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WhoseAllenMattson 提交于 2018-04-07 23:48 . Add files via upload
ReadMe.txt | Disable "word wrap" to view properly.
This readme provides information on the following topics:
* System Requirements
* Using the CD
* Files and software on the CD
* Troubleshooting
System Requirements
Make sure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements
listed in this section. If your computer doesn't match up to most of
these requirements, you may have a problem using the contents of the CD.
* A Windows PC with Microsoft Excel 2010.
* A CD-ROM drive.
Using the CD
To install the items from the CD to your hard drive, follow these steps:
1. Insert the CD into your computer's CD-ROM drive.
<<Note>> The interface won't launch if you have autorun
disabled. In that case, click Start-->Run. In the dialog box
that appears, type D:\start.exe. (Replace D with the proper
letter if your CD drive uses a different letter. If you don't
know the letter, see how your CD drive is listed under My
Computer.) Click OK.
2. The CD-ROM interface will appear. The interface provides a
simple point-and-click way to explore the contents of the CD.
Files and Software on the CD
The following sections provide more details about the software and other
materials available on the CD.
Adobe Reader is a freeware application for viewing files in the Adobe
Portable Document format.
Shareware programs are fully functional, trial versions of copyrighted
programs. If you like particular programs, register with their authors
for a nominal fee and receive licenses, enhanced versions, and
technical support.
Freeware programs are copyrighted games, applications, and utilities
that are free for personal use. Unlike shareware, these programs do not
require a fee or provide technical support.
GNU software is governed by its own license, which is included inside
the folder of the GNU product. See the GNU license for more details.
Trial, demo, or evaluation versions are usually limited either by time
or functionality (such as being unable to save projects). Some trial
versions are very sensitive to system date changes. If you alter your
computer's date, the programs will "time out" and no longer be
eBook version of Excel 2010 Power Programming with VBA
The complete text of the book you hold in your hands is provided on the
CD in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). You can read and quickly
search the content of this PDF file by using Adobe's Acrobat Reader,
also included on the CD. Or, you can load the file onto an ebook reader,
such as Kindle.
Sample files for Excel 2010 Power Programming with VBA
The CD contains more than 300 files used as examples in the book. The
files are organized by chapter. With a few exceptions, the files are
all Excel 2010 files that have one of the following extensions:
* .xlsx: An Excel workbook file.
* .xlsm: An Excel workbook file that contains VBA macros.
* .xlam: An Excel add-in file that contains VBA macros.
When you open an XLSM file, Excel may display a security warning that
tells you that macros have been disabled. To enable macros, click the
Options button in the security warning panel and then select Enable
This Content.
Because the files on this CD are from a trusted source, you may want
to copy the files to your hard drive and then designate the folder as
a trusted location. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Open an Explorer window and double-click the CD-ROM drive that
contains the companion CD-ROM.
2. Right-click the folder that corresponds to the root folder for the
sample files and choose Copy from the shortcut menu.
3. Activate the folder on your hard drive where you'd like to copy the
files, right-click the directory, and choose Paste from the shortcut
The CD-ROM files will be copied to a subfolder in the folder you
specified in Step 3.
To designate this new folder as a trusted location:
1. Start Excel and choose File-->Options to display the Excel Options
dialog box.
2. In the Excel Options dialog box, click the Trust Center tab.
3. Click the Trust Center Settings button.
4. In the Trust Center dialog box, click the Trusted Locations tab.
5. Click the Add New Location button to display the Microsoft Office
Trusted Location dialog box.
6. In the Microsoft Office Trusted Location dialog box, click the
Browse button and locate the folder that contains the files copied
from the CD-ROM.
7. Make sure you select the option labeled Subfolders of This Location
Are Also Trusted.
After performing these steps, when you open XLSM files from this
location, the macros are enabled and you don't see the security warning.
Following is a list of the sample files, along with a brief description.
Examples that use multiple files are contained in a separate
Some chapters don't use any sample files.
Chapter 3
* array formula examples.xlsx: A workbook that contains various
examples of array formulas.
* counting and summing examples.xlsx: A workbook that contains
examples of counting and summing formulas.
* megaformula.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates intermediate
formulas, a megaformula, and a VBA function.
* named formulas.xlsx: A workbook that contains several examples
of named formulas.
* yearly calendar.xlsx: A workbook that contains a yearly
calendar, generated using array formulas.
Chapter 4
* sample.xlsm: A sample file used to demonstrate the file
structure of an Excel workbook.
Chapter 6
* worksheet controls.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates the use
of ActiveX controls on a worksheet (with no macros).
Chapter 7
* comment object.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates some ways
to manipulate Comment objects using VBA.
Chapter 8
* timing test.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates the speed
advantage of declaring variables as a specific data type.
Chapter 9
* sheet sorter.xlsm: A macro that sorts worksheets in
a workbook.
Chapter 10
* array argument.xlsm: A workbook that contains an example of a
function that uses an array argument.
* commission functions.xlsm: A workbook that contains an example
of a function that uses an argument.
* draw.xlsm: A workbook that contains a function that selects a
cell randomly.
* extended date functions.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates
functions to work with pre-1900 dates.
* extended date functions help.docx: A Word document that
describes the extended data functions.
* key press.xlsm: A workbook that uses an API function to
determine if the Ctrl, Shift, or Alt key is pressed.
* month names.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates returning an
array from a function.
* mysum function.xlsm: A workbook that contains a function that
simulates Excel's SUM function.
* no argument.xlsm: A workbook that contains functions that
don't use an argument.
* remove vowels.xlsm: A workbook that contains a function that
removes the vowels from its argument.
* upper case.xlsm: A workbook that contains a function that
converts text to uppercase.
* win32api.txt: A text file that contains Windows API
declarations and constants.
* windows directory.xlsm: A workbook that uses an API function
to determine the Windows directory.
Chapter 11
* about range selection.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that describes the current range selection.
* \batch processing: A directory that contains files used by
the batch processing example.
* celltype function.xlsm: A workbook that contains a function
that describes the data type of its single-cell argument.
* copy multiple selection.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that copies a noncontiguous range selection.
* date and time.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
displays the current date and time.
* delete empty rows.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
deletes all empty rows in a workbook.
* drive information.xlsm: A workbook that uses API functions to
list information about all disk drives.
* duplicate rows.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
duplicates rows, based on the contents of a cell.
* efficient looping.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates an
efficient way to loop through a range.
* file association.xlsm: A workbook that contains an API
function that returns the application associated with a
particular file.
* hide rows and columns.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that hides all rows and columns that are outside of the
current range selection.
* inputbox demo.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
demonstrates how to prompt for a value.
* inrange function.xlsm: A workbook that contains a function
that determines whether a range is contained in another range.
* list fonts.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that lists
all installed fonts.
* loop vs array fill range.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros
that demonstrate ways to fill a range of cells.
* next empty cell.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
determines the next empty cell in a column.
* page count.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that counts
the number of printed pages in a workbook.
* printer info.xlsm: A workbook that contains an API function
that returns information about the active printer.
* prompt for a range.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
demonstrates how to prompt for a user-selected range.
* range selections.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros that
perform various types of range selections.
* select by value.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
demonstrates how to select cells based on their values.
* sorting demo.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros that
demonstrate four ways to sort an array.
* \sound.xlsm: A directory that contains files to demonstrate
generating sound in Excel.
* synchronize sheets.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
synchronizes worksheets.
* \value from closed workbook: A directory that includes files
to demonstrate how to use a function to retrieve a value from
a closed workbook.
* variant transfer.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
transfers a range to a variant array.
* vba utility functions.xlsm: A workbook that contains several
useful functions for use in your VBA code.
* video mode.xlsm: A workbook that contains an API function that
determines the current video mode.
* windows registry.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros that
read from and write to the Windows Registry.
* worksheet functions.xlsm: A workbook that contains some useful
worksheet functions created using VBA.
Chapter 12
* data form example.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
displays Excel's built-in data form.
* get directory.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros that
demonstrate two ways to prompt a user for a directory.
* inputbox method.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros that
demonstrate the use of Excel's InputBox method.
* prompt for file.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
prompt for one or more file names.
* ribbon control names.xlsx: A workbook that lists all of the
Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 Ribbon control names.
* VBA inputbox.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros that
demonstrate the use of the VBA InputBox function.
Chapter 13
* activex worksheet controls.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates
the use of ActiveX controls on a worksheet (with no macros).
* all userform controls.xlsm: A workbook that contains a
UserForm that uses all available controls.
* get name and sex.xlsm: A workbook that contains a simple
UserForm example.
* newcontrols.pag: A file that contains customized controls that
can be imported into your UserForm Toolbox as a new page.
* spinbutton and textbox.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates the
use of a paired SpinButton control and TextBox control in a
* spinbutton events.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates SpinButton
* userform events.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates UserForm
Chapter 14
* change userform size.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
use VBA to change the size of a UserForm.
* date and time picker.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates the
use of the Date and Time Picker control.
* listbox activate sheet.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how
to allow a user to select a sheet by using a ListBox control.
* listbox fill.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to fill a
ListBox control in a UserForm.
* listbox item transfer.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
transfer items between two ListBox controls.
* listbox move items.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
allow the user to change the order of items in a ListBox
* listbox multicolumn1.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates a
range-based multicolumn ListBox control.
* listbox multicolumn2.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates an
array-based multicolumn ListBox control.
* listbox multiple lists.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how
to display multiple lists in a single ListBox control.
* listbox select rows.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
allow a user to select worksheet rows by using a ListBox
* listbox selected items.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how
to identify the selected item(s) in a ListBox.
* listbox unique items1.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how
to fill a ListBox control with unduplicated items.
* listbox unique items2.xlsm: A variation of the
listbox unique items1.xlsm example that also sorts the items.
* \mediaplayer: A folder that contains mediaplayer.xlsm (a
workbook that demonstrates the Media Player control), plus
several MP3 audio files.
* multipage control demo.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates the
MultiPage control in a UserForm.
* queryclose demo.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
prevent a user from closing a UserForm by clicking its Close
button in the title bar.
* random number generator.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how
to program simple animation in a UserForm.
* range selection demo.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates the
RefEdit control in a UserForm.
* resizable userform api.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how
to use a Windows API function to allow the user to change the
size of a UserForm.
* splash screen.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to use a
UserForm as a splash screen that displays when a workbook is
* userform menus.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to use a
UserForm to display a menu of macros.
* zoom and scroll sheet.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how
to zoom and scroll a worksheet while a UserForm is displayed.
* zoom userform.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to allow
the user to change the size of a UserForm.
Chapter 15
* chart in userform.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
display a chart in a UserForm.
* \dataform: This directory contains the Enhanced Data Form
add-in created by the author.
* excel-lightbox.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
darken the Excel window while a UserForm is displayed.
* getacolor function.xlsm: A workbook that contains a function
that allows the user to select a color by using controls on a
* modeless userform1.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
display a modeless UserForm to display information about the
active cell.
* modeless userform2.xlsm: A more sophisticated version of
modeless userform1.xlsm.
* move controls.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to allow
the user to move controls on a UserForm.
* msgbox emulation.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros that
simulate the VBA MsgBox function.
* multiple buttons.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to use
a class module to allow a single procedure to handle events
for multiple controls on a UserForm.
* no title bar.xlsm: A workbook that uses API functions to
display a UserForm without a title bar.
* progress indicator1.xlsm: A workbook that displays a progress
indicator in a UserForm.
* progress indicator2.xlsm: A workbook that uses a MultiPage
control to display a progress indicator in a UserForm.
* progress indicator3.xlsm: A workbook that displays a progress
indicator in a UserForm by changing the size of the UserForm.
* resizable userform.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates a
UserForm that's resizable by the user.
* semitransparent userform.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates
how to display a semitransparent UserForm.
* simulated toolbar.xlsm: A workbook that uses a UserForm to
simulate a toolbar.
* sliding tile puzzle.xlsm: A workbook that contains a UserForm
with a sliding tile puzzle.
* splash screen2.xlsm: The splash screen.xlsm example from
Chapter 14, with a UserForm that doesn't have a title bar.
* video poker.xlsm: A workbook that displays a video poker game
in a UserForm.
* wizard demo.xlsm: A workbook that uses a MultiPage control to
display a simple wizard UserForm.
Chapter 16
* simple undo demo.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates a method
to undo the effects of a VBA macro.
* text tools.xlam: An add-in that adds text manipulation
features to Excel.
* text tools.chm: The help file for text tools.xlam.
* \text tools help source: The source files used to create the
texttools.chm help file.
Chapter 17
* budget pivot table.xlsm: A workbook that contains data
suitable for a pivot table.
* normalized data.xlsx: A workbook that shows the difference
between normalized data and summarized data.
* reverse pivot table.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that converts a summary table into a 3-column data table.
* simple pivot table.xlsm: A workbook that contains data
suitable for a pivot table.
* survey data pivot tables.xlsm: A workbook that contains a
macro to generate 28 pivot tables from a range of data.
Chapter 18
* animated charts.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to use
VBA to animate charts.
* chart active cell.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
displays a chart that uses data based on the active cell
* chart image map.xlsm: A workbook that uses chart events to
create a simple clickable image map.
* chart in userform.xlsm: A workbook that displays a chart in a
UserForm, using the data based on the active cell position.
* climate data.xlsx: An interactive chart application that uses
no macros.
* data labels.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
applies chart data labels that are stored in a range.
* events - chart sheet.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates events
for a chart on a chart sheet.
* events - embedded chart.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates
events for an embedded chart.
* export all graphics.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that exports all graphic objects in a workbook.
* format all charts.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
changes the formatting of all charts on a worksheet.
* get series ranges.xlsm: A workbook that contains functions
that identify the ranges used in a chart.
* hide and unhide series.xlsm: A workbook that contains check
boxes that allow a user to indicate which chart series to
* hypocycloid - animated.xlsm: A workbook that includes macros
to display an animated hypocycloid chart.
* mouseover event - chart sheet.xlsm: A workbook that
demonstrates the MouseOver event for a chart sheet.
* mouseover event - embedded.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates
the MouseOver event for an embedded chart.
* scrolling chart.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
create an animated scrolling chart.
* size and align charts.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that sizes and aligns all charts on a worksheet.
* sparkline report.xlsm: A workbook that generates a report that
describes Sparkline graphics on a worksheet.
* unlinked chart.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros that
demonstrate two ways to unlink a chart from its source data.
* vba clock chart.xlsm: A workbook that displays a chart that
resembles an analog clock.
Chapter 19
* application event tracker.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates
how to monitor application-level events.
* hide columns before printing.xlsm: A workbook that uses an
event both to hide columns before printing and to unhide the
columns after printing.
* log workbook open.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
keep track of every workbook that is opened by using a class
* make formulas bold.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates the
Worksheet Change event.
* no shortcut menus.xlsm: A workbook that uses the Workbook_Open
event to disable shortcut keys and the Workbook_BeforeClose
event to re-enable shortcut keys.
* onkey event demo.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates the OnKey
* ontime event demo.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates the
OnTime event.
* shade active row and column.xlsm: A workbook that uses the
Worksheet SelectionChange event to apply shading to the row and
column of the active cell.
* validate entry1.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
validate data entered into a cell by using VBA (uses the
EnableEvents property).
* validate entry2.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
validate data entered into a cell by using VBA (uses a static
* validate entry3.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
validate data by using Excel's data validation feature - and
ensuring that the data validation conditions do not get erased.
* workbook_beforeclose workaround.xlsm: A workbook that
demonstrates how to overcome a problem with the Workbook
BeforeClose event.
Chapter 20
* \automate excel: A directory that contains a Word document
with macros that automate Excel.
* control panel dialogs.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros
that display Windows Control Panel dialog boxes.
* make memos.xlsm: A workbook that automates Word and creates
a customized memo.
* personalized email - outlook.xlsm: A workbook that contains a
macro to send personalized e-mail via Outlook (using early
* personalized email - outlook (late binding).xlsm: A workbook
that contains a macro to send personalized e-mail via Outlook
(using late binding).
* personalized email - sendkeys.xlsm: A workbook that contains a
macro to send personalized e-mail via Windows Mail.
* send pdf via outlook.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that sends e-mail with a PDF file attachment using Outlook.
* \shellexecute: A folder that contains a workbook that
demonstrates the ShellExecute API function
(shellexecute examples.xlsm), plus a few ancillary files.
* start calculator.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
launches the Calculator application.
Chapter 21
* check addin.xlam: A workbook that contains code to ensure that
an add-in is installed properly.
* export charts.xlsm: The Export Charts Utility workbook, which
can be converted to an add-in.
* export charts.chm: The help file for the export charts.xlsm
* \export charts help source: A directory that contains the
source files that were used to create the export charts.chm
help file.
* list add-in information.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that lists information about all add-ins.
Chapter 22
* dynamicmenu.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates the dynamicMenu
* mso image browser.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
displays the images associated with Ribbon commands.
* old-style toolbar.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how to
create a toolbar, used in previous versions of Excel.
* page break display.xlsm: The workbook file used to create the
page break display add-in.xlam add-in.
* page break display add-in.xlam: An add-in that adds a useful
control to Excel's Ribbon.
* ribbon control names.xlsx: A workbook that contains the names
of all Excel 2007 and 2010 Ribbon controls.
* ribbon controls demo.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates
several types of Ribbon controls.
* ribbon modification.xlsm: A workbook that contains a simple
example that modifies Excel's Ribbon.
Chapter 23
* add to cell shortcut.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that adds a new menu item to a shortcut menu.
* context-sensitive shortcut menu.xlsm: A workbook that contains
a macro that creates a new shortcut menu that's
* make xl 2003 menus.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
adds a toolbar that mimics the Excel 2003 menu.
* shortcut with submenu.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that adds new menu and submenu items to a shortcut menu.
* show faceids.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
displays FaceId images.
* show shortcut menu items.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that lists all menu items on all shortcut menus.
* show shortcut menu names.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that lists the names of all shortcut menus.
Chapter 24
* \cell comments: A directory that contains a workbook that
demonstrates using cell comments to display help information.
* \function help: A workbook that demonstrates how to display
help for custom VBA worksheet functions.
* \html help: A directory that contains files that demonstrate
using compiled HTML help.
* \mhtml file: A directory that contains files that demonstrate
using an MHTML file to display help information in Internet
* \textbox: A directory that contains a workbook that
demonstrates using a text box to display help information.
* \userform1: A directory that contains a workbook that
demonstrates using a UserForm with a SpinButton control to
display help information.
* \userform2: A directory that contains a workbook that
demonstrates using a UserForm with a scrolling Label control
to display help information.
* \userform3: A directory that contains a workbook that
demonstrates using a UserForm with a ComboBox control to
display help information.
* \web browser: A directory that contains files that demonstrate
using a UserForm to display help information.
* \worksheet: A directory that contains a file that demonstrates
using a worksheet to display help information.
Chapter 25
* loan amortization wizard.xlam: An add-in used for the loan
amortization wizard example.
Chapter 26
* multilingual wizard.xlsm: A workbook used for the multilingual
wizard example.
Chapter 27
* create file list.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
creates a list of files contained in a directory.
* excel usage log.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros to
maintain a log of when Excel is opened and closed.
* export and import csv.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros
that export and import a CSV file.
* export to HTML.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
exports worksheet data to an HTML file.
* export to XML.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
exports worksheet data to an XML file.
* file functions.xlsm: A workbook that contains the FileExists
and PathExists functions.
* file information.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
creates a list of files and extended file information.
* \filter text file: A directory that contains files used to
import selected information from a text file.
* recursive file list.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that creates a list of files contained in a directory,
including all subdirectories.
* show drive info.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
displays information about all disk drives.
* \simple ADO 1: A directory that contains an example of using
ADO to query an Access file.
* \simple ADO 2: A directory that contains an example of using
ADO to query a CSV text file.
* unzip a file.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
unzips a file.
* zip files.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that zips
Chapter 28
* add 100 buttons.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
adds 100 CommandButton controls and code to a UserForm at
design time.
* add button and code.xlsm: A workbook that contains both a
macro that adds a button to a worksheet and VBA code that is
executed when the button is clicked.
* create userform on the fly.xlsm: A workbook that contains a
macro that creates a UserForm.
* getoption function.xlsm: A workbook that contains a function
that creates a UserForm (with OptionButton controls) on the
fly and returns a value that corresponds to the user's choice.
* list all procedures.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that lists all VBA procedures in a workbook.
* list VB components.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that
lists all VB components in a workbook.
* \update user workbook: A directory that contains a workbook
that demonstrates a macro that replaces a VBA module with a
new module.
Chapter 29
* csv class.xlsm: A workbook that makes it easy to import and
export a CSV file.
* keyboard class.xlsm: A workbook that contains a class module
that defines a NumLock, a CapsLock, and a ScrollLock class.
Chapter 30
* chart colors.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros that work
with chart colors.
* chart to grayscale picture.xlsm: A workbook that contains a
macro that creates a grayscale image from a chart.
* color conversion functions.xlsm: A workbook that contains
functions that convert between various color systems.
* document theme demo.xlsx: A workbook that contains various
elements that demonstrate the effects of applying a different
* generate theme colors.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro
that demonstrates theme colors.
* rgb color demo.xlsm: A workbook that contains an interactive
demonstration of the RGB color system.
* \shape object colors: A directory that contains a workbook
with macros that work with shapes.
* tintandshade demo.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates how the
TintAndShade property works.
If you have difficulty installing or using any of the materials on the
companion CD, try the following solutions:
* Turn off any antivirus software that you may have running.
Installers sometimes mimic virus activity and can make your
computer incorrectly believe that it is being infected by a
virus. (Be sure to turn the antivirus software back on later.)
* Close all running programs. The more programs you're running,
the less memory is available to other programs. Installers also
typically update files and programs; if you keep other programs
running, installation may not work properly.
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If you have trouble with the CD-ROM, please call the Wiley Product
Technical Support phone number at (800) 762-2974. Outside the United
States, call 1(317) 572-3994. You can also contact Wiley Product
Technical Support at http://support.wiley.com. John Wiley & Sons will
provide technical support only for installation and other general
quality control items. For technical support on the applications
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