- variable: dockerhub.enabled
label: Docker Hub Enabled
type: boolean
default: false
group: "Docker Hub"
show_subquestion_if: true
- variable: dockerhub.loginid
label: "Login ID"
type: string
default: ""
- variable: dockerhub.password
label: "Password/Token"
type: password
default: ""
- variable: planeVersion
label: Plane Version (Docker Image Tag)
type: string
default: latest
required: true
group: "Docker Hub"
- variable: dockerhub.images.frontend
label: Frontend Docker Image
type: string
required: true
default: "makeplane/plane-frontend"
- variable: dockerhub.images.space
label: Space Docker Image
type: string
required: true
default: "makeplane/plane-space"
- variable: dockerhub.images.backend
label: Backend Docker Image
type: string
required: true
default: "makeplane/plane-backend"
description: "Used by API, Worker, Beat-Worker"
- variable: env.enable_signup
label: "Enable Signup"
type: int
default: 1
group: "App Auth"
- variable: env.enable_email_password
label: "Enable Login with Email/Password"
type: int
default: 1
- variable: env.enable_magic_link_login
label: "Enable Magic Link"
type: int
default: 0
description: "(SMTP is required)"
- variable: oauth.enabled
label: "OAuth Enabled"
type: boolean
default: false
group: "App Auth"
show_subquestion_if: true
- variable: oauth.google_client_id
label: "Google Client ID"
type: string
default: ""
- variable: oauth.github_client_id
label: "Github Client ID"
type: string
default: ""
- variable: oauth.github_client_secret
label: "Github Client Secret"
type: password
default: ""
- variable: web.replicas
label: "Default Replica Count"
type: int
default: 3
group: "Web Setup"
- variable: web.memoryLimit
label: "Memory Limit"
type: string
default: 1000Mi
- variable: web.cpuLimit
label: "CPU Limit"
type: string
default: 500m
- variable: web.hscale.enabled
label: "Enable Horizontal Scaling"
type: boolean
default: true
- variable: web.hscale.minReplicas
label: "Scale Min. Replicas"
type: int
default: 1
show_if: "web.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: web.hscale.maxReplicas
label: "Scale Max. Replicas"
type: int
default: 10
show_if: "web.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: web.hscale.percentMemoryUtilization
label: "Memory Utilization %"
type: int
default: 80
show_if: "web.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: web.hscale.percentCpuUtilization
label: "CPU Utilization %"
type: int
default: 80
show_if: "web.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: space.replicas
label: "Default Replica Count"
type: int
default: 3
group: "Spaces Setup"
- variable: space.memoryLimit
label: "Memory Limit"
type: string
default: 1000Mi
- variable: space.cpuLimit
label: "CPU Limit"
type: string
default: 500m
- variable: space.hscale.enabled
label: "Enable Horizontal Scaling"
type: boolean
default: true
- variable: space.hscale.minReplicas
label: "Scale Min. Replicas"
type: int
default: 1
show_if: "space.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: space.hscale.maxReplicas
label: "Scale Max. Replicas"
type: int
default: 10
show_if: "space.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: space.hscale.percentMemoryUtilization
label: "Memory Utilization %"
type: int
default: 80
show_if: "space.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: space.hscale.percentCpuUtilization
label: "CPU Utilization %"
type: int
default: 80
show_if: "space.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: api.replicas
label: "Default Replica Count"
type: int
default: 1
group: "API Setup"
- variable: api.memoryLimit
label: "Memory Limit"
type: string
default: 1000Mi
- variable: api.cpuLimit
label: "CPU Limit"
type: string
default: 500m
- variable: api.hscale.enabled
label: "Enable Horizontal Scaling"
type: boolean
default: false
- variable: api.hscale.minReplicas
label: "Scale Min. Replicas"
type: int
default: 1
show_if: "api.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: api.hscale.maxReplicas
label: "Scale Max. Replicas"
type: int
default: 10
show_if: "api.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: api.hscale.percentMemoryUtilization
label: "Memory Utilization %"
type: int
default: 80
show_if: "api.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: api.hscale.percentCpuUtilization
label: "CPU Utilization %"
type: int
default: 80
show_if: "api.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: env.gunicorn_api_workers
label: "Workers"
type: int
default: 1
- variable: env.cors_allowed_origins
label: "CORS Allowed Origins"
type: string
default: ""
- variable: worker.replicas
label: "Default Replica Count"
type: int
default: 1
group: "Worker Setup"
- variable: worker.memoryLimit
label: "Memory Limit"
type: string
default: 1000Mi
- variable: worker.cpuLimit
label: "CPU Limit"
type: string
default: 500m
- variable: worker.hscale.enabled
label: "Enable Horizontal Scaling"
type: boolean
default: false
- variable: worker.hscale.minReplicas
label: "Scale Min. Replicas"
type: int
default: 1
show_if: "worker.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: worker.hscale.maxReplicas
label: "Scale Max. Replicas"
type: int
default: 3
show_if: "worker.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: worker.hscale.percentMemoryUtilization
label: "Memory Utilization %"
type: int
default: 80
show_if: "worker.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: worker.hscale.percentCpuUtilization
label: "CPU Utilization %"
type: int
default: 80
show_if: "worker.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: beatworker.replicas
label: "Default Replica Count"
type: int
default: 1
group: "Beat Worker Setup"
- variable: beatworker.memoryLimit
label: "Memory Limit"
type: string
default: 1000Mi
- variable: beatworker.cpuLimit
label: "CPU Limit"
type: string
default: 500m
- variable: beatworker.hscale.enabled
label: "Enable Horizontal Scaling"
type: boolean
default: false
- variable: beatworker.hscale.minReplicas
label: "Scale Min. Replicas"
type: int
default: 1
show_if: "beatworker.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: beatworker.hscale.maxReplicas
label: "Scale Max. Replicas"
type: int
default: 3
show_if: "beatworker.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: beatworker.hscale.percentMemoryUtilization
label: "Memory Utilization %"
type: int
default: 80
show_if: "beatworker.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: beatworker.hscale.percentCpuUtilization
label: "CPU Utilization %"
type: int
default: 80
show_if: "beatworker.hscale.enabled=true"
- variable: redis.local_setup
label: "Install Redis"
type: boolean
default: true
group: "Redis Setup"
- variable: redis.image
label: "Docker Image"
type: string
default: "redis:6.2.7-alpine"
show_if: "redis.local_setup=true"
- variable: redis.servicePort
label: Port
type: int
default: 6379
show_if: "redis.local_setup=true"
- variable: redis.storageClass
label: "Storage Class"
type: string
default: "longhorn"
show_if: "redis.local_setup=true"
- variable: redis.volumeSize
label: "Volume Size"
type: string
default: "1Gi"
show_if: "redis.local_setup=true"
- variable: env.remote_redis_url
label: "Remote Redis URL"
type: string
default: "redis://"
show_if: "redis.local_setup=false"
- variable: postgres.local_setup
label: "Install Postgres"
type: boolean
default: true
group: "Postgres Setup"
# show_subquestion_if: true
- variable: postgres.image
label: "Docker Image"
type: string
default: "postgres:15.2-alpine"
show_if: "postgres.local_setup=true"
- variable: postgres.servicePort
label: Service Port
type: int
default: 5432
show_if: "postgres.local_setup=true"
- variable: postgres.cliConnectPort
label: CLI Connect Port
type: int
default: 30000
show_if: "postgres.local_setup=true"
- variable: postgres.storageClass
label: "Storage Class"
type: string
default: "longhorn"
show_if: "postgres.local_setup=true"
- variable: postgres.volumeSize
label: "Volume Size"
type: string
default: "5Gi"
show_if: "postgres.local_setup=true"
- variable: env.pgdb_username
label: "Username"
type: string
default: "plane"
show_if: "postgres.local_setup=true"
- variable: env.pgdb_password
label: "Password"
type: password
default: "plane"
show_if: "postgres.local_setup=true"
- variable: env.pgdb_name
label: "DB Name"
type: string
default: "plane"
show_if: "postgres.local_setup=true"
- variable: env.pgdb_remote_url
label: "Remote URL"
type: string
default: "postrgres://"
show_if: "postgres.local_setup=false"
- variable: minio.local_setup
label: "Install Minio"
type: boolean
default: true
group: "Storage Setup"
- variable: minio.image
label: "Docker Image"
type: string
default: "minio/minio:RELEASE.2023-10-25T06-33-25Z"
show_if: "minio.local_setup=true"
- variable: minio.root_user
label: "Root User"
type: string
default: "admin"
show_if: "minio.local_setup=true"
- variable: minio.root_password
label: "Root Password"
type: password
default: "password"
show_if: "minio.local_setup=true"
- variable: minio.storageClass
label: "Storage Class"
type: string
default: "longhorn"
show_if: "minio.local_setup=true"
- variable: minio.volumeSize
label: "Volume Size"
type: string
default: "5Gi"
show_if: "minio.local_setup=true"
- variable: env.aws_access_key
label: "AWS Access Key"
type: string
default: ""
show_if: "minio.local_setup=false"
- variable: env.aws_secret_access_key
label: "AWS Secret Key"
type: password
default: ""
show_if: "minio.local_setup=false"
- variable: env.aws_region
label: "AWS Region"
type: string
default: ""
show_if: "minio.local_setup=false"
- variable: env.docstore_bucket
label: "Bucket Name"
type: string
default: "uploads"
- variable: env.doc_upload_size_limit
label: "FIle Upload Size Limit"
type: string
default: "5242880"
- variable: smtp.enabled
label: "SMTP Enabled"
type: boolean
default: false
group: "SMTP"
show_subquestion_if: true
- variable: smtp.host
label: "Host Name"
type: string
default: ""
- variable: smtp.port
label: "Port"
type: int
default: 587
- variable: smtp.user
label: "User Name"
type: string
default: ""
- variable: smtp.password
label: "Password"
type: password
default: ""
- variable: smtp.from
label: "Sender"
type: string
default: "Plane Mailer <team@mailer.example.com>"
- variable: smtp.use_tls
label: "Use TLS"
description: "Use 0 or 1"
type: number
default: 1
- variable: smtp.use_ssl
label: "Use SSL"
description: "Use 0 or 1"
type: number
default: 0
- variable: ingress.appHost
label: "App. Host"
type: string
default: "plane.example.com"
required: true
group: "Ingress"
- variable: ingress.minioHost
label: "Minio Host"
type: string
default: "plane-minio.example.com"
show_if: "minio.local_setup=true"
- variable: ingress.ingressClass
label: "Ingress Classname"
type: string
required: true
default: "nginx"
- variable: ingress.clientMaxBodySize
label: "Max Body Size"
type: string
required: true
default: "10m"
- variable: ssl.createIssuer
label: "Create Issuer"
type: boolean
default: false
group: "Ingress"
show_subquestion_if: true
- variable: ssl.issuer
label: "SSL Issuer"
type: enum
- "http"
- "cloudflare"
- "digitalocean"
default: "http"
- variable: ssl.server
label: "Let's Encrypt Server URL"
type: string
default: "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
- variable: ssl.email
label: "Let's Encrypt Reg. Email"
type: string
default: "plane@example.com"
- variable: ssl.token
label: "Provider API Token"
type: password
default: ""
description: "Not required for 'http' issuer"
- variable: ssl.generateCerts
label: "Enable to generate certificates"
type: boolean
default: false
- variable: env.sentry_dsn
label: "Sentry DSN"
type: string
default: ""
group: "Misc."
- variable: env.sentry_environment
label: "Sentry Environment"
type: string
default: "Development"
- variable: env.secret_key
label: "Random Secret Key"
type: string
required: true
default: "60gp0byfz2dvffa45cxl20p1scy9xbpf6d8c5y0geejgkyp1b5"
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