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fill: #f34b51
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fill: #999
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margin-top: 30px
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border-radius: 4px;
background-color: #0069d9;
border: 1px solid #0062cc;
color: #fff;
width: 100px;
cursor: pointer
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color: #666;
width: 100px;
cursor: pointer;
margin-left: 6px
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cursor: pointer
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box-shadow: 0 0 6px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
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border: 1px solid #ccc
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100% {
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filter: alpha(opacity=0)
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.notify-none {
display: none
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top: 0;
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height: 100%;
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transition: height .3s ease, padding .3s ease
<div class="msgBox" id="msgBox">
<button id="info">提示</button>
<button id="warning">警告</button>
<button id="success">成功</button>
<button id="error">错误</button>
<button id="loading">加载</button>
<button id="noclose">不显示关闭按钮</button>
<button id="close">关闭时回调</button>
<button id="destroyAll">关闭全部</button>
<button id="topLeft">左上</button>
<button id="topRight">右上</button>
<button id="bottomLeft">左下</button>
<button id="bottomCenter">中下</button>
<button id="bottomRight">右下</button>
<button id="vcenter">正中间</button>
<button id="pos">指定ID/CLASS为弹出位置</button>
<button id="alert">警告框</button>
<button id="confirm">确认框</button>
<pre style="text-align: left;line-height: 26px;width:900px;margin: auto;padding-top:20px;">
6、notify.info("不显示关闭按钮", false);
7、notify.warning("提示消息", function () {
8、notify.destroyAll(); //全部关闭
9、notify.success("指定位置显示","#msgBox", "topLeft"); //参数:topLeft、topCenter、topRight、bottomLeft、bottomCenter、bottomRight、vcenter
10、notify.alert("模态框", "vcenter","shadow"); //参数:shadow 显示遮罩
11、notify.confirm("确认框", "vcenter","shadow",function(){
}); //参数:shadow 显示遮罩 、function 确定后回调方法
layui.use(['notify'], function() {
var notify = layui.notify;
var j = 1;
document.getElementById("info").onclick = function() {
notify.info("提示消息 " + j++);
document.getElementById("warning").onclick = function() {
notify.warning("警告消息 " + j++);
document.getElementById("success").onclick = function() {
notify.success("操作成功 " + j++);
document.getElementById("loading").onclick = function() {
notify.loading("加载中,不会自动关闭 " + j++);
document.getElementById("error").onclick = function() {
notify.error("操作失败 " + j++);
document.getElementById("noclose").onclick = function() {
notify.error("不显示关闭按钮 " + j++, false);
document.getElementById("close").onclick = function() {
notify.info("提示消息 " + j++, function() {
document.getElementById("destroyAll").onclick = function() {
j = 1
document.getElementById("topLeft").onclick = function() {
notify.info("左上 " + j++, "topLeft");
document.getElementById("topRight").onclick = function() {
notify.info("右上 " + j++, "topRight");
document.getElementById("bottomLeft").onclick = function() {
notify.info("左下 " + j++, "bottomLeft");
document.getElementById("bottomRight").onclick = function() {
notify.info("右下 " + j++, "bottomRight");
document.getElementById("bottomCenter").onclick = function() {
notify.info("中下 " + j++, "bottomCenter");
document.getElementById("vcenter").onclick = function() {
notify.info("正中 " + j++, "vcenter");
document.getElementById("pos").onclick = function() {
notify.info("指定位置提示消息 " + j++, "#msgBox");
document.getElementById("alert").onclick = function() {
notify.alert("请输入内容" + j++, "vcenter", "shadow");
document.getElementById("confirm").onclick = function() {
notify.confirm("确定要删除么" + j++, "vcenter", "shadow", function() {
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