwhere(normOfDiffs < self.epsilon).reshape(-1,)
return fullTree
def reconnect(self, separatePathID):
print("RECONNECTING >>>>><<<<<<")
#returns 2 booleans: 1 indicates whether a path to goal already exists, 1 whether reconnect succeeds
reconnectSuccess = False
# separatePathID = np.flip(separatePathID)
separatePathID = np.flip(separatePathID)
for idx in separatePathID:
# for idx in range(np.shape(separatePathID)[0]):
#1.center a ball on path node starting from goal
n = np.shape(self.nodes)[0]
radius = min(self.eta, self.gamma*np.sqrt(np.log(n)/n))
pathNode = self.orphanedTree[idx, 0:2]
# pathNode = separatePathID[idx, :]
# pathNodeID = int(np.where(np.all(separatePathID==pathNode,axis=1))[0])
# print("pathNode: {}".format(pathNode))
distances, NNids = self.getNN(pathNode, radius)
#2. search for possible connection from neightbor node
for nayID in NNids:
# print("nayid: {}".format(nayID))
branchCost = distances[nayID]
#3. if connection is valid, reroot orpahned tree and let main tree adopt it
nay = self.nodes[nayID, 0:2][0]
# print("nay: {}".format(nay))
if self.isValidBranch(nay, pathNode, branchCost):
reconnectSuccess = True
subtree = self.orphanedTree
#ifpathNode is not orphanRoot, reroot
if self.orphanedTree[idx, -1] != -1:
# print("rerooting....")
# print(" orphaned tree: {}".format(self.orphanedTree))
# print(" orphan reroot id: {}".format(idx))
subtree = self.rerootAtID(idx, self.orphanedTree)
# print("SUBTREEE TO ADOPT: ")
# print(subtree)
# 4. adopt subtree rooted at furthest node on separatePath
self.nodes = self.adoptTree(nayID, subtree)
print("*****Adoption via Reconnection Successful!******")
costToGoal,goalID = self.minGoalID()
solpath_ID = self.retracePathFromTo(goalID)
return reconnectSuccess,self.nodes[solpath_ID,0:2],solpath_ID
return reconnectSuccess,None,None
def regrow(self):
print("Begin Regrow...")
max_iterations = 5000
num_iterations = 0
goalFound = False
while not goalFound:
if num_iterations >= max_iterations:
return None,None
# print("iter {} || number of nodes: {}".format(i, self.nodes.shape[0]))
#2. Sample
qrand = utils.sampleUniform(self.xmin,self.ymin,self.xmax,self.ymax)
#3. Find nearest node to qrand
qnear, qnearID = self.getNearest(qrand)
qnew = utils.steer(self.eta,qnear,qrand)
if self.isValidBranch(qnear,qnew,np.linalg.norm(qnear - qnew)):
num_iterations += 1
#4. Find nearest neighbors within hyperball
n = np.shape(self.nodes)[0] #number of nodes in self
radius = min(self.eta,self.gamma * np.sqrt(np.log(n) / n))
distances,NNids = self.getNN(qnew,radius)
#distances are branch costs from every node to qnew
#5. Choose qnew's best parent and insert qnew
naysID = np.append(np.array([qnearID]),NNids)
qparentID,qnewCost = self.chooseParent(qnew,naysID,distances)
qnewID = self.addEdge(int(qparentID),qnew,qnewCost)
#6. If qnew is near goal, store its id
if np.linalg.norm(qnew - self.goal) < self.epsilon:
goalFound = True
#6.1 Append qnewID(goalID) to self.goalIDs list
#7. Rewire within the hyperball vicinity
#8.Trim tree
if np.shape(self.nodes)[0] > self.maxNumNodes:
if goalFound:
costToGoal,goalID = self.minGoalID()
solpath_ID = self.retracePathFromTo(goalID)
return self.nodes[solpath_ID,0:2],solpath_ID
# print(" cost to goal: {}".format(costToGoal))
# iterations.append(i)
# costs.append(costToGoal)
separatePathID = np.flip(self.separatePathID)
dist = np.linalg.norm(self.orphanedTree[separatePathID,0:2] - qnew, axis = 1)
n = np.shape(self.nodes)[0] #number of nodes in self
radius = min(self.eta,self.gamma * np.sqrt(np.log(n) / n))
# radius = 1.0
poss_connectionIDs = separatePathID[dist <= radius]
dist = dist[dist <= radius]
for i,idx in enumerate(poss_connectionIDs):
pathNode = self.orphanedTree[idx,0:2]
branchCost = dist[i]
# branchCost = np.linalg.norm(pathNode - qnew)
if self.isValidBranch(pathNode,qnew,branchCost):
goalFound = True
subtree = np.copy(self.orphanedTree)
#ifpathNode is not orphanRoot, reroot
if self.orphanedTree[idx, -1] != -1:
subtree = self.rerootAtID(idx,subtree)
# print("SUBTREEE TO ADOPT: ")
# print(subtree)
# 4. adopt subtree rooted at furthest node on separatePath at qnewID to main tree
self.nodes = self.adoptTree(qnewID,subtree)
costToGoal,goalID = self.minGoalID()
solpath_ID = self.retracePathFromTo(goalID)
return self.nodes[solpath_ID,0:2],solpath_ID
return None
def nextSolNode(self,solPath,solPathID):
#update pcur to the next sol node and return shortened solpathID
self.pcurID = solPathID[1]
#computes length of branch traversed
dt = self.nodes[solPathID[1], 2] - self.nodes[solPathID[0], 2]
return solPath[1:],solPathID[1:],dt
def reset(self, inheritCost = True):
#clears all nodes and seed new tree at self.pcur
newroot = self.nodes[self.pcurID, 0:2]
newrootCost = self.nodes[self.pcurID, 2]
self.nodes = np.array([newroot[0],newroot[1],0,-1]).reshape(1,4)
if inheritCost is True:
self.nodes = np.array([newroot[0],newroot[1], newrootCost,-1]).reshape(1,4)
self.goalIDs = np.array([]).astype(int) # list of near-goal nodeIDs
self.update_q = [] # for cost propagation
self.orphanedTree = np.array([0,0,0,0]).reshape(1,4)
self.separatePathID = np.array([]) # IDs along path to goal in the orphaned tree
马建仓 AI 助手


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