Repository including misc reports and notes related to the design of ACE Engine / Ark UI Declarative frontend API and framework implementation design.
JS UI framework | JS UI开发框架
webview是OpenHarmony web组件的Native引擎,基于Chromium和CEF构建
Native API header files containing API declarations and comments | Native接口的头文件,包含了接口声明和标准注释。
OpenHarmony community governance, developer contribution guide, contribution agreement, and community communication | 包含OpenHarmony社区治理、开发者贡献指南、开发者贡献协议、社区交流等内容
Window manager and compositor | 图形窗口合成器
Application compatibility test suite | acts应用兼容性测试套
Storing declaration files for JavaScript APIs | JavaScript API 公共仓,存放 d.ts 声明文件
init process for startup | 启动模块init进程
Appspawn module for spawning application processes | 应用孵化模块